Chapter 193 He Comes Again, Morromon
It has been five or six days since the war, but that battle has been talked about all the time.

No wonder, it was extremely difficult for Mo Qingxuan to win the championship, and the journey was difficult and dangerous. Those opponents have come to visit Mo Qingxuan in the past few days, and they really respect Mo Qingxuan.

However, except for the twin sisters Sun Tian and Sun Yun.

I don't know if it's because of fear, or because of something, many people said they didn't see their shadow.

It should be hiding in their power.

Hearing these things, Mo Qingxuan smiled.

She really didn't care about the Sun sisters, but she just slightly frightened them at the beginning, never thought they would take it seriously.

Later, Jian Yunchen sent someone to call Mo Qingxuan, saying that he wanted to give her a reward.

After that competition, Mo Qingxuan passed out immediately, and naturally this award could not be awarded, so it was delayed until today.

Mo Qingxuan dressed up a bit before walking towards the dean's room.

Originally, Ao Gen said that he would go with Mo Qingxuan, but Mo Qingxuan signaled that it was fine, so Ao Gen did not insist.

He just said to wait for her in this new area.

It was not the first time for Mo Qingxuan to go to the dean's office, so he was familiar with this route.

Although the dean accepted him as an apprentice, it was not easy to meet this legendary master.

"Qingxuan, you're here." Yiyuan was already waiting at the door.

At this time, Yiyuan realized that Jian Yunchen's vision was extremely vicious, so his attitude towards Mo Qingxuan also changed.

More importantly, Mo Qingxuan defeated the disciples of Mo Luomen, which also made Tianxuan Academy not lose face.

"Well, Elder Yiyuan. Mo Qingxuan smiled, "Elder Yiyuan is here. "

Yiyuan waved his hand and said, "Come with me, little guy, you did a good job."

When Mo Qingxuan heard this, she was very puzzled, but she didn't ask any further questions, and answered with a smile.

After bringing Mo Qingxuan in, Yiyuan turned around and went out, while Jian Yunchen was already waiting in the upper seat.

"Master." Mo Qingxuan knelt straight down and performed a respectful salute.

"Well, get up." Jian Yunchen smiled and looked at Mo Qingxuan with admiration in his eyes.

"Do you know why I called you here today?" Jian Yunchen asked.

Mo Qingxuan thought about it for a while, if she directly said that she came to receive the reward, then this is really inappropriate.

Older gingers are more spicy.

With one sentence, he threw it to Mo Qingxuan.

Jian Yunchen is also testing Mo Qingxuan to see if his talent is directly proportional to his personality. If he is arrogant by nature, such a genius will not be a great weapon.

"I think master and brother want to tell me Chu Feiyu's real identity." Mo Qingxuan remembered that Jian Yunchen had sound transmission to him that day.

"Oh? Don't tell me you're not interested in that reward?" Jian Yunchen's eyes lit up, and he nodded secretly, but he didn't show it.

"Hehe, Qingxuan is naturally very interested in the reward given by the master, but the reward is mine after all, and no one can take it away. Why don't you take this opportunity to ask the master for more information about this opponent, after all, the master has very little time." rare."

Mo Qingxuan's answer can be said to kill three birds with one stone. First, he did not deny his spying on the reward. Second, he really wanted to know Chu Feiyu's identity. Third, he complained a little. This let go master doesn't care about himself.

"Hehe, you, you." Jian Yunchen could not help laughing when he heard that there was something in Mo Qingxuan's words.

"Hey, master, don't be a fool, this disciple wants to know about that Chu Feiyu."

Jian Yunchen's smile brought the distance between master and apprentice closer.

"Yeah." Speaking of this, Jian Yunchen's tone also became cold, completely different from her.

This made Mo Qingxuan wonder for a while, could they be enemies?
However, this conjecture was quickly denied. What kind of person is this Jian Yunchen, and what kind of person is Chu Feiyu? How could they become enemies.

"If my guess is correct, then Chu Feiyu is a disciple of Moramen..."

Mo Qingxuan only moved a little on the surface, but she was not surprised. This only confirmed her guess.

"Hehe, you must be aware of this Demon Sect. When you were in Ancient Moon City, you fought against them. In other words, being a teacher saved your life at that time." Jian Yunchen laughed.

"Huh?" Mo Qingxuan was also surprised, since then Jian Yunchen had been following her, but she didn't know anything about it.

"Do you think that the mental attack of your fur can frighten Jian Xue and Jian Shuang? Hehe."

Only then did Mo Qingxuan realize that she was really arrogant at that time.

"Thank you, master. Now that I think about it, I'm really scared." Mo Qingxuan blushed slightly, and it really didn't feel good to be exposed.

"It's nothing, I just added some ingredients for you." Jian Yunchen didn't get entangled in this topic, after all, what happened later was that Mo Qingxuan almost died.

That's also because Jian Yunchen felt an aura stronger than him, and he knew to hide it in order not to expose it.

Unbeknownst to Jian Yunchen, that breath came from Ye Shuo, the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm.

"That Demon Gate..." Jian Yunchen ignored Mo Qingxuan and continued talking.

This Morromon is the public enemy on the mainland, because they are the power of the demon world, and they have done all kinds of bad things in this human world.

Decades ago, many forces united to destroy this Demon Gate, but failed.

This force is too mysterious, so at the beginning, Tianxuan Academy was afraid that the students of Morromon would retaliate against them and did not participate in the ranks of exterminating Morromon.

In other words, Tianxuan Academy stood in the middle and acted as a middleman.

Although it does not favor any side on the surface, Tianxuan Academy is a force in the human world after all, so naturally it is somewhat repulsive to this dark force.

And in the past few decades, this Morromen has not come to send anyone to this Tianxuan Academy to practice.

But now it seems that it is not the same thing.

After all, Jian Yunchen also smiled wryly, it seems that he was still careless.

If you do not move others, they will think you are afraid of them.

"So, the master wants his disciples to help you get rid of this cancer from Tianxuan Academy?" Mo Qingxuan really couldn't think of any reason for Jian Yunchen to tell herself this.

"Smart!" Jian Yunchen likes this kind of smart people, "But maybe it's not that Chu Feiyu fighting alone."

"I understand." Mo Qingxuan naturally understood what Jian Yunchen meant, but it was exactly what Mo Qingxuan meant.

This method is naturally to form forces.

Jian Yunchen nodded in satisfaction, and didn't intend to continue.

At this point, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help wondering, the old man helped him with something, but forgot his own reward.

"I said, my dear master, where is my reward?"

"Hey, I thought you didn't want it!" Jian Yunchen also pretended to be surprised.

Mo Qingxuan blushed, she still couldn't beat this old guy, and she still lost.

"Master is bad!"

"Hehe, don't worry, the reward is indispensable, and it is very rich."

"Huh?" Mo Qingxuan's eyeballs were about to fall out.

"It's a method for cultivating the soul."

(End of this chapter)

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