Chapter 21

Rong Chenzi searched all over the market.The river oyster is a demon body, so it should be easy to detect, but since he came to Qingxu Temple, Rong Chenzi has been fed with water that dispels evil spirits, and burns incense for exorcising evil for a long time. It can be said that he has been fed properly. Weak, even if you use a compass at this time, it is difficult to detect if you are not close.

Now that the city is full of lights, where can I find her?
Rong Chenzi was burning with anxiety, and Ye Tian could only comfort her: "Brother, don't worry too much, she is a demon after all, ordinary people should do nothing about it."

How can Rong Chenzi feel relieved?That river oyster is innocent and pure, with a delicate constitution, and usually has to cry for a long time for minor illnesses and pains. If she really meets a bad person... I knew it would be like this, and I should hold her firmly in my hand. How can I let her go alone because of the eyes of the world? ?

Rong Chenzi was filled with remorse and regret, and didn't dare to think about it again. It was expected that the time would not be long, and the mussel would not be far away. He hurriedly escaped from the crowd, came to a locust tree, and planned to use the Crane Tracking Technique.Ye Tian hurriedly pulled him back: "Senior brother, the Crane Tracing Technique consumes more energy every time it recognizes the aura. This is a city of lights, and there are thousands of strangers. No matter how powerful your Taoism is, how can you withstand the consumption?" ?”

Rong Chenzi took out a yellow talisman and cinnabar from the treasure bag on Qing Su's body, and drew the talisman with a brush: "I can't care about things now."

After all, Ye Tian felt sorry for him, so she stomped her feet immediately: "I'll go to the West Market to look for it, and you should explore the East Market first. If you have any news, use the sound transmission talisman."

Rong Chenzi just nodded slightly, the yellow talisman in his hand was folded into a paper crane, he chanted a mantra slightly, the paper crane fluttered its wings a few times, stretched its neck and let out a low cry, and flew towards Dongshi.

The lights and shadows are dazzling, and the crowd is like ants.

Dahe Mussel held a bowl of tofu nao in his hand, and walked around while eating.At that time, it was very rare for a single woman to walk alone in the night market, not to mention that her clothes were gorgeous and fragrant.After walking forward for a while, she was about to turn around and ask Rong Chenzi for the carp lantern when a big hand covered her mouth with a drugged silk handkerchief, and then several men surrounded her like He left the market in a hurry like protecting his own young lady.

To be honest, He Mu didn't pay much attention to these people. She was an inner cultivator with the most powerful spiritual sense, so how could she be overwhelmed by mere drugs.But she still didn't call for help—the stinky face, tell you to let me stay one step away from you, now I'm lost, right?
The road became more and more deviated, and gradually came to a barren slope, and there was a grotto at the foot of the slope.The men took her in, and they all came forward with grinning grinning. The mussel sat on the ground with big watery eyes, very puzzled: "Why did you bring me here?"

Her skin is too tender, as if it would be crushed if she exerted force, the big man who captured her lost his soul after touching her, so he didn't dare to use too much force, so now she doesn't feel pain, and she is curious again.

At that time, she was kneeling on the ground, her skirt was white, her black hair was like silk, like a newly bloomed narcissus.Several men couldn't bear it, and took off their shirts one after another. A burly man with a chest full of chest hair scolded his mother, and his eyes were greedy: "This time the guy is so fucking tender!"

A worried man behind him smiled evilly: "Boss, this daughter is really rare, let brother try something new, brother don't want the share."

The man known as the boss turned his eyes on He Mu a few times, and said with determination: "It doesn't matter, let's eat meat first."

Once the words "taste newcomers" and "open meat" come into your ears, He Mu will understand—these guys actually want to eat Lao Tzu! !She was very angry, even if I really got a little fatter, it wouldn't be enough for these six big guys to eat together, right? !What's more, there are no green peppers, minced garlic or other ingredients.

It's so unprofessional! !
She turned her eyes slightly, and the big men fell silent in an instant. Those beautiful eyes were like a blue sea. The sea tide gently licked every inch of their skin, and their spiritual consciousness seemed to rise and fall with the waves. Crazy.

He Mu stretched out his hand, and the leader of the big man looked numb but carefully helped her up.She quickly issued the first order: "Go and find all the delicious food nearby!!"

So the five big men went out to look for food. Not long after, the nearby tofu brain, pea yellow, pancake and fruit were sent to the grotto like running water. They sat on a stone slab and began to enjoy the food.

