Chapter 36

"Fellow daoists, gentlemen, please calm down and listen to what this old man has to say." Just as all the great masters of the Dragon Clan were asking for tassels from Zulong and the Zhanfeng Clan on top of the main hall, there was a loud shout, the voice was gentle and reverberated In the hall.

"I don't know, Master Bailong has something to say, please tell me, I'll be all ears!"

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan stood up from his seat, looked around at the quiet Dragon Clan, turned his head and bowed to an old man in the nine-clawed white dragon robe among the four purple, gold, white and blue dragons, and asked in a respectful tone.

"Since this is the case, the old man will not be polite! Perhaps the words of the old man will be a bit unpleasant to everyone present, so please forgive me when the time comes."

Bailong shook his Taoist robe, bowed his hands to the ancestor dragon above him and the three purple, gold and blue dragons next to him, and said with a smile.

"Everyone, although my Dragon Clan dominates the prehistoric world, the Phoenix Clan is not weak and should not be underestimated, and besides, there is the Qilin Clan watching over them. Besides, we have conquered various clans these years. Some strong clans, even our Dragon Clan, can’t attack by force, and the stalemate has reached the present, if we take advantage of the time when we are fighting with the Phoenix Clan, and take a step, then what about our Dragon Clan?”

Bailong's words spread to the ears of the Dragon Clan present here. They are not stupid people who can cultivate to the Daoguo Realm, and their blood rushed into their brains for a while. .

"Lord Bailong, there is another clan in the prehistoric world who is so blind and dares to offend our dragon clan. Even if they are as strong as the Phoenix and Qilin clans, they can only join forces and barely compete against our clan. Leader, if the clan dares to plot secretly, we will destroy them first."

Ao Chong stood up suddenly from the seat of the ten elders, very displeased with Bailong's words, his eyes widened with anger and anger.

"Elder Ao Chong is right, Lord Bailong, you are too worried. My dragon clan has been dominant for thousands of years, and all clans have long been afraid of my clan. How dare they dare to oppose my dragon clan."

"That's right! The reason why the Phoenix and Qilin clans were able to contend against my dragon clan is because my dragon clan has never fully demonstrated its true strength. Honghuang always pays attention to strength. I think as long as my dragon clan shows enough strength, it will be enough to shock Xiao Xiao .”

Bailong's words made the dragons here feel uncomfortable, especially the dragons who have advanced to the Daluo Daoguo realm in the past 10 years are even more dismissive of Bailong's words. After seeing the peak power of the dragons today, they feel confident My heart is bursting, I feel that the phoenix clan and the unicorn clan are nothing to me, and the power of the dragon clan is enough to wipe them out. If the person who said this is not a powerful white dragon, but an ordinary big Luo, even if he is at the level of ten elders, I'm afraid they had already gone up and punched and kicked to show some color to this Dragon Clan cultivator who has grown his clan's aspirations and destroyed his prestige, but even so, they stared at Bai Long with an unkind expression.

Bailong looked at the unkind faces of most of the dragons present, and smiled wryly, who is he doing this for?However, even so, Bailong still had no intention of stopping. He bowed to Zulong with a respectful tone, and asked, "Your Majesty, Bailong dares to ask, what are your plans for this?"

Zulong sat firmly at the top, and gave Bailong a cold look. Although Bailong's words were somewhat reasonable, all parties were constantly plotting. I don't know how many pairs of eyes were secretly staring at the three clans, especially the dragon clan for thousands of years. Since then, it has been continuously plotted by all parties, and now this time it is knowing that it cannot be done, but it is not only related to the future of the Dragon Clan, but also to its own path, so a war is inevitable.


All the dragons didn't hear Zulong's heartfelt voice, but Zulong's words clearly rang in the ears of everyone present. The short word stunned all the dragons, and then there was an uproar. They never thought that Zulong would Saying such words, however, the next moment, Zulong's words made their blood boil instantly and burst into divine light.

"My dragon clan is powerful and invincible in this world. How can I care about those tiny measurements? In the face of absolute strength, everything is like a chicken and a dog. It is not worth mentioning. I believe that everyone present will praise our clan's coercion, no In the name of the Fallen Dragon Clan, fight against the prehistoric, immortal forever, fight!"

Zu Long glanced across the audience, and with the last word of battle, he stood up suddenly, his aura soared to the extreme, his fighting spirit condensed into a sky-reaching dragon shadow, his blood soared to the sky, he looked directly at the sky, and roared with all his might.

