final abyss

Chapter 315 One Person, One God's Annoyance

Chapter 315 Annoyed by One Person and One God
After the man made his choice, a voice appeared in everyone's mind:
[Spatial reminder]: The special force "Cosmic Protoss" appeared, and this force joined the ranking of racial forces, currently ranked tenth

Wu Dao's heart was surging at the moment, looking at Xue Ming who lowered his head to express his surrender to him, a sense of pride welled up spontaneously.

The guy in front of him used to be a god, a supreme existence worshiped by thousands of races, but now he kneels down in front of him and recognizes him as his master.

This wonderful feeling made him a little obsessed, and he tried to make an order in his heart.

Sensing the thought of Wu Dao, Xue Ming stood up slowly, then stretched out his hand, a scarlet streamer shot out from his hand, and hit a stone platform not far away.

The stone platform made a loud noise under the impact of the streamer of light, and instantly fell apart.

And what shocked Wudao was that the surface of those broken stones was stained with a tinge of red, and this tinge of red spread rapidly, corroding all the fragments scattered on the ground without leaving a trace.

"Is this the power of the gods?" Wu Dao muttered to himself, but his heart was full of fire.

He raised his hand and took out all the evolution crystals stored in the space warehouse, and handed them to Xue Ming.

Xue Ming immediately understood what he meant, nodded, and opened his mouth to inhale these evolutionary crystals. Suddenly, a hole was opened on the surface of the crystal, and the liquid inside floated up along the hole. , Drilling towards Xue Ming's mouth.

After absorbing the evolution fluid, Xue Ming's expression did not fluctuate at all. Obviously, this little evolution crystal could not change him at all.

"I need a more powerful master of power." Wu Dao's stumbling words came out of his mouth, which surprised Wu Dao.

"You can talk?"

"I am a god, your language talent has been copied by me." Xue Ming who spoke again was already speaking very fluently.

"Let's go, grab the Zerg's evolution crystal, it's better to occupy another mining node, so that we have more resources and can speed up your evolution!"

"Mining nodes?" Xue Ming sneered, looking disdainful.

"What they mine is my flesh and blood. The so-called evolutionary crystals are just my flesh and blood. Their mining nodes are just digging on my huge body. It's just that my body is too strong, even after a long time. Baptism is not easy to dig, so they built the city here, trying to obtain resources from my body for many years."

"Your flesh and blood?" Wudao was so shocked that he was almost speechless when he heard this. He never thought that the so-called mining node would mine Xueming's flesh and blood.

"Yes! They found my flesh and blood, and even found my unextinguished soul-seed in my body, and regarded it as a fetish, but they were too greedy, so the destruction actually came when they discovered me It was already doomed for a moment, I am a god! I am not an existence they can covet!"

When he said these words, Xue Ming's expression was full of arrogance, and the aura of a superior emerged spontaneously.

Han Yi, who heard this not far away, was also a little dazed. He got a lot of information from these few words, especially when he learned that the blue-blooded man was actually digging up the divine body, he was beyond surprised.

"Then how can I regain your body and help you recover your strength?" Although his mentality has changed, but he has been cowardly for a long time, Wu Dao still has no subjective judgment, and subconsciously asked Xue Ming.

"My body is this planet, there is no need to take it back, and the spirituality of this body has long been destroyed, and now its only use is to become the nutrient for my new body, so we only need to destroy as many mining nodes as possible, and then Take back my flesh and blood," Xue Ming said lightly again.

"Okay! What should I do?" Wudao immediately nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

Xue Ming did not answer directly this time, but turned his head to look at the few people who were looking down on the fifth floor of the barrier building, and then said lightly:
"Kill them, devour their souls and evolution crystals, and let them become my nutrient"

When Wudao heard this, he was startled, and immediately turned his head to look, only to find that the original companions were also looking at him in horror.

"We are humans and we should kill insects. Insects." Wudao gradually reacted after saying this sentence.

He is no longer a member of the human race. The moment he accepted the "world-class hidden mission", he was a special force equivalent to the "Blade Race", an existence that was an enemy of the human race and the Zerg race.

"You hesitated?" Xue Ming frowned slightly and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, I am your master, do you need to remind me?" Wudao replied fiercely to Xue Ming.

Hearing this, Xue Ming did not speak, but stood quietly aside.

