Chapter 104
Wan Niang's complexion remained unchanged, she turned sideways and gave Wu Mei a humble courtesy: "Eldest aunt."

Polite, but repulsive.

Wu Mei had already woken up from the old lady's coughing, and looked at Wanniang with jealousy in her eyes.

Erlang unexpectedly married such a beautiful wife, prettier than any woman she had ever seen.

Really, it shouldn't.

It shouldn't be Wu Erlang's daughter-in-law, Wu Erlang's daughter-in-law shouldn't be so beautiful.

She shouldn't look so unlike a village girl.

Where did this woman come from, not a village girl?
"Mother, is she Erlang's daughter-in-law? She looks arrogant and coquettish, not someone who can work."

Wu Mei had a look of disdain, as if she looked down on this vase.

Wanniang lowered her eyes and her face was cold, she was a mother and daughter, they said the same thing.

Before Mrs. Wu could respond, Wu Mei quickly criticized: "I said, second sister-in-law, do you look like you don't work at home?
This is not okay, Erlang is a coolie in this family, if you can't do the work, but you have no food, don't raise yourself like a big lady.

Marrying Erlang is a village woman, and a village woman has to look like a village woman. If she is so well-dressed, how can she look like a village woman? Go back and change to work before you come out. Don't pretend to be a young lady here.

Really, mother, you don't care about this?Keep hot eyeballs? "

Mrs. Cai pursed her lips to hold back her laughter, her eldest aunt's mouth was worse than that of her mother-in-law, hehe, it's a good show to watch.

Mrs. Wu was choked by her daughter's vicious mouth, she slapped the couch under her body and scolded her: "Meizi, shut up, Wanniang is not a village woman, she is..."

She is a young lady, but that was her former status, and now she is married to her son, whoever marries a chicken like a chicken, and a dog like a dog, it seems correct to say that she is a village woman.

Mrs. Wu was a little stuck.

The stuck Mrs. Wu made Wu Mei think that she had caught a chicken foot that her own mother didn't know how to catch, and she became more and more proud: "What is it? If she is married to Erlang, she is a village woman. If she is Erlang's wife, she must have Erlang's wife." Sample.

Look at this foxy look, it's as white as the one in the building.Mother, if you marry such a guy to Erlang, you won't be afraid that people outside will laugh at our family..."

"Meizi, you are a married woman, why are you so nonchalant when you come back, you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

Sensing Wanniang's unsuspecting eyes, Mrs. Wu threw the tickling stick on the couch directly at Wu Mei's body.

Wu Mei, who was thrown with a stick, was stunned for a moment, and said to the old lady Wu unhappy: "Mother, why did you throw me a tickle stick? I married a foreigner and I am also their eldest sister. They listened to my training for the sake of It's a family style, Cai and Deng have never been trained, if you don't teach them, it's hard to say that they won't climb on your mother's head one day."

Wu Mei put on a gesture of being good for the old lady, and Mrs. Wu seemed to make sense when she heard it.

It's not good for me to scold and scold, so let my sister-in-law scold her, so that I can increase my prestige, so that this daughter-in-law will not think that I am afraid of her.

Even if the daughter said something and caused something to happen, how could the siblings still care about the elder sister-in-law?
After all, it's a relative, if the mother-in-law doesn't make a move, but if the relative makes a move, it's not easy to lose face, right?
This time the daughter who is not a guest is a relative again.

Mrs. Wu, who is quite good at explaining things to herself, has been holding her breath in her heart for a long time, and now she decides to ignore her daughter's arrogance.

Let her frustrate Erlang's daughter-in-law's arrogance, it's best to make her soft, this can be regarded as an expression of pride for her.

(End of this chapter)

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