"hold head high!"

"hold head high!"

"hold head high!"

The sound of excited dragon chants continued continuously, and blood dragon shadows soared into the sky under the traction of blood. Or small, some are as high as ten thousand feet, and some are only thousands of feet.

A sound of dragon chant resounded throughout the world, spread in the endless sea area of ​​the prehistoric, and gradually spread to the ten places of the prehistoric, all of a sudden, all eyes of the prehistoric, cast their eyes on the land of the four seas, Taoism, spirit and soul intertwined, constantly communicating and converging.

The ancestor dragon transformed into the real body of the nine-clawed black dragon, flew out of the Dragon Palace, and continued to cruise and soar into the sky in the four seas, sending out bursts of dragon chant that shook the dragon's heart. The purple-gold dragon scales gave off bursts of noble aura.

"Dragon clan sons, the Phoenix clan has repeatedly opposed our clan, hurt me and killed my fellow dragon clan, can my dragon clan bear it?" Zulong roared above the nine heavens, his domineering voice shook the world, and said to the dragon clan assembled below .




"Then how should it be?"




"What if there are other clans who are against my dragon clan?"




"If you take all races as your enemies and fight against the prehistoric world alone, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

The morale of the dragon army was greatly shaken, the evil spirit soared to the sky, the stars shook, and the infinite dragon might unite, sweeping across the nine heavens.

Zulong looked at the soul that had been washed away in the void, and showed a sneer. He was very satisfied with the scene in front of him, and shouted: "Fight the Feng Clan, dominate the wild! Let's go!"

"Fight against the Phoenix Clan and dominate the Great Desolation!"

"Fight against the Phoenix Clan and dominate the Great Desolation!"

"Fight against the Phoenix Clan and dominate the Great Desolation!"

Tens of thousands of dragons soar into the sky in the four seas, and the army of the dragon clan slashes straight into the wild land. Wherever it passes, the birds are extinct, and the mountains and rocks are cracked. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy. , everyone is at risk.

In the prehistoric southern continent, there are many volcanoes, and from time to time, magma gushes out, burning the entire sky red.

The land of the Feng clan, the Immortal Volcano, is a huge volcano group that stretches for tens of millions of miles. The ferocious real fire is scorching hot, and the fire poison spreads. At the center of the volcano, a huge volcano pierces into the sky. Winding around, a palace built of congenital fire jade stands on the top of the mountain.

Inside the Phoenix Temple, Fengzu and Huangmu sat on thrones refined from the branches of the sycamore tree with innate spiritual roots, scanning the elites of the Phoenix clan below, the atmosphere was oppressive and dull.

"Everyone wants to know something about the Dragon Clan's dispatch of troops this time. It is aimed at our Phoenix Clan, and it is preached that our Phoenix Clan will be destroyed. How do you deal with it?" Huangmu said, looking down at the Daluo Daoguo Realm The clansman's tone was flat, without the slightest wave.

"Hmph! Huangmu, needless to say? The dragon clan is almost on our necks. I really think that our Phoenix clan is afraid that they will fail. If they want to fight, then we will fight!"

The third elder of the Feng clan let out a cold snort, and his tone was resentful. With the anger in his heart, the real fire of the phoenix spewed out from his body, scattered all around, and erupted with an aura of cultivation that surpassed the realm of Daluo Daoguo.

snort!My granddaughter Fengling was threatened by the Dragon Clan to fall, and I haven't settled with them yet, but they called them first, that's good, I just want to vent my anger, let you group of loaches know how powerful my Phoenix Clan is.

Mother Huang glanced at the resentful third elder, and turned her gaze to the other two Phoenixes whose cultivation base surpassed that of Daluo Daoguo, her gaze was full of searching.

"Fengzu, Huangmu, since there is no way to avoid it, there is only one battle! I don't believe that his dragon clan can really destroy our clan!" Sensing the inquiry in Huangmu's eyes, one of the Phoenix stood up, and the second elder Taking a step forward, he bowed his hands to Fengzu and Huangmu, his eyes full of fighting intent.

Mother Huang continued to look at the top phoenix, the great elder of the phoenix clan, without saying a word, as if she was waiting for something.

The Great Elder of the Feng Clan opened his slightly closed eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his long and narrow phoenix eyes, he got up and bowed, and said in an old voice: "Feng Zu, Huang Mu, and the children of the Phoenix Clan have all been summoned. Waiting for the moment to start the war, but I left Zhu Er and the others behind to guard the undead volcano, just in case."

