Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 194 Soul Cultivation Art, Named Soul Cultivation

Chapter 194 Soul Cultivation Art, Named Soul Cultivation
The method of soul cultivation!

Mo Qingxuan really loves Jian Yunchen to death, this is simply what she wants, with this thing, Mo Qingxuan feels that her strength has to be raised to another level!

"Thank you, master!" Mo Qingxuan was extremely happy.

"Hehe, take it."

Suddenly, a bright golden light burst out from Jian Yunchen's sleeve.

Looking at her posture, she should be a good baby. Mo Qingxuan has nothing else but liking baby.

The tall golden light also made his eyes shine, and he couldn't help feeling that he had found a treasure again.

However, after getting this thing, Mo Qingxuan found that it was a box, an ordinary box.

What happened to that golden light?
That's right, soul cultivation methods are scarce at this time, and Mo Qingxuan doesn't think that Jian Yunchen can come up with such a good soul cultivation method.

After thinking about it, something is better than nothing, so there is no such complaint.

"Yeah." Jian Yunchen stroked his graying beard, "Come to me when you have time in the future, I think you can learn a thing or two about my alchemy."

"Master is an alchemist?" This was really the first time Mo Qingxuan knew.

"Hmm." Jian Yunchen nodded without hesitation, but when it came to this, Jian Yunchen seemed a little unhappy, and even sighed slightly.

This also made Mo Qingxuan stop abruptly when he wanted to ask Jian Yunchen what kind of alchemist he was. At this time, he should choose to go away.

"That disciple is resigning now, and he will definitely bother the master in the future." Mo Qingxuan also understood, anyway, the main thing has been done.

If you think you're smart enough to annoy this master, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Jian Yunchen didn't speak, but just waved his hands.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan's leaving figure, Jian Yunchen was a little stunned.

"Hey, although he is a good seedling, he has no teacher relationship."

Following Jian Yunchen's sigh, the hall fell into silence again.

As for the book on the method of cultivating the soul, to be honest, Jian Yunchen has never read it, he just helped Mo Qingxuan to give it to him.

When Mo Qingxuan returned to the new area, Ao Gen was no longer there, Jing Tian said that Ao Gen had something to do and left first.

It just so happened that Mo Qingxuan couldn't wait to study this book of soul law, so he didn't care.

After telling Jing Tian not to be disturbed by anyone, Mo Qingxuan went back to the room and began to study the things she was holding.

However, it seems that it is not as easy as Mo Qingxuan imagined.

"Try it with blood!" Mo Qingxuan dripped a little blood, and the bright golden light lit up again.

It really works!

Mo Qingxuan didn't know, somewhere, another old fritter smiled.

The plan is one step closer.

Inside the box was a well-preserved book, on the surface were two simple characters - Cultivating the Soul.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't wait to turn to the first page.

The method of cultivating the soul is divided into ten disciplines.

At the time of great achievement, all ten gates will be opened.

In just [-] words, it explains the essence of this cultivation method, but I don't know what this door is.

Mo Qingxuan continued to read, the further she read, the more familiar Mo Qingxuan felt!
Isn't this the formula that the tower guard old man gave himself!
What's going on here, is there a connection between the two?

However, if the old man guarding the tower had really been in Tianxuan Academy all along, Mo Qingxuan did not believe that the old fellow of Tianxuan Academy would not know about it.

In this way, it is not surprising that there is a book on the method of soul cultivation.

Ten doors?

Mo Qingxuan suddenly remembered something, and quickly probed into her body.

Arriving at the place where the soul power was stored skillfully, Mo Qingxuan calmed down into the interior of the space with a thought.

"One, two, three... six, seven, eight, nine, ten..."

Together with the door that has been opened, there are exactly ten.

"So this is the so-called door, so is this the soul nest..."

Mo Qingxuan looked at this space called Soul Nest again, and couldn't help smiling, it was a smug smile.

Looking at the power of the soul floating in mid-air, it is much stronger than last time.

Much of this was naturally a gift from Chu Feiyu, and Mo Qingxuan stored these soul powers here.

However, these soul powers are not very pure, and some black substances are mixed in them, which must be impurities.

Strange, why are these black impurities the same as those erysipelas?
Demon Pill, Beast Pill...


Are those so-called erysipelas also soul impurities?It's just monsters and beasts!

Mo Qingxuan simply claimed that he was a genius, so he could think of this, and he didn't know if there was a solution in this "Soul Cultivation".

Then, Mo Qingxuan flipped through the pages.

Sure enough, there is a solution, but this solution is a elixir, here is a elixir.

It's called "Qinghun Pill", a veritable third-grade elixir.

Because of the soul power that Mo Qingxuan obtained from the old man who guarded the tower that time, his soul power has also improved a lot, and his alchemy has almost reached a level.

It's just that Mo Qingxuan didn't know if he had entered the ranks of third-rank alchemists, so he happened to use this to fight repeatedly.

Purifying Soul Pill, required medicinal materials:

Soul mustache...

The Spiritual Branch…

Centennial Ganoderma lucidum…


There is a list of medicinal materials, all of which are considered precious, but not very precious.

It seems that this money is also very important, but the currency in circulation in Tianxuan Academy is not white silver or golden gold, the people here prefer the demon pill.

There are already more than 3000 demon pills, Mo Qingxuan.

Turning back is the way to open these doors.

Mo Qingxuan also became serious.

Gathering the power of the soul from the outside world and introducing it into the body is the function of exercises.

And this so-called "rushing door" is the key to how to break through.

"The power of the soul enters from the beginning gate, remember to remember."

Mo Qingxuan paused for a moment. Isn't the beginning door the beginning door, that is to say, the power of the soul can only enter through the first opened door every time.

"Use the soul power of the soul nest to attack the nine gates."

Sure enough, only pure soul power can rush through the door.

After that, there is a purification method, or a formula for removing impurities.

After Mo Qingxuan memorized the things mentioned above, she closed her eyes and followed the formula, which could really mobilize the subtle soul power in the air.

Those soul powers also flowed into the soul nest along with the meridians.

Mo Qingxuan wanted to attack the second door, so she immediately wanted to get rid of the impurities in the soul nest.

However, the selection was not as easy as Mo Qingxuan thought, and the conversion efficiency was not so high.

It is not a day's work to drip water through a rock; it is not a day's work to freeze three feet.

It was enough to get so much, so Mo Qingxuan didn't force it.

Finally, it is the method of cultivating the soul of an orphan. The external strength is enhanced, and the soul will not be left behind.

Secretly stroked the Shennong cauldron in Qiankun's eyes.

"One year later, I will definitely use you."

dong dong dong.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Mo Qingxuan straightened herself up and walked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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