Chapter 18
Seeing Qing Chen who was walking towards him step by step without being affected by his supernatural power at all, the purple-winged sky-swallowing python thumped in his heart, inexplicably terrified, and then seemed to have made up his mind, his face turned ruthless, and he opened his mouth to spit out two sharp purple Mang, rising against the wind, as fast as lightning, as powerful as thunder, beheaded Qingchen, and at the same time spurted out a stream of blood, with a movement of his body, he used an escape method to escape from this place.

"I want to run! It's so easy there!" Seeing this, Qingchen made a move, and three hundred-foot-long cyan swords suddenly appeared, and the swords were bold, shattering everything, and then the two swords collided with the spurting purple light, Destroy the two purple lights, and the other sword gang will kill the fleeing purple-winged sky-swallowing python, a few breaths across the purple-winged sky-swallowing python, blocking his way.


The cyan sword gang shattered and turned into countless sharp sword beams with murderous aura, submerging the terrified Purple Winged Sky Python. There are many sword marks.


The purple-winged sky-swallowing python kept screaming, its voice was sharp and painful, as if it was being tortured by Ling Chi, it felt like it was in pain all over, bleeding everywhere, and its vitality was rapidly fading and passing away.

When the last sword light passed by, splashing a pool of bright red, the purple-winged sky-swallowing python was exposed, and fell into the sky with a bang, creating a huge crater [-] meters deep, dying.

Seeing the miserable state of the purple-winged sky-swallowing python, Bai Yu couldn't help sweating down his back, gasped a few breaths, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, is this the majestic and incomparable prehistoric beast when he was fighting with him just now?
I saw that no part of his body was intact, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, countless scales were flying, his skin was torn apart, and there were many scars. The densely packed wounds on the purple-winged sky-swallowing python were countless small dense sword wounds.

Qingchen ignored the half-dead purple-winged sky-swallowing python for the time being, moved his footsteps slightly, and landed slowly, coming to Baiyu's side. Seeing Baiyu's injuries all over his body and his increasingly purple complexion, Qingchen frowned, and shot out a drop of Sanguang Shenshui. It fell into Bai Yu's body.

Bai Yu carefully looked at Qing Chen standing in front of him, feeling uneasy in his heart, fearing that Qing Chen would blame him for failing to complete the tasks he had entrusted to him, so in a fit of anger, he completely gave up on following him.

Seeing Qing Chen frowning slightly, Bai Yu felt her heart was in her throat, as if she was going to see the fallen God Pan Gu in the next moment.

After seeing Qingchen inject a drop of crystal-clear and star-like divine water into her body, Bai Yu was even ready to endure great pain, but the next moment, Bai Yu felt that she was worrying for nothing, purely It's okay to guess.

At the moment when the Sanguang Shenshui entered the divine body, Bai Yu felt he was surrounded by a huge vitality, his pores stretched, and he felt refreshed. The violent snake venom that tortured him dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in a moment.


Bai Yu roared excitedly, opened his eyes, looked at Qing Chen with joy and gratitude, and bowed to Qing Chen with a lion's paw, expressing his gratitude to Qing Chen.

"You don't have to be like this. Although what happened to you this time was your own choice, there is also a part of karma in it." Qing Chen stopped Bai Yu from saluting, and said calmly in a cold voice.

"No matter what, it's true that senior saved my life this time, and Bai Yu is very grateful." Bai Yu looked at Qing Chen who stopped her from saluting, and said excitedly.

Qingchen ignored Bai Yu, who expressed his gratitude, and went straight to the huge pit, looking at the purple-winged sky-swallowing python in the pit, and remained silent.

Bai Yu also came to the huge pit, looked at the precarious swallowing python, with a sad face, as if in a lifetime, turned to look at Qing Chen, his lips were slightly parted, and was about to say something, unexpectedly, before he could speak, Qing Chen interrupted .

"This purple-winged sky-swallowing python and your Tianshi clan are both good at swallowing the sky. Although they are slightly different, they are of the same origin after all. They should be of help to you, so I will leave him to you."

"Yes! Thank you senior!" Bai Yu was pleasantly surprised and excited, and hurriedly agreed, as if afraid of answering late and Qingchen regretting it.

As if he had guessed what Bai Yu was thinking, Qing Chen smiled helplessly, and continued to say: "The previous conditions still count, as long as you can kill ten half-step golden fairy beasts within a year, you will be fine." Whether you can persevere by my side depends on your own choice, but the danger in the future will not be less than this time, so you should think carefully about it yourself."

"No matter what, I, Bai Yu, will not give up. Senior, please wait and see." Bai Yu said solemnly to Qing Chen with a firm and resounding tone.

"En!" Qingchen nodded, looking at Baiyu whose Taoist heart and beliefs had become more and more firm after going through this life and death, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, but he really thought about Baiyu's following him in secret, but on the surface Qingchen Still calm and indifferent, he nodded to Baiyu, and the water movement technique worked, and flew to the depths of Da Cang Mountain, and disappeared in front of Baiyu in a moment.

For Qingchen's ability to enter the depths of Da Cang Mountain to explore, Bai Yu's eyes were full of envy, and then her eyes were firm, she turned her head to look at the purple-winged sky-swallowing python in the pit, her mouth cracked, and she smiled brightly.

Qingchen didn't care about what Baiyu would do with the purple-winged sky-swallowing python in the future. For him, entering the depths of Dacang Mountain this time, on the one hand, he sensed that Baiyu was in danger and came to rescue him. Let him really die here.

On the other hand, in order to sharpen the way of swordsmanship and consolidate the true meaning of the way of swordsmanship, he went into the depths of Da Cang Mountain to fight wild beasts, and accidentally found a tree of the spirit root of heaven and earth, which is now the god of Ziwu shed When the fruit is ripe, it is natural to come in, pick the spiritual fruit, and take away the spiritual root by the way.

After about half a cup of tea, Qingchen paused and landed straight on a hilltop.Seeing that the formation he had arranged in front of him was intact, Qingchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that no passing beasts or Taoists had discovered this place for the time being.

Stretching out his hand to cast a spell, Qingchen opened up a passageway that could only be used by one person. Qingchen stepped into it, and the innate spiritual energy filled with innate energy rushed towards his face. With strides, Qingchen quickly stopped under an ancient tree that was a thousand feet high.

The ancient tree is lush and full of meridian divine light, and the congenital first wood spirit is pervasive, with intertwined roots and twisted branches. There are 49 golden divine fruits on it, which coincide with the number of the seven sevens in the sky. There is a fruity fragrance floating around.

(End of this chapter)

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