Seeing this, Mother Huang nodded slightly, and then turned her gaze to Feng Zu, who had been sitting upright at the head until now, not saying a word.

Feng Zu was dressed in a colorful Taoist robe, with two jet-black eyebrows reaching straight into his temples, strands of gold flickering from time to time, his nose bridge was straight, and his skin was fair and crystal clear like jade.

When Mother Huang looked at him, Feng Zu opened a pair of red phoenix eyes, the eyes sparkled with fire, and said in a strong voice: "It's time for my Feng Clan to show off its sharp minions, Dragon Clan, and my Phoenix Clan have never been afraid However, in addition, I have already notified Zu Qilin of the Qilin clan, when the two clans unite, it is bound to wipe out the dragon clan from the prehistoric world, Zulong, hum!"

Fengzu's words shook the spirits of the Phoenixes in the hall. They also had a grudge with the Dragon Clan for thousands of years, and they also held back their anger. Now that they have to liquidate thoroughly, they will naturally not let it go, not to mention the clan disputes involved, which is even more serious. It's the end of life and death.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go down and prepare to fight!" Following Huangmu's order, the phoenixes of Da Luo level spread their wings and left one after another, heading for the Phoenix army, ready to fight at any time.

After the phoenix in the main hall had left completely, Mother Huang turned her head to look at Feng Zu, her eyes full of worry, "It's about to start, do you really want to do this? Do you really have to sacrifice so many people? Will something happen?"

Fengzu looked at the worried Huangmu with gentle eyes, pulled her to his side, hugged her tightly, and kissed her lightly, "This is about the life and death of the Phoenix family. I must do this to win the opportunity for the Phoenix family to reproduce and prosper forever." , I believe that Zu Long and Zu Qilin should also be aware of this, this time is not just for the liquidation of the three clans, this time you will stay, rest assured, I will be fine."


"No but, Huang'er promised me."

Huangmu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fengzu before she started, Fengzu kissed Huangmu's forehead lightly, caressed Huangmu's soft face, and looked at Huangmu full of love and her lower abdomen, gently whispering in Huangmu's ear: "Take care of you and the child, and wait for me to come back." After that, with a long howl, it transformed into a million-foot-high phoenix avatar and flew away into the distance.

Mother Huang looked at the departing Feng Zu, her eyes were full of tears, she lightly touched her now somewhat flat belly, her eyes were full of determination.

Not long after, a crisp phoenix cry resounded through the Immortal Volcano, Fengzu glanced coldly at the assembled army, and the voice fell from the nine heavens, "The dragon clan bullied my Phoenix clan and slaughtered my bird clan, what should I do?"




"The Dragon Clan wants to destroy my Phoenix Clan, what should I do?"

"Destroy the dragon clan, burn the world!"

"Destroy the dragon clan, burn the world!"

"Destroy the dragon clan, burn the world!"

"Very good! Let's go!" Feng Zu neighed, his wings vibrated, and he flew out first, followed by the Feng Clan army.

At the same time, in the middle of the prehistoric land, thousands of miles away from Buzhou Mountain, a majestic sacred mountain stretches between the central and southern parts. There are many peaks, and the sea of ​​clouds is churning. In the upper part, orders were issued continuously, and the orders flew out from the Qilin Secret Realm, and fell into the hands of the powerful Qilin family. The whole Qilin Mountain boiled, and the roar of beasts continued. From time to time, unicorns rose into the sky and gathered towards the Qilin Secret Realm. The unicorn army is ready to go, with unicorn armor and unicorn guns shining brightly, ready to fight at any time.

"Father, do my Qilin clan really want to join the war?" The young Qilin master Mo Changfeng asked the tall man in front of him worriedly, seeing the soaring aura from the outside world.

"The dragon and phoenix clans will not let my Qilin clan stay out of it. What's more, my Qilin clan is also in this catastrophe. There is no way to avoid it. Only by going deep into it will it be possible to grasp a ray of life and extend my Qilin clan."

The middle-aged man has a gentle face, a clear voice, surrounded by colorful and auspicious aura, and looks forward.

"What's more, they won't let my Qilin family go, this time it depends on who is better."

Zu Qilin muttered to himself, as if he was talking to himself, but he didn't deliberately lower his voice, as if he was deliberately speaking to Mo Changfengyi next to him.

"What are they? Father, what are you talking about?" Mo Changfeng asked Zu Qilin in confusion after hearing Zu Qilin's words.

