Chapter 103

Wan Niang is doing embroidery work by the window, this time she received a screen embroidery picture, which is much bigger than a round fan.

For this reason, Wu Erlang also made a strong stretcher for her, and she was threading needles and threads on the stretcher at this time.

Now there are tables and stools in the room, Wu Erlang not only made a screen to separate the room into two, but also made a bigger wardrobe for Wan Niang's clothes.

The dressing table is also ready. The large room that was empty before has now been filled with a lot of things, almost all of which are made by Wu Erlang himself.

Although the workmanship is a bit rough, it is stronger than it is. Wan Niang is not picky. If she continues to be picky, it is estimated that Wu Erlang will not be able to make a wardrobe that she is satisfied with in three months.

When Mrs. Cai knocked on the door outside and called her, Wanniang was a little surprised.

"Auntie is here?"

She had never heard Wu Erlang mention that she had an elder sister.

The family didn't mention it, she didn't even know that Wu Erlang had a sister.

It's not that the Wu family doesn't take Wu Mei seriously, on the contrary, Mrs. Wu is actually pretty good to this daughter. After all, she has three sons and only one daughter.

It's just that when Wanniang started, Wu Mei had just given birth to her daughter, and the family felt that there was nothing to talk about, so they basically didn't mention her.

As a result, Wanniang's knowledge of the members of the Wu family was only limited to the litter they lived together.

Before going out of the room to the main room, Wanniang heard a strange voice questioning: "Mom, are you old and out of your mind? Erlang, no matter who you marry, You have to be as respectful to you as he is.

Can't you still cure a foreign product?Seeing what you're doing, those who don't know think you've been cured! "

The corner of Cai's lips, who was coming in across the threshold, twitched, no, your mother is being restrained, it depends on whether you have the ability to get back the scene.

She looked back at Wan Niang who was not far behind her with a calm face, and sneered in her heart: This eldest sister is not a fuel-efficient lamp, let's see how long you can hold it.

The old lady Wu in the room gave her daughter a hard look, and said in a low voice: "Who is old and can't use his brain? If you don't know anything, don't make trouble for me, just stay with me."

Wu Mei not only took over Mrs. Wu's appearance, but also took over her temperament, and looked down upon all those younger than her.

In Wu's house, except for Mrs. Wu, everyone else has to respectfully call her sister and aunt.

Naturally, a cowardly daughter-in-law like Wu Erlang should be more cautious and respectful to her. After all, in Wu's family, Wu Erlang's status is equivalent to that of a slave.

Of course, the daughter-in-law of a servant should be a humble person.

Wan Niang entered the room, and ignored Wu Mei who was staring blankly at her appearance, but asked the old lady Wu indifferently: "Mother, I heard from my sister-in-law, is there a visitor at home?"

Although the voice is indifferent, the meaning is hidden sharp.

Just a visitor.

If you want to tell her, she will listen, if you don't want to, she has no time to say hello.

Wu Mei, who was shocked and dazed, was still under the shock of Erlang's daughter-in-law's appearance, completely unaware of Wanniang's alienation.

Mrs. Wu coughed and reminded her daughter to be careful not to embarrass her.

Isn't it just more beautiful, so there is no need to be so surprised?

"This is Erlang's eldest sister, Meizi, the eldest daughter of the family, not a guest." Mrs. Wu finally heard Wanniang's dissatisfaction.

She probably heard what her daughter said.

(End of this chapter)

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