Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 127 Martial Skills Beginning, Sword Testing Stone

Chapter 127 Martial Skills Beginning, Sword Testing Stone

Hearing the movement outside, Mo Qingxuan was frightened to death, and hurriedly sealed the breath inside.

Through the gap blocking the cave door, one figure after another walked over.

After being in a daze for more than a quarter of an hour, Mo Qingxuan didn't dare to move.


Half an hour later, Mo Qingxuan slowly let out a sigh of relief. It seems that he has to be more careful in the future, and this time he was almost exposed.

Thinking back to the attack on the iron beetle just now, Mo Qingxuan couldn't figure out why it happened suddenly.


The thing is condensed, but it can't exert the power it should have at all, maybe something is missing.

The most flower soul: Vientiane!
Mo Qingxuan shouted loudly, and a knife suddenly appeared on his fingertip.

Carefully directing the saber, Mo Qingxuan slammed it against the stone wall beside her.


The knife still disappeared like before.

"This seems to be far from being indestructible in the practice. When will it be big?"

It was only then that Mo Qingxuan realized that it was too early for her to be happy, she just sat aside, very disappointed, half a month of hard work was in vain.

"Mother, eat a wild fruit." The baby has been watching from the side, but he didn't dare to come forward to disturb him, and Mo Qingxuan felt very disappointed.

The baby picked a wild fruit and rubbed it on Mo Qingxuan's body.

Mo Qingxuan took it over, didn't speak, just smiled, and fondled the baby very lovingly.

"Let's play games together, look, the baby can walk upright." The baby thought of ways to make Mo Qingxuan happy.

But Mo Qingxuan really couldn't laugh, not even a forced one.

"Baby, I'm fine, just let me be quiet for a while."

"Oh." Like a child, the baby walked to the side in frustration. After walking a few steps, he looked back at Mo Qingxuan, "Mother, baby believes in you, you will definitely be able to do it."

Mo Qingxuan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly came to her senses.

Could it be that he couldn't even bear this blow?Still have to test a spirit beast to cheer yourself up?

"I don't believe in this evil anymore, I don't believe that I can't learn it!" An incomparable belief was born in Mo Qingxuan's heart.

It's not that Mo Qingxuan was moved by the baby's words, maybe it's her own belief in pursuing strength!
Mo Qingxuan flipped it over with his bare hands, and a Danding suddenly appeared.

The Qiankun eyes of the immortal cultivator are not only warming and nourishing the immortal sword, but also can be used to store objects. As the strength grows, the space becomes larger and larger.

There are not many Huiqi pills left, and Mo Qingxuan plans to refine some more, but it seems that he still can't end this boring martial arts training.

In the next period of time, Mo Qingxuan will work harder than the previous half month, and the energy recovery pills consumed will change from the original three to four.

Condensed again and again, failed again and again, but still did not achieve the desired effect of Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan wiped the sweat off her forehead, what's wrong?

Try to remember every link.

There should be no problem with the first step of condensing and forming, that is, the strength is not enough when throwing it out?
Mo Qingxuan once again condensed into a knife and threw it out with all her strength.


Still just like those failures in the past, it dissipated as soon as it hit the wall.

Not the problem?

Thinking back to the moment when he threw it, the knife left his fingertips naturally, but...

But after that, I can't control it!

Therefore, there is still a lack of spiritual power!

"Haha." Mo Qingxuan laughed a few times, "I really admire myself for being able to think of all of this."

"Mother, what's the matter?" The baby rubbed his eyes with his front paws, his face was sleepy, "It's in the middle of the night..."

"Hey..." Mo Qingxuan smiled awkwardly, it turned out that it was already midnight.

However, Mo Qingxuan still wants to give it a try. It doesn't matter when he should try it.

The baby didn't know what Mo Qingxuan was laughing at, and continued to sleep on it.

Mo Qingxuan took a few deep breaths, whether it's just this one time or not.

The most flower soul: Vientiane!
Mo Qingxuan skillfully condensed a knife, and when he threw it, a wave of spiritual power wrapped around the blade.

"Go!" Mo Qingxuan shouted loudly.


The handle of the knife flew away quickly, and when it hit the wall, a heavy clanging sound reached Mo Qingxuan's ears.

The saber condensed with immortal energy slowly fell to the ground, and Mo Qingxuan pulled his mental strength, and the saber disappeared.

"It succeeded." Mo Qingxuan stared blankly at everything.

Although it couldn't cause much damage, Mo Qingxuan at least understood how to use this martial skill.

Mo Qingxuan was not as happy as expected, she became very indifferent at this time.

try harder...

More than ten days have passed, and after counting the days, Mo Qingxuan has stayed in this cave for more than a month, and it is time to go out.

Moreover, Mo Qingxuan's hard work in the past month was not in vain, she successfully broke through to the Immortal rank.

Can't help the breakthrough in strength, Mo Qingxuan has almost cultivated the first form of the flower soul, and now can condense more weapons.

Such as darts, knives and so on.

The size of the object is directly proportional to the consumption of immortal energy, and the use of mental power naturally requires more!

"Baby, we should go!"

"Where are you going, mother." The baby is already used to life here, and compared to the yearning to go out some time ago, it is not as enthusiastic.

"Stupid." Mo Qingxuan patted the baby's forehead, "Of course I'm going to the City Lord's Mansion to have some fun."

The baby's eyes projected a bright light, is this the rhythm of revenge!

"Let's go."

With a burst of strength, Mo Qingxuan directly rushed away the stone that sealed the entrance of the cave.


Mo Qingxuan walked out gracefully, but Mo Qingxuan was taken aback by what she saw.

"Hey! It's not the right time to come out...but it's just time to practice with you."

As soon as Mo Qingxuan walked out, he saw people all over the mountains and plains, they were searching for vegetables in this generation.

Before they could react, the darts in Mo Qingxuan's hands had already started to condense.

Whoosh whoosh.

With the sound of breaking wind, some people with low strength were immediately killed by Mo Qingxuan.

"Careful, brothers go together!" A strong man was the first to recover and shouted immediately.

People from all directions rushed towards Mo Qingxuan, but fortunately, they were not very strong. The tallest one was that strong man, a strong man of Immortal rank.

The baby has long wanted to come out and move his lower tibia, so he would not let this opportunity pass.

Mo Qingxuan looked at the strong man, who happened to be a testing stone.

The strong man let out a low shout, and rushed towards Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan quickly condensed a long knife in his hand, and stepped forward to fight!
Clang clang.

This strong man was also a person who crawled out of the dead, so his sword skills were extremely fast and ruthless.

Mo Qingxuan was a little overwhelmed and backed away again and again.

"Eat me with a knife." The strong man shouted loudly, holding the knife with both hands, and slashed heavily at Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan had no choice but to block it with the condensed knife.


The knife in Mo Qingxuan's hand actually began to crack...

(End of this chapter)

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