Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 128 Trying to enter the city, meeting Xiao Wang

Chapter 128 Trying to enter the city, meeting Xiao Wang
"Why so fast!"

Mo Qingxuan was dumbfounded, this consumption of immortal energy was too terrifying.

It seems that the strength is still too low.

In just a few moves, Mo Qingxuan announced the exhaustion of her immortal energy. This martial skill is too powerful.

Sensing the growing strength of the big man, Mo Qingxuan suddenly transformed the knife in his hand.

Losing his support, the big man leaned forward naturally, and fell to the ground like a dog eating shit.

Mo Qingxuan quickly took out a Qi Returning Pill, swallowed it into her mouth, and a vast stream of immortal energy returned to her body.

The strong man didn't know what happened and was still lying on the ground.

And Mo Qingxuan condensed his sword again, pointing directly at the big man's head.

On the other side, the baby also ended the battle, and it was effortless to deal with those little shrimps.

"Go back and tell your master that his head will be taken at midnight." After finishing speaking, Mo Qingxuan kicked the strong man hard on the forehead.

It's scary that this strong man can no longer practice, but he finally saved his life.

"Baby, let's go."

The strong man was lying on the ground, watching Mo Qingxuan slowly disappearing from sight, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

This woman is so ruthless!

Within half a day, the news spread like flying throughout the entire Western capital.

The wanted woman came back and wanted to take Chu Feiyu's head.

Today Chu Feiyu is still lying on the bed, crying every day, shouting that Chu Ba wants to avenge him.

Ben is his only son, seeing him like this, Chu Ba's heart ached.

"Yu'er, don't worry, when that girl comes out, she will definitely be torn to pieces, and I will avenge you for my father!" After all, Chu Ba couldn't stand it any longer, turned around and left this place.

Of course, Mo Qingxuan can only come alone, the baby is too big and too eye-catching.

Walking to the edge of the city, I found that it is more fortified than before, and how to enter the city is still a problem.

goo goo goo...

At this moment, a loud sound of wheels came to Mo Qingxuan's ears. Mo Qingxuan turned her head and saw that it was a caravan.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan thought of a good way to enter the city.

Mo Qingxuan stretched out his hand, and his fingertips turned into a small knife. He slashed his face fiercely, and then left some blood on his legs.

This was an illusion created with immortal energy. Mo Qingxuan was so cruel to others, but she couldn't do anything to herself.

His hair was unkempt and his clothes were disheveled.

Impressively like a woman just in the hand.

Mo Qingxuan walked to the side of the road and lay down on a recline.

"" Mo Qingxuan called weakly.

Sure enough, as Mo Qingxuan expected, the wheels stopped, and it seemed that someone was coming.

A young man appeared in front of Mo Qingxuan.

Wearing a small felt hat on his head, he is short in stature and holds a whip for driving in his hand.

Such a familiar face, Mo Qingxuan felt like he had seen it somewhere before.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" the young man asked aloud.

"Xiao Wang?" Mo Qingxuan heard the voice, and immediately remembered that this was not the Xiao Wang who reported back to Gu Yue's family during the Battle of Tongguan.Therefore, it is inevitable to lose my voice.

"What? Girl, do you know me?" Xiao Wang was also puzzled. He knew the girls in the village when he usually didn't leave the gate.

" escape..." Luckily, Mo Qingxuan had a quick mind, so she came to her senses in no time.

"Escape? Escape?" Xiao Wang patted his forehead again, "My brain is still confused. It turns out that the girl was talking about escape."

"Yes." Mo Qingxuan smiled, "Can you take me back to the city?"

"I'm afraid..." Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed and dared not agree.

"Please." Mo Qingxuan looked pitiful.

Xiao Wang was originally a kind person, but when he saw that Mo Qingxuan was covered in injuries, he gritted his teeth.

Seeing Xiao Wang like this, Mo Qingxuan was overjoyed, there is hope!

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't bring Mo Qingxuan with them. After all, those are smart people, and they wouldn't just take a burdensome or unknown person on the road.

"I have to ask our leader."

"Thank you." Mo Qingxuan thought in his heart, this little Wang seems to have grown up a lot.

Just like what Mo Qingxuan thought, this little king has become a lot more courageous since the last time, and Gu Yueyuan also asked him to follow another person, usually driving in the Gu Yue family's convoy.

"Brother Zhao, come here." Xiao Wang had no choice but to call the leader, Brother Zhao, over here.

"Xiao Wang, what happened?"

Mo Qingxuan saw a burly young man approaching, he must be Brother Zhao that Xiao Wang was talking about.

"Brother Zhao, look..." Xiao Wang told about Mo Qingxuan's situation.

Brother Zhao sized up Mo Qingxuan and shook his head.

"Xiao Wang, learn from it in the future. Don't trust the people you meet on the road in the future. Be careful and go back and drive the car." After all, Brother Zhao is a person who has experienced things, and he is more calm and sophisticated than Xiao Wang.

"Oh." Xiao Wang responded, but turned to look at Mo Qingxuan, "I'm sorry, girl, I couldn't help you."

After all, Xiao Wang ran away.

It seems that it is impossible for Mo Qingxuan to enter the city like this, and there is no need for Mo Qingxuan to continue pretending, otherwise she will really not be able to enter the city today.

"I know Patriarch Gu Yue." Mo Qingxuan directly threw something at that one.

Brother Zhao stopped when he heard that sentence.

As a result, Brother Zhao was shocked by what Mo Qingxuan gave, it was indeed Gu Yueyuan's token.

"I don't know who the girl is?" Although Brother Zhao saw the token, he still didn't believe it.

"Mo Qingxuan." Mo Qingxuan said calmly, and the wound on his face gradually disappeared, "This little king should have seen me."

"Miss Mo!" Seeing Mo Qingxuan's true face, Xiao Wang was also taken aback.

"You know her? Xiao Wang."

"Enen." Xiao Wang nodded heavily, "She is still the great benefactor of our Gu Yue family!"

Seeing Xiao Wang's excitement, someone believed Mo Qingxuan's words.

"Thank you Brother Zhao. I want to go to the Western Capital. I have no other choice. I don't want others to know about it. I can only do this." Mo Qingxuan explained his intention.

"It's okay." Brother Zhao was more polite than before, "Miss Mo, please."


The convoy started moving again, and slowly headed towards the western capital.

"Stop, we need to check the contents of the car!" When he reached the gate of the city, he was stopped by the soldiers defending the city.

"Presumptuous, didn't you see that it was the convoy of the Gu Yue family? Can you take care of delaying the delivery of the things to the City Lord's Mansion!" Brother Zhao, if it was normal, they would go, but now the people in the car said no Let the soldiers guarding the city find out, so they moved out of the city lord's mansion.

As soon as he heard the City Lord's Mansion, the soldier's aura weakened a bit, and looking at the things that brother Zhao handed over, it was really sent to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Let's go, let's go."

A convoy slowly headed towards the western capital...

(End of this chapter)

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