Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 17 The First Opening of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 17 The First Opening of Heaven and Earth

The little white tiger whimpered, looked up at Qingchen, then turned around and continued to look at the white tiger's body.

Qingchen sighed softly, raised his hand slightly, and the bright and clear light lit up. The huge white tiger's corpse became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a white light, which was put into Qingchen's sleeve.

Seeing that the white tiger's body was collected by Qingchen and disappeared, the little white tiger turned around and ran to Qingchen's side, roaring a few times, as if asking Qingchen something.

"I'll put away your mother's body first, and I'll find a good place to bury it. Come back with me now!" Qing Chen stared at the little white tiger and said slowly.


Qingchen drove the little white tiger out of the pit by riding a cloud, and was about to return to the valley where Da Cangshan temporarily lived, when the little white tiger beside him roared, its tiger teeth dragged Qingchen's Taoist robe, and looked at a certain direction from time to time, as if wanting to Take Qingchen to a certain place.

Sensing the little white tiger's intention, Qingchen smiled slightly, without saying anything, Jiayun led the little white tiger into a stream of light and headed towards a certain direction.


The auspicious clouds under the feet stopped over a messy mountain range and slowly fell.There is scorched earth for hundreds of miles around, no vegetation, no living beings, not far away there are still hot flames, and the sound of burning ancient trees is heard from time to time, and the strong smell of blood is diffuse. It is obvious that there was a fierce battle here not long ago. war.

Qingchen looked around, looked at the sobbing little white tiger, and understood that this should be the place where the white tiger fought fierce beasts, and there was obviously the remaining breath of the white tiger, and the little white tiger should feel so uneasy.

A shrill cry sounded, the sound was piercing, full of anger and resentment, after the little white tiger heard this familiar cry, his body trembled with fright, Qingchen frowned slightly, moved his footsteps slightly, and appeared in a big place the next moment. pit edge.

Looking at the miserable-looking vicious bird with its wings broken and almost all its blue feathers missing in the pit, Qing Chen frowned even deeper.

Lying in the deep pit, the vicious bird felt the undisguised power of the undisguised Golden Immortal Dao fruit Dacheng cultivation base on Qing Chen, his huge body shook violently, and accidentally touched the terrible wound on his body, blood gushed, and a sound Moaning, the body trembled even more, I don't know if it was because of pain, fear, or both.

"Aw!" Maybe it was because of Qingchen's backing, or maybe because seeing that the vicious bird had no power to resist at this time, the little white tiger suddenly jumped out, yelled at the vicious bird lying in the deep pit, and opened its mouth to reveal a few The weak Huya obviously remembered that this was one of the murderers who caused his mother's death.


Qingchen looked at the behavior of the little white tiger, smiled, turned his head to look at the half-dead bird at the bottom of the pit, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and with a little finger, a drop of Sanguang Shenshui containing strong vitality shot out , drew a brilliant trajectory in the air, and sank into the body of the vicious bird.


At the same time as the water droplets entered, the wounds on the ominous bird healed quickly under the terrified eyes of the little white tiger, and the fallen feathers and broken wings regrown, and they recovered in a short while.

The ferocious bird waved its huge wings that were the size of a house in later generations. Its body was comfortable, and it couldn't help but let out joyful chirps.

"Why don't you leave quickly and stay here, the karma between you and the white tiger will be settled by her descendants in the future." Qing Chen looked at the vicious bird in the sky, his face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice.

The fierce bird glanced at Qingchen and the little white tiger below, neighed, flapped its wings, and flew into the distance, turning into a black spot and disappearing instantly.

"Oh~!" The little white tiger looked at the vicious bird that went away and then disappeared, panicked, roared restlessly, looked at Qingchen with a puzzled look, and grinned, as if he couldn't give him a reasonable explanation. It's not over.

"He was seriously injured by your mother. Although he lost the power to resist, it would be very difficult to kill him with your current strength. If I help you kill him at this time, although it is revenge for your mother, it will be difficult for you to kill him." After all, it will be detrimental to your future practice, and it will also be at odds with my xinxing, but I disdain to do such a thing, the way of the sword is dignified and upright, and I will be able to cut the world's most powerful enemy with the sword in my hand."

