Chapter 197
Being kicked by Ao Gen like this, Hua Qi couldn't help backing away.

When the flowers on the side fell, I went to help Hua Qingchen.

"I didn't use my own strength to ask your master. You don't have the right to say it. For Huazong's sake, you won't have to talk about it this time."

After finishing speaking, Ao Gen left with the members of the Law of All.

"Wait." Hua Qingchen coughed, obviously being kicked hard by Ao Gen.

It was because of Shangguan Xuetong that Jian Yunchen called her away that Hua Qingchen thought about going down to see Mo Qingxuan.

"What? Brother Qingchen, what else is there?" Ao Gen showed a playful smile, "Do you still want to have a fight?"

"No, you misunderstood, can I ask you for a favor." Hua Qingchen also knew that she couldn't get down.

If he continues to make trouble in the house, he will lose face in the end.

Therefore, Hua Qingchen also begged aloud.

"Okay, tell me." Ao Gen is not such a cold-blooded person, since Hua Qingchen bowed his head, he won't make things difficult for him anymore.

"I don't know if Brother Ao Gen has heard of Mo Qingxuan, but I would like to trouble you to see how Mo Qingxuan is doing."

"Well, I know, I just came from her, she's fine, don't worry." After finishing speaking, Ao Gen left without looking back.

When Ao Gen said that he just came from Mo Qingxuan, Hua Qingchen was startled.

The two hooked up?

I couldn't help feeling jealous.

Hua Qingchen's disturbance, although it gave everyone a good time, but the crowd dispersed after a while.

This kind of excitement is not persistent in the first place, it's just like watching a show.

Another peaceful day passed.

Noon the next day.

According to Mo Qingxuan's wishes, Jing Tian gathered the fifteen people together, and Mo Qingxuan quickly rushed over.

Because the gathering this time is very secretive, and not many people know about it, after all, there are not many people.

When Mo Qingxuan walked over, not all of the fifteen people were men, and some of them were women, which surprised her.

"Everyone, I think you all know me. I am Mo Qingxuan." It was also Mo Qingxuan's first time doing such a thing, so she was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.

"Hello, Sister Mo!" As if after special training, the voice was neat and resonant.

Mo Qingxuan was startled by this formation, staggered and almost fell.

"Ahem, you also know that our power will be formed from the beginning, and I am very pleased that you can persist. In the future, the power of the sky will resound throughout the Tianxuan Academy!"

"Sister Mo is mighty!"

"I don't have any meeting gift for you, so no one will give you a hundred demon pills, don't refuse, I know what you think in your heart, but our strength is also in urgent need of strength now, just treat me as my early stage. Bet on me, I know you will not leave me, even if you are covered in bruises."

These words are spoken by a woman, not to mention a beautiful woman, the power is undoubtedly very powerful, maybe how many people below have secretly vowed to follow Mo Qingxuan forever.

"Sister Mo!"

"Sister Mo!"


Shocking shouts resounded throughout the world, and Mo Qingxuan knew that he had won the hearts of the people, at least these fifteen people were absolutely loyal.

Mo Qingxuan motioned for silence on the field.

"Do you know why I called you here today?"

"I don't know, sister Mo, just tell us!"

"I'm just asking if you guys have seeds!" Mo Qingxuan said loudly.

"Yes!" It was neat and powerful.

"I'll take you to the white gang to play!"

As soon as Mo Qingxuan finished speaking, there was a brief silence on the field.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Someone shouted out first.

They also shouted later, each with ten times more confidence!
"Then let's go!" Mo Qingxuan nodded in satisfaction, and led fifteen people towards the territory of the Bai Gang.

Jing Tian actually had some doubts in his heart. Most of these fifteen people were in the immortal rank, and only one or two had stepped into the strength of the flying immortal rank.

Wouldn't it be a little impulsive to play the white gang in this way?

Jing Tian naturally knew what Mo Qingxuan meant, and that was Liwei. This would not only show his strength most effectively, but also provide the best publicity for recruiting people in the future.

But Jing Tian will definitely not be so stupid as to ask Mo Qingxuan, he will only fight with more heart!
Mo Qingxuan walked forward with a group of people, and those students were very curious about which play this was singing.

Those with sharp eyes immediately recognized that the leader was Mo Qingxuan, so Mo Qingxuan was also followed by a group of people.

To be famous is to have the attention of so many people.

Mo Qingxuan had no choice but to shake his head, they could come and see if they wanted to, it didn't hinder him anyway.

And people here need to spread the word.

Slowly, those who followed discovered that this was a place to go to the Bai Gang.

"I've heard that Mo Qingxuan has enmity with Baishan from the Bai Gang. It seems that now I'm going to find a place."

"This time Baishan can bear it."

"I don't know if this is the power of Mo Qingxuan's group, but it looks a little weak in the past. After all, the Bai gang has been entrenched in this academy for several years. It's really not certain who will win."

"If this is the force formed by Mo Qingxuan, I must join it."


Hearing the people talking on the road, Mo Qingxuan just smiled lightly.

Not all the members of the Bai Gang shrank inside, some younger brothers had already reported to Bai Shan.

"It's not good, boss!"

"What's the matter, talk carefully." Bai Shan rubbed a beautiful woman and was disturbed like this, feeling very upset, "It's not like the sky is about to fall, so why panic?"

"Then...then Mo Qingxuan brought someone to play!"

"What!" Bai Shan pushed away the beautiful woman beside him, stood up directly, and immediately walked out.

When Bai Shan walked outside the door, Mo Qingxuan had already led people outside.

"Bai Shan, I thought you were a shrinking turtle." Mo Qingxuan sarcastically said as soon as he saw Bai Shan coming out.

The essence of Mo Qingxuan's game is scoundrel.

"It's okay to talk more, let's start the fight." Although Mo Qingxuan's match was earth-shattering, Baishan wasn't afraid of him.

"Hehe, Chief Bai is straightforward." Mo Qingxuan smiled, and then said in a rascally way, "Major Bai, I'm not thirsty anymore? Otherwise, you can bring me a cup of tea, and I'll talk to you after drinking it." You fight, what do you think?"

Mo Qingxuan wasn't thirsty, she just wanted to play with Baishan.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from behind.

And Bai Shan's face also turned livid, if Mo Qingxuan was not defeated today, the reputation of the Bai Gang would really be ruined once, and they would never be able to stand up again.

He, Baishan, can no longer hang around in Tianxuan Academy.

"Go to hell!" Bai Shan directly attacked Mo Qingxuan without saying a word.

The big knife in Bai Shan's hand was slashing towards Mo Qingxuan, when suddenly he blocked the knife against his big knife with a clang.

It was a triangular thorn, and Bai Shan's expression changed.

"How can such a lively scene be without me, Ao Gen!"

(End of this chapter)

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