Chapter 7

Rong Chenzi hurriedly took a cloth to wipe off the curse on the mussel's face, and was also annoyed in his heart - it's broken, it's broken, I don't know how I'm going to cry now! !

He was standing by the couch waiting for her to howl, but the mussel was exceptionally quiet, and she still knew how to cover her right eye with her hand, and kept silent.Rong Chenzi waited for a long time, and finally leaned over cautiously. He lowered his voice, and forced his majestic and mature voice into a gentle voice: "It's okay, it's okay, take your hands away, I'll take a look first."

The mussel let go of his hand obediently, Rong Chenzi bent over and opened his eyelids to look, he was not afraid of the curse of the blood pupil technique, it took him a long time to get back up, he is a stubborn person, and he is quite well-behaved on weekdays I'm used to it, and now I'm lying low and being small, so I'm afraid that the clam will cry: "I'll ask Qingxuan to bring some food over, be good, I'll prepare the antidote, it will be fine soon, huh?"

He Mu nodded slightly, but didn't look at him.Rong Chenzi was still worried. After thinking for a long time, he stretched out his hand and stroked her hair in the gesture of caressing a kitten or puppy. The black hair was as smooth as silk, and when he walked out of the room, there was still that moisture in his fingertips. texture.

After a while, Qingxuan obeyed the master's order and brought food. The clam didn't speak, but silently lowered its head and ate wildly. Qingxuan was also a little worried: "Master ordered me to collect herbs this afternoon. Do you want your Majesty to go with you?"

The clam nodded: "Your master is too bad! I won't talk to him anymore!"

Qingxuan couldn't help laughing: "Master suspected that the instigator of the blood pupil technique was Nafuya, so he kept her in the observation room, and ordered Qingsu to investigate carefully. The reason why His Majesty was locked in a secret room was also because he was afraid that she would hurt His Majesty. Your Majesty, don't be annoyed by your tutor."

He Mu didn't appreciate it at all: "Hmph, Rong Chenzi of Gou-ri!"

Qingxuan turned pale with shock: "Don't talk nonsense! Be careful that Master hears!!"

After eating, the mussel followed Qingxuan to gather medicine.Her right eye is inconvenient, so she covered it with shark silk, which further accentuated her strong nose and delicate mouth.Followed behind Qingxuan all the way, but did not make trouble.

In the evening, when Qingxuan was eating in the dining hall, she also went with her, and she sat at the same table with Qingxuan.Rong Chenzi sat at the same table with Fu Ya, and Fu Ya was also looking at the mussel, she covered her eyes with silk, but she couldn't see anything unusual.All the disciples knew something was wrong - this, this, the master's backyard really caught fire! !
No matter how many mussels there were, she still ate with her head buried in her meal, and her appetite was not that exaggerated under the eyes of everyone, and the food at Qingxuan's table was obviously not delicate enough, she only ate for two people.

Qingxuan really doesn't want to be cannon fodder, it's fine for the juniors to look this way from time to time, the master's gaze can burn him through!He ate half full and got up immediately: "I'm going back to my room first!"

The river clam also got up and followed him bouncingly, passing by a table, she even took away the steamed buns on the table. = =!
Qingxuan returned to the room with his front foot, and the mussel followed him in behind.The furnishings in his room are a bit complicated, which is due to his youthful temperament and many likings.There are unfinished Taoist talismans and newly written music scores on several cases. A bamboo flute gifted by Rong Chenzi is placed on the upper level of the wooden shelf next to it, an erhu is placed on the lower level, and a pipa is also placed vertically.

There is a square cabinet on the right, which contains many transcribed scriptures.

The bamboo curtain is half rolled up, although it is not as simple as Rong Chenzi's bedroom, it is quite popular.

It was the first time a female guest came to the room, Qingxuan felt uncomfortable in various ways, but he couldn't drive the mussel away, so he could only gently remind him: "Aren't you tired after climbing the mountain all day? Go back to the room and sleep."

The mussel laid down on his bed carelessly, and she still groaned angrily: "I will sleep here from now on!"

Qingxuan's ears turned red: "Your Majesty, Xiaodao is a monk, a lonely man and a widow, how can they live together in the same room?"

The clam didn't listen to anything, but saw a string of bone wind chimes in the other cabinet, thought it was fun, took it out to play with.Qing Xuan was neither sitting nor standing, and finally Rong Chenzi came over after a long time.

Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, immediately threw the hot potato to the master, and stood solemnly by the door.Rong Chenzi was standing in front of the couch, and the mussel was sitting on the couch playing with the bone bell, neither raised his head nor spoke.Rong Chenzi said nicely, "The antidote will be cured in two days."

