Chapter 173 Goodbye Ao Gen, Arena

Hearing this name, Mo Qingxuan slowly put down the knife in his hand.

It's not that Mo Qingxuan is afraid of him, it's just that Mo Qingxuan has been waiting for a chance to step down, so naturally she can't kill Bai Cheng.

"So it's Gang Leader Bai, hehe, then I'll ask you to go back and discipline Bai Cheng." Mo Qingxuan raised his foot and kicked Bai Cheng over.

Bai Cheng was unsteady, and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, someone nearby quickly helped him up, otherwise he would definitely not be able to stand up by himself, because Bai Cheng's legs were still shaking.

"It's really useless." Bai Can whispered, he was not so arrogant in front of Bai Shan.

At this moment, Bai Shan walked in and glared at Bai Can angrily.

When he turned his head to look at Mo Qingxuan again, Bai Shan had a smiling face again.

I have to say that Bai Shan is a chameleon, extremely cunning.

But in other words, if you don't even have this mood, it's not enough to provoke the leader of the Bai Gang.

"Senior Baishan, Qingxuan has something to do today, so I won't chat with you here, and I will chat with senior Baishan later if I have a chance." Mo Qingxuan smiled slightly, "Jing Tian, ​​let's go. "

After Mo Qingxuan finished speaking, she walked outside regardless of Bai Shan's expression.

"Wait, Junior Qingxuan, isn't it, this matter is not so easy."

"Hehe, it turns out that senior Baishan knows Qingxuan's name." Mo Qingxuan smiled sweetly, but her mind was always thinking of ways to escape.

"It's like thunder, the genius everyone calls!"

"Then you're still stopping me? I'll beat you." Mo Qingxuan bought a cute, while signaling to Jing Tian and the others that they wanted to leave.

"I really underestimated you, but your current strength is not worthy of saying these things in front of me." Bai Shan's face changed, "Stop me!"

"You..." Mo Qingxuan didn't need to give Bai Shan a good look.

Although Baishan's strength cannot be seen, but Mo Qingxuan can't believe that he can't leave if he fights the old man!
"What's the noise?" A majestic voice suddenly appeared.

Hearing this voice, the faces of all the people present changed, obviously they knew who was coming.

"Did you call?" Bai Shan narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hehe, there are so many of you bullying me, a weak girl, and you have to call in reinforcements." Mo Qingxuan looked out, and saw Deacon Li, "Deacon Li, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Deacon Li waved his hand, and couldn't help but smile wryly. It turned out that this Mo Qingxuan was the person the dean specially wanted to take care of.

"Deacon Li, I'm sorry..." Bai Shan could only bow down and apologize when he saw the person coming.

"Hmph." Deacon Li didn't give Baishan and the others a good look, "You bastards, want to demolish my place?"

"I'm sorry, Deacon Li." All the members of the Bai Gang on the field lowered their heads.

As for Bai Cheng, he had already mixed into the crowd.

Deacon Li glanced away, and after a while, he found the two brothers Jing Tianjing who had been injured.

"What did you do?" Deacon Li asked resolutely.

There was silence on the court, no one dared to speak.

"Deacon Li, among the students..."

"That's enough, senior Baishan." Baishan was about to explain, but was interrupted by Mo Qingxuan, "Since Deacon Li is here, I think it is necessary to talk about the compensation issue, otherwise it would be bad to make trouble with the dean gone."

Deacon Li's expression changed. He didn't expect Mo Qingxuan to use the dean to suppress him, but he felt nothing.

Standing on the side of Mo Qingxuan, she might be able to soar into the sky one day.

"Well, student Qingxuan is right. Do you think it is a private chat or I will deal with it impartially. There is also that boy Bai Cheng in the dark. Don't think that I didn't find you. You are forbidden to appear here." The deacon discovered the existence of Bai Cheng, but he also received a lot of benefits from Bai Shan, so he didn't say anything about it.

As a result, Mo Qingxuan was so aggressive that Deacon Li had no choice but to speak out.

The more he listened, Bai Shan's face became darker, but after a while a smiling face appeared again.

"Brother Bai Cheng, since others already know of your existence, why are you still hiding it?"

Bai Cheng walked out very decadent, but fortunately, Mo Qingxuan's main concern was not with him at this time.

When Mo Qingxuan first came to this academy, what he lacked most was the demon pill, so he could blackmail as much as he could at this time.

It will definitely come in handy in forming forces in the future.

"Senior Baishan, you haven't made a choice yet." Mo Qingxuan knew that the relationship was not well adjusted, so she was not polite.

"Hmph, it's good to be able to adjust in private, Qingxuan Xuemei can make a price."

"Two thousand demon pills." Mo Qingxuan said calmly, originally Mo Qingxuan wanted to say five thousand.

"Are you picking up demon pills anywhere?" Bai Shan was also jumped by the lion Mo Qingxuan, "Hmph, if you want so many, then let's go to the dean."

Deacon Li at the side gave Mo Qingxuan a look, indicating that enough is enough.

"One thousand and five."

"one thousand."

"Deal!" Mo Qingxuan said immediately.

Bai Shan regretted it in his heart, and he would definitely be able to reduce it further.

"You're ruthless." Bai Shan gritted his teeth, but he had already made up his mind to find a suitable time to get all these things back.

"Both each other, Senior Baishan, you have to be careful, don't let me overtake you, or I will pay back ten times the wounds on Jing Tianjing's body." Mo Qingxuan was like a rose with thorns at this time , who touches who!
"Hehe, it's too early for you to talk to the senior now." Bai Shan looked at Mo Qingxuan, but the strength of the late immortal stage.

"Then just wait and see." Mo Qingxuan secretly scolded Baishan for being an idiot in his heart.

But Baishan's strength is really not low, at least Mo Qingxuan hasn't figured it out yet, at least at the level of a spiritual being.

"Deacon Li, Bai Shan has something to ask." Bai Shan suddenly turned to look at Deacon Li.

"Tell me." For some reason, Deacon Li suddenly felt extremely disgusted with Bai Shan, especially with his current face.

"I want to fight Mo Qingxuan. If he wins, I will compensate her naturally. If she loses, not only will I not compensate, but I will also ask her to kneel in public and apologize to my gang."

"What! With your strength, you have the nerve to say such a thing." Deacon Li said angrily.

"She can also find a helper to replace her, I have no objection." After saying that, Bai Shan turned around, "Then I will wait for you in the arena."

"Bai Cheng will never be allowed to enter the Divine Cauldron Pagoda, and he will punish Bai Can not to enter the Divine Cauldron Pagoda for a month." Since Bai Shan has torn his face, he is not easy to provoke, Deacon Li.

After hearing this, Bai Cheng collapsed on the ground and was carried out by the members of the Bai gang.

After a while, only Mo Qingxuan and the others were left in the training room.

"Deacon Li, don't talk too much, I'll just take it on." Mo Qingxuan knew Deacon Li's difficulty, so before he could speak, Mo Qingxuan spoke out first.

After finishing speaking, he went to the arena with Jing Tian and the others.

And this news spread throughout the academy under the special propaganda of the Bai Gang.

Countless students went to the arena, but Bai Shan was an old student, he actually challenged the freshmen, everyone wanted to watch such a play.

Mo Qingxuan was also worried. It seemed that this was another vicious battle, but she was not afraid.

"Hey, why didn't you come to me." Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan was hit on the back.

When Mo Qingxuan turned her head, she was surprised to see the person coming.

"Senior Ao Gen!"

(End of this chapter)

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