At this moment, Wu Dao clenched his fists. Now that he belongs to a special force, he doesn't have to worry about the human forces at all, but there are still companions who fought together upstairs, which made him feel unacceptable for a while.

"The stronger I am, the safer you will be. Maybe at the last moment of life and death, you may be only a little away from victory. You may regret the current indecision, but you will think, it would be better to be stronger!"

Xue Ming's words instantly shattered the hesitation in Wudao's heart, and he suddenly turned his head and looked viciously at the few people on the top of the barrier building.

"I'm sorry, this task is too difficult, I will not let go of any way to become stronger, for my own sake, you all go to die!"

Xue Ming and Wu Dao were in the same mind, and when this idea appeared in his mind, he acted.

The body suddenly soared into the air and flew towards the few people in the barrier building.

Seeing this, several people in the barrier building quickly raised their weapons, and clusters of energy bombs were shot out of the weapons instantly, attacking towards Xue Ming.

Xue Ming was still expressionless, and when the energy bomb was about to approach his body, his body suddenly collapsed automatically, turning into blood mist all over the sky.

And these energy bombs passed through the blood mist and fell on the ground, making several loud noises.

Afterwards, the blood mist transformed by Xue Ming automatically combined, turned into a pool of blood, and rolled straight towards the barrier building.

Seeing this, the people by the window retreated immediately, but the speed of the blood mist was faster than them, and it was close in a blink of an eye, engulfing a soldier standing outside.

The huge corrosive force quickly dissolved the armor on his body. When his body was revealed, a face appeared in the blood mist, and it could be vaguely seen that it was the appearance of Xue Ming.

Xue Ming sucked hard at the man, and immediately strands of black threads floated out from the man's forehead and flew into his mouth.

But the man who was originally struggling stopped struggling in an instant, losing all vitality.

Looking at the noisy commotion above his head, Wudao stood quietly in place, his heart beating violently.

This kind of powerful ability can be used by him, and this feeling of reaching the sky in one step has completely fascinated him.

"Kill! Kill them, then devour them, and keep getting stronger." Wu Knife muttered to himself, but his expression was full of excitement.

At this moment, a figure suddenly came from a distance, and the speed of this figure was extremely fast, which surprised Wudao.

He immediately raised the lightsaber in his hand and swung forward, trying to block the approach of the figure, but then the figure disappeared instantly.

Everything was like an illusion, making Fog Dao completely unable to react.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing through the body came, and Wudao looked at a scarlet spike piercing from the heart, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

He turned his head to look, only to find a figure wrapped in black armor was watching him quietly.

Then the scarlet thorn twisted several times at the position of his heart. After smashing his heart completely, Han Yi pulled out the scarlet thorn and swung it towards Wudao's neck.

"Why, I just had such a powerful force, why am I going to die, I am so unwilling to think that I can finally become a strong man"

Wu Dao's vision became more and more blurred, and his unwilling eyes were just a joke to Han Yi.


A pool of blood suddenly appeared in front of the scarlet thorn that had already been slashed down. This pool of blood instantly wrapped Han Yi's body and pulled it back continuously, making Han Yi's slashing in vain.

"Your uncle's!"

Han Yi's heart sank. He didn't need to think about it to know that Xue Ming had discovered it and was preventing him from killing the target.

With a ruthless heart, he directly turned on the "killing mode" and "bloodthirsty attack", and the overlord state instantly possessed him, and the power pulled by the blood mist disappeared instantly. He stepped close to the mist knife again, and slashed again out.

Han Yi was bound to win this blow. In the state of dominance, he didn't believe that Xue Ming still had the ability to control him.

At this time, a cloud of blood mist suddenly gushed out from the body of the fog knife, surrounding it, and Han Yi's scarlet thorn slashed down heavily, splitting the blood mist, and slashed at the figure's body. At the neck, the man's neck was cut off by this knife, and his head was thrown away.

However, Han Yi's complexion was not very good, because the face on the head had completely changed, and it was Xue Ming who appeared in front of his eyes.

Xue Ming's head floating in the air stared at Han Yi coldly, and suddenly said:

"If you were faster, I would be free, but unfortunately you are still too slow, so I am very angry, you go to hell!"