Sensing the little white tiger's half-understood and increasingly incomprehensible eyes, Qingchen said directly: "You don't need to pay attention to this now, you just need to know that the vicious bird was left for you, and you will kill it yourself to avenge your mother in the future, so It’s good to practice hard.”

Perhaps because he understood what Qingchen said later, or because he understood that it was useless to say anything now, the little white tiger nodded resignedly, then turned his head and led Qingchen to a huge cave not far away.

Qingchen followed the little white tiger and walked into the cave. The inside was bright and empty. Many spirit herbs and medicines grew in it, full of spirit energy. Among them were many spirit herbs of the metal system of the five elements. There was a hint of sharp and murderous aura within.

Following the little white tiger into the depths of the cave, an innate Gengjin aura that was stronger than that in the outer cave rushed towards his face. Qingchen was energetic for a while, knowing that there should be a treasure of the innate gold system in this cave.

"Innate Gengjin essence!"

Although there are already guesses, Qing Chen couldn't help exclaiming when he saw it with his own eyes. The Xiantian Gengjin is the essence of the Qi of the Xiantian Gengjin. Qi.

The essence of the Xiantian Gengjin is that the Xiantian Gengjin lives in a place where the congenital gold is rich, and it took 10 years to form and condense a small piece of essence.The innate Gengjin essence the size of a washbasin in front of him is probably not less than millions of years old.

Qingchen recovered from the shock, and instantly understood the reason why the little white tiger brought him here, not only because of the existence of the essence of innate Gengjin here, but also because it is full of innate Gengjin Qi, and it is a good piece of gold. The Treasure Land is an excellent burial place for a prehistoric beast like the white tiger, which belongs to the innate gold system.

After figuring it out, Qingchen immediately chose a place full of golden energy, and with a wave of his hand, a regular big hole appeared, burying the white tiger in it.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared in the cave, the congenital Gengjin Qi surged and gathered, the place where the white tiger was originally buried trembled, and a huge golden strange tree broke through the ground, and kept rising until it stopped growing until it was a thousand feet high. The golden leaves on it are stretched, dazzling, and the rich innate Gengjin spirit is emitted.

The little white tiger let out a comfortable roar under the wrapping of the innate Gengjin Qi. Feeling a bit of the white tiger's breath, it suddenly showed a childish feeling, jumping and roaring happily around the golden giant tree.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qingchen couldn't help but marvel at the impermanence of good fortune, everything in the world is really unpredictable, and there are many things that are unpredictable, and the true way is profound and unpredictable.

Afterwards, Qingchen turned his head, looked at the Xiantian Gengjin essence, and said to the little white tiger: "I will retreat here for a while, don't run around if you have nothing to do. Sanguang Shenshui is gentle in nature, good fortune is innate, you Not long after you were born, and because of the lack of months, I will leave some Sanguang Shenshui to help you practice during the retreat, and I will deploy a powerful formation outside, so as long as you don’t leave the cave, you will be safe.”

The little white tiger wished to stay with the giant tree transformed into a white tiger for a longer period of time, so naturally he nodded happily and agreed, patted his chest and pulled his tiger face, solemnly assuring Qingchen that it was just that the actions were indescribably funny, making him Qingchen laughed and scolded endlessly.

After dismissing the little white tiger, Qingchen used the strong innate golden energy nearby to arrange a powerful formation outside the cave, and returned to the depths of the cave to take out a futon and meditate.

The Golden Immortal Dao Fruit gathers the three flowers and opens up the five qi in the chest. As for the Taiyi Dao Fruit, Qingchen also has his own thinking through the inheritance of the Dao of Water, combining the "Water Source Scripture" and Taoist experience.

Taiyi Daoguo uses innate five-element spirits to condense the five qi in the chest, and when the five qi are fully formed, then borrows the five qi circulation, the cycle of the sky, and the principles of mutual generation and mutual restraint, to promote the three flowers to gather at the top, and achieve the difference of six grades of flowers blooming elephant to enter.

This time he has obtained the essence of innate Gengjin, this kind of excellent congenital gold spirit, Qingchen naturally wants to condense the golden qi in his own five qi, and the golden qi is sharp, which is also useful for Qingchen who is practicing the way of swordsmanship The unspeakable benefits are naturally not to be let go, the sooner the better.

Three days later, Qingchen adjusted his state to the best state, with sufficient energy and spirit, and began to formally practice with his eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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