Chapter 138 The baby is missing, is he dead?
The sailor hurriedly picked up a wooden bucket, brought a bucket of sea water over, and splashed it directly on the fat man's face.


The fat man shivered, his swollen face could no longer tell whether his eyes were open or closed.

"Fatty man, what will you answer when I ask you next? Do you understand?" Mo Qingxuan stepped on the chest of the fat man and said viciously, "If you dare to tell a lie, I guarantee that you will have a very happy day today. I'm sorry, just nod if you understand."

The fat man nodded his head with great difficulty.

"Why do you want to escape?" Mo Qingxuan glanced away from the corner of his eye, just in time to see the sailor tiptoeing back.

"No... I didn't..."

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll give you a ride." As he spoke, a handful of darts had already condensed on Mo Qingxuan's fingertips.

call out.

The sailor watched the dart entering his body helplessly, and fell down before he even had time to shout.

"Did you see? Fatty, think about what you should say, or I guarantee that you will die a hundred times worse than him." Mo Qingxuan kicked the fat man hard again before giving up.

cough cough cough.

The fat man coughed a few times and spit out five or six mouthfuls of blood before he recovered. He moaned weakly. This feeling was really too painful.

"Let me ask you, where did the leopard that was on the boat with me go?"

"I asked someone to feed it...cough An Mian powder...then..." After being beaten up by Mo Qingxuan, coupled with the extreme fear in his heart, the fat man spoke intermittently, among which was not Coughing, "After that, someone threw it into the sea..."

"Bastard!" Mo Qingxuan became agitated all of a sudden, and kicked the fat man one after another.

"Qingxuan, don't get excited, let him finish talking." Hua Qingchen held back Mo Qingxuan, obviously the fat man still had something to say, "Where did you leave that leopard?"

The fat man shook his head.

"Night had fallen that day, so we didn't know..."

Hearing this news, Mo Qingxuan's heart almost collapsed, two lines of tears gushed out.

Picture after picture of getting along with the baby appeared in Mo Qingxuan's mind.

"Mother, call me baby from now on."

"Mother, you go first, I'll block you here."

"Mother, you practiced so crazy that you don't want to play with the baby anymore."

"Mother, I'm so tired, I want to sleep..."

"Mother, I can protect you."

However, all of this is just a memory, and there is no baby anymore.

"Where are you, baby!" Mo Qingxuan yelled heartbreakingly.

"Baby, you are definitely not dead, you are definitely not dead..."

Mo Qingxuan called the baby in her heart over and over again, but there was no response from the baby.

The connection between the two seems to have disappeared.

The only reason for the disappearance of this kind of induction is that one of the people or pets died.

However, Mo Qingxuan was fine!
If the baby died, then Mo Qingxuan would definitely be seriously injured.

This was also the reason why Mo Qingxuan insisted that the baby was not dead, but where did the baby go?

Seeing Mo Qingxuan's pain, Hua Qingchen felt ripples in his heart.

Casually stuck the sword in your hand into the fat man's chest, it's all because of you fat man!

"Qingxuan..." Hua Qingchen walked over, trying to help Mo Qingxuan who was sitting on the ground.

"You go! You go! I want my baby!"

"Qingxuan, cheer up! Stop making trouble for no reason, the baby is already dead!" Hua Qingchen also roared.

At that moment, Mo Qingxuan's voice stopped abruptly, she stared at Hua Qingchen, and just stared at it.

Such a strange Hua Qingchen, so strange!
Hualuobo, you have changed a lot.

"Get lost! Don't follow me anymore!" Mo Qingxuan got up angrily and walked to the side.

"Qingxuan!" Hua Qingchen grabbed Mo Qingxuan's hand.

Mo Qingxuan stopped under her feet, turned her head and gave Hua Qingchen a hard look.

"Hua Qingchen, I will repay you for saving my life in the future."

Mo Qingxuan left this sentence without looking back, she was already extremely disappointed with Hua Qingchen in her heart, and she had nothing to miss.

"Qingxuan..." Hua Qingchen didn't understand what he did wrong, and was about to chase forward.

"Brother Qingchen, it's time to go to Tianxuan Academy soon." Hua Qi reminded.

Hua Qingchen paused, but after all, he didn't catch up.

"Qingxuan, I'm at Tianxuan Academy, come to me if you need anything!" Hua Qingchen shouted.

Hua Qingchen felt that there was a force to stand in the position of Huazong instead of paying too much attention to the personal relationship of her children.

"The choice is right after all." Mo Qingxuan shook her head and continued to walk forward.

Mo Qingxuan wandered into an alley, noticed Hua Qingchen and the others had left, and then continued towards the pier.

"Baby, I must find you." Mo Qingxuan was determined in her heart that she must find the baby.

Where can I find it?Naturally, go to the sea.

Although there was no reply from the baby, Mo Qingxuan still did not give up.

Maybe, if you get closer, and get closer, you can hear the baby's echo.

Mo Qingxuan boarded the fat man's boat and went straight to sea. As for the so-called Tianxuan Academy, just wait and see.

Mo Qingxuan was a little strenuous in driving this rather large boat at first, but she tried to control the direction of the boat with her mental power, and added some celestial power to control the speed of the boat.

Mo Qingxuan is probably the only one who sails like this.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know that this method would become the mainstream method of sailing on the mainland in the future, and it would unintentionally usher in a new era, but these are all things to come.

This kind of aimless search naturally couldn't find out why, Mo Qingxuan still didn't give up, but looking at the endless sea level, Mo Qingxuan also understood that going on like this was not an option.

"Maybe we need to change the method." Mo Qingxuan murmured, taking a deep breath.

Gritting his teeth, he jumped.

The bitingly cold sea water invaded Mo Qingxuan for a moment, and Mo Qingxuan immediately wrapped herself in immortal energy, and felt better.

At this time, a few bells sounded in Profound Sky City.

The bell didn't ring, but it spread to every corner of Profound Sky City.

The people walking couldn't help but stop to listen, and they all knew that the grand event in Profound Sky City was about to start again.

This grand event is naturally the Tianxuan Academy's recruiting conference.

Crowds of old people began to rush towards the central square of Profound Sky City.

Hua Qingchen took the flowers up and down and naturally went there.

"Qingxuan, I hope you can come to Tianxuan Academy to find me." Hua Qingchen looked back reluctantly, but found no miracle.

Then, he walked quickly to the central square.

There is already a sea of ​​people on the huge square, and I don't know what can attract so many people to watch.

On the edge of the center, there are four plain robes standing at the four corners, with intricate seals in their hands, chanting words in their mouths, just like offering sacrifices.


Suddenly, the very center was filled with brilliance, and the colorful colors spread to the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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