Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 153 The Primordial War and the Beast Rebellion

Chapter 153 The Primordial War and the Beast Rebellion
Between the fierce beast and the cultivator pushing and shoving, Ming Xin wanted to cry, but he was provoking someone. Not only did he meet the legendary monster halfway, but he also went straight into the beast's mouth when he ran away.


A ray of light galloped towards this direction at an extremely fast speed. One moment it was thousands of miles away, and the next moment it appeared in front of everyone. It was a coincidence that it happened to land next to Mingxin who was surrounded by fierce beasts. It was Qingchen who came behind Mingxin with him.

"Another. This. It's him!!!"

A monk opened his mouth, intending to ridicule him, but when he saw the person coming, he suddenly felt his throat constricted, as if swallowing a rock-hard walnut, he was speechless, his teeth chattered, his thighs trembled, and his complexion was as white as snow.

"This is... Qingchen!!"

A monk noticed something strange and followed his gaze. When he saw the person behind him clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he staggered in fright. He almost fell from the cloud and fell into the closed space like a mountain-shaped beast. In the bloody mouth.

In this area, more and more surviving monks noticed Qingchen, with a terrifying expression, even more terrified than when he was surrounded by fierce beasts before.


Someone yelled in horror, and the monks who had been sluggish reacted quickly, and fled in all directions.

Qingchen's face was gloomy, and anyone who came here happily would not be in a good mood if everyone feared that they would avoid him, so he was already in a good mood, but when he saw Qingchen throwing himself into the trap, he instantly became even more refreshed The bad beasts became the targets of Qingchen's wrath.

Swipe your fingers again and again, and sword lights burst out from your fingertips. The sword lights are like galaxies blasting down from the nine heavens. scull.




The ferocious beasts swept by the sword light let out unwilling and desperate roars one by one, and fell into a pool of blood, some of them exploded directly, and their muscles and bones were separated from their flesh and blood.

A ferocious beast roared and flapped its huge wings. The shadow covered hundreds of meters, and gusts of wind were blown up, rushing towards Qingchen.

There are ferocious beasts with extraordinary intuition, sensing a huge threat, life-threatening, dare not stay, and fled to the distance with limbs like hills.

However, there is a huge difference in strength, and the superiority in numbers cannot bring victory. The sword light leaps forward, and the beasts fall one by one, one after another on the road to death.


Ming Xin let out a horrified cry, shocked by the scene in front of him, Qing Chen was like a demon from the endless abyss, between walking and walking, he casually cut apart the bodies of ferocious beasts, his movements were as easy as drinking water.

"Ah. You. Ex. Senior, don't come here. Don't. Kill me."

Seeing Qing Chen approaching him step by step, Ming Xin shouted in panic and fear, her voice trembling, and a teardrop overflowed from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't worry, Pindao just asked you something, and won't treat you badly."

Qingchen looked directly at the tearful Mingxin with a dark face, the muscles on his face trembled slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched undetectably, and he spoke soothingly, with mysterious power in his voice, which could calm the mind and make the listener return to peace.

"You really don't want to kill me?" Ming Xin was startled and asked.

"En!" Qing Chen nodded, seeing Shang Ming's clear eyes, feeling very depressed.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Mingxin let out a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to be careless, and asked Qingchen, hoping to finish dealing with Qingchen and make him leave as soon as possible.

Qingchen didn't want to waste any more time. He visited with fascination all the way and found a large number of ferocious beasts in many areas, with considerable numbers and extraordinary strength. He was eager to know the current situation of the prehistoric region.

In the end, Qingchen got all the information he wanted, and the situation was grim.

It turns out that for thousands of years, some unintelligent or ignorant ferocious beasts suddenly appeared all over the prehistoric region. They did not belong to any race and region, and their strength was extraordinary. There are many sacred mountains in the terrain, which are extremely ferocious, and all ethnic groups have suffered heavy losses, and casual cultivators are even more miserable.

And half a year after Qingchen left, the originally huge number of beasts grew stronger again, and countless beasts gushed out again, powerful and terrifying. As soon as Pu appeared, he swept across the prehistoric places, with monstrous evil spirits, attacking the sacred mountains and holy lands occupied by various tribes, Many races were exterminated, regions collapsed, and blood flowed like rivers.

A powerful man was born, slaughtered some of the beasts, provoked the king of the beasts, fought a battle, and killed them with all his strength, and then announced that the beasts that suddenly appeared in the prehistoric came from the alien space left in the prehistoric. It was transformed into the remnants of the three thousand demon gods who died tragically in the battle with Pan Gu in the chaos. They inherited the will to destroy the prehistoric world and inherited part of the demon god's supernatural powers. Take the responsibility of destroying the world.

Soon, the major races headed by the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes temporarily ceased fighting and made peace, calling on creatures from all over the prehistoric to unite to resist the beasts and guard the prehistoric.

Some hidden great supernatural beings also took action frequently, killing many fierce beasts, and fighting with the kings of the fierce beasts, each winning or losing, but the number of fierce beasts is too large, and the strong are like a forest. They were pinned down several times, They couldn't use their hands and feet, so they formed loose cultivator alliances one after another, and cooperated with various ethnic groups to destroy the beasts together.

Today, the major forces in the prehistoric world have taken shape, and some small and medium forces have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Some great powers have also united with various clans to sort out the kings of the beasts and tell them about the prehistoric world.

The traditional forces are the major races headed by the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans. They are the most powerful, with many masters, strong like clouds, and the fiercest fight with fierce beasts.

There are also some races headed by Baihu and Xuanwu, which are also quite extraordinary in strength. They unite with other races to form the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance to jointly resist fierce beasts.

There are also some people with great supernatural powers who have formed forces one after another, occupying a place in the prehistoric world, and starting the era of the gods, such as the Yinyang ancestor established the Yinyang god dynasty, the Qiankun ancestor established the Qiankun god dynasty, and the reverse ancestor established the reverse god dynasty.

Every ancestor has extraordinary strength, has a treasure to protect himself, is the existence of Dao Luo Dao Guo, and has contributed a lot in resisting fierce beasts.

Among the fierce beasts, there are also some kings, each of which makes people in the prehistoric world change their colors and is fierce and mighty. Among them, the four kings of fierce beasts are the most famous.

Chaos, the first of the four kings of fierce beasts, is shaped like a fierce dog, round in shape, long-haired and four-legged, with two eyes blind, the whole body is like fire, two ears do not hear, it has a belly but no viscera, it has a straight bowel but does not rotate, Food goes by.

Taotie, shaped like a sheep's body and human face, with eyes in the armpits, tiger teeth and human claws, sounds like a baby, devouring everything.

Qiongqi, the size of a cow, looks like a tiger, covered with hedgehog fur, and has giant wings that can swallow the sun and the moon.

梼杌, shaped like a tiger, is as big as a tiger, with hair two feet long, a human face, tiger feet, pig mouth teeth, and a tail that is one foot eight feet long.

(End of this chapter)

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