Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 196 Domineering Side Leakage, Law Enforcement Team

Chapter 196 Domineering Side Leakage, Law Enforcement Team
The law enforcement team is a special force responsible for the order of the academy.

It is special because the members of the law enforcement team are all students from the college, so this law enforcement team is also one of the forces that every student most wants to join.

There are a total of ten squads in this law enforcement team, and the person on the Billboard is the captain of each squad.

In order to prevent the personnel from the forces who came to participate in the tidal baptism from going around at will, Tianxuan Academy has a law enforcement team here every day.

This day happened to be Ao Gen's team on duty.

That's why Ao Gen suddenly resigned yesterday, because it was also sudden, and Ao Gen had to go.

Unexpectedly, she met Hua Qingchen on the first day.

Hua Qingchen originally wanted to force his way in, but seeing Ao Gen's arrival, his attitude improved a lot.

"Brother, I am Hua Qingchen, a disciple of the Hua Sect. I want to borrow a way from my brother." Hua Qingchen cupped his fists and thought about walking forward.

"Stop, who told you to go." Ao Gen spat out the foam in his mouth, biting a piece of grass, and walked to Hua Qingchen's side.

"You..." Hua Qingchen wanted to get angry, but still held back, "Why don't you let me go down."

"Why? Because this is Tianxuan Academy!" Ao Gen pulled out the grass from his mouth and fell heavily on the ground.

If Uncle Ao doesn't get mad, someone really dares to break through!
"Yes, this is Tianxuan Academy, not your Huazong!" Someone beside him replied.

"What! Boy, say it again!" Hua Qi Hua Luo on the side heard someone slandering the Hua Sect, and stepped forward without any hesitation.

"What's wrong! Let me repeat what's wrong. Could it be that you want to fight?" The members of the law enforcement team were not frightened.

Compared with arrogance, how could these Huazong disciples be the opponents of these people.

As soon as the man said that, the law enforcement team members behind also took a big step forward collectively.

"What's the matter, want to fight?!"

Hua Qi Hua Luo couldn't help but took a step back, not knowing what to say.

"Go down, don't mess around with a group of savages." Although Hua Qingchen was angrily scolding Hua Qi Hua Luo, he secretly satirized the law enforcement officers.

"You! Who are you calling a barbarian!" The member of the law enforcement team was about to move forward.

"I'll do it." Ao Gen stretched out his hand to stop him, "Why, brother, why don't you fight with me?"

"Afraid of you?" Hua Qingchen blurted out, but regretted it immediately, "It seems a little bit wrong to fight me with my brother's strength that is more than one level higher than mine."

Ao Gen raised his hands, and there was a burst of laughter from behind.

"Under Aogen, Hua Qingchen, right? Why don't I suppress my strength at your level, and I'll fight with you. If I win, then you can stay here honestly, how about it?" Ao Gen said slowly.

In this law enforcement team, there is no one who does not like to fight, and no one who does not fight hard.

Not to mention Ao Gen as the leader.

"Then you lost?" Hua Qingchen didn't rush to agree but asked instead.

This question drew another burst of laughter from the law enforcement team.

Speaking of fights, their captain has never lost.

Ao Gen was also helpless, it was so troublesome to fight, he was indeed a disciple of the great sect.

"Naturally let you go down." As soon as Ao Gen finished speaking, he saw that Hua Qingchen was about to speak, so he interrupted first, "I know what you're going to ask next, I'm more than capable of suppressing, I'm the loser."

"Hmph, it's good to know." Hua Qingchen is also a thick-skinned person.

"It seems that I didn't scare you last time." Ao Gen murmured in a low voice, but Hua Qingchen still heard it.

"What? Did we fight last time?" Hua Qingchen was also puzzled, it was the first time he saw this Ao Gen, yet he said he had fought.

"No." Ao Gen hurriedly covered it up, panicking, almost revealing his secrets.

After saying that, Ao Gen walked up.

As soon as they heard that there was going to be a fight, other forces also moved closer to join in the fun.

I have been staying in such a small place for half a month, and I am already very irritable.

Now that there are plays to watch, it is natural to join in the fun.

"You make the move first." Ao Gen made a false gesture, "He who comes is a guest."

"Brother Ao Gen, you're welcome."

Fairy Sword, come out!

With a sound of breaking the wind, a shining fairy sword floated in front of Hua Qingchen's eyes.

Hua Qingchen jumped up, and turned three hundred and six in the air to catch the floating fairy sword.

The fairy sword was inserted heavily into the ground, releasing a thick sound of metal collisions.

Ao Gen was also moved, and a triangular halberd appeared in his hand.

"excuse me."

Hua Qingchen gave a soft drink, and then walked forward quickly.

This Hua Qingchen's speed was not slow, and the three consecutive slashes forced Ao Gen to take a few steps back.

"Good time!" Ao Gen yelled loudly, with fighting spirit everywhere.

At first, both of them didn't use martial arts, just the collision of weapons.

Clang clang.

Bang bang bang.

All kinds of collision sounds resounded in this battlefield.

After Hua Qingchen accepted the inheritance, her strength also increased a lot.

As for the skill known for its speed, Hua Qingchen also won the upper hand.

It is better to say that it is an advantage than a pull.

Hua Qingchen attacked Ao Gen regularly with all kinds of gorgeous moves.

And Ao Gen had already seen this trick without any offensive power, and easily resolved it.

But it didn't make Hua Qingchen realize that his own moves had been resolved.

In terms of speed, Ao Gen also sighed slightly.

Of course this is all on the same level.

Gradually, Ao Gen found that he couldn't figure out the intention of this Hua Qingchen, from being regular to having no rules at all, and playing a bit messy.

More like procrastination.

The Vientiane of Flowers: Blue Lotus Explodes!

Hua Qingchen yelled loudly, and quickly backed away. Ao Gen was also a little greedy, and wanted to catch up and attack Hua Qingchen.

However, it was too late when Ao Gen realized it.

On the road Hua Qingchen retreated, green lotus all the way.

At the end of Qinglian, Hua Qingchen smiled charmingly.

Bang bang bang.

Ao Gen subconsciously wanted to resist with his own strength, but immediately dismissed the idea, otherwise he would lose.

So Ao Gen resisted the explosion with his body.

"Good boy, let's see mine next!" Ao Gen shouted loudly, and quickly swept towards Hua Qingchen.

Hua Qingchen couldn't believe what was happening in front of her, it was useless at all.


Hua Qingchen didn't pay attention to Ao Gen's sudden attack because he was careless, and he subconsciously called out when he saw a sharp triangle attacking in front of him.

But Ao Gen didn't have such good intentions, so he kicked Hua Qingchen to the ground.

"You boy, just stay here honestly." Ao Gen pointed at Hua Qingchen with a halberd in one hand and said in a displeased manner.

There was silence on the field, and one move won.

Although it was under Hua Qingchen's carelessness, it couldn't be done without strong strength.

Everyone present secretly made up their minds not to go back and mess with the law enforcement team of Tianxuan Academy.

"You, you, are you using your own strength!" Hua Qi shouted at Ao Gen.

Ao Gen, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and glared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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