Chapter 142 Step by Step, Go Forward
It was only then that Mo Qingxuan realized that if the person who missed out still wanted to enter the academy, he had to rely on his own ability.

Hearing Ao Gen's words, Mo Qingxuan froze for a moment.

"Afraid? What's there to be afraid of?"

"Hehe, since that's the case, then you and I will go for a ride together!" Ao Gen stomped his feet, and landed on the shore before the boat was steady.

Mo Qingxuan shook her head helplessly, she really knows how to pretend to be thirteen!
I inadvertently looked back at the boat, as if I had seen it somewhere.

Isn't this something you can drive yourself?

"Strange guy, I wonder where he got the boat from." Mo Qingxuan raised her fist and followed.

Tianxuan Academy.

"Dean, that freshman named Mo Qingxuan has not arrived at Tianxuan Academy." Elder Yiyuan said respectfully.

The person seated above was the dean of Tianxuan Academy. If Mo Qingxuan was here, she would definitely be surprised by the old man's face.

Because he was the Jian Yunchen who walked with him and saved her life.

"What!" Jian Yunchen patted the table heavily, "How is that possible! I clearly saw her board the merchant ship coming to Profound Sky City!"

"Go back to the dean, but when I received the freshmen, I didn't see the Mo Qingxuan you mentioned, and Mo Qingxuan didn't take the teleportation array to come to this courtyard." Yiyuan explained, he can understand Jian Yunchen's Temper, get angry, and the relatives will deny it!
"Investigate! Let me investigate!" Jian Yunchen said angrily, this is what the person told him to take care of, if Mo Qingxuan was not found, Tianxuan Academy might be demolished this day.

"Yes yes yes, I'll go right away." Without wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Yi Yuan ran away.

"and many more……"

"Ah? Dean, what else do you need to order?" Yi Yuan's heart rose to his throat again.

"It seems unnecessary..." Jian Yunchen smiled appreciatively, "I want to see if the two of you can break through."

"The dean means that Mo Qingxuan intends to come up with her own strength?" Yi Yuan tentatively asked.

"Yeah." Jian Yunchen nodded thoughtfully, "Look, if something happens, I'll take your skin off."

"Yes!" Yi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, it was much better than before.

As long as you can see a little bit, you will be fine, but the road up the mountain is not so easy to walk.

Mo Qingxuan and Ao Gen entered from the south gate of Tianxuan City and exited from the north gate. After traveling for half an hour, they arrived at the foot of the mountain of Tianxuan Academy.

Looking up, the fairy mist is curling up, and the sea of ​​clouds is churning. It is indeed a fairyland.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Seeing Mo Qingxuan's bewildered appearance, Ao Gen couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Mo Qingxuan nodded heavily.

"But here is a beautiful trap. On this section of the road, monsters can be seen everywhere, and there are many poisonous things hidden in the dark." Ao Chen said seriously, obviously he was also a little afraid of this place.

"Then what do we do?"

"Come on." Ao Gen smiled, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Eh? No!" Mo Qingxuan seemed to have seen some clues, "Why are you so clear, are you a student of Tianxuan Academy?"

"Hey, I won't tell you." Ao Gen turned around and made a face, and walked forward first.

"Hey...huh!" Mo Qingxuan stomped her feet angrily, her mouth pouting.

But think about it, although this guy's back looks a bit like Ye Shuo, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Shuo to have such a personality.

It is easy to change a person's face, but it is more difficult to change his character.

My life, Mo Qingxuan, is so lucky, why are there always so many handsome young men in my arms.

"Miss Qingxuan, if you don't come up again, I will leave you here alone to feed the wolves..."

Suddenly, Ao Gen's voice stopped abruptly. Mo Qingxuan was very surprised, and then Ao Gen's scolding voice came again.

"Damn, there are really wolves...Qingxuan, wait."


Mo Qingxuan was really amused by him.

"Master Ao, don't be eaten by the big bad wolf..." Mo Qingxuan shouted towards the mountain.


Mo Qingxuan jumped and chased after her.

By the time Mo Qingxuan walked up, Ao Gen already had an extra beast pill in his hand.

Grey, three stripes.

Since this guy killed a third-rank monster in the blink of an eye.

"What are you stupid, here you are, let's play with it!" Ao Gen said and threw the demon pill in his hand.

"Eh... bloody, I don't want it." Mo Qingxuan hit back directly.

"I don't want such good things." Ao Gen shook his head and said meaningfully, "You will know its power when you come to the academy."

"You are indeed a student of Tianxuan Academy, maybe it's better to call you a senior!"

Ao Gen was taken aback, thinking that this girl is quite smart.

"Cut, it's up to you." Ao Gen was acquiesced.

"Senior Ao Gen, wait for me, I'm afraid..."

"Don't wait, you come after me."

A sound of laughter spread all over the place, and the two happily walked up.

On top of a treetop.

"That guy is here, it seems that there is no need to worry so much." However, Yi Yuan still did not relax his vigilance.

Along the way, Mo Qingxuan and Ao Gen didn't encounter any danger, and went forward happily.

But Ao Gen knew in his heart that this was just entering the mountain range, and the greater danger was yet to come.


"Senior Ao Gen, what's the matter?" Seeing Ao Gen's weird expression, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help asking.

"I feel a dangerous breath."

Mo Qingxuan came out with consciousness and probed around, but didn't feel anything unusual.

"No, Senior Ao Gen."

Ao Gen didn't speak, but shook his head, and then pulled Mo Qingxuan down.

The two squatted in the hollow, motionless.

Not long after, an earth-shattering sound resounded through the world.


Mo Qingxuan screamed in fright at the sudden voice.

Ao Gen covered Mo Qingxuan's mouth with his hands in an instant, but it was still a step too late.

"Be careful, go quickly." Ao Gen pulled up and fled to the side without saying a word.

As soon as he left that place, a huge monster rushed over.

"It's actually a liger!" Seeing the appearance of that monster, Ao Gen was very surprised, how could such a monster come to such a place.

The liger not only has the face of a lion, but also has tiger stripes on its body. This is a demon beast at the level of a demon king.

Even Ao Gen had a hard time fighting.

"I'm sorry." Mo Qingxuan slightly lowered her head, if she hadn't screamed, the ligers would not have noticed them.

Obviously, Mo Qingxuan shifted the responsibility to herself.

"It's okay, it's none of your business." Ao Gen patted Mo Qingxuan on the back, and comforted him, "Don't blame yourself, if you meet us, fight!"


"Come on, let's fight together, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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