Immediately, the head and body turned into blood mist, sweeping towards Han Yi, trying to wrap him in it.

Han Yi was startled. He knew the powerful corrosive power of the blood mist, so he took a big step back decisively, and then started to run sideways.

He still doesn't have the ability to fight Xue Ming, this guy is a god after all, even in the weakest state, he is absolutely powerful and terrifying, so he has to run.

Seeing Han Yi rushing away, Xue Ming didn't choose to chase after him, but his body turned into a blood mist and quickly drifted towards the barrier building.

At this time, Wudao's face was pale, and he looked at the few people in front of him in horror with his heart covered.

He didn't know why he appeared here. Although he avoided the fatal blow of the mysterious person who appeared inexplicably, the faces of the people in front of him were unkind, and they all raised their weapons at him.

"Retribution!" These two words suddenly appeared in Wudao's mind.

He was the one who wanted to kill these people before and let them become the nourishment of Xue Ming, but now he has fallen into their hands.

He felt that the vitality was gradually passing away in his body, and a miserable smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly a blood mist floated in front of him, and then penetrated into his heart, but after a while, the blood mist came out again, and then the blood mist turned into blood water and then condensed into Xueming.

Caressing the beating heart again, Wu Dao felt that he was overjoyed and sad, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he regained his life.

Then he slowly raised his head, looked at the few people in front of him with a ferocious face, and yelled at Xue Ming: "Kill them!"

After realizing that he was not being chased, Han Yi still did not stop running away. After running for several kilometers, he slowed down.

At this moment, Han Yi was extremely annoyed. He almost killed the target just now, but he was still a step too late and failed completely.

However, Han Yi heard a piece of information from Xue Ming's mouth.

Xue Ming also seemed to want the man to die, and he, like Han Yi, was very annoyed that Han Yi failed to kill the man.

This made Han Yi think of space, and indeed it was the power of space that bound Xue Ming to be controlled by that man.

Thinking of this, Han Yi laughed at himself. Even the gods are like toys under the space. In fact, they are no different from the entrants, no matter how strong you are.

Walking forward slowly, Han Yi now has another plan besides wanting to plunder and make himself stronger.

That is to find a safe place, and then open the key. He has a lot of keys in his hand now, and the resources in it should be enough for him to strengthen.

He intends to strengthen his own strength first, so as not to be unable to protect himself when the faction war breaks out.

Suddenly, Han Yi stopped walking forward, and he immediately leaned down and listened for a while, then stood up, and immediately stood up and burrowed into a flower bed overgrown with weeds next to him.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

The sound from the instrument was accompanied by the sound of dense footsteps, and a large group of people suddenly appeared where Han Yi was standing just now.

"Blade Zerg! It's nearby!" One of the crowd shouted, and raised the alarming device in his hand.

"Are you sure it's the female blade bug?"

Someone in the crowd asked.

"I don't know, the instrument after this revision can be searched as long as it is a blade zerg, but it is not sure whether it is the mother worm or the descendant of the mother worm!"

At first, he thought it was just a group of people passing by, so Han Yi hid in the haystack, but he didn't expect that this group of people turned out to be him when he was running wildly. The instrument detected his existence and followed him all the way.

Han Yi cursed secretly in his heart, and scanned the surrounding area, preparing to find a strong position to escape.

With the existence of the instrument, it is already impossible for him to hide here. As long as he exists nearby, the instrument will sound an alarm. If this continues, he will be found sooner or later, so he must escape again.

Watching the crowd disperse and start a carpet-like scatter search, Han Yi's figure suddenly popped up, using his strength to kick on the big tree in the center of the flower bed, jumped to the roof of a house, and rushed forward quickly.

"Found it! He's on the roof, run after him!"

Seeing Han Yi's figure suddenly appear, the crowd immediately boiled, and they all ran wildly following Han Yi.

From everyone's point of view, Han Yi at this moment is a mobile "hidden mission", and after catching up, he can get rich rewards.


A huge fireball landed at Han Yi's feet, and the house collapsed immediately. His body jumped out again and landed on the top of another house, and his body continued to lean forward.

"Surround him, there is a river in front of him, blocking him there"

Hearing these words, the crowd began to divide into three waves and surrounded them towards the front.

 ~o(〃'▽'〃)o呵~Resume update~

(End of this chapter)

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