Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 115 The Grand Meeting in the Western Capital, the Auction

Chapter 115 The Grand Meeting in the Western Capital, the Auction
For several days, Mo Qingxuan was refining alchemy in the room. Although the elixir was expensive, the medicinal materials were not very expensive. Mo Qingxuan's 100 taels of gold was enough.

Mo Qingxuan's alchemy skills have also improved a lot. With Xiao Yin's help, a total of [-] Qi Hui Pills were produced this time.

After another night, Mo Qingxuan recovered well, and the next day is the day when the auction will start.

The dawn is coming, it seems that today is a good day.

Mo Qingxuan pushed open the window full of energy, and there was a market downstairs. Although it was early, it was already crowded with people.

These days, Mo Qingxuan walked out of the room for the first time.

After putting on the huge black robe, Mo Qingxuan ate breakfast downstairs and inquired about the news.

There was a lot of voices around, and if you listened carefully, they were all discussing the auction.

"I heard that this auction is a big hit. It seems that there are many powerful weapons."

"Whatever that is, I still like the defensive ones."

"You have a weapon, of course you say that."

"Hey, I don't know if there are any pills for sale this time."

"Come on, let's just join in the fun and see the world, do you have the money to buy it?"

"Tch, even if you think about it..."

Mo Qingxuan found that this pill seemed to be a hot seller, and he didn't know how much these seventy Huiqi pills could sell for.

At this time, people came down from the upstairs room one after another. These people walked straight outside, and it seemed that they were going to the auction.

Mo Qingxuan also stood up and followed them, because Mo Qingxuan didn't know where the auction was held.

After walking for a while, a luxurious mansion appeared in front of my eyes, and the plaque on the door with the flying "auction house" hung there impressively.

Mo Qingxuan nodded secretly, it should be right.

Two long teams stretched from the door to the street. No matter how powerful you are here, you have to keep a low profile. If you insist on breaking in and breaking the rules, then the Arbitration Council will blacklist you forever. Do not buy or sell items in the auction house.

This auction house has branches all over the continent, so the Arbitration Council is also one of the most powerful forces on the continent.

And this admission depends on that admission ticket.

After a while, it was Mo Qingxuan's turn.

"Come, come, take out the admission ticket." The Arbitration Association has a great reputation, but I didn't expect these gatekeepers to be even more vocal.

Mo Qingxuan was about to take out the admission ticket, but something unexpected happened.

The ticket is gone!
The guard saw that Mo Qingxuan hadn't taken it out for so long, so he looked at Mo Qingxuan again, and found that there was no trace of fairy power fluctuations on him.

Therefore, the guard decided that Mo Qingxuan was an ordinary person who wanted to sneak in to watch the big scene.

"If you don't have an entry ticket, go away quickly, don't disturb the guests behind here." The guard directly blasted Mo Qingxuan away.

Mo Qingxuan didn't speak, but just walked aside, there was no other way.

Where did the damn ticket go?I clearly put it away!

correct!There is only one person, that old man...

Mo Qingxuan suddenly thought of him, because he was the only person he was in contact with these days.

"Why am I so stupid!" Mo Qingxuan was on the verge of crying, but it would be perfectly fine for such a thing to happen.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know what Jian Yunchen was drinking tea and waiting not far away.

"Why hasn't this little girl come here yet? The auction is about to start." Jian Yunchen was playing with an admission ticket in his hand, and it must be the one that Mo Qingxuan lost.

Jian Yunchen shook his head, he should wait.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan was already in a hurry, it was about to start.

At this time, a man suddenly came out from the courtyard, dressed very gorgeously.

"Elder Chen." The guard said respectfully.

This Elder Chen is the person in charge of this auction, and now he is going to see an old friend, hoping to get some help, because the pills for this auction are not enough, which makes him very anxious, if the boss If it is blamed, then the elder's position cannot be kept, and he may be expelled from the arbitration council.

These days, there are fewer and fewer people selling pills.

"Elder Chen, wait a minute." Mo Qingxuan didn't care about it, let's make a fortune this time.

"Oh? Sir, do you know me?" Elder Chen was still very polite. After all, in their profession, they either know people who are highly cultivated or know people who are powerful.

"No." Mo Qingxuan still had that hoarse voice, "I want to sell something here."

"Well, I'm very busy right now, you can wait here." Elder Chen doesn't care what Mo Qingxuan wants to sell, the most important thing right now is the pill, and this Mo Qingxuan doesn't look like an alchemist in the past, It must be a lucky guy who picked up a good thing from some deep valley and sold it.

Elder Chen said he was about to leave, and Mo Qingxuan was in a hurry.

"I don't know if Elder Chen is interested in the pill."

"Sir, is what you said true?" Elder Chen stopped in his tracks, apparently very interested.


"How about this, I will ask someone to take Mr. in later, and I will test the quality of the pill when I come back." Elder Chen thought for a while, and he should go see that old friend. How many.

One more person is one more guarantee, and it is still possible to sell more pills.


Elder Chen called the guard over and asked him to take Mo Qingxuan in.

The guard jumped, and this time he kicked the iron board.

But Mo Qingxuan didn't say what happened just now, if he said that, the doorman should be a dead body.

The guard shouted luck in his heart, and led Mo Qingxuan in respectfully.

Jian Yunchen was still drinking tea there, but there was another person beside him, and it was that Elder Chen.

"Old man Jane, you have to help me this time. Give me some of your low-level pills, and I'll sell them for you."

"Old Freak Chen, why do I need money? I won't help, unless you can come up with something that makes my heart beat."

"What do you want, you say."

"I owe it first." Jian Yunchen smiled happily when he saw that the trick had succeeded, "Here, twenty Huiqi pills, take them."

"Only twenty?"

"What? It's too little, so take it back."

"Go, go... Hurry up, the auction will start soon."

"you go first."

Elder Chen returned to the auction house with twenty Huiqi Pills. How could these twenty be enough? In the past, there were at least fifty, which was not enough.

Although there are not many people who can afford the Huiqi Pill, and more people use the Huiqi Pill, but this time the Qi Pill is also a life-saving thing.

It can restore the immortal energy in a short time, and then use the immortal power.

It seems that we can only look at which gentleman, Elder Chen hurried back.

Mo Qingxuan had been sitting in the so-called appraisal room for a while, but no one came.

"Sir, you have been waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, this is the elixir that I want to auction this time, a total of [-] qi-returning elixirs." Mo Qingxuan said the elixir and the quantity to be auctioned without any fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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