Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 162 Reunion of the Primordial War, Endless War

Chapter 162 Reunion of the Primordial War, Endless War ([-])
Prehistoric, Western Continent, Longevity Mountain has a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

"Crash! Crash!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Fighting all the way, in the Wanli Ze Kingdom created by the dragon clan, Qingchen, relying on the characteristics of being the source of innate water, complements the dragon clan's supernatural powers, and the power of Wang Yang is greatly increased. The power of falling down is shocking and frightening. Wherever the water goes, there is almost no enemy. The fierce beasts are swallowed and submerged by the torrent.

"Boom! Rumble!"



"hold head high!"

Thousands of miles away from Wanshou Mountain, Qingchen bid farewell to the poisonous dragon and the dragon army. They were going to Wanshou Mountain. It is safer and the possibility of surviving the catastrophe is also higher.

What's more, the era of ten thousand clans fighting each other and three clans contending for hegemony is about to begin. Each clan has different ideas and plans. After all, Qingchen and the others belong to outsiders, and it is not easy to carry out some plans with them in the Dragon Clan.

Moreover, if they are also counted by the dragon clan at that time, misfortunes will never come singly. Qingchen already owes the dragon clan a share of karma, and he also knows that the dragon clan is the protagonist of the calamity, and the cause and effect are very intertwined, so he dare not do more with them Entanglement, so as not to burn too much on the body, and it will not be extinguished at that time, and it will be dragged down in the calamity.

Thinking of this, Qingchen shot out a jade talisman, shot towards the direction of Wuzhuang Temple, and then flew to Dulong with Bai Wuchen and Baiyu, and said:
"Senior, the front convenience is the boundary of the Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain. There are my best friends and friends there. It is also the dojo residence of a powerful senior. There is also an innate array guarding it. It is still a rare place in this Western Continent. There are some pure lands that have not been ravaged by fierce beasts, the place we wanted to go to before, but now it is not far away, I have come here to bid farewell to Senior, thank Senior for his care all the way, and now I will bid farewell again."

Qingchen informed Du Long about the situation of Longevity Mountain in such a way that he was grateful to Du Long for taking care of him all the way, and knew that Taoist Wanshou and Taoist Taishi belonged to the same generation with mysterious origins and extraordinary strength. The strength of Daluo's first-class number is still far from that of Wanshou Taoist. Qingchen estimates that even the ancestor of the dragon clan's strength may be weaker than Wanshou Taoist.

On the other hand, it is also a warning and deterrence, so that the poisonous dragon does not dare to act rashly. Although the poisonous dragon takes good care of them, it is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. There is a saying in later generations that people who are not my race must have different hearts. No matter what, Qingchen They have to make final plans. They don't want to harm others, but they can't stop others from plotting against them. It's better to be careful in everything.

"Hmph!" Du Long was really thoughtful and thorough, and understood what Qing Chen meant. Although he was extremely shocked by Qing Chen's words, he didn't show any emotion on his face. Instead, he gave Qing Chen and Bai Yu a rather dissatisfied look. He felt that they had abducted his precious apprentice, although he was optimistic about Qingchen's potential, and even now that he had become a bit more mature, he once had the idea of ​​pulling Qingchen into the dragon camp, but it has not become an established fact yet. Even before he took any concrete action, he was spotted by this kid. He felt a little frustrated and angry, and immediately said angrily:
"Boy, I'll leave Pindao's apprentice to you. If she loses half a hair, Pindao will crush you even if he goes to heaven and earth, and beat you to death. You will die a bad death."

Speaking of this, Du Long paused, turned his head and looked at Bai Yu coldly, and said with gnash teeth: "Tianshi boy, Pindao warns you that if my apprentice suffers a little bit of grievance, Pindao will definitely take all the hair on your body." Pull it all out, and then tear off the thing underneath you, so that you can't practice the way of intercourse between yin and yang, then, let's see how you, a castrated lion, can gain a foothold in the prehistoric wilderness."

".Yes Yes.!"

Bai Yu was terrified by the poisonous dragon, nodded in a hurry, and said tremblingly, the words of the poisonous dragon are too scary, it is more painful than killing him, as long as he thinks that his future master will always miss his Xiao Baiyu, he felt his hairs stand on end, and his whole body was cold.

"Master!" Bai Wuchen was a little bit reluctant. For thousands of years, Dulong has been doing his best to teach her skills, and she has benefited a lot. His affection for Dulong is second only to Qingchen and Baiyu. Now that he is going to separate, his personality has always been fierce. The sturdy Bai Wuchen couldn't help but have reddened eye circles.

"Fool! It's just a temporary separation. My generation of cultivators have a long life span, and after attaining the Daluo Daoguo, they will live forever. Time and me are just a bunch of dispensable numbers. The little girl is acting like a poisonous dragon, and I should smile at the sky. In the future, I will stand proudly in the prehistoric world. Remember, if you are in danger, you can push these two boys up to stand against them. If you really can't beat them, run away. Liu, come back to find the place when you become stronger in the future, if you need to delay time for the dead ghost, you can choose one of these two."

Du Long's unabashed words in front of Qingchen and the two of them made their faces as black as a piece of iron carbon. Needless to say, Du Long would definitely protect Wuchen if they were in danger. There is a block in their hearts, and now the two just want to get out of here quickly.

"Master!" Bai Wuchen's face was a little resentful, and he knew the embarrassment and unhappiness of the two of them, so he immediately decided not to get close, and said directly: "Master, you see that the strength of this disciple is low. Stop, if the apprentice is in danger, if you fail to beat it, it will also lose your old face, and the apprentice also knows that the master is busy with affairs, and now I am afraid that I will not be able to devote much time to take care of the apprentice. If a few close-fitting magic weapons start to fight in the future, this disciple can also show off the strength and heritage of the dragon clan, so that more creatures in the prehistoric world will succumb to my dragon clan's majesty."

The corner of Dulong's mouth twitched, it was probably unique in the wild to be able to speak so confidently and forcefully about begging for a Lingbao.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, several spiritual treasures with brilliant aura flew towards Bai Wuchen, and quickly sank into the depths of her brows. Du Long told Bai Wuchen to experience the magical effect, and then impatiently drove Qingchen away. , but in the end, he had some sincerity in his heart towards Bai Wuchen as an apprentice. He led the dragon army to clean up the beasts with a radius of thousands of miles, and then led the army to continue to advance towards the hinterland of the Western Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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