The mussels were blindfolded, but the blood was stopped by the crocodile, which was translucent, making it a bit blurry to see.She didn't cry or fuss, and she didn't respond.Rong Chenzi couldn't really let her stay in the Qingxuan room, he had the cheek to claim that it was a tripod for his dual cultivation, what would it be like to stay in the Qingxuan room now?

If it spreads out, I don't know what it will be distorted into.

So he approached the mussel slightly, and squeezed a three-point smile on his serious face: "Go back to the room, and rest early if your eyes are not convenient."

Qingxuan is also smart, and secretly thought that his master would not be embarrassed if he was here.He bowed and said, "Disciple suddenly remembered something, please leave for a while."

Rong Chenzi nodded naturally, but the clam jumped up: "I want to go too!!"

Qingxuan couldn't tear down the master's east wall, and couldn't offend He Mu, so he complained in his heart: "I...I...go to the latrine by path."

The mussel suddenly became unreasonable again: "I want to go to the hut too!!"

Qingxuan looked to Rong Chenzi for help, Rong Chenzi became ruthless, he brushed his index finger over the strings of the lute, and a string of blood beads was drawn on the pulp of his finger.The fragrance in the room was overwhelming, the mussel was still grabbing the corner of Qingxuan's clothes before, and turned to look at him after a while, swallowing hard.

Rong Chenzi stood in front of the couch with his head bowed, the blood on his index finger was about to fall.The clam's breathing became heavier and heavier, her hands were still pulling Qingxuan, but her feet didn't listen. She ran over and put Rong Chenzi's index finger in her mouth, sucking continuously.Her lips were pink and soft, and the tip of her tongue made his fingertips itch even more.Rong Chen's face was slightly hot, he stroked her hair for a long time, and asked softly: "How about going back to the room?"

The smell of flesh and blood is really fragrant!The clam greedily sucked on his fingertips, the more he sucked, the more hungry he was, and he swallowed half a catty of saliva, wishing he could chew and eat his whole finger, his whole hand, and his whole body, how could he answer?I had no choice but to nod.

But she did not leave after agreeing: "My eyes hurt, and I climbed the mountain all afternoon, and my feet hurt too."

Rong Chenzi always felt guilty, and sighed slightly when he heard the words: "Then you become a river clam, and the poor will take you back."

"Woo, my eyes hurt." He Mu raised his hand to rub his eyes.Rong Chenzi untied the shackles on her eyes, leaned over to look at her pupils, sighed again, finally leaned over and picked her up horizontally, and left Qingxuan's bedroom.

The clam was happy now, wrapped his arms around his neck, and sniffed greedily around his neck, all the disciples in the audience saw the master coming from a distance with the beauty in his arms, how could they dare to step forward, and quickly chose a way to avoid it .

When he passed by the guest hall, he met Fu Ya, Rong Chen's face flushed, he just nodded slightly at her, and went straight away.On the contrary, the clam glanced at her and slightly curled its lips.Fu Ya couldn't see her eyes clearly through the gauze.

Back in the bedroom, Rong Chenzi put her gently on his bed, found a teapot and poured white water for her, the spring water in the mountain flows to the small river, now her pupils are injured, she can't take a bath inside, but there is no shortage of water.

The clam drank half a bowl of water with his hand, and looked up at him blankly, like a hungry dog ​​looking at a bone.Rong Chenzi laughed, and patted her head like a puppy: "Okay, go to sleep."

He folded his clothes and lay down, the mussel just sniffed him around, Rong Chenzi ignored her and closed his eyes to rest.She sniffed and began to lick, starting gently from his thumb and playing slowly.

The tip of the tongue is too soft, but more flexible than a cat's tongue. It licks on the back of the palm of the hand and between the five fingers. Rong Chenzi stretched out his right hand to touch her long hair like seaweed: "I'm asleep."

She rushed forward unexpectedly, lying on Rong Chenzi's chest, stretching out her mouth to lick Rong Chenzi's neck.Rong Chenzi was slightly startled, and immediately pulled her off, emphasizing his tone: "Sleep!"

This mussel is not afraid, she has a trump card: "Does his eyes hurt!!"

Rong Chenzi sighed deeply: "This matter is due to poor consideration, I thought she would not mess around in my room." He touched He Mu's eyes lightly through the gauze, "I won't do it again in the future." I will, I promise."

He Mu rubbed against him, clung to his thick shoulders: "Zhiguan avenges me!"

Rong Chenzi stroked her hair, and it took a long time before he replied: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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