Chapter 38
In the prehistoric continent, Longevity Mountain is majestic and majestic, standing horizontally between the eastern and western continents, surrounded by auspicious clouds, auspicious, and majestic.Although a hundred years have passed, it is only a moment for the prehistoric creatures, and the creatures in the mountains are still living their lives.

Wuzhuang Temple is still majestic and majestic, with ancient spirits. Inside a cave in the temple, Zhen Yuanzi and Qingchen sit cross-legged, and a stone platform made of innate jade lies in front of them, and Bai Yu is still carefully currying favor with the angry little Wu However, Xiao Wuchen still seemed to be indifferent to him, which caused Bai Yu to cast Qingchen's help-seeking eyes frequently.

"Fellow Daoist, although there are many vulgar things in the mountains, these are the only fruits that are worth looking at. They can barely be eaten, and I hope you can taste them." After the two parties sat down, Zhen Yuanzi stretched out his sleeves, A disc of jade-colored brilliance flashed and appeared on the stone platform. On it, four fragrant fruits were filled in it. It looked like a baby, and its body was transparent. Smelling it makes people feel refreshed, and the comfortable air leaps into the limbs and acupuncture points all over the body.

"Ginseng fruit! Daoists are too humble. If you can only force the spirit fruit like this, then the poor will die of shame!" Qing Chen felt the changes in his body, and longing emerged deep in his heart. Looking at the legendary spirit fruit in front of him, even His Dao heart is steady, and he also shows a bit of coveting, quite a bit of urge to swallow it immediately.

The moment the ginseng fruit appeared, Bai Yu and Xiao Wuchen's gazes were attracted to them. Their eyes were hot, and they stared at the spiritual fruit on the plate without blinking. Their expressions were surprisingly consistent. Even the unhappiness just now was instantly forgotten. Only the ginseng fruit, if it wasn't for the fact that Zhen Yuanzi was still watching, afraid of being too embarrassing, he might have rushed to fight for it, but I don't know that their drooling appearance is actually even more unbearable.

"Haha! It's the impoverished dao who didn't think carefully, fellow daoists please!" Zhen Yuanzi looked at Baiyu and Xiao Wuchen who had already left the ground, with a calm expression, and said, it's just that ginseng fruit is a rare spiritual root in the wild Even if Xianguo is as indifferent and peaceful as Zhen Yuanzi, there is a bit of complacency in his words, especially the cooperation of Baiyu and Xiaowuchen, which greatly satisfies his vanity.

"Please!" Qingchen selectively ignored Baiyu and Xiaowuchen who had already been humiliated and thrown to the top of Buzhou Mountain, picked up a ginseng fruit, took a deep breath, and tasted it carefully.

The fruit juice is delicious, and the mouthful is full of fragrance. A strong smell of wood permeates the whole body, full of vitality, and the way of the wood leaps into the soul. Mind, wood and water are interlinked, and they blend and grow together. Qingchen feels that his understanding of the Tao of water has deepened a little bit, and the perception of listening to the Tao for a hundred years has gradually been absorbed and accommodated, turning it into nourishment to support himself.

As soon as Xiao Wuchen and Bai Yuzai Qingchen finished speaking, they couldn't wait to rush to the stone platform, scooped up the animal claws, put the ginseng fruit into the mouth, chewed it, and let out a happy cry from time to time.

Violent, Qingchen's eyelids twitched slightly, seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched, he simply closed his eyes, and ignored them, out of sight, out of mind, and carefully appreciate the mystery of ginseng fruit.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, Qingchen!"

When he had absorbed most of the harvest, Qingchen opened his eyes, saw Zhen Yuanzi who was looking at him with a smile on his face, and bowed to him. This gift of fruit really made him gain a lot. The cultivation base of Taiyi Daoguo realm has also made considerable progress, gradually becoming a small success.

"Fellow Daoist is polite, it's just a few fruits, if it helps fellow Daoist, it's a great honor for the poor Daoist."

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hands, with an expression of indifference, there are ginseng fruit trees in his hand, and ginseng fruit is not lacking, whether it is the friendship between Senior Taishi and Master Wanshou, or a good relationship, let Qingchen lead him a love, I am not at a disadvantage.

"This time, it is a fellow daoist who is helping. Although these fruits are not as mysterious as ginseng fruit, they still have some effect on the fellow daoist. They can also repay part of the karma to the fellow daoist. I hope the fellow daoist will not refuse."

Qingchen has a good impression of Zhen Yuanzi, and now he treats him with ginseng fruit, so he can't express it, a blue light flashes, and several fruits surrounding Ziwu Shenguang also appear on the jade plate, which is precisely Ziwu sloughed off the divine fruit, and then Qingchen made a gesture of invitation for Zhen Yuanzi to taste it.

"The Daoist has a good chance, but the poor Daoist will be disrespectful." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the Ziwutui God Fruit in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was full of smiles.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi who had experienced the Ziwu shed fruit carefully, Qingchen smiled. Although the Ziwu shed fruit is not as good as the ginseng fruit, for Zhen Yuanzi who is half-step Daluo realm, this kind of Shensoul fruit is very important to him. In the future, it will be helpful to advance to Da Luo, not to mention that the spirituality of the vegetation-shaped creatures is slightly weaker than other creatures, and a few sloughing fruits are enough to narrow or even eliminate this gap as much as possible.

