Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 139 Sky-defying leap, teleportation array

Chapter 139 Sky-defying leap, teleportation array
Boom boom boom.

A loud noise came from the ground, as if something was about to come out of the ground.

The sound lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and there were already some things in the center of the square.

There are some stone pillars under each of the four old men, which look ancient and mysterious.

The black stone pillars are engraved with mysterious runes, and the four stone pillars exist independently and are not connected.

The four old men looked at each other, nodded in unison, and then poured immortal power into the stone pillar below them at the same time.

With the infusion of celestial power, the pitch-black stone pillar began to change.

Lines of light that can be seen with the naked eye appeared between the stone pillars, and those lights seemed to have a special route.

After a while, these rays of light gathered together.

At the moment of gathering, the four corners shot a ray of light to the middle at the same time, and at this time the seal knots in the hands of the four old men were changed again.

Slowly, the gathered light spots gradually expanded with the enlightened surface.

A door-like thing appeared in the center, but the inside of the door was pitch black.

"Elder Yiyuan, it's okay." After the door was stabilized, an old man said to the people beside him.

Na Yiyuan is the person in charge of recruiting new students at Tianxuan Academy.

"Students, after entering the teleportation formation, I hope you don't make any moves, just follow your instructor!" Yiyuan shouted, "A group of ten people, there will be a dedicated instructor in charge of these later, All you have to do is to obey what the instructor said! Do you understand!"

"Understood!" Thousands of people shouted in unison.

"Let's start." Yi Yuan instructed the people around him again.

These people are the mentors in charge of this freshman class.

To enter Tianxuan Academy, one must pass through this teleportation array.

And Tianxuan Academy has already had a list of enrolled students, and this is used to weed out the mixed people.

The verification is very simple, it only needs to drop a drop of blood, and it can be automatically identified.

Therefore, the first batch was made quickly by individuals.

A mentor in front led ten people towards the teleportation array.

With a powerful spiritual force, the instructor wrapped up the ten new students behind him, and after finishing all this, he raised his head and nodded.

One of the old men above changed his hand knot again.

The door suddenly sucked these people in with a huge suction force, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Many of the people in the back had seen such a thing for the first time, so there was eagerness in their eyes.

"Don't worry!" It's not the first time Yiyuan came to receive freshmen, and he suppressed the rioting freshmen with a burst of shouting.

Hua Qingchen was still at the end of the line, and the line was still moving forward like a turtle.

"Brother Qingchen, I didn't expect to meet you here." A clear voice sounded behind Hua Qingchen.

"Junior Sister Xuetong!" Hua Qingchen was also surprised, "Junior Sister Xuetong, why didn't I see you this time when I went back to Huazong?"

Shangguan Xuetong smiled wryly.Shaking his head, he said slowly, "I'm going home."

"Oh, so that's the case." Hua Qingchen already knew that there was a huge family behind Xuetong, so he didn't show much surprise.

"Why is Senior Brother Qingchen also coming to Tianxuan Academy?" Shangguan Xuetong asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty said so."

Shangguan Xuetong nodded, she was curious why she didn't see Mo Qingxuan.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.



"Hehe, Junior Sister Xuetong, let's talk first." Hua Qingchen smiled, since she hadn't seen Xuetong for a long time, she really didn't know what to say.

"No, Brother Qingchen just tell me if you have anything to say." Xuetong lowered her head slightly, playing with her fingers.

"I'm just curious, why is Tianxuan Academy so attractive today, you see, many acquaintances are there." Hua Qingchen said in a low voice.

Following the direction Hua Qingchen pointed, Shangguan Xuetong looked around.

Really, young talents from all sides have come.

It seems that Tianxuan Academy is destined to be restless this day.

"Senior brother Qingchen, I don't know either." Naturally, Shangguan Xuetong would not say that he had been appointed internally, and that someone came to her house to find her directly.

When going out, Shangguanhong had already told her not to reveal this matter to anyone.

"Let's go, Junior Sister Xuetong, it's our turn." Hua Qingchen nodded, and didn't dwell too much on this topic.

And if you don't pay attention, it will be their turn.

Although Hua Qingchen is a disciple sent by the Dazong, it is not the first time to use the teleportation array. The Huazong's Tongxianya was transported in through the teleportation array.

However, Huazong and other sects did not arrange such an external teleportation array for fear of revealing the location of the mountain gate.

In this way, Hua Qingchen was using this for the first time.

With her eyes slightly closed, feeling the strong wind, Hua Qingchen could feel that she was moving forward at full speed.

Sure enough, it is a very mysterious thing. No one can arrange this teleportation array in the world, and these existing ones are all ancient stocks.

Slowly, a bright spot appeared ahead, and it seemed that the destination was about to arrive.

Sure enough, not long after, a huge pulling force hit him.

"Don't resist!" The mentor who led the team reminded, "Let nature take its course!"

Those who had just planned to resist with all their strength quickly gave up. If there was any trouble, they would be dead after they got out.

After coming out, I found that it was also in a square, which must be the Tianxuan Academy.

On the other side, Yiyuan was in a hurry.

There is no other reason, but because there is one less person.

The list in his hand was suddenly lit up with green lights, which indicated that the new students had already arrived.

Only Mo Qingxuan's name was still a red light.

It's okay for others, but this person was hand-picked by the person above, so it's strange that Yiyuan is not in a hurry.

"Yiyuan, haven't you come yet!" said the old man just now again.

Yiyuan smiled wryly and shook his head.

"The few of us can last 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes we have to leave no matter what."

It takes a lot of power to activate the teleportation array and maintain it.

Hearing this news, Yi Yuan's expression changed.

"Yes, Yiyuan understands." Yiyuan was praying in his heart that Mo Qingxuan would come quickly, otherwise it would not be so easy to go to Tianxuan Academy if he missed the teleportation array.

10 minutes passed quietly.

"It's time for Yiyuan to leave, that person should live in peace."

Yi Yuan had no choice but to enter the teleportation array, and the four old men followed suit.

The teleportation array on the square slowly disappeared in the eyes of these bystanders.

That Mo Qingxuan had been in the sea for half an hour, but there was still no trace of the baby, and the icy sea water was still attacking her.

Mo Qingxuan took out the Returning Qi Pill, swallowed it in one gulp, and the full amount of immortal energy entered his body again, and Mo Qingxuan felt better.

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan seemed to hear a baby calling in her heart.

After hesitating for a while, Mo Qingxuan swam deeper...

(End of this chapter)

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