Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 140 Outsmarting the Turtle, It's Thrilling

Chapter 140 Outsmarting the Turtle, It's Thrilling
Mo Qingxuan faintly felt that someone was calling her in the depths of the sea, the aura was very similar to that of a baby.

Mo Qingxuan saw that he still had some Huiqi Pills, so he decided to go down and take a look. It would be good to have them, and he should be able to return to sea level without relying on these Huiqi Pills.

The fairy air shield separates Mo Qingxuan from the water, and Mo Qingxuan can better see the world in the sea.

As it slowly went deeper, Mo Qingxuan found that the light was getting weaker and weaker, and finally couldn't see clearly at all.

Struggling to take out a moon stone, Mo Qingxuan's surroundings brightened again, which made her slightly relieved.

After all, the moon stone's light range is limited, so the world in the sea that Mo Qingxuan sees is still dark.

Mo Qingxuan could only move forward in the dark, not having time to collide with some huge fish, which made Mo Qingxuan have to go back a little.

Fortunately, these fish are not very vicious, after being touched by Mo Qingxuan and the light of the moon stone, they stayed away from Mo Qingxuan.

"It turns out that the bottom of the sea is like this, baby, you must be scared, right? Don't be afraid, mother will come to find you right away." Mo Qingxuan murmured.

The water is fairly calm, but Mo Qingxuan can feel that the sea water is trying to flow in one direction, it must be an undercurrent.

Mo Qingxuan floated up slightly, dodging the undercurrent.

Mo Qingxuan rushed into a school of fish in no time.

With the bright light shining, the fish scattered away, and Mo Qingxuan felt a little fond of this place, it was so interesting!

She couldn't help but stop and started playing with the fish.

Among thousands of fish, there are always some fish that are not afraid of death.

These young fishes slowly swam up to Mo Qingxuan, looking curiously at the moon stone in Mo Qingxuan's hand.

Mo Qingxuan wanted to touch these fish gently, but before touching them, these cunning fish disappeared.

As Mo Qingxuan moved forward, these fish actually began to follow her.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know that such a large school of fish is often a delicious meal for some big fish.

After swimming forward for a while, Mo Qingxuan suddenly found that these fish started to behave abnormally, and they started to swim forward at a high speed.

Is there something behind me?
Mo Qingxuan stopped, and was about to turn around to see what happened.


Mo Qingxuan let out a muffled cry, and her body was hit hard.

It's over, it's overdone.

Mo Qingxuan began to adjust her posture, facing the strange thing behind her.

Throwing the moon stone forward heavily, Mo Qingxuan didn't see anything as the light slowly sank.

However, the reflective thing seemed to be an eye, a very, very big eye.

A thought came to Mo Qingxuan's mind: run away quickly.

Naturally, it is impossible to escape forward, the only way is to float upward.

Mo Qingxuan slowly lowered her feet to release her immortal energy, and with that thrust, her body began to go upwards.

The strange thing seemed to have sensed something strange, and it jumped forward.

A huge bubble rushed up, sending Mo Qingxuan upwards.

Unexpectedly, the blow of this strange thing made Mo Qingxuan escape.

Mo Qingxuan also felt that this strange thing was really too big, and under the water, Mo Qingxuan's strength had to be cut in half at least, and she couldn't use it at all.

Just escaping, Mo Qingxuan began to swim upstream with all her strength.

Slowly, light appeared in front of Mo Qingxuan's eyes.

That strange thing also followed, and with the help of the faint light, Mo Qingxuan discovered that this thing was actually a big turtle!
What a scary turtle!

It was obvious that the tortoise had already regarded Mo Qingxuan as a delicious meal.

Mo Qingxuan began to practice darts. This underwater work is really not that easy, and it will cost more than twice the immortal power of Mo Qingxuan.

After the condensing was completed, Mo Qingxuan threw it without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, the huge tortoise rolled over, and the huge ripples made it difficult for the dart to move forward. This move was useless.

Since it doesn't work, what are you waiting for, run away quickly!

Mo Qingxuan managed to get her head out of the sea level, but there was nothing on the sea level.

What about the boat!

Mo Qingxuan looked around and only saw the sails of the boat. Mo Qingxuan didn't expect that he would go so far after playing with the fish just now.


Mo Qingxuan screamed, it turned out that the old tortoise pushed his head hard and threw Mo Qingxuan into the air.

The old tortoise immediately opened its mouth, waiting for the delicious food to enter its throat.

Mo Qingxuan, who left the water, naturally had a much happier speed.

Mo Qingxuan really seemed to thank the old turtle for wanting to eat her chicly.

"Look at the dart." Mo Qingxuan shouted loudly, "The best flower soul: Vientiane!"

Immediately condensed in the hands except for darts, I don't know how many times faster than in the water.

Mo Qingxuan threw the dart into the old turtle's mouth without hesitation. Mo Qingxuan was not stupid enough to attack its shell, and it just opened its mouth at this moment.


Mo Qingxuan has already mastered the first form of the flower soul. Although she has not reached the ultimate level, it is not far away.

It's time to practice the second style.

The old tortoise closed its mouth in pain. At this time, Mo Qingxuan just fell down.

The soles of her feet lightly tapped the old turtle's head, and Mo Qingxuan lightly landed on the turtle's back.

After soaking in the water for so long, it is good to bask in the sun on the back of the turtle.

The old tortoise recovered from that blow in a short while, but this blow also completely irritated it.

Immediately afterwards, the old turtle dived into the water quickly, and Mo Qingxuan became unsteady and fell into the sea.

At that moment, Mo Qingxuan's exposed hand immediately condensed a knife.

However, this made Mo Qingxuan also drink a few mouthfuls of seawater, and Mo Qingxuan coughed a few times due to choking.

On the other side, the tortoise started to attack Mo Qingxuan again.

Mo Qingxuan held the knife in his hand, so he had to chop randomly.

The heavy waves made her unstable at all.

The old turtle also rushed towards Mo Qingxuan according to the momentum of the wave, but Mo Qingxuan had no time to resist.

Mo Qingxuan's physical strength was getting lower and lower, and she was already feeling very tired.

And now, a worse situation has emerged.

Mo Qingxuan found that there was only one Huiqi Pill left. Without the Huiqi Pill, if the old turtle didn't eat it, he would be buried in the vast sea.

And there are no merchant ships here at all.

Now I just need to take care of this old tortoise, and then use the last energy recovery pill to return to that boat.

This was the only way Mo Qingxuan could think of.

But come on, this weird thing is not so easy.

The old tortoise seemed to have endless strength, and kept pestering Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan was finally tired, so she gritted her teeth and fought with you old fellow!
A return to Qi pill was swallowed into the mouth!
Then Mo Qingxuan discovered a mental attack from the Nascent Soul attacking the old turtle.

"Yeah, mother, why did you forget Xiao Yin? People don't care about you."

Mo Qingxuan became excited when she heard the familiar coquettish voice.

"Little Yin, you're actually awake!"

yah yah...

(End of this chapter)

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