Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 180 What Gains Must Be Lost, the Poison of Pills

Chapter 180 What Gains Must Be Lost, the Poison of Pills
Mo Qingxuan thought about that time, when he just went to Shending Pagoda, the few women he met on the road.

At that time, looking at their faces, they had these black auras.

Looking in the mirror just now, Mo Qingxuan also found that the black aura was exactly the same.

I don't know what's going on?
After thinking about it, the only thing I have in common with those people is that I entered the tower to practice.

So it should be said that it is the poison in it.

Mo Qingxuan didn't dare to act recklessly, because she didn't know how to do it, but she didn't know if the detoxification pill would work.

After all, the poison this time is some black gas, not the usual poison.

After thinking about it, Mo Qingxuan still felt that it was not good to leave these things in that place. If those silver balls were polluted, there would be no tears for crying.

How to be good?

The best way is to see if you can force it out.

This night is really busy, but there is no way, who called Mo Qingxuan so troubled and troubled.

Mo Qingxuan's mind moved, and he began to slowly think about those black qi moving closer.

What she didn't expect was that the black air seemed to have its own vitality, and it ran away by itself as soon as it came into contact with it.

What the hell is this!

Mo Qingxuan was also puzzled, what is going wrong today.

I don't know if I accidentally stepped on something dirty.

Otherwise, how could it be so unlucky.

It's really hard to figure out!

Mo Qingxuan continued to try to capture the black energy, but they were all hiding in the silver ball.

Mo Qingxuan was afraid of this, she didn't dare to go directly to expel them, if the silver balls were scattered, it would be a waste.

"What an annoying little guy!" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help being annoyed.

You have to outsmart, not force.

Therefore, Mo Qingxuan planned to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit.

Judging by the black air, it should not stay in the silver ball forever.

In about half an hour, the black air slowly floated out from between the silver balls.

Sure enough, and those silver balls also somewhat repelled the black air.

That's right, how can the glossy and smooth things on the instant noodles make yourself stained with blemishes?

Taking advantage of this moment, Mo Qingxuan picked out a wisp of black energy and quickly captured it.

The way Mo Qingxuan catches it is to wrap it in immortal energy and send it out of this place.

This method really had some effect. The wrapped black air seemed to be locked in a sealed space and could not come out at all.

The black air has been struggling, but it just can't come out.

Mo Qingxuan carefully sent the thing out of the "door", and then heaved a sigh of relief.

There is no rush to send them out of the body now, and send them out together when there are a lot of them, which also saves a lot of time.

This strand by strand is really slow, and Mo Qingxuan is a little anxious.

Fortunately, after entering the space wrapped in immortal energy, these black qi became very well-behaved, and Mo Qingxuan found that it could be combined with the black qi captured before, so that it would not appear so messy.

Therefore, more and more black lines gather outside the "door".

But despite this, there is still a lot of black energy in that acupoint space, which makes Mo Qingxuan feel depressed, and this is not a solution.

Always pay attention to the black and white air, the black air is extraordinarily active, wandering around, but the silver-white ball is extremely quiet.

And these black air seem to like to stick to these silver balls very much.

Eh?How about this...

A thought suddenly appeared in Mo Qingxuan's mind, and she secretly thought that she was too stupid, why did she only think of it now.

Since it is so difficult to catch the black air, it is better to catch the silver ball, which is much easier.

Come as soon as you say it, Mo Qingxuan has something to prepare for a blow.

As soon as there was a little movement, the black air became restless and swam around.

It seems that these black qi are also a little bit defensive, knowing that many of his little friends have been arrested, so the rest of them also start to be cautious, thinking that Mo Qingxuan wants to catch them.

However, Mo Qingxuan didn't mean to be drunk because of the wine, those silver balls were wrapped by Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan slowly dragged the silver balls and began to move slowly.

Hei Qi didn't seem to care too much about these things, and wandered around as before.

Is it wrong?
Mo Qingxuan couldn't help wondering, what she meant was to use the silver ball as bait to lure the black air out.

There is no way, these black air just can't be fooled.

Mo Qingxuan is still dragging, I still don't believe it, you can bear it.

After a while, the "door" is getting closer and closer.

Finally, a few wisps of black air couldn't bear it and floated towards the silver ball.

It worked!
Mo Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to attract all the black energy, Mo Qingxuan had no choice but to let the silver balls slowly spin around in place, seemingly in motion, but in place.

The effect of this method became more and more obvious, and the black air began to gather slowly.

In the end, all the black air inside was here, and Mo Qingxuan slowly opened the "door".

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan's expression changed, and those silver balls were melting.

This thing couldn't leave the acupuncture point space, but seeing the black energy slowly follow, Mo Qingxuan gritted his teeth.

Better to waste a little than to waste all!
Seeing the silver ball disappearing bit by bit, Mo Qingxuan felt a burst of heartache. After all the black air came out, Mo Qingxuan immediately let the silver ball in, and immediately sealed the exit.

And the black energy reacted immediately, but Mo Qingxuan would not let them escape so easily.

It's easy to handle outside, it's very simple to seal them.

Now, Mo Qingxuan is trying to force the black air out of her body.

Tried several times, still failed, it seems that this method will not work.

As the sky was getting brighter, Mo Qingxuan had no choice but to put this thing down, neither did he know nor did anyone know about these things.

After exhaling a few breaths and stretching, Mo Qingxuan got up.

Today is the last day, and the competition will start tomorrow, Mo Qingxuan is waiting for Ao Gen to send the information.

After a sleepless night, Mo Qingxuan not only did not feel tired, but also felt much more energetic.

This can be regarded as a kind of cultivation in disguise, which consumes immortal energy all the time.

However, it is depressing that this hidden danger has not been eliminated.

Mo Qingxuan opened her left hand, the tip of the middle finger was black, and it was here that she sealed the black air.

"I have to find a chance to solve this thing."

"Sister Mo, you woke up so early."

Mo Qingxuan turned around and saw that it was Jing Tian.

"Hehe, I'm used to it, what's the matter?" Mo Qingxuan knew that Jing Tian would definitely not look for him for no reason.

"Senior Ao Gen is here."

"Oh? Let's go."

Ao Gen came to Mo Qingxuan's place early, which also shows how much he attaches importance to Mo Qingxuan.

"Qingxuan, I didn't bother you so early."

"Senior Ao Gen, what did you say? How could it be?"

The two joked a few words and sat down.

"Senior Ao Gen, Qingxuan has something to ask."

"Huh? Tell me." Ao Gen was a little puzzled, what could be going on this early in the morning.

"Have you ever seen this?"

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingxuan stretched out her hand to show Ao Gen.

Seeing this, Ao Gen pulled Mo Qingxuan's hand excitedly.

"Ao Genxue...senior, it hurts!"

"Oooh, I'm sorry, Qingxuan."

"Senior Ao Gen, do you know what this is?"

"Erysipelas." Ao Gen smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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