Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 174 The list of wind and clouds, named Ao Gen

Chapter 174 The list of wind and clouds, named Ao Gen
Ao Gen smiled, he was naturally attracted by the commotion, otherwise he wouldn't appear often.

"Sister Qingxuan, you've done a good job. As soon as you came in, you were called the biggest genius in Tianxuan Academy." Ao Gen boasted bluntly.

This made Mo Qingxuan's face turn red, and she lowered her head slightly.

"Eh? Senior Ao Gen, is your injury healed?" Mo Qingxuan suddenly remembered something.

Hearing this, Ao Gen was sweating secretly, it was simply a scandal.

"Hush..." Ao Gen leaned closer to Mo Qingxuan's ear, "Don't say anything."

"Giggle..." Mo Qingxuan was amused and giggled, and the worry just now was gone.

In the distance, Deacon Li also followed.

That Baishan dog jumping over the wall threatened him with the past, which made Deacon Li very uncomfortable.

Therefore, if Mo Qingxuan can win, he will naturally feel better, so if he can help Mo Qingxuan a little, that's a little bit.

After all, Deacon Li felt a little guilty in his heart.

Looking from a distance, Ao Gen's figure appeared in Deacon Li's sight.

"This guy seems to know Mo Qingxuan. It would be great if he can help you." Deacon Li murmured, making up his mind immediately, and walked towards Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan and Ao Gen were chatting and laughing. Seeing Ao Gen like this, Mo Qingxuan couldn't bear to ask him for help, even though he guessed that Ao Gen was very strong.

"Ao Gen, why are you here, kid?"

"Deacon Li!" Ao Gen was a little excited when he saw the person coming. He hadn't seen Deacon Li for a long time. After all, Deacon Li had helped him a lot. "It's been a long time!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be interested in this." Looking at Ao Gen, Deacon Li's eyes were full of appreciation.

"Deacon Li, why are you here?" Mo Qingxuan's attitude towards Deacon Li was still very good, although he was very dissatisfied with some of his actions in the training room just now.

"I came over to take a look, I didn't expect you to know this Ao Gen."

Mo Qingxuan smiled, and then told Deacon Li about the process of their acquaintance.

"Qingxuan, it seems that Baishan can't win against you today."

"What! Deacon Li, do you mean that Qingxuan is competing with Baishan?" Although Ao Gen came here to watch, he didn't know the whole story.

The only thing she knew was that Mo Qingxuan would accept the challenge here.

"Yes." Deacon Li nodded.

"Hehe, it seems that Baishan's skin is also itchy." Ao Gen didn't seem to take Ao Gen seriously at all, "It's okay, I'll help you teach him later, I can beat the little Baishan .”

"Ah?" Mo Qingxuan was confused by Deacon Li and Ao Gen, and couldn't understand for a while.

Deacon Li at the side signaled that Mo Qingxuan was fine, this Baishan would never hurt Ao Gen.

Ao Gen also nodded.

There was no other way, Mo Qingxuan could only nod her head.

After chatting for a while, the three of them headed towards the arena.

At this time, the arena was already crowded with people, and it was obvious that many people were very interested in this unique game.

However, most of them brought other peonies, not just to enjoy the competition.

One of them is naturally to see Mo Qingxuan's strength, to see if there is a need to win her over.

The second is to look at Bai Shan's strength, after all he is the leader of the Bai Gang.

"Who am I? Originally, it was the leader of the Bai gang who set up the ring here." Ao Gen shouted loudly.

This sound made the field immediately silent, looking at the people in the field, they only had surprise in their eyes.

Who the hell is this newborn Mo Qingxuan, to be able to invite this god!
"Ao Gen!" Bai Shan couldn't believe his eyes.

After waiting for so long, Bai Shan also guessed that Mo Qingxuan might have moved the rescuers.

However, Bai Shan never expected that the person who came was actually Ao Gen!
"Hehe, Chief Bai, I'll help Qingxuan take over the ring." Ao Gen said indifferently, he really couldn't see Baishan bullying the young like this.

Selfishly, Mo Qingxuan is his friend.

"Hmph, Ao Gen really didn't expect you to make a move in this kind of competition, and you are not afraid of being laughed out of your teeth by those people."

"That's my business, whether I can come." Ao Gen stared at Baishan and said word by word.

For a cunning person like Bai Shan, it's better to be careful.

The people in the stands heard the conversation between the two, as if the game had changed, but the field was even more heated.

It is naturally more interesting to witness Ao Gen make a move.

"Bai Shan, promise!" Someone in the stands shouted.

It was as if sparks had touched dry grass, instantly igniting the atmosphere on the field!


More and more people on the field joined the ranks of shouting.

The sky-shattering shout didn't have much impact on Bai Shan, only seeing his face change slightly has no other effect.

This shows how thick-skinned Baishan is.

What puzzled Mo Qingxuan was why Ao Gen's appearance made such a big splash.

"Ao Gen, why is he still so popular!" Deacon Li stroked his graying beard and said calmly.

"Deacon Li, what's going on with Ao Gen?"

"Hey, I knew you would ask, Tianxuan Academy is not so boring today."

Tianxuan Academy holds a competition every three years, called the Billboard.

There are a total of ten people on the Billboard, and each of them is the best among the best, with a particularly high gold content.

Ao Gen was on the list.

Although the top ten people are said to have rankings, but strictly speaking, their strengths are all about the same.

That's why Ao Gen's appearance caused such a big commotion.

After all, it is not possible to meet the characters on this Billboard.

"This Yang Ruohan is a member of the Billboard..." Mo Qingxuan couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, she is not qualified enough yet." Deacon Li explained, "Although her talent is very good, if she wants to be on this ranking, she must be at least at the spirit level."


"However, Yang Ruoxuan, Yang Ruohan's sister, is on the list." Deacon Li added.

"Oh, when is Deacon Li's next Billboard competition?" Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan also became interested in this competition.

"One more year!"

a year? !

So familiar.

correct!The old man guarding the tower told Mo Qingxuan that he wanted to win the top ten in the competition held by this academy, so it seems that this is the competition.

It seems that he has to practice hard. I really don't know what secrets are hidden in the Divine Cauldron Pagoda.

On the ring, Bai Shan and Ao Gen were still facing each other, but they didn't fight.

This Bai Shan didn't dare to fight Ao Gen at all, because he was afraid of being beaten!

"Bai Gangzhu, what's the matter, you decide not to." Ao Gen didn't care, and urged from the side, "The big guys are waiting."

"This match is a must, but I won't make a move, and I hope you don't." Bai Shan finally said what was in his heart.

" should I put it?" Ao Gen wanted to see what kind of tricks Bai Shan was trying to play.

"Bai Can from my side, and Mo Qingxuan from your side, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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