The faces of the six big men were so tired that their faces changed, but their expressions were still numb, and their movements were all careful and meticulous.If the mussels didn't speak, they would die from exhaustion.

Fortunately, He Mu didn't want them to die so quickly. She sat on the back of the strongest man and stepped on the other's back with her little feet, eating leisurely.

However, not long after eating, I saw a person walking in.The red clothes meandered to the ground, and the blue silk hung down to his waist. The man walked up to He Mu, looked at her for a long time before saying: "Your Majesty."

He Mu was very surprised, and managed to free his mouth to ask: "Chun Yulin, how did you find this seat?"

The High Priest of the Sea Clan in front of him was silent for a long time before uttering a few words: "He came after Pea Yellow."

He Mu grinned, and his little feet were wearing delicate and soft silk shoes, making a rattling sound on the big man's back. The six men were as supple as six bleating goats.

Chun Yulin seemed to have gotten used to the Sea Emperor's hobby long ago. He took a piece of pea yellow and fed it with his own hands. The mussel took his hand and bit off half of it. He just asked softly, "When will Your Majesty return to the Sea Clan?" ?”

The mussels puffed up their cheeks, and they couldn't think of Sichuan happily: "No hurry, no hurry."

Chun Yulin and the river mussel were close to each other, so they didn't have much scruples in private.The clam is an inner cultivator. When he swam along the inland river to the sea, he wanted to take a souvenir with him, so he caught a carp in the shell along the way, and brought it into the sea together regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

And don't ask Sanqi 21, let Chunyu practice martial arts temporarily.Chunyu Lin has been attached to her for many years, even taking charge of the affairs of all the sea people in the Lingxia sea area.On the surface, He Mu is the Emperor of the Sea, but this Emperor of the Sea is just like the one hundred and eight heroes led by Song Jiang in Shuibo Liangshan, he is the king of the sea who occupies the mountain as the king.

So this guy's rude habits don't change.Later, Donghai couldn't reach her, so she was granted the title of Sea Emperor, which was regarded as a call for peace.This guy doesn't pay tribute and doesn't pay pilgrimage, but under Chun Yulin's governance, the sea area around Lingxia Mountain is still peaceful, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea just turned a blind eye.

Later, the old priest of the sea turtle died, and the mussel simply helped Chunyu Lin to become the high priest, and closed his shell to eat and drink. The real power of the Hai clan was probably in Chunyu Lin's hands.

This foodie has a huge appetite, and as soon as she likes to eat something, she likes to chase after others to eat poorly, so that she became obsessed with sea cucumbers for a while, and almost ate all the sea cucumbers in this area to extinction, which made Chunyu Lin die again. Bought a lot elsewhere to fill it up.

The clam used him as a backrest, and after a while it seemed to suddenly think of something, and raised its pink face again, "Chunyu Lin, go find a pot and add some green peppers, minced garlic or something."

Chun Yulin seemed to have gotten used to her whims, so he immediately fed her the last piece of yellow pea in his hand: "Yes."

But after a while, a large iron pot was set up in the grotto, and the firewood underneath was crackling. After eating the pancake fruit, the big river clam suddenly turned into a river clam, and then it rolled around in the minced garlic with a gurgling sound.


Chunyu Lin stood with his hands behind his back, and after looking at it for a long time, he finally couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, this is..."

The big river clam is still rolling around in the minced garlic, the garlic is so spicy that it chokes water out of its shell: "Acting is a complete set, don't these six people want to eat this seat, this seat simply adds some drama, Hmph, look at that stinky Taoist priest who dares not to take me shopping." Even after being choked like this, she was still smacking her lips, "Yeah, I heard that river mussels with minced garlic are also delicious..."

The elegant smile on Chunyu's face shattered into pieces: "...I said, Your Majesty, are you really sure that these six big men have gone to great lengths to tie you back... just to make garlic mussels?!!"

The big river clam finally opened the shell a little: "Nani?"

Chun Yulin took her out of the minced garlic and washed her in a large pot, but the garlic smell was too strong, and after washing for a long time, it still smelled like a plate of mussels minced with garlic.

Chunyu Lin frowned, and finally said after a long time: "Your Majesty, I must tell you very seriously, if you continue to eat like this, your clamshell will become a dwelling place..."

(End of this chapter)

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