Chapter 102

When Ah Hua saw a child younger than her appear, she immediately became interested, stopped crying, and wanted to play with her sister.

It is correct to say that I want to play with my sister.

And Wu Youyou was already one step ahead of her, beckoning to the baby in swaddling clothes, wanting to tease her.

Wu Mei carried her daughter away from the couch, and said to Wu Youyou with a stern face, "My aunt doesn't call out when she enters the house, she doesn't know how to be polite, and she won't let you play with your sister."

Wu Youyou, who was interested in his new sister, reluctantly called out: "Auntie."

Wu Mei, who was holding her daughter, leaned over to give him a look at her daughter: "This is Xi'er, isn't she pretty? She is your second cousin, you can't bully her in the future."

Wu Mei's eldest daughter, Ning Zhaodi, has beautiful features. Although she is not a male, she feels that her daughter is a little beauty, and she is very proud.

In my heart, I felt that when her daughter grew up in the future, she would definitely find a good family in the town and marry her, so she cultivated her very carefully.

She developed a squeamishness, and came back several times to annoy Cai, but she didn't like that eldest niece at all.

Wu Youyou didn't know whether he was beautiful or not, he just wanted to be fresh and just have fun there.

Old lady Wu naturally knows what it means for Wu Mei to bring her confinement daughter back to her natal home.

The little people have already been placed in front of them, as a grandmother, it is not reasonable to not give some greetings.

She went back to her room and wrapped [-] Wen in red paper as a red seal, stuffed it into Zhaoxi's swaddle and said auspicious words: "Zhaoxi will grow taller and grow faster, bring more happiness to your mother!"

Wu Mei saw that the red seal was similar to the one she sealed to her second brother when she got married, so she pouted and said, "Mother, this is your granddaughter, why don't you feel more pain."

Old Mrs. Wu gave her a sideways look: "When Zhao Xi brings you a happy event, it won't be too late for me to be in pain."

When she gave birth to her son, Mrs. Wu gave [-] Wen a large sum of money as a gift, which made Wu Mei famous in Ning's family. Now she only gave [-] Wen to give birth to her daughter, and Wu Mei was speechless for a while.

Turning to Mrs. Cai, she said, "Your brothers and sisters didn't say anything when they saw your niece?"

Where does Cai have money, but even if she has, she is reluctant.

When she gave birth to A Hua, the eldest sister-in-law didn't express it, but now she has the face to let her express it.

She pretended to be embarrassing and said: "Ah Hua didn't accept the gift even after a full moon, and I didn't even prepare for it myself. Let mother represent our family this time!"

"Hey! I knew you would say that, stingy."

Wu Mei looked around: "Isn't Erlang married? Where's his wife? Why doesn't the elder sister come out to meet people?"

Old Madam Wu sat on the couch and asked Mrs. Cai to call someone: "Let Wanniang come out to meet her elder sister."

When Mrs. Cai went to call for someone, Mrs. Wu said to Wu Mei, "Erlang's wife is doing embroidery work, so I can't hear anything going on here."

Wu Mei, who didn't know the details, immediately showed displeasure: "The side room is the closest to the courtyard gate, so she can't hear such a loud voice? Pretending? Mother, how can you tolerate your daughter-in-law being so rude?
Isn't it just a foreign product? If Erlang's trash can't be cured, you have to do your best to treat it, otherwise you don't have prestige as a mother-in-law. "

Old Madam Wu's face darkened, she wanted to treat her, but this daughter-in-law would run away as soon as she treated her.

Once she ran away, her dream of wealth and honor would be shattered, and she couldn't cure it!

But how could she show timidity in front of her daughter.

She said impatiently: "You don't know a lot, so don't talk nonsense."

Wu Mei was surprised when she saw the old lady's expression, she was always a majestic old lady, when did she keep a low profile?
Stretch your head to look at the sun outside, the sun is not on the other side at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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