Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 114 Metropolitan City, Western Capital City

Chapter 114 Metropolitan City, Western Capital City
"Mother, I can't run anymore." The baby couldn't help but panted from exhaustion.

The baby's voice was like that of a child of a few years old, as if he was acting like a baby to his mother, Mo Qingxuan couldn't bear to hear it, so he told the baby to stop.

Mo Qingxuan was very helpless, but she did admire the old man named Jian Yunchen, who did not expect to follow behind at a leisurely pace for more than an hour.

"Why did the girl stop, my old man is not tired yet."

I don't know what kung fu method Jian Yunchen used, it was like light kung fu, walking very fast on the ground.

"Okay, I'm really convinced. I'm going to the Western capital, and it's just that you don't have one. Let's go together, grandpa."

Anyway, it's just a walk, it doesn't matter if I get rid of him after I get to the western capital.

"Young lady is so kind-hearted, she even walked with me, a bad old man." Seeing Mo Qingxuan get off the baby's back, Jian Yunchen nodded secretly.

The person I fancy is really not wrong.

"Where?" Mo Qingxuan forced a smile, already scolding this old man for eighteen generations in his heart.

"I don't know the girl's name."

"Mo'er." Mo Qingxuan casually pulled out a name, which definitely couldn't reveal her name, and Mo Qingxuan still had some vigilance about this.

"Miss Mo'er...hehe." Jian Yunchen chanted a name, but said in his heart, this little girl's vigilance is quite high.

Originally, it was only a few hours' journey, but it turned out that it was almost dusk before arriving at the Western Capital City.

The majestic city wall, which has been eroded by the years, is still as stable as before.A few feet away from the city wall, there is a meandering moat, and some boats are docked on the bank of the river, which must be used by the merchants to transport supplies.

"Grandpa, we will be parting here. See you again if we are destined." Mo Qingxuan flew into Xidu City without waiting for Jian Yunchen's answer.

The baby was so big that he couldn't walk into the western capital city at all, because there were some officers and soldiers checking at the gate of the city.

Therefore, Mo Qingxuan asked the baby to wait outside the city.

After entering the city, Mo Qingxuan found that the Western Capital City was indeed bigger than Gu Yue City, and much more lively.

As the sky was getting dark, Mo Qingxuan of course found an inn, and planned to rest for the night first, and then take a good look at the western capital tomorrow.

Fortunately, Jian Yunchen did not follow.

Downstairs in the inn, Mo Qingxuan ate something casually and returned to the room.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't help but think of the Granny Yan she met when she was in Fengdu, and now she doesn't know what happened to them.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't help picking up the Qi Yang Rong Dan.

"I don't know if there will be a Danding for sale in this auction." Mo Qingxuan couldn't help thinking.

The medicine cauldron that Gu Yueyuan sent was such a junk that Xiao Yin wanted to throw it away.

Now there are fewer alchemists, but the alchemy tripod has become worthless, and the elixir is a sky-high price.

What a strange world.

Gu Yueyuan gave 100 taels of gold, and she still has [-] Huiqi Pills left.

It seems that if you want to buy some things at the auction, the money is not enough, so Mo Qingxuan plans to go to some medicine shops in the western capital tomorrow to buy some medicine materials, and then refine some Huiqi pills.

Mo Qingxuan practiced for a while, and fell asleep.

How can he become a peerless powerhouse like this, he can even take a nap in practice.

The next morning, Mo Qingxuan woke up, and Mo Qingxuan planned to change the inn, which would be safer.

In order to be more cautious, Mo Qingxuan bought a black robe. The huge black robe only kept Mo Qingxuan's eyes outside, so that outsiders would not be able to recognize whether it was a woman or a man.

When Mo Qingxuan reappeared on the street, she had completely changed her face. I believe that the people she was most familiar with would not recognize her when she stood in front of her.

Once again lamenting the Western Capital, Mo Qingxuan felt that the streets were much wider.

Walking on the bustling streets, although Mo Qingxuan's outfit was strange, but the Western Capital City opened an auction these two days, and interested people from all over the world came back to the Western Capital City either from their families or casual cultivators.

It is inevitable that there will be some people with personal hobbies, or people with weird personalities.

So Mo Qingxuan's outfit was not surprising.

This became Mo Qingxuan's reason to hide from others.

Mo Qingxuan walked around for a long time, and Qian Kun's eyes were already filled with a pile of medicinal herbs.

However, Mo Qingxuan always felt that someone was watching her from behind, but she couldn't find anyone when she looked back, which made her very strange. Could it be that she was thinking too much?

"This girl, you're too vigilant." In the dark, Jian Yunchen gritted his teeth with hatred, and it seemed that he couldn't keep up.

Jian Yunchen smiled wickedly again, watching Mo Qingxuan disappear into the crowd.

"Little girl, sooner or later you won't be able to escape from the old man's palm."

Mo Qingxuan changed several streets in a row, and immediately went in when she came across an inn.

"Guest officer staying at the hotel?" A waiter came up quickly, very enthusiastic.

"Stay in the hotel." Mo Qingxuan used some immortal power to change her voice, it sounded very hoarse, like an old man.

"Guest officer, please." The waiter in the hall warmly led Mo Qingxuan to the guest room upstairs, "Guest officer, this is the auction that broke it, guest officer, you just happened to meet, this is a We have the last room in our inn, and the rest are full."

Mo Qingxuan didn't make a sound. This auction really attracted a lot of people. After all, it was held by the so-called Arbitration Association. It's impossible without good things.

This also made Mo Qingxuan dignified. It seems that it is not so easy to get something.

"Don't let anyone disturb you." Mo Qingxuan's "hoarse" voice sounded again.

"Okay." The waiter waiter, young and familiar, responded, and heard this sentence no less than dozens of times in the past few days.

This room is fairly clean, much better than the previous inn.

Mo Qingxuan put down her things and sat down on the bed.

She didn't start alchemy in a hurry, but released her spiritual consciousness, and Mo Qingxuan wanted to inquire about the surrounding situation.

Mo Qingxuan was taken aback by the big investigation. There are so many terrifyingly powerful people around here.

"It seems that I should keep a low profile. I can't cause trouble casually. It would be bad if I accidentally kicked the iron board. Now I don't have Ye Shuo in any class..."

Ye Shuo...

Why did you think of that nasty guy again!

Day thinking, night dreaming.

I really want to dream about him.

Mo Qingxuan!wide awake!What's wrong with you today!exactly!Divert attention!
"Baby, are you okay outside!" Mo Qingxuan and the baby have a special way of contact, and they can communicate no matter how far away they are.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm fine outside here, but you need to pay more attention!" Bao Bao asked very sensiblely.

"Enen." After chatting for a while, Mo Qingxuan started to make alchemy.

no!Gotta double check for peeps!
(End of this chapter)

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