Chapter 33

The prehistoric ocean is vast and boundless, with countless sea areas. Among them, the most famous one is the prehistoric four seas occupied by the dragon clan. There are countless treasures and spiritual materials in it, and there are many sea minerals and refined iron. The East China Sea is the richest. All prehistoric monks admire it, just because it is The base camp of the Dragon Clan, the overlord of the wilderness, except for the Dragon Clan and the truly powerful people, all the monks dare not set foot in it, it is like a forbidden place, and they will die if they touch it.

In the sky, the sun star sprinkled hundreds of millions of golden lights, and the divine fire was burning, and the lunar star hung down silver brilliance, bright and holy, the sun, the moon and the stars shine together, shining in the sky.

The four seas are green and endless, and fairy mountains and islands are dotted all over. From time to time, creatures in the sea jump out of the sea, draw a beautiful arc in mid-air, and then jump into the water again, creating ripples and waves.

The juvenile dragons were swimming in the sea, uttering cheerful dragon chant from time to time. A silver young dragon saw a three-clawed jellyfish split into pieces under its own tail, laughed loudly, and controlled the water to go farther.

A stream of light quickly crossed the sky, landed in the East China Sea, submerged in the boundless sea, stopped in front of a majestic palace, the light and shadow dissipated, revealing the true face inside, it was the dragon who left Huangyu Mountain.

"Stop! This is an important place for the Dragon Clan. Don't trespass without reason, and retreat quickly."

Just when the Dragon Clan stepped into the gate of the palace, several figures suddenly appeared and intercepted at the gate of the palace about ten thousand feet away. Daluo, but in the prehistoric times, he also occupied the mountains and became the king. The existence of one overlord can only guard the gate here, which shows the profound heritage of the dragon clan.

Surprise flashed across the eyes of that Dragon Clan monk, and then there was a hint of understanding. The speed was so fast that the few Dragon Clan monks in front of him had no time to pay attention, and then a look of horror appeared on his face, and he lowered his head in panic, as if being caught Captured by the huge Longwei, he stammered and said: "Sirs, my subordinate Ao Teng has something important to report to Master Zulong, and please forgive me."

"Hmph! There are countless major events in the Dragon Clan. If you report everything to the Dragon Ancestor, then the Dragon Ancestor still has time to practice. How can the Dragon Clan be so powerful and dominate the world? Junior, this is not just you who just entered the realm of Taiyi Daoguo If the little dragon can come, leave here quickly, if you disturb Master Zulong's retreat, I will be the first to cut you alive."

As soon as Ao Teng finished speaking, a voice came out, like a muffled thunder explosion, which made Ao Teng's eardrums swell and hurt. A middle-aged man with a strong figure and wearing a seven-clawed fire dragon robe came out more and more, his body was full of muscles. Knot, exuding overwhelming power through the Taoist robe, a pair of long eyes stared at Ao Teng with anger.

"My lord, I really have something important to report to Master Zulong, and please forgive me!" Ao Teng continued to plead, with tears in his eyes, as if they would cry immediately if they didn't agree.

The dragon clan guards here looked at each other, and there was a moment of hesitation. They could see that the anxiety in the eyes of this junior named Ao Teng did not seem to be fake, and it might not be true that there was something important to report.

"Huh! An ant in the realm of Taiyi Daoguo, what important event can happen, everyone, don't be deceived by him, if he is allowed to fool around and disturb Longzu, we can't afford it."

The big dragon man looked at Ao Teng, who was also a dragon in front of him, and always felt that there was something wrong. He looked at the boy in front of him not pleasing to the eye, not a good thing.

Ao Teng looked at the big man, his eyes were filled with anger, his disgust was undisguised, and he rushed to question the big man, his voice was cold and harsh: "This senior of the dragon clan, if you don't believe me, you can go in with me. I know myself, but I'm afraid you won't be able to get away so easily at that time, so get out of the way quickly, otherwise."

"Bold! What are you, dare to criticize me? I will slap you to death right now!" The dragon man was furious. The hand crushed Ao Teng underneath, with fierce flames, if it was photographed for real, Ao Teng would definitely turn into a puddle of flesh and die without life.

