Chapter 34

The Great and Desolate East China Sea is vast and boundless, with countless creatures. At this moment, a dull loud noise came from the endless seabed, stirring hundreds of millions of miles of sea water, huge waves roared into the sky, storms and tides raged and roared, and an angry dragon chant spread across the entire East China Sea, to Farther away, sound waves passed through, islands sank, fairy mountains collapsed, countless lives fell, and the sea was stained with blood.

"My son, Ao Liang, you Feng Clan are so brave, you dare to kill my son, I want you to pay the price, and pay for my son's life."

In the depths of the East China Sea, a huge and magnificent dragon palace stands, with golden tiles and jade bricks, dazzling, and countless rare treasures. Inside the majestic hall, the atmosphere is dull and depressing. Zulong is nine feet tall, with purple hair and golden eyes, and a body of nine Clawed Canglong Taoist robe, sitting on the throne, furious, a pair of longan eyes full of murderous intent, thousands of dragon shadows burst out behind him, and the dragon chair made of hundreds of millions of years of innate gold is cracked and crumbling under the huge dragon power of the ancestor dragon , but was forcibly condensed by Zulong with powerful magic power.

Ao Teng was terrified, his body trembling uncontrollably under the pressure of Zulong, his heart was so terrified that he didn't dare to breathe, he tried his best to restrain his breath, try to reduce his sense of existence, for fear that Zulong would anger him, Killed himself easily.

Ao Sheng's face turned red, and a phantom of an eight-clawed golden dragon appeared behind him, resisting the coercion of the ancestor dragon with all his strength, his legs bowed slightly, sweating profusely, worse than Ao Teng, but the higher the cultivation level, the more he can understand The strength of Zulong is terrifying.

Zulong lowered his head to look at Ao Sheng in the main hall, his whole body restrained instantly, his whole body was round without leaking a trace, then he turned his head and looked at Ao Teng who was kneeling beside him, his face was gloomy and his aura became more and more frightening.


Ao Teng felt the increasingly gloomy eyes of Zulong looking at him, and his teeth chattered in fright, for fear that Zulong would discover something and kill him.

"Ao Teng! Who are you?"

A sound like a thunderous thunder came from Zulong's mouth, just two words made Ao Teng tremble with fright, and the words after that made him feel like falling into an ice cellar, feeling desperate.

"Yes! Subordinate, this subordinate is Ao Teng of the Dragon Clan!"

Ao Teng curled up on the ground, trembling, his voice trembling.

"Really?" Zulong looked down from above, staring at Ao Teng with a pair of dragon eyes, with a low voice, as if he was talking to himself, or asking Ao Teng.

"Subordinates dare not deceive Lord Zulong."

Ao Teng's body became colder and colder, his heart felt cold, and he was sweating profusely.

"You still dare to play tricks in front of me. It seems that you are impatient, but it doesn't matter. I want to kill you today to get some interest for my child who died tragically."

Zu Long looked at Ao Teng under his feet, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he stretched out his finger, seemingly slowly, but pierced the space with his finger, and came to kill Ao Teng.


Ao Teng looked at the finger that was rushing towards him, and roared, ignoring other things, his body was full of devilish energy, and the devilish energy in his hands rolled, a giant vine reaching the sky was traced across the air, and at the same time, his figure flew towards the side of the hall, Hope to escape this fatal blow.


The sky-reaching giant vine had no resistance in front of the Zulong Yizhi. It was instantly pierced, turned into powder, and scattered all over the ground. A dark green vine-shaped magic weapon of the innate spirit treasure level in front of Teng body let out a mournful cry, its aura was dimmed, it was severely injured, and it could no longer be used for a short time.

Ao Teng looked at the fingers that were getting closer and closer to him, feeling anxious, and spit out several mouthfuls of life essence blood in a row. Swinging towards the giant finger, tens of thousands of giant vines bound the giant finger and imprisoned it in the void.


Seeing this, Ao Teng breathed a sigh of relief, made a mudra with his hands, let out a soft drink, retreated violently, and flew towards the entrance of the main hall.


The giant vine exploded, the spiritual energy was violent, and the huge power spread in all directions, shaking the entire Dragon Palace hall.

"Pfft!" The spirit treasure that had been sacrificed for many years was exploded, and Ao Teng suffered a backlash, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and then galloped back towards the gate more quickly.

"Want to go!"

Zulong was still sitting firmly on the throne, watching Ao Teng's actions, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, seeing that he wanted to escape, he stretched out his finger again, and the second came first, and he came to Ao Teng in an instant. Point out, penetrate Ao Teng's soul sea, and kill Ao Teng easily.

The moment Ao Teng died, the camouflage was automatically released, revealing his true face, a black figure fell in a pool of blood, his face was soft, with traces of evil radiating out, it turned into flying ash in a moment, and disappeared from the prehistoric world.

If Qingchen were here, he would definitely recognize that the dead black-clothed Taoist was the demon monk Qian Teng who intercepted and killed them at the beginning. As for why he appeared here, I don't know, maybe Zulong knew something, but he didn't say anything. , and not many people dared to ask.

After dealing with Qian Teng, Zu Long turned his eyes to Ao Sheng who was at the side, full of doubts, and asked: "I think with your ability, you should be able to see the true face of this Taoist. He is not a member of my Dragon Clan. Did he bring it to me? Let me kill him myself?"

Ao Sheng smiled indifferently, looked at Zu Long, and bowed his hands, "Long Zu, since you have chosen Prince Ao Liang as a sacrifice, then as a father, you have to do something to avenge him and personally kill the murderer. It can be regarded as a little compensation from my dragon clan to him, and at the same time give them a little deterrence, let them know that my dragon clan is not so easy to calculate!"

 I also hope that everyone will support a lot, ask for recommendations, ask for rewards, haha, please greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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