Chapter 179 Windfall, Soul Power
Mo Qingxuan originally planned to practice, but when he was bored, he took out the Shennong cauldron to repair it.

The rust on the surface of the Shennong Ding has basically disappeared after Mo Qingxuan's careful removal over the past few months, and it was only then that Mo Qingxuan realized that the rust seemed to be a protective object.

But Mo Qingxuan couldn't figure out what the Shennong Ding lacked, because Mo Qingxuan felt that the Shennong Ding could not be used at all.

The old guard who met in the Shennong Pagoda a few days ago gave Mo Qingxuan a formula, saying that he was practicing Shennong Cauldron.

With a thought, Mo Qingxuan began to master the formula.

As Mo Qingxuan's lips moved slightly, she found that the soul power in her body began to circulate along a subtle circuit.

Like a treasure hunt, the faintly bright light zigzags and stretches forward.

But it's not that easy. Doing these seems to be supported by immortality.

In the middle, Mo Qingxuan suddenly paused, and all previous efforts were wasted.

Therefore, Mo Qingxuan became cautious and tried again.

Minutes and seconds passed, but there was nothing special at all.

This formula is useless at all, and drinking Shennong Ding can't be connected at all.

"Liar!" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help snorting angrily, was she tricked by that old tower guard?

Mo Qingxuan really couldn't figure it out, but there was nothing he could do.

It's useless to say anything, so I have to be appointed.

After that, Mo Qingxuan gave up and continued, but she was not reconciled.

"I want to see what you are!"

The formula started again, like the route just now, Mo Qingxuan walked carefully.

It's a maze!
Every time you reach a dead end, you have to start all over again.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan had to spend some time to recover her strength.

Taking advantage of these times, Mo Qingxuan kept thinking about what was going on, but couldn't figure it out.

"It seems that the soul realm has been slightly supplemented." This is the conclusion drawn by Mo Qingxuan.

One night, Mo Qingxuan did not know how many times she failed, but she never gave up.

Occasionally, however, she would say a few foul words.

Someone as elegant as Mo Qingxuan would utter foul language, so it's obvious that this thing is really irritating.

Once again, Mo Qingxuan started that formula again.

With some past experience, Mo Qingxuan basically knew some routes, and the fork in the road gradually decreased.

Suddenly, the thing that made Mo Qingxuan vomit blood again happened again, and the road ahead was blocked again.

"Damn! Break it for me!"

Mo Qingxuan was also angry, and Mo Qingxuan began to attack this blocking object.

How dare you stop me?Destroy me!

Streams of immortal energy began to rush forward, but this seemed to be far from enough.

Mo Qingxuan gritted her teeth and gathered a large cloud of immortal energy.

Break it for me!
The cloud of immortal energy rushed forward without any scruples as if it had heard an order.


Suddenly Mo Qingxuan gasped.

"Why the hell is it so painful!" Mo Qingxuan cursed.

stop stop stop!
I don't want to do it anymore!Give me a stop!
But this ball of fairy energy is out of control at all, like water that has been spilled, it is so difficult for you to get it back.

They didn't care what happened to Mo Qingxuan and continued to rush forward.

Beads of sweat were already oozing from Mo Qingxuan's forehead. It was really painful. The feeling was indescribable.

"Damn old man, what the hell is this!"


Mo Qingxuan felt a strange sound from her bones, what was going on here.

When he probed into the body again, Mo Qingxuan found that the barrier was about to break through.

Gritting her teeth, Mo Qingxuan continued to exert strength, and after a few impacts, the barrier was finally penetrated.

Like a reservoir for flood protection, the immortal energy rushed into it quickly.

Mo Qingxuan found that there seemed to be a space inside.

After looking at this tiny space, what appeared was a small sphere.

Surrounding this space, Mo Qingxuan found many things similar to doors, and looking at the place that came in, Mo Qingxuan was dumbfounded.

So much time wasted in vain, it turns out that every obstacle is an entrance.

"Damn it!" Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly, obviously very upset.

However, it seems that she is a bit stupid...

Don't care, don't care.

Mo Qingxuan found something like a silver ball in that center, and felt like he had seen it somewhere.

correct!While testing in that tower!
Mo Qingxuan suddenly realized, isn't this thing the soul wind blade, why did it come here.

Mo Qingxuan cautiously leaned forward, when suddenly a voice appeared.

"It seems that you have discovered the secret, girl doll, don't be afraid, these are just the voices I left behind."

It turned out to be the old man guarding the tower, Mo Qingxuan was afraid for a while.

The soul power of this tower guard old man is too powerful, he can actually keep these soul powers in other people's bodies without being noticed.

Mo Qingxuan also knew that some strong people in this world could do this.

This also reminded Mo Qingxuan that in the future, even if there are benefits, she should not be greedy casually.

These silver balls are actually some soul power, which Mo Qingxuan can refine so that he can use it for himself.

At the same time, the effect of these soul powers is also a must for repairing the Shennong cauldron.

No wonder, that formula is actually a route.

Mo Qingxuan had arrived earlier, but the old man guarding the tower didn't tell Mo Qingxuan to force the attack, so she took so many detours.

It seems that this time I found a treasure again.

This Mo Qingxuan has not obtained the cultivation method of the soul, so this thing is undoubtedly a great supplement to Mo Qingxuan. Although he can't take this opportunity to break through the soul level, he can still improve.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't help laughing out loud, fortunately no one was eavesdropping in the middle of the night, otherwise Mo Qingxuan would definitely be called crazy.

Shending Pagoda, somewhere.

An old man sat cross-legged in it.

"It's finally here, and the ten thousand years of waiting are not in vain." The old man lamented more, "One year, there is only one year, and I don't know if that girl doll has the good fortune to come here."

After a long time, the old man looked up at the quiet starry sky.

"Your Majesty, the old man's mission has finally been completed."

The old man murmured softly, and slowly closed his eyes again. At this time, he had no more energy for him to waste.

Mo Qingxuan found that it seemed to be an acupuncture point, but Mo Qingxuan didn't quite understand it.

But it must be a good thing to be able to break through.

Suddenly, mixed in with the silver ball, Mo Qingxuan saw several clouds of black air.

"What is this?"

Mo Qingxuan was puzzled for a while, really speechless, why there are so many irrelevant things in this body.

Outside, Mo Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"I seem to have seen that thing before." Mo Qingxuan murmured.

Suddenly, she remembered something, and quickly ran to the mirror.

Sure enough, I was poisoned...

(End of this chapter)

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