"Come on!"

A Zhongzheng and peaceful voice suddenly resounded, and a huge sleeve robe suddenly appeared, sweeping lightly in mid-air, the sky-covering palm print was cracked inch by inch, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The front of the Dragon Palace returned to calm again, and the water waves flowed, as if nothing had happened just now Usually, it's just that there is a golden figure in the field at some point.

"Third brother, you are reckless!" The golden brilliance faded away, and a young Taoist came into view, looking at the big man with a pair of golden eyes, and spoke lightly.

"Brother!" The big man shouted, as if he wanted to say something.

"Don't step back!"

The young Taoist in golden robe didn't wait for the big man to explain, waved him to step aside, turned his head to look at Ao Teng who was standing aside, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and smiled slightly at Ao Teng, "Old man Ao Sheng, Longzu's retreat is a matter Important, non-important matters of the Dragon Clan should not be disturbed easily, this is the rule, junior Dragon Clan, if you have any important matters, you can tell me first, if it is really urgent, we will let you go, and we will never stop you."

Ao Teng looked at the young Taoist in front of him who seemed to have no fluctuations in mana, his face was full of respect, and he didn't dare to be careless. The eight-clawed golden dragon robe, only the eight-clawed golden dragon of the dragon clan is eligible to wear it, which is equivalent to the great Luo Daoguo , almost close to perfect cultivation.

After saluting respectfully, Ao Teng then knelt on the ground, wept bitterly, and said to Ao Sheng: "Elder, this villain is Prince Ao Liang's entourage. Not long ago, Prince Ao Liang fell at the hands of the Feng clan in Huangyu Mountain. , the villain escaped desperately under the protection of the prince, and only managed to save his life, and I asked the elder to avenge the prince!"

"Ha! I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be just such a thing. My dragon clan fought in the prehistoric world, and how many bloods were shed on the battlefield, but only a few princes fell, and it's worth your fuss."

Hearing Ao Teng's words, the big man on the side sneered and sneered constantly. Then, he suddenly came to his senses, his long eyes were wide open, bloodshot eyes were exposed, and he exclaimed, "What did you say? You said that Prince Ao Liang fell in the Desolate Yushan, and died at the hands of the Feng Clan?"


Ao Teng felt the surging dragon flames that could burn mountains and seas from the big man because of his excitement, he was startled, and hurriedly replied, but when he looked up and saw the changing expression on the big man's face, Ao Teng felt a flash of joy in his heart.

"It's true!"

Ao Sheng frowned, staring at Ao Teng solemnly, his whole body exudes aura, condensed and not leaking, and surrounds Ao Teng, as if he dared to lie, the pressure around him would immediately tear him to pieces .

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Ao Teng and Ao Sheng looked at each other, not daring to hide anything, and said firmly and firmly.

"That's good! You and I will go in and report to Zulong immediately, and you will continue to guard here and be on standby at any time."


"Don't worry, brother"

Ao Sheng gave instructions to the others, and led Ao Teng to the depths of the Dragon Palace, turned sharply, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"I'm afraid it's going to collapse today!"

After Ao Sheng disappeared, a white-haired dragon stared at the depths of the Dragon Palace, sighed deeply, full of worry, Ao Liang is the youngest son of the Zulong, no one knows how much the Zulong likes him better than the few guarding the Dragon Palace , but allowing it to enter anytime and anywhere, the love can be seen one or two, now that it has fallen, I am afraid it will flow into rivers again.

"Don't worry! My Dragon Clan is strong, even if the sky falls, I can make up for it."

The big man didn't care, he laughed loudly, with a flash of fighting intent in his eyes, he seemed to be quite looking forward to what was going to happen, his whole body was boiling with dragon blood, and the surrounding sea water was making the sound of boiling hot bubbles.

The white-haired Dragon Clan looked at the excited man, shook his head, said nothing more, and sat by the gate of the Dragon Palace, meditating with his eyes closed.

 I hope you will support me a lot, please recommend, ask for a reward, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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