Time passed, Qingchen and others stayed in Longevity Hill for 200 years, except for the first 100 years of listening to the sermon, the rest of the time they were busy consolidating their cultivation and absorbing what they gained from the sermon.

For a hundred years, Qingchen not only absorbed all the teachings of Taoist Wanshou, but also deduced the "Water Source Classic" more perfectly, and also participated in the study of swordsmanship every day, carefully understanding the mystery of Taishi's lineage, and constantly discussing with Zhen Yuanzi Dao, and with the help of a few ginseng fruits, he successfully advanced to Taiyi Dao fruit Xiaocheng, and marched towards Dacheng, even Xiao Wuchen and Baiyu also gained a lot. , the breakthrough did not happen overnight, but with the help of the Shenshen Fruit, the soul became more perfect, the comprehension of this kind of Taoism and supernatural power was more thorough, and it was more calm and casual to display.

On this day, Qingchen and others stood at the foot of Longevity Mountain, looking at the majestic and majestic sacred mountain behind them, but they planned to leave this place and continue to go to the Tianxu Shenhai of the Xuanwu tribe.

"Fellow Zhenyuanzi, do you really want to go with us?" Qing Chen looked at Zhenyuanzi who landed in front of him, his eyes full of puzzlement.

"Fellow Daoist, you were also present at the main hall that day, and you heard what the master said. Although I am a half-step Da Luo, I am not a Da Luo after all. Seeking opportunities to break through, since you are leaving, why not go with fellow daoist, maybe the chance of poor daoist falls on fellow daoist. Why, fellow daoist doesn’t welcome poor daoist?”

Zhen Yuanzi bowed to the position of Wuzhuang Temple, and said to Qing Chen beside him.

"Over there, fellow Taoist is willing to go with us. Qingchen can't ask for it. There is no reason to dislike fellow daoist." Hearing the ridicule in Zhen Yuanzi's words, Qingchen smiled wryly and said, at the same time, he also had some thoughts about Taoist Wanshou's move. Guessing, looking at Zhen Yuanzi's expression, I figured out a thing or two after thinking about it.

"I really don't know what senior Wanshou thinks. Now that the catastrophe has begun, even the powerful Da Luo is in danger of falling. Why did Senior Wanshou let Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi leave at this time? Can't we wait for the catastrophe to pass?" Wouldn't it be safer to come out again to look for opportunities?" Xiao Wuchen's immature voice sounded, and a pair of flickering eyes looked at Qingchen and Zhen Yuanzi suspiciously.

Bai Yu also looked at them with puzzled eyes, and his heart was full of doubts, but he was somewhat scrupulous, unlike Xiao Wuchen who was still childish and straightforward.

Qing Chen looked at the puzzled one big and one small, and smiled at Zhen Yuanzi, and also felt that he should tell them some things about cultivation, so as not to taint their Dao heart in the future, which would be detrimental to their cultivation.

"Let me ask you, what is cultivation?" Qing Chen didn't answer their questions immediately, but asked Bai Yu and Xiao Wuchen instead.

"Practice, what you cultivate is supernatural powers, Taoism, Taoism, and Taoism." Xiao Wuchen tilted his head, thought for a long time, and realized that there was no problem, and replied to Qingchen.Although Bai Yu didn't say anything, she nodded again and again, agreeing with Xiao Wuchen's words.

"That's right, practice mind cultivation, so what is mind cultivation?" Qing Chen nodded, then asked them back.

Bai Yu and Xiao Wuchen thought for a long time, and then Bai Yu said, "Cultivating the mind is to cultivate a clear mind, a round heart, and a firm mind."

Qingchen glanced at Bai Yu in surprise. He didn't expect that Bai Yu, who had a nerve in his brain, would have such understanding. Then he smiled again, nodded and continued to ask: "How to cultivate the mind?"

This stopped Xiao Wuchen and Bai Yu from asking, they were thinking hard, their brows were furrowed, but they couldn't figure out why.

"Hehe!" Qingchen looked at the two men who were worried, and didn't intend to embarrass them. With a firm tone, he said: "There are countless creatures in the prehistoric wilderness, and the avenue is boundless. A cultivator is like a crucian carp crossing a river. Have a fearless heart, even though the catastrophe is fierce, it is also a chance. If you are afraid of the catastrophe and cannot escape, although you can avoid temporary disasters and achieve something, are you dissatisfied? Going straight into the catastrophe, not avoiding life and death, and breaking through the maze, only in the future will it be possible to climb to the top of the great road, look down on thousands of living beings, and be immortal."

Qingchen's words are deafening, it is not only a teaching to Bai Yu and Xiao Wuchen, but also a torture of his own Dao heart, encouraging him to go forward bravely and overcome obstacles.

Zhen Yuanzi next to him was shocked when he heard Qing Chen's words. He didn't expect Qing Chen to have such awareness. Although his current cultivation level is not as good as his, but the state of mind and the desire to seek the Tao are already higher than him. Chen bowed, but it was Qingchen's words that benefited him a lot.

 I hope everyone will support it a lot, and there will be a few more chapters tonight, and the sea of ​​​​blood will work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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