Chapter 25
Hu Yun looked at Hu Ling'er who showed a pitiful appearance, and shook his head helplessly. He was just thinking about how to help the Taoist in Tsing Yi, and he didn't pay attention for a moment. He didn't expect Hu Ling'er to agree to him so quickly. Fortunately, Finally, I figured out a way, otherwise I would lose my face.

"Although my fox clan in Qingqiu hides from the world, I have not lost contact with the outside world. Recently, as the battle among the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans has become more intense, the demon clan has also begun to move around. Many races and fellow clans have encountered Unexpectedly, now that you are in trouble, since you have come to Qianxia Mountain, it is God's will, you should not die, and we will do our best." Hu Yun said slowly to Bai Yu and Xiao Wuchen with a warm face.

With a movement of his figure, Hu Yun appeared next to Qingchen in the next moment, mana was injected into Qingchen's body, and the seal formula in his hand was pinched, and hundreds of mysterious formulas entered Qingchen's body. Appearing suddenly, the fragrance of the medicine is tangy, and there are countless spirit grass and fairy flowers inside.


With a soft drink from Hu Yun, the basket of water and sparks flew into the air, spinning non-stop, and gradually enveloped the Qing Chen below, poured down by the essence condensed by countless fairy and rare herbs, the rich medicinal power was almost clearly visible, and it was poured into the Qing Chen continuously Inside the body, repair Qingchen's body.

The surface of Qingchen's body was shining brightly, and the wounds on his body quickly scabbed and fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a new cortex re-growth, radiant as jade.

The soul swayed, the body swayed with divine light, and continuously absorbed the spilled liquid medicine. The exhausted mana in Qingchen's body gradually recovered, and the internal organs quickly recovered, and they regained their vitality.

The mana poured into the sea of ​​souls, the twelfth-grade fortune-telling blue lotus made a masterpiece of green light, and the rich spirit of fortune fell down to help repair Qingchen's damaged Taoist body. Quick recovery.


The Sanguang Shenshui smelted in the source of Qingchen's congenital water quickly flowed through the meridians and blood vessels in his body, his body smelled fragrant, and his mana recovered quickly.


Hu Yun saw a series of changes in Qingchen in front of her, and she was surprised. Obviously, everything has exceeded her expectations: Strange, even the innate medicinal herbs that have been cultivated for thousands of years in the flower basket have extraordinary divinity, it is impossible to have such Unbelievable effect, what is going on?Could it be.
Unfortunately, it was too late for Hu Yun to think about it. More and more medicinal liquid was absorbed by Qingchen violently, and finally it was like a whale swallowing up the innate medicinal liquid that Hu Yun had accumulated so hard, and the flower basket automatically returned to Hu Yun's hand. Looking at the dim and thinned medicinal fragrance of the spiritual grass in the flower basket, Hu Yun's eyes flashed with pain. Looking at the already healthy Qingchen, there was a bit of complaint in his eyes, but in the end, he smiled helplessly and put the flower basket Put it away, go to the side, quietly waiting for Qingchen to wake up.

After a long time, when Hu Ling'er next to him was getting impatient, the divine light on Qingchen's body faded, the light faded, and when he opened his eyes, Qingchen moved his stiff body, and the bones made crackling sounds.

Qingchen could feel his body's divine power greatly increased, and his physical strength soared, which surprised him. Neither his initial inheritance nor the later "Water Source Sutra" had any training methods for body training, not because he didn't want to , but the inheritance in this area is too little.


Before Qing Chen had time to think deeply, a stream of light jumped into Qing Chen's arms, Xiao Wuchen looked at Qing Chen who had recovered, roared excitedly, and kept rubbing against Qing Chen with the tiger's head.

"Master, are you alright?" Bai Yu also walked over excitedly, glanced at Xiao Wuchen who was intimate with Qing Chen, and looked at Qing Chen with envy.

After comforting Xiao Wuchen who was restless in his arms, Qingchen glanced at Baiyu who was both worried and happy, and nodded slightly.

"Great!" Although he already had the answer in his heart, Bai Yu was really relieved when he got Qingchen's affirmative answer.

Handing Xiao Wuchen to Bai Yu, ignoring Xiao Wuchen's dissatisfied expression, Qingchen walked slowly towards Hu Yun and Hu Ling'er.

"Qingchen, a poor Taoist, I have met two fellow Taoists, Hu Yun and Hu Linger, and I would like to thank the two for saving their lives. Qingchen will repay the cause and effect of this time." Although Qingchen was seriously injured and unconscious, he was not friendly to the outside world. Without realizing it, I naturally knew that the reason why I was able to recover quickly was thanks to the help of the two people in front of me, especially Fairy Hu Yun in white, who played an important role.

"Fellow Daoist Qingchen, this is what you said. Since we have formed a karma, if you want to repay, then give me that little white tiger. Don't worry, I will take good care of her. You know, we My sister did her best to save you." After hearing Qing Chen's words, Hu Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she stared at Xiao Wuchen, as if as soon as Qing Chen agreed, she would immediately snatch it from Bai Yu.

"Ling'er, don't be presumptuous!" Hu Yun yelled at Hu Ling'er, then looked at Qing Chen, and said:
"My sister is so unreasonable, let the fellow daoists laugh! As for the grace of saving lives, we sisters are ashamed! The reason why fellow daoists can wake up this time is that the fellow daoists are blessed with good fortune and good luck, even without the help of our sisters, I believe that Taoist friends can also rely on the sacred objects of good fortune on their bodies to turn bad luck into good fortune and recover."

A hint of cunning flashed in Hu Yun's eyes, and he looked at Qingchen with brilliance.

"Hehe! Fellow Daoist is worthy of being a fox clan in Qingqiu. If you really have insight into the details, you can't hide anything from fellow Daoist. However, although there are some healing things in Pindao's body, without the help of fellow Daoist sisters, I'm afraid it will take some time. Healed up, so the karma has already been formed, and I hope fellow Taoists will not refuse any more."

Qingchen did not intentionally conceal the fact that he had a healing holy object on his body, and generously admitted that firstly, he felt it was unnecessary, and secondly, it was due to his own personality, but he did not say anything about Good Fortune Qinglian and Sanguang Shenshui. After all, the relationship is very important. The two of them saved themselves, so they didn't know that they wouldn't have the idea of ​​seizing the treasure, and they were still in the territory of the fox clan, so it's better to say less.

However, the woman in white in front of me is really thoughtful, and she was born with exquisite seven orifices. Just based on the recovery of my wounds just now, it can be deduced that I have a treasure of good fortune, which is really extraordinary.

Hu Yun was stunned, and then quickly covered it up. She didn't expect Qingchen to admit so generously, although she didn't know what treasure he had, but it should be extraordinary. Aren't you afraid that we will kill him to seize the treasure?Do you have confidence in your own strength, or...
For a while, during a brief conversation, Hu Yun and Qingchen's minds were turned back and forth, each with their own thoughts.

 Thank you for your reward, and I hope all brothers and sisters will support you a lot!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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