Chapter 26

"There are very few foreigners from our fox family. Since Daoist Qingchen is here, I think it's fate. If you don't dislike the humble house, please drink a glass of wine and discuss with each other!" After some polite refusals, Hu Yun looked at Qingchen, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he invited with a smile, stroked the blue hair with his hand, opened his red lips lightly, and his voice was like the sound of nature, as if inadvertently, the spell of charm was running, full of endless temptation.

"The fox clan's heart-inducing and enchanting technique is really powerful, but it's still not enough for me." Qing Chen could feel the power of charm, quietly appearing in his soul consciousness sea, trying to erode his soul .

With a move of Qingchen's heart, the Qingmeng Excalibur suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​spirits and souls. The light of the sword swayed, and a burst of clarity drove out all the endless charm.

"Haha! Fellow Daoist invites you, dare you not to follow me, but we are all vulgar people, I'm afraid we will disturb Fellow Daoist Qingxiu."

Qingchen laughed loudly, and his voice contained a trace of mana, which awakened Bai Yu, who was lost in consciousness.

"Okay! Fellow Daoists, please come with me." Hu Yun smiled, although he was astonished that Qingchen broke away from the charm in just a moment, but on the surface he was still calm.

After all, he achieved his goal of protesting. Although the result was unsatisfactory, he gave the other party a warning after all. Besides, he had the entire fox clan as his backing, so he was not afraid of their reckless behavior.

Qingchen was also aware of this, and smiled at Hu Yun, tacit understanding, then with a flash of light, he followed Hu Yun and Hu Ling'er with Bai Yu and Xiao Wuchen, and shot towards Qianxia Mountain.

Along the way, Hu Ling'er deliberately slowed down the escape speed, and fell behind, walking with Xiao Wuchen, teasing Xiao Wuchen to blow his hair, and let out a melodious laugh.

The brilliant light streaked across the empty and lofty sky, and the fox clan in Qianxia Mountain stopped their movements one after another, looked at the sky, stared at the few strange lights, their eyes were full of inquiry and curiosity, and some stared at the fading away. Escape light, exude hostility.

After a few breaths, Qingchen and Hu Yun landed on the inner side of Qianxia Mountain at the same time, and Hu Linger came immediately after holding the reluctant Xiao Wuchen and Baiyu.

Following Hu Yun into the hinterland of Qianxia Mountain, one can see the beautiful green mountains, surrounded by green water, gurgling water, strange rocks at the bottom of the water are clearly visible, the rich innate lightness reverberates and floats, and the innate Yimu aura overflows from the old tree on the lying plate , The elixir is revealed, absorbing immeasurable spiritual energy, the fragrance of grass is fragrant, and the dewdrops are crystal clear. Under the light of the sun and stars, they are colorful and dazzling.

Qingchen looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him where even the air seemed to be somewhat clear, took a deep breath, his whole body was comfortable, tens of millions of pores were slightly opened, and he exhaled a mouthful of stale air. The exhaustion of hundreds of years seemed to be swept away, and his mood was smooth , the dust is swept away, and the Dao heart is transparent.

"Hee hee! How about it, isn't it beautiful!" Hu Ling'er walked up to Qing Chen holding Xiao Wuchen who was constantly throbbing in her arms, and looked at Qing Chen who was enjoying himself, with her chest upright and her small face arrogant.

"Hehe! That's right, fellow daoist, this Qianxia mountain is full of light and spiritual energy, and it is worthy of being a rare and blessed place in the wild. , and the bottom of my heart moved a little bit to find a cave.

However, Qingchen's thoughts come and go quickly. At present, the most important thing is to improve his cultivation. After all, this world is a place that pays attention to strength. Only the strongest strength can win respect, and only the strongest Strength can protect everything, but the seeds are planted in the heart.

Bai Yu greedily breathed the surrounding air, groaned comfortably, and followed Qing Chen slowly with a calm expression on his face, his eyes were full of envy, staring at Qing Chen's back, secretly thinking, I don't know when they To have such a blessed land.

"Sister Hu Yun, are they from the outside world?"

"Fellow daoists, I don't know what's going on outside Qianxia Mountain?"

"This Qianxia Mountain has been here for tens of thousands of years, and now there are foreigners coming!"

"Fellow daoists, this is a heaven and earth spirit fruit that is a special product of my Qianxia Mountain. Would you like to try it?"

"Fellow daoists, this Qianxia Mountain is the land of my fox clan, please leave as soon as possible, so as not to bring disaster to my clan and get involved in the vortex of the prehistoric battle!"

Along the way, accompanied by Hu Yun, Qing Chen met more and more foxes, tall, short, fat, thin, men, women, old and young, with cultivation bases ranging from Tianxian Daoguo to Taiyi Daoguo. Greetings, the tone is tactful, and some directly ask Qingchen and others. Although most of them show good intentions, there are also many foxes with unkind faces, showing displeasure, full of hostility, sharp words, and no politeness. Chen left early.

In front of Qingchen, a group of unformed foxes looked at them curiously, and Xiao Wuchen in Hu Linger's arms became their main focus. Although there were other races in Qianxia Mountain, the little white tigers obviously did not belong to the creatures here, and they all rushed to join them. Fighting around Hu Ling'er who was hugging him, some bold little foxes sneaked a handful of Xiao Wuchen's tail, causing Xiao Wuchen to roar continuously, look around restlessly in Hu Ling'er's arms, and make immature threatening sounds.

Seeing Xiao Wuchen's embarrassing appearance, Qingchen smiled, and along the way, he didn't care about some of the harsh words of the fox clan, but rather liked the fox clan's frankness and spirituality.

Unexpectedly, there is such a paradise in this bloody, prey to the jungle.It's really great, there are all kinds of surprises, and I don't know much about it.For a moment, Qingchen was filled with emotions, and different feelings flooded into his heart.

Hu Yun, who had been silently staring at Qingchen's face, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the faint smile on the corner of Qingchen's mouth. Although the fox clan was not afraid of Qingchen, they didn't want to make enemies for nothing.

Although some of the fox clan's words were too aggressive this time, it was also for the sake of the fox clan, and Hu Yun would not blame them too much. Since Qingchen turned a deaf ear to such words, it was best for both parties.

Soon, they arrived at Hu Yun's cave in Qianxia Mountain, "Fellow Daoist Qingchen, if anyone in the clan offends you, Hu Yun hereby apologizes to you on behalf of the clan, and I hope you don't mind. "As soon as the two parties settled down, Hu Yun stood up and bowed to Qingchen.

"Fellow Daoist Hu Yun, don't worry, fellow Daoist can invite us to enter the Qianxia Mountain of the Fox Clan and visit the magnificent scenery of Qianxia.

With a smile on his face, Qing Chen saluted Hu Yun with his hand, and continued: "Besides, Qing Chen is not a person who doesn't know good and bad. Friends of the Daoist family are straightforward, but they are not comparable to those who plan secretly in the prehistoric world. Qing Chen Envy is too late, where does this anger come from!"

"Sister Hu Yun, you are thinking too much, how could Fellow Daoist Qingchen be angry about this!" Hu Ling'er, who was teasing Xiao Wuchen, raised her eyebrows when she heard Hu Yun's words, and interjected.

"It's Hu Yun who is making waves, and I hope fellow Taoists don't take offense." Hu Yun smiled sweetly, as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom, it was pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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