Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 143 Wisdom Fighting Monster Beast, Liger Beast

Chapter 143 Wisdom Fighting Monster Beast, Liger Beast
Mo Qingxuan couldn't help but lose his mind, no one had ever said such things to her in such a tone.

"Hello." Ao Gen stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, "We have to stay here if we lose our minds."

"Pfft..." Mo Qingxuan was amused again.

"Hurry up, get ready to fight." Ao Gen touched Mo Qingxuan's head, and then he became serious.

"En." The grudge in Mo Qingxuan's heart dissipated.

Facing this monster that has stepped into the rank of Demon King is no small matter.

Before Ao Gen could make a move, Mo Qingxuan went away with a mental attack.

Suffering the sudden mental attack from this blow, the liger suddenly went berserk.

"The strength is still too low..." Mo Qingxuan couldn't help muttering.

The most flower soul: Vientiane!
Immediately, more than ten darts were shot from Mo Qingxuan's hand at the same time.

These darts galloped towards the liger.

Ao Gen was dumbfounded by Mo Qingxuan's move, as expected he had misjudged himself.

"Senior Ao Gen, what are you doing so stupidly! Hit!" Mo Qingxuan anxiously said from the side.

"Oh." Ao Gen smiled awkwardly, and started to fight.

Flame of the Sea: Triangular Halberd!
Ao Gen shouted loudly, and a triangular halberd appeared in his hand, and that halberd was actually covered with blue flames.

"It's so beautiful!" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help saying.

"Its power is more beautiful, look at mine!"

As he spoke, Ao Gen rushed up and got entangled with the liger.

The gorgeous blue flames evolved into beautiful pictures with Ao Gen's figure, making people feel that this is not a battle at all, but more like an appreciation of art.


The ligers and tigers started to go mad from being burned by Ao Gen's flames, and Ao Gen also became strenuous.

Backing back again and again, Ao Gen began to use the advantage of the triangular halberd commander.

Although the triangular halberd was long and deep, it didn't look awkward in Ao Gen's hands at all. On the contrary, people couldn't help but praise each move.

Ao Gen fully displayed the power of the triangular halberd.

Suddenly, the liger stopped and forcibly took a blow from Ao Gen.

But the moment the triangular halberd touched the liger, the liger slammed into Ao Gen.

"No!" Ao Gen yelled secretly, but it was too late to dodge.


Ao Gen was directly knocked into the air by this blow, and a mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

Mo Qingxuan didn't have time to hesitate, when the giant claws of the liger slammed down on Ao Gen, a long sword appeared in his hand and stabbed directly at the liger.


The long sword pierced deeply into the liger's body. In an instant, Mo Qingxuan appeared with a knife in his other hand, and chopped off the liger's head fiercely.

One sword and one knife, the connection is extremely in place, this first form Mo Qingxuan has improved again!

The liger directly raised its front paw to block the knife, and also made the sound of heavy metal colliding.

"Damn, the skin is so thick!" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help cursing.

"Qingxuan, be careful!"

Hearing Ao Gen's reminder, Mo Qingxuan backed away.

But the liger gave up on Ao Gen directly, and chased after Mo Qingxuan.

"Roar!" Mo Qingxuan also imitated the ligers and roared, as if mocking it.

Sure enough, the ligers were furious, and a demon beast of the demon king rank was tricked by a female doll. Do monsters really have no dignity?
Seeing that the ligers really messed up, Mo Qingxuan felt that her trick had succeeded, and immediately gave Ao Gen a wink.

Ao Gen nodded, and began to prepare for his strongest blow.

At this time, a vast amount of spiritual power gushed out from Mo Qingxuan's body, overwhelming the ligers and tigers.

A stab of pain spread through the liger's mind.

It was too late, but at the moment when the liger and tiger panicked, Ao Gen pierced it with a halberd.

"Explosion!" Ao Gen's mouth moved slightly.

Bang bang bang.

Mo Qingxuan looked at all this in surprise, and it was still possible to do this.

The liger was blown to pieces by the explosion from the triangular halberd, so naturally it couldn't continue to live in this world.

Mo Qingxuan and Ao Gen heaved a sigh of relief when they saw the liger and tiger falling down.

"Are you okay, Qingxuan?"

"Are you okay, Ao Genxue..."

The two spoke in unison, but neither of them could say the rest of the words.

"Pfft...why are you looking at me?" Mo Qingxuan embarrassedly lowered her head.

"Qingxuan, so you are so powerful, thank you for saving my life." If it wasn't for Mo Qingxuan's restraint just now, Ao Gen's head would have been blown off.

"Senior Ao Gen, you are not bad either."

"Hey." Ao Gen said in his heart, if Mo Qingxuan knew that he had such a consequence because of being handsome, he didn't know what would happen.

Originally this could be done easily, but Ao Gen made it so complicated by playing handsome.

Ao Gen naturally kept this matter to himself, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

Ao Gen didn't know that Elder Yiyuan on the mountain had already burst into laughter.

"I didn't expect even this Ao Gen to show up. Things seem to be fun. It seems necessary to report to the dean." Yi Yuan thought for a while and walked towards the dean.

When Jian Yunchen heard the news, he couldn't help feeling amused.

"Elder Yiyuan, pass it on, just say that the freshmen meeting will be postponed by one day."

"Yes, Dean."

Seeing Yiyuan go out, Jian Yunchen showed a smile on his face.

"I don't know how far you can go." Jian Yunchen shook his head.

Ao Gen and Mo Qingxuan planned to stay there for a while and wait until their strength returned to its peak before leaving.

After all, there is still a long way to go, and there are countless monsters, no one knows what will suddenly pop up in the future.

"Senior Ao Gen, what are you doing?" Mo Qingxuan saw Ao Gen squatting beside the corpse of the liger and tiger, and wondered what he was doing.

"Of course I'm looking for a demon pill, do you want it? Hehe." Ao Gen joked.

"No." Mo Qingxuan was not interested in that dirty thing at all.

It took a long time before Ao Gen made a demon pill from the minced meat, his face was very excited.

Mo Qingxuan deeply despised him.

"Okay, let's go Qingxuan." Ao Gen said.

"You don't need to recover your strength?" Mo Qingxuan was very surprised. Could it be that this guy didn't consume any energy from the fight just now?
"It's ready." Ao Gen said.

"Ah?" Mo Qingxuan was very surprised, this is simply a freak.

"I'm lying to you, but I think we should hurry, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with tomorrow's freshman meeting."

"Freshman meeting?" Mo Qingxuan was very puzzled when she heard this word, and couldn't help asking.

"You don't know?" Ao Gen was very surprised.

"En." Mo Qingxuan nodded.

"Then why did you come to Tianxuan Academy? To play?" Ao Gen became more and more interested in this Mo Qingxuan, and this little girl actually came to the Tianxuan Academy's freshmen meeting without knowing it.

"How do you know I'm here to play?" Mo Qingxuan smiled.


"Hehe, I'm lying to you. I was entrusted here."

(End of this chapter)

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