Chapter 152
Biyuandongtian originally belonged to the small thousand world opened up by Biyuan Tianjun when he achieved Hunyuan Daoguo. With the fall of Tianjun, it has been broken and degenerated into a small world that is incomplete.

The Palace of Inheritance, a small world opened up by Tianjun when he died to guard the inheritance.

Before leaving, Qingchen wanted to incorporate these two places into his Wantu Small World. Although the Biyuan Cave Sky was broken, it used to be a Xiaoqian World with a profound foundation. The evolution of the world is beneficial, and the value of these two places is inestimable in Qingchen's eyes, and they must not be easily discarded.

Moreover, Qingchen has obtained the Dao Fruit of Biyuan Tianjun, and he can be regarded as the master of these two worlds. It is integrated into the small world of Wantu.

The whole small world was shocked, as if taking a rare tonic, it expanded rapidly, one hundred thousand miles, one million miles, three million miles.
The sky is getting higher and the earth is getting deeper. In the world that was originally a vast ocean, islands expanded, mountains rose from the ground, and small land stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles emerged. One.

The power of the way of heaven has soared, and the meaning of the way of heaven is pervasive. At this moment, Qingchen can see the way of heaven at a glance, and there is no trace of mist at all. Qingchen knows that the next thing is a long process of continuous grinding and complete integration of the three. The soul invades the will of the heavenly way, perceives the changes in the way, and slowly comprehends the ultimate truth of the heavenly way.

Time flies, and it has been a hundred years since he turned his head, his soul returned to his body, Qingchen opened his eyes, with a smile on his face, obviously he had achieved a lot, and the Daoguo of Daluo was also completely consolidated in the hundred years of enlightenment.

However, a small episode also happened in a hundred years. When Biyuan Dongtian was completely merged with Wantu Small World, it inspired the residual will of Biyuan Tianjun, which shocked Qingchen inexplicably, and the whole process almost fell short.

Fortunately, Biyuan Tianjun didn't have any bad words, instead he took the initiative to completely attribute the cave to the Wantu small world, and left a few words of advice for Qingchen before dissipating: "In the past, my little friend borrowed my descendant's Dao fruit to use the power of nothingness The soul hole penetrates time and space to accompany me through the vicissitudes of life, contaminated with that dark aura, and when the next liquidation is made, my little friend will definitely bear the brunt of the crisis, and I still don’t know about those dark and ups and downs with my current cultivation. Better yet, I’m just trying to survive, remember that ruin is rebirth, death is eternity, and the opportunity for light is to explore in the dark.”

Everything is always dying, life is always moving forward, Qingchen came back to his senses, and he didn't want to think too much about Biyuan Tianjun's words at this time, what should come will always come, what should go will always disappear, the future that cannot be escaped, Now that he is helpless, instead of being full of distress, he might as well strengthen himself and crush everything with his heaven-reaching cultivation base.

When all the dust settled, Qingchen's figure flickered, and he appeared directly in the blue sea and sky. The evil beasts around felt the tyrannical pressure of Qingchen, and they all trembled in fear, and fled away. In an instant, there was no living thing within thousands of miles .

Qingchen looked at everything in front of him expressionlessly. If it had been before, he might have killed the Quartet and took the essence of flesh and blood to promote the evolution of Wantu Small World, but now after swallowing two small worlds one after another, the Wantu Small World The way of heaven has evolved to a deep level, unless it is driven by the essence of the evil beasts of the entire blue sea and sky, otherwise it will be a drop in the bucket, and Qingchen has no interest in it.

Taking out the jade slip given by the old man in black, Qingchen probed for a moment, flipped his hand, and typed out a few formulas. With a finger in the air, a mighty river of swords came, the void exploded, and a deep and dark space passage emerged. , with a movement of his body, Qingchen stepped into it and disappeared in an instant.

Great Desolation, Eastern Continent
On a mountain stretching for thousands of miles, the originally peaceful void suddenly opened up, and a mysterious vortex passage appeared, dark and deep, and it didn't know where it led.