"This is not what you are now. If one day you advance to the realm of Daoguo, you go to the two elders of Motianmodi who guard the secret realm of Qilin. They will not participate in this battle. Then you will know."

"Father then you."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine as a father. Cultivate hard. The future of the Qilin clan will depend on you, so I'll go!" Zu Qilin waved his hand to interrupt Mo Changfeng's words, and a colorful auspicious light emanated from his body. De Qilin walked away into the distance.

"I am Zu Qilin, are you willing to fight with me in the prehistoric and win the eternal inheritance for my Qilin family?" Zu Qilin stood in the air, his tone calm and powerful.




"Okay! Let's go!"

Under the cover of the nest, how can there be any eggs.All races in the Great Desolation knew the truth, and when the three races were urgently preparing for the battle, they also called up the scattered clansmen in the Prehistoric Desolation, retreated to the clan land, and prepared for the Great Desolation.

In the prehistoric western continent, a deep valley spans tens of thousands of miles. Wisps of extremely pure magic energy are emitted, and the blazing rays of the sun star are resisted and cannot be stored in. The dark and gloomy atmosphere envelopes the entire valley.

"Haha! The catastrophe is finally about to begin! The old man has been waiting for so many years, and finally it's the last moment. It's time to harvest. Kill! Kill! The more you kill, the more excited I will be. But, will you make a move this time? ? " Demon Ancestor Luohu's body was emitting a faint light from the Myriad Demonic Map, and his eyes looked at the more and more evil spirits condensing in the prehistoric world. He was so excited that he laughed heartily.

In the Great Desolate East Continent, Yujing Mountain stands majestically, with no wind and waves in the empty sea of ​​clouds, magical medicine swallows and breathes spiritual light, old trees emit fragrance, and the whole fairy mountain is full of colorful clouds, full of auspicious aura, blooming with immeasurable divine light, shining brightly.

Ancestor Hongjun sat cross-legged under a pine tree hundreds of thousands of feet tall, his silver hair was windless, and he looked at the increasingly thick evil spirit in the void with his cloudy eyes. My way is not far away. However, the three clans are fighting, and the tens of thousands of clans are conquering. At the last moment, you don’t want the veterans to be disappointed."

Not to mention the reactions of the great powers of various races everywhere, at this time, in the Qianxia Mountain of the Fox Clan, Taoist Taishi Fang's servant Fang, who rarely sees spiritual tea in the hands of the outside world, is playing with a wisp of evil spirit in his hand. The wisp of evil spirit was crushed, he picked up the spiritual tea in front of him, took a sip, and said to Mr. Hu who was sitting opposite him: "Friend Daoist, the three races of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn have been fighting for hundreds of millions of years, and now the final catastrophe has begun, and it has arrived." At the critical moment, I also want to go back to the mountain to retreat and practice, and the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years, it is time to break through."

"Fellow Daoist, what is the realm above Daluo Daoguo? I hope you will give me some advice." Mr. Hu showed curiosity. He has asked Taoist Taishi many times about such questions, but every time he just smiled. without speaking.

"Forget it! In the past, I didn't tell my friends because I felt that I didn't have enough accumulation. Now that the catastrophe is coming, it's time to tell my friends. As for the final outcome, it depends on the choice of my friends." Mentioning this matter, he sighed slightly.

"Fellow Daoist, please tell me!" Elder Hu said in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

"Daluo Daoguo is the way of Daoguo. The upper realm is the Hunyuan realm. However, this realm is divided into three types. One is the Hunyuan Daoguo. Comprehending the pure Hunyuan Daoguo has no distinction between realms. There is no one roundness, this method breaks through, supernatural powers, mana, and cultivation are the strongest, but Hunyuan Daoguo can't tell the truth, it can only be self-enlightened, and it is the most difficult to comprehend."

