Chapter 6

The Qingxu Temple took in many patients, and Rong Chenzi ordered them to cover their eyes and give them water with talisman.After Fu Shui swallowed, yellow mucus began to flow out of his right eye. Rong Chenzi ordered his disciples to collect the mucus and analyze the introduction of witchcraft.Black witchcraft in southern Xinjiang has always been mysterious and unpredictable, and different introductions use different solutions.

Jiuding Palace was also enlightened because of Master Yuyang, but this time it didn't make trouble, and sent disciples to help.Rong Chenzi numbered all the mucus with the patient, and used different five-element symbols to test the medicine.

Finally, he wrote out a long prescription and told his disciples to go up the mountain to collect herbs.

The refining of the antidote is a tedious process, and Rong Chenzi didn't sleep a wink for several nights, so naturally he couldn't care about the mussels.But the disciples in Guanzhong still perform their duties, and her daily food supply is still unaffected.

There are several large stoves in the pharmacy, boiling medicine day and night.Rong Chenzi stood by to control the fire, his shirt was drenched with sweat.Mussels are afraid of the heat, so they don't go in very often, so they follow Qingxuan to gather medicine every day.Rong Chenzi instructed Qingxuan a few times, and then stopped asking.

In the afternoon, a foreign woman suddenly came to the temple. She was wearing a red shirt and her hair was slightly curly and slightly burnt. She claimed that she could undo the blood pupil technique.Rong Chenzi naturally treated each other with courtesy, but she was not ambiguous, and quickly prepared the antidote, which was much less troublesome than Rong Chenzi's method.

Jiuding Palace was overjoyed, and had sent people to invite several times, but the woman was unmoved, but proposed to stay in Qingxu Temple for a while, while looking for the black wizard who wanted to hurt people.Rong Chenzi is a hospitable person, not to mention that the initiator of the blood pupil technique has not yet appeared, so there is always a Southern Xinjiang wizard here who is always at ease.So he ordered his disciples to clean a clean room and put the wizard down.

The woman's name was Fuya, and she claimed to be hunting down a misguided wizard in the village.Rong Chenzi had been to southern Xinjiang, and the two chatted very congenially.

When He Mu and Qingxuan came back from gathering medicine, they naturally heard about this Fuya witch.Qingxuan went to see the wounded, and seeing that the blood in everyone's pupils had faded a lot, he couldn't help being amazed.The mussel was also bending over to check on the wounded, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and said with a sneer, "Sure enough, you have to tie the bell to untie it, hum."

She didn't say much, and went back to the room.Rong Chenzi was busy for several nights without closing his eyes, changing clothes and bathing in the Qingxuan room, he was really sleepy, so he ordered Qingxuan to treat the director, and he rested in the Qingxuan room.

In the evening, he had dinner with Fu Ya and all the disciples in the dining hall. When the two of them were talking about sex, there was a sound of golden bells outside, and the river clam came lightly.Rong Chenzi frowned slightly immediately, and immediately turned to look at Qingxuan.Qing Xuan had been with him for a long time, and now he understood: "Dinner has been delivered."

The river clam didn't shy away from it, and stopped in front of Rong Chenzi's table.The atmosphere in the dining hall suddenly became a little bad.The little Taoist priests lowered their heads to plan rice, but their eyes were all aimed in this direction whether intentionally or not-it's over, Master's backyard is going to catch fire! !

Fu Ya's clothes are like fire, and she wears two Tibetan silver bracelets on her wrists, engraved with monsters with a human head and a snake body.At this moment, she was also looking at the mussel, but she didn't get up, she just nodded slightly, with a wizard's arrogance in her expression: "This is..."

Rong Chenzi coughed dryly, but the mussel didn't make a sound, Shi Shi ran to Fu Ya and picked up the soup bowl, Fu Ya hadn't responded yet, she was as agile as a snake, and immediately ate the cabbage tofu soup all over her head and face ! !

The dining hall was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, all the Taoist priests were stunned, only a piece of bright green cabbage leaf was still attached to Fu Ya's hair, and kept shaking and shaking.

Rong Chenzi's lungs exploded in anger: "Clams!!!"

The big river clam didn't say much, turned around and ran away bouncing around.Rong Chenzi has been in Taoism for many years and has known countless people.He has seen many good guys and bad guys, but he has only seen such a childish person in his life.Although he was so angry, he couldn't chase after her and beat her.He had no choice but to apologize to Fu Ya again and again.

Fuya gritted her teeth, and finally had no choice but to go back to her room and change her clothes.All the Taoist priests were afraid that the city gate would catch fire and harm the fish in the pond, so they all lowered their heads to eat, with an expression of "don't look at me, don't ask me, don't scold me, I didn't see anything".

Rong Chenzi quickly walked back to the bedroom, the mussel was one step ahead, already rolled up into a ball with the quilt.

Rong Chenzi couldn't care less about the etiquette between men and women, he stepped forward and threw off the quilt, looking extremely furious.The mussel naturally knew it too, she hugged her knees with her hands, her feathers were layered and spread out, her black hair was too long, half following the feathers and half flowing on the couch.Rong Chenzi's anger is like an erupting volcano, but it happens to be in a different eruption port.

After a long time, he suddenly drew a body talisman, stamped it on He Mu's forehead without saying a word, and then directly carried her into the secret room.

The mussels finally subsided, and he sent his disciples to deliver some necessities to Fu Ya, and then rested in the room.

This time he was really angry, and he didn't go into the secret room to see her.River mussels can store food, as long as they are not exposed to the scorching sun, they will not die if they are not fed or wet for a few days, not to mention that she is still a river mussel.Rong Chenzi simply stopped managing her.

