Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 163 Reunion of the Primordial War, Endless War

Chapter 163 Reunion of the Primordial War, Endless War ([-])
Hong Huang, West Continent, Longevity Hill, Wuzhuang Temple.


The thunder roared above the sky, and the three Qingchens stood on an endless ocean. The Kuishui God Thunder cast it, and continuously blasted down. With the combined force of the water and thunder, the power was eye-catching.

The fierce beasts howled, and large pieces of corpses fell down, turning into puddles of scorched flesh. Qingchen controlled Leihe to take the lead, Bai Yu and Bai Wuchen assisted from the side. Kill all kinds of fish that slipped through the net, instantly invincible, blood splashing everywhere.




"Fellow Daoist Qingchen, I'll come to rescue you."

A big hand that covers the sky suddenly appeared, with the power of the palm, a large number of fierce beasts were turned into meat paste, and even the king beast was enraged on the spot.

Clouds of fire covered the sky and covered the sun, turning into clusters of scorching flames, burning the heavens and the earth, and the beasts fell into the sea of ​​flames, were roasted, burned, and wailed everywhere.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun appeared outside the Longevity Mountain. When they saw the three of Qingchen, they made a sudden move without saying a word.



There are king beasts roaring, join hands and command these groups of fierce beasts to pounce, flames, beams, ice, hurricanes, giant palms, sharp claws...
The overwhelming attacks continued, the sky was torn apart, turbulent flow holes emerged from the void, the fire clouds were swallowed up, even Qingchen's thunder sea supernatural power was almost broken, Wang Yang was cracked, and most of his power was lost.


Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi quickly flashed to the three of Qingchen, and they quickly shot again in the face of the ferocious and intensive attacks of the ferocious beasts.

The Mahamudra supernatural powers have been mastered by Zhen Yuanzi, who is now in the realm of Daluo Daoguo Xiaocheng, and a pair of big hands that cover the sky are slammed down horizontally again and again, and every blow is suppressed like an ancient mountain.

Hong Yun also took advantage of the situation to make a move, and then called out a large piece of fire cloud, which was even worse than before. The fire cloud scorched the sky and burned the void, making the entire void red.


The blue sea was churning, Qing Chen took the opportunity to attack, Wang Yang Daze, whose power had been damaged, was shocked suddenly, and then the ground soared, the power was more than three times stronger than before, and took the opportunity to merge with the fire cloud created by Hong Yun , Water and fire intertwined and grinded each other, and a force that annihilated the void space emerged one after another.

The attacks of the ferocious beasts were either defeated, disintegrated, bounced back, or diverted.
Especially the fierce beasts in the attack range of Qingchen and Hongyun are the most miserable. Not only does the attack seem to sink into the sea without causing any waves, but it is also wrapped and intertwined by the two forces of water and fire, and is under the attack of two diametrically opposed forces. Killed, and was tortured to death in the double heaven of water and fire.

Pushing all the way across, Longevity Mountain is already in sight, only less than a thousand miles away.

They seem to have sensed the intentions of Qingchen and the others, and they also know that there is an existence that they cannot afford to provoke in the rolling mountain behind them. With a leap, they came towards Qingchen and the others with supernatural powers.

The sky trembled, and the mountains shook. This attack was clearly no small matter, and could not be underestimated.


With a cold snort, Qingchen and Hongyun looked at each other, more ferocious power of water and fire rushed down, the waterway was overflowing, and the fire was burning, and the ferocious power of water and fire surged to cope with the attacks of the king beasts, and quickly counterattacked.



The king beasts were wounded and fell continuously, but there were too many of them, and their firepower was fierce. Now they are crazy and want to keep Qingchen and the others, ignoring life and death. Beasts are also difficult to parry and cannot be stored.

"It's not far away, fight hard, kill it! I don't believe that I can't make it through!"

With a loud roar, Qingchen used a few divine swords to control the vast ocean, and rushed towards the group of fierce beasts entrenched by several king beasts. Where the weakest place was, there were only a few king beasts that were as strong as Daluo Suppression is regarded by Qingchen as a breakthrough.


"call out!"

The Qingmeng Divine Sword slashed across the sky, as if to split the world, the extremely cold sword intent burst out, the world was frozen, and the surrounding thousands of miles became a world where the sword intent condensed into ice and snow. This is Qingchen's breakthrough in the true meaning of the sword. It is the first time to use the sword after the end of the field, the power is shocking, and the fear is terrifying.



Those king beasts didn't even have time to react, they were fought by Qing Chen's sword, and they became nourishment for the ice and snow world.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Qingchen continued to work hard, swiping hundreds of swords in a row, the sword light was like snow, icy cold, without the pressure of the king beast, Qingchen was like entering a land of no one, countless beasts were slaughtered, blood splashed on ice and snow, Qingchen With an idea, the small world opened up, and the corpses of fallen ferocious beasts were collected into the small world, turning into a rain of blood that nourished all things.

There were king beasts rushing over, not just one, but several of them had reached Da Luo Dacheng in strength, Qing Chen's face was serious, happy and fearless.

Back then, Da Luo relied on many methods to achieve Da Luo's strength. Now that he has advanced to Da Luo's realm, his strength has turned upside down, even if it is not as good as those who have already stood at the top of Da Luo, it is not far behind. It is much stronger than Da Luo Dacheng.

In this way, he is naturally fearless.

(End of this chapter)

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