"In addition, there is another method for the world. After the completion of Daluo Daoguo, the inner world will be opened up from the shrine in the body to promote the evolution of the world. When it is promoted to the Great Thousand World, it will reach the peak and become a Hunyuan. This method can be divided They are Hunyuan Sanxian, Hunyuan Jinxian, and Hunyuan Zhixian three realms, corresponding to the small thousand world, the middle thousand world and the big thousand world respectively. However, when this dharma world was opened, the spirit and soul were not strong, and the cultivation base was complete and flawless. After that, one needs to comprehend the five elements and the principles of yin and yang to be promoted, and then one can achieve Zhongqian. As for promotion to the Great Thousand World, it is difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

"The last one is the method of smelting. You need to go to the chaotic world outside the sky, find the chaotic spar, and refine it. After that, you have to wait for 99 years in the chaos, and use the energy of chaos to completely fuse the chaotic spar with yourself. The combined party can enter Hunyuan. This method is divided into four realms: Hunyuan Sanxian, Hunyuan True Immortal, Hunyuan Jinxian, and Hunyuan Taiyi Jinxian. The promotion of each realm needs to accommodate a chaotic spirit. After this method is completed, the supernatural power is the weakest."

Mr. Hu showed a little bit of surprise. He didn't expect that it would be tens of thousands of times more difficult to advance to Hunyuan than to advance to Daluo Daoguo realm. Even the weakest method of smelting is the end of a narrow escape.

"Fellow Taoist, I don't know how you are going to be promoted?" Mr. Hu looked at Taoist Taishi curiously, wanting to know how Taoist Taishi was going to promote Hunyuan, but he regretted just saying that, every time he saw Taoist Taishi showed such an innocent smile in front of him, he had a bad feeling.

"Fellow Daoist, I am poor and have no talent, and my qualifications are dull. I have accumulated hundreds of millions of years in the realm of Daoguo in vain. Only then can I get a glimpse of the mystery of Hunyuan Daoguo, but I will be promoted by the first method. I laughed."

Looking at Taoist Taishi who can pretend to be shameless to such a level in front of him, Mr. Hu's face twitched, the veins on his forehead bulged, and he clenched his hands tightly, suppressing the urge to strangle Taoist Taishi to death, his heart was full Hey, Pangu is above, mother, you are so stupid, the old man has lived on pigs for millions of years, aren't you insinuating that the old man is a pig?Is the old man a pig?The old man is a fox.

No, the smiling Taishi in front of him is older than the old man, God!The old man's age is not even one-tenth of his age, he is the real old monster.

"Fellow Daoist, you are probably the same generation as Zulong!" Old Hu asked with uncertainty in his words.

"Hmph! That little guy Zulong, how can he compare with me? Even if I died in the catastrophe for some reason, the reshaping of my body was hundreds of millions of years ago, and he only lived for hundreds of millions of years. I'm not even worthy of carrying shoes." Daoist Taishi was domineering, talking about his age complacently, showing off and disdain.

Mr. Hu has black lines all over his head, God!I can't even compare to his fraction, Mr. Hu was thinking bitterly, he didn't even know when Taoist Taishi left.

On the other side, on the top of the lonely peak of Qianxia Mountain, Qingchen sits cross-legged in the cave. All the innate five-element spirits have been refined. Emerging, Qingchen kept his mind focused, closed his eyes and meditated, and kept quiet, the lake and sea in his heart illuminated everything, the water flowed avenues and flowed around the whole body, bursts of dull sounds came from the body, like Huang Zhong Dalu, the sound shook his ears.

With a soft drink, Qingchen's body was shaken in vain, and the five qi in the body were fully formed, metal gave birth to water, water gave birth to wood, wood gave birth to fire, fire gave birth to earth, and earth gave birth to metal.


Qingyun opened above Qingchen's head, Qingmeng Divine Sword was full of light, Qinglian suppressed Qingyun, the innate divine water surged endlessly, and the three flowers of heaven, earth, and people radiated misty brilliance, under the agitation of the five qi, Sanhua trembled, and suddenly expanded several times in a moment, Shenhua was restrained, and Daoyun flowed.

Thousands of miles around the lonely peak of Qianxia Mountain, the innate spiritual energy was rioting, and the wind and clouds were turbulent, attracting all the foxes around, and saw a huge spiritual energy vortex expanding continuously, and the huge spiritual energy rushed into the cave, poured into Qingchen's body, and was constantly compressed by it Absorbing, the sea of ​​spirits and souls expands dozens of times, the Tao is dense, the avenues are intertwined, Qingchen's mind sinks into the heavenly way, like a sponge, constantly absorbing and absorbing the most profound truths of the heavenly way, absorbing everything as much as possible in the shortest time.

After a stick of incense, the way of heaven became unfathomable again. Qingchen opened his confinement eyes, moved his stiff limbs, felt the powerful force in his body, smiled slightly, and walked out of the cave.

 whee!Xuehai hopes that everyone will support, please pay attention, please recommend, of course, a reward is the best!
(End of this chapter)

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