Early the next morning, Rong Chenzi was teaching his disciples to practice calligraphy.Fu Ya is very interested in Central Plains culture and wants to attend classes together.Rong Chenzi couldn't refuse, so he had to let her go together.The eyes of all the disciples in the school are bright - where did the master's tripod go today?This wizard...does he want to occupy the magpie's nest?

Fu Ya couldn't write Chinese characters well, and Rong Chenzi stood beside her with a gentle expression: "The posture of holding the brush is wrong."

Fu Ya tried a few times, but it still didn't look like it, and finally she couldn't help but said, "Teach me, Taoist priest."

Rong Chenzi frowned slightly, and finally pulled out a sweat towel on the table which was used to wipe the ink, gently covered the back of her hand, then held her hand through the sweat towel, and shared books with her.Fuya stole a peek, calmly, only focusing on the brushstrokes on the paper, with nothing else in mind.

"That mussel spirit is impulsive and stupid, so it's nothing to worry about. It's just that this man is the reincarnation of a righteous god, with a strong foundation and incomprehensible style, so it's hard to attack him." She mused to herself.

At noon they still eat in the dining hall, Rong Chenzi hesitated a few times, but finally did not ask his disciples to deliver the meal.Qingxuan wanted to ask several times, but didn't dare, and finally had to press down.Rong Chenzi is really determined to teach this guy a lesson this time - he doesn't give any color, and acts recklessly! !

In the evening, the Qingxu Temple rescued the villagers who died of the blood pupil surgery.The puja was held in the open-air dojo, and it was still presided over by Rong Chenzi.There is an altar in the center of the field, on which there are vases, incense burners, incense tubes, wax skewers, etc., for five offerings of incense, flowers, water, fruits, and lights.There are also jade seals, jade slips, Ruyi, Lingqi and other ritual instruments.

Before the opening of the Dharma meeting, all the disciples played Buxu Qu, and all the mages sang Buxu Ci in chorus. The opening tune was "Little Rescue for Suffering".When Rong Chenzi led the singing of the scriptures, he suddenly thought of the clam again, and couldn't help but regain his concentration.

Fu Ya was still listening, when no one was paying attention, she turned around and found a small path into a side hall, which was where Rong Chenzi's bedroom was.She had obviously explored the way before she came, and she was very familiar with this place, and she had already entered the door after a while.

There was no light in the room, and it seemed as if I could hear my own heartbeat in the silence.She flipped her right hand and held a bone staff in her hand. There was still a monster with a human face and a snake body coiled on the staff, which seemed to be the true god they believed in.

She chanted a little mantra, and a cluster of dark green flames rose from her fingertips. She pressed down the mountain pine picture on the wall almost without looking for it.Before entering the secret path, she tried several times and was very cautious.But nothing happened all the way, and she entered the secret room smoothly.

During the observation, she inquired about it from the little Taoist priest, and heard that this clam spirit turned out to be Rong Chenzi's tripod.She was very surprised, if she didn't get rid of this obstacle, she would have to go through a lot of trouble to eat the fairy meat.

Fu Ya is very confident that as long as she gets a single hair from this clam spirit, she can design one hundred and eight ways to die for her, without flaws.

The room was pitch-black, only the incense burner in the corner was burning with spices. Fuya looked around with the cold light of the flame in her hand, and she immediately believed the tripod's words.She performed a body protection technique, but still dare not underestimate this clam spirit.

After waiting for a while without any movement, she carefully lifted the tent with her staff.In the red tent, the mussel was lying quietly, eyes closed, not moving, and there was a fixing spell on his forehead.Fu Ya was overjoyed immediately, quickly pulled out one of her hair, and was about to turn around to leave when suddenly the Arhat lamp on the wall was lit, and it was Qing Xuan who entered the secret room alone.

Looking at each other, Fuya was unavoidably flustered, but she quickly calmed down: "I heard that Taoist Rong Chenzi punished her for what happened last time, so I came here to visit."

Qingxuan didn't seem to notice it: "Master's bedroom has always been disliked by others trespassing, wizard, please go back."

Fuya responded, turned around and left the secret room, she glanced out of the corner of her eyes before leaving, and saw that Qingxuan was holding a crock of water, mixed with sugar, and was feeding the mussel essence spoonful by spoonful at the moment.He also sighed in a low voice: "Master only asked me to feed you water, but I dare not let you go. Oh, what kind of mischief are you doing again? After two days, Master's anger subsided and I will intercede for you. You should drink some water first... ..."

After another two days like this, Fuya began to feel a little uneasy.She pulled out one of the clam spirit's hairs, but for two days, she tried all kinds of spells, but it didn't work at all.It's as if this hair has never grown on any living thing!
This morning, after Rong Chenzi finished washing up, he suddenly remembered the big river clam in the secret room.He rolled up his sleeves and stepped into the secret room.The mussel was still lying on the couch, not even changing its posture.Rong Chenzi stood in front of the couch for a while, hesitating in his heart - at this time, letting her go would inevitably cry again.Find a time in the evening to ask Qingxuan to come and release her, so as not to coax her again.

Thinking of this, he wanted to leave, and before he left, he glanced at the people in the gauze curtain, Rong Chenzi's face suddenly changed, and he lifted the gauze curtain with one hand.I saw the eyes of the person in the tent were closed tightly, and a stream of blood and tears flowed from her right eye, which lined her white cheeks with shock.

Blood pupil technique! !
(End of this chapter)

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