Chapter 37
The sun star radiates immeasurable divine light, spreads the earth, all things are alive, swallows dense purple energy, and the strands of good fortune continuously converge and entangle on the prehistoric land, life essence bursts out, and the innate elixir shines with fragrance, constantly attracting prehistoric people. Creatures exude the power of endless temptation.

On Qianxia Mountain, Qingchen stood in a large hall with a depressed face, the joy of breaking through the Taiyi Daoguo was swept away, and looked at the leader Hu who was chattering and dissatisfied looking at him with respect and flattery. .

"Senior Hu, Qingchen apologizes to senior on behalf of Master, and hopes that Senior will appease his anger." The corners of Qing Chen's mouth were bitter, and he bowed to Elder Hu, Master!As a top supernatural being, you can't do this. You caused trouble yourself, patted your ass and walked away, and left the mess to your apprentices. There are those who deceive apprentices, but I have never deceived you!

"Hmph! Old man, is Pindao so old? Compared to some old monster, Pindao is very young!" Mr. Hu looked at the Qingchen Qi below, especially after Qingchen broke through, The mana in his body is far beyond the same level, and Mr. Hu is even more angry, remembering that this kid in front of him is the apprentice of the old man Taishi, and his previous appreciation for Qingchen has now become dissatisfaction.

After hearing Mr. Hu's complaints, Qingchen felt even deeper in his heart, Master!What did you do to make Hu Lao so angry, but there was still a smile on his face, and he said to Hu Lao: "Yes! Yes! Senior, junior can't speak, please don't blame senior, senior is talented, I will definitely be able to Break through to the Hunyuan realm as soon as possible, and look down on the prehistoric."

No one doesn't like to listen to good words, Qingchen thinks that even Mr. Hu, an old fox in the realm of Daluo Daoguo, should be no exception!But he didn't want his words to make Mr. Hu even more angry, and stared at Qingchen with a pair of fox eyes, "How do you know the realm of Hunyuan?"

Mr. Hu is suspicious. It is reasonable to say that the powerful Da Luo can walk sideways in the prehistoric world, and there are very few strong men who have broken through to the Hunyuan realm in the whole prehistoric desolation. How could Qingchen know the Hunyuan realm? However, did Mr. Hu live for millions? The old monster who was over [-] years old soon understood, his white beard fluttered in anger, and his face was flushed.

Seeing Mr. Hu's face, Qingchen said inwardly that he was not good. It seems that the whole Primordial Realm should not know much about this Hunyuan Realm, but then he was lucky, although the master was a bit unreliable and his character was not good, However, inheritance is still very important, and the introduction to cultivation is extremely detailed. Even the Hunyuan Realm informed Qingchen in advance, but in order to prevent Qingchen from being too ambitious, the Taoist Taishi set a ban on inheritance. Correspondingly, you can get a glimpse of the whole leopard.

"Hmph!" Seeing that Qingchen didn't say a word, Mr. Hu still doesn't understand, good you Taishi Taoist, you and I have known each other for millions of years, and it took so long to tell the impoverished Dao Hunyuan Realm, and now it's just now If you accept an apprentice, you will pass on everything in one go, and you won't be afraid to overwhelm him.

No way, Taishi is so dishonest, the poor Taoist must prepare as soon as possible, and go to the outer chaos to break through the chaos, otherwise he will not be ridiculed to death next time. Thinking of what Taoist Taishi did this time, I secretly hate , the next time we meet, you must be a good-looking Taoist Taishi. As for whether you can fight well, Mr. Hu selectively ignores it.

Looking up at Qingchen below, Mr. Hu thought that this is not a good thing, just like his unscrupulous master, who specially sprinkled salt on the old man's wounds, but when Mr. Hu rolled his eyes, there was a gleam of light in his eyes Flashed, "Boy, I have something for you to do, you are willing."

Qingchen opened his mouth, wanting to refuse. He always felt that it was not a good thing, but he felt the slight oppression around him, so he turned his words around, bowed and said, "Senior, please explain, if Qingchen If it can be done, it is undeniable by definition.”

"Okay!" Mr. Hu smiled faintly, and continued: "When your master left, he borrowed my innate spirit wine that I had stored for millions of years. Knowing that you were leaving Qianxia Mountain, Taoist Taishi explained to you when he left. If you want to find the innate five-element spirit wine, the year can only be higher than that of Pindao's spirit wine, so as to repay the karma between him and Pindao, I wonder if you would like it."

Mr. Hu was not conscious of lying at all, and his face was indifferent, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

After hearing what Mr. Hu said, Qing Chen's face relaxed, thinking it was something difficult, and it turned out that he just wanted some old spirit brew. Although the five elements spirit brew was a little more difficult, it was not difficult to find in the prehistoric world.

Thinking of this, Qingchen bowed his hands to Mr. Hu, expressing that he would definitely do it, and then left the hall with Mr. Hu's impatient wave.

Seeing Qingchen leave, thinking of the indifference in Qingchen's eyes just now, Mr. Hu chuckled, a glimmer of success flashed in his eyes, closed his eyes, and wandered away.

The Great Desolate Continent has a vast territory, and there are too many sacred mountains and blessed places to enumerate. In the junction of the Great Desolate Western Continent and the Eastern Continent, the Longevity Mountain is extremely high and majestic.The mountains and rocks are verdant, surrounded by thousands of red clouds, the sound of the wind is cloudy, and thousands of colorful clouds are flying.Cranes sing wildly, golden roosters dance, and there are thousands of peaks standing in a forest, majestic and majestic; long live stones, tiger tooth stones, and three-pointed stones are full of auspiciousness.The grass in front of the cliff is beautiful, and the plums are fragrant on the ridge.The thorns are dense, and the orchid is light.The stream is affectionate, with many twists and turns; the peaks and ridges are continuous, overlapping and returning.

A Taoist temple stands majestically in the mountain, with majestic energy inside, endless streams of natural vegetation, golden clouds, auspicious bursts, medicinal and fruity fragrances, strange flowers, spewing rays of light, overflowing floral fragrances, and strong congenital Wu earth. Air shrouded.

Taoist Wanshou sat cross-legged on the cloud platform, his eyes were sharp, and he could see through everything through the layers of clouds and mist.The next middle-aged Taoist has three beards, looks like a child, has a skin like jade, and wears a sky-blue gossip Taoist robe. Just sitting there has a sense of morality.

Zhen Yuanzi, who was immersed in the avenue, opened his eyes and looked at the master above the cloud platform with doubts. For some reason, he suddenly stopped preaching.

"Zhen Yuanzi!" Taoist Wanshou said loudly when he saw Zhen Yuanzi wake up from enlightenment.

"The disciple is here!" Zhen Yuanzi got up quickly, not daring to be negligent, adjusted his Taoist robe, bowed slightly, and performed a disciple's salute to Taoist Wanshou.

"A visitor from outside the mountain, go and welcome him in."

"Yes!" Zhen Yuanzi gave a slight salute, and walked out of the hall. Longevity Mountain seldom communicates with the outside world. Even the visitors are friends of the master. The generation of Da Luo often appears directly in the temple. I don't know who is here now?Despite the doubts in his heart, Zhen Yuanzi has always had the temperament of the master not to talk about himself and try not to ask. He just flew out of the mountain in the light of the cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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