"Finally home!"

A Taoist in Tsing Yi stepped out of the passage, felt the familiar atmosphere around him, took a deep breath, the rich spiritual energy surged, his pores dilated, and his whole body was comfortable.

The rules of the place of divine burial are very different, weird and mysterious, and the time flow in it is ten thousand times faster than that of Honghuang. Although Honghuang has only passed half a year, Qingchen has actually stayed there for thousands of years. It is not bad to say that it seems like a lifetime away.

"This should be the Great Desolate Eastern Continent!"

Qingchen poked out his soul to sense it, and without the suppression of the place of divine burial, he poked out hundreds of thousands of miles at once, and after a while, he knew the area he was in.

The Eastern Continent is vast and boundless. It is the most extensive land among the ten prehistoric lands. The sacred mountains stand like forests, and the blessed land is scattered all over the world. Immortal trees and jade trees are intertwined with roots. There are many spiritual beasts and birds. Ten thousand races coexist, and the strong race At the same time, its wealth and strength can be the most in the prehistoric world, and any strong clan is enough to crush the Black Snake clan.

Qingchen didn't expect that he would appear here after returning to Honghuang.When he left at the beginning, the situation in Honghuang was very serious, and it can be said to change rapidly. Now that he has been away for half a year, there is no news, and he does not know the current situation, so he still needs to find someone to inquire carefully.

Shenhun scanned the surroundings again, disappeared from the spot in a flash, and appeared thousands of miles away in the next moment.

Mingxin is a congenital spiritual grass Mingxincao born in Honghuang. It inherits the characteristics of the original body. It has a pure heart and a kind disposition. The rare spiritual material was delayed for some time and met with a riot by fierce beasts, and suffered a catastrophe.

Escaping from a narrow escape, he galloped all the way. Unexpectedly, he was blocked by a Taoist in Tsing Yi who appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the journey. He took a few steps back, screamed, picked up the light, and ran away.

Qingchen, who was about to ask questions, was very depressed, did he look so scary?Why did he run away in a hurry when he saw that he didn't say hello, as if he was so heinous.

In fact, Qing Chen accidentally revealed the truth. In Ming Xin's eyes, Qing Chen who stopped him halfway was more terrifying than any other beasts.

Killed by a ferocious beast, at least there is still the spirit and soul remaining. When meeting Qingchen, it is the result of the death of body and soul. If you can't beat it again and again, of course you have to run away.

It's just that he was unlucky. After being frightened, he panicked and returned to the same direction he came from. After he reacted, he had already rushed into the encirclement of the beast again, especially when he was flying all the way, and the speed was increased to the extreme. The intrusion not only stunned some fleeing monks, but also stunned the fierce beasts that were killing wantonly.

After realizing it, the monks were in an uproar, damn, they tried their best to escape for their lives, but there are still people who are desperate, rushing in all to seek death, you must be stupid in practice!
The ferocious beasts were also very excited. They didn't want to do it as quickly as possible when they made a massacre. They were afraid that all the creatures would run away, so they had to chase them hard. I didn't expect that someone would come to their door to seek death today. It was the first time that they cooperated with them like this. Therefore, all the ferocious beasts made their moves one after another, vowing to help the man fulfill this wish.

All of a sudden, the whole scene was in chaos. With the idea that a dead fellow would not die a poor one, all the monks pushed Mingxin Wang into the pile of beasts, hoping that he could resist one or two, and win them a chance to escape. On the other hand, with the mind of an alternative debut, they all scrambled to give the discerning Ming Xin a perfect first kill.

 Qingchen has finally returned to the prehistoric world, the chaos of fierce beasts, the first tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the battle between Taoism and demons is about to begin, and many great gods of the prehistoric are about to make their debut, come on!Sea of ​​blood, come on!

  Ask for collection, ask for monthly pass, ask for recommendation, huh, huh!

(End of this chapter)

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