final abyss

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
Han Yi, who was jumping and running wildly on the roof, turned his head and glanced behind him, and found that the chasing crowd had divided into three waves, and his heart shuddered.

With a leap, his body soared into the air.

While advancing, his pupils contracted, and when he looked forward, he immediately spotted the torrential river in the distance.

"Want to surround me?" Han Yi chuckled, glanced at a tall building in front of him, turned around and ran towards the tall building.

Seeing Han Yi accelerate, the chasing crowd also began to increase their speed. At the same time, energy bombs kept flying out of the crowd, attacking Han Yi, trying to interfere with Han Yi's advancing speed.

Relying on the jointed limbs, Han Yi's speed is very fast, and he can also change directions quickly on the way forward, and no energy bullet can hit him at all.

When he was about to reach the tall building, Han Yi lowered his body, and then pushed his six jointed limbs violently, his body was ejected, and flew towards the tall building.

The moment Han Yi hit the tall building, the jointed limbs on the back were inserted into the metal frame of the building fiercely, his body slid down a bit and stabilized immediately, and then the jointed limbs swung back and forth, leading Han Yi quickly to the top of the tall building climb up.

"This guy has gone upstairs, hurry up, he is looking for his own death!"

Seeing Han Yi's actions, many people had expressions of surprise on their faces, thinking that Han Yi was pushing himself to a dead end.

If he went upstairs, he would definitely not be able to escape their siege unless he jumped from the 20-plus floors.

The chasing crowd advanced quickly, and the few melee human warriors who ran ahead directly broke through the bottom wall of the building with their bodies, and continued to chase along the upward stairs.

What's more, just like Han Yi, he climbed directly from the tall building to catch up.

The whole crowd has already regarded Han Yi as a fragrant steamed bun, for fear of missing it, they all want a piece of the action.

Han Yi turned his head and glanced at the crowd who kept entering the tall building, then continued to climb again, his body leaped upwards, and soon reached the top of the building.

The edge of the roof of this high-rise building is surrounded by a circle of wire, which looks similar to a real-life lightning rod. There is also a huge stone tablet in the center of the roof. There are many distorted runes carved on it, which look like the words of the blue-blooded people. .

Han Yi stood up, came to the edge of the roof and looked down, and saw armored warriors constantly climbing up with their two-handed weapons on the edge of the high-rise.

Han Yi looked down, did not take any defensive measures, but just watched, as if waiting for their arrival.

In fact, Han Yi's idea of ​​climbing this tall building was also after careful consideration.

The terrain here is not as wide as below, and it is not easy to be attacked by groups, and the exit to the roof is a passage not far from Han Yi, so he can block there and adopt a strategy of killing one by one.

And there is a very important point, in fact, Han Yi can continue to climb and escape down the edge of the high-rise, because he has the advantage of arthropods, and he also has the ability to fight while climbing, so he doesn't have to be afraid of others at all.

After thinking about these problems, Han Yi settled down and began to sit cross-legged, slowly recovering the physical strength consumed during running, and preparing for the next big battle.

Although it was difficult, he was not afraid. This was also an opportunity for him to become stronger. Fighting here was far easier than fighting below.

Compared with the crowd who came up by the stairs, the speed of the crowd who climbed directly from the periphery of the high-rise was significantly faster.

But what surprised Han Yi was that he was ready to fight, and several people below who were about to climb to the top of the building stopped climbing, and then raised their heads and began to look at Han Yi.

Han Yi immediately understood what they were thinking. They were waiting for the crowd from the stairs to arrive before joining the battle. Obviously, they were all very resourceful people.

With a sneer, Han Yi immediately turned around and walked towards the only passage leading here.

When he came to the passage, he bent down and pulled the metal handle, and then burst out of strength instantly, pulling off the metal cover covering the passage, and then threw it aside.

While waiting, the sound of footsteps in Han Yi's ears became more and more clear. He realized that the crowd was approaching, and raised the scarlet thorn in his hand slightly, ready to attack at any time.

When the first person appeared in Han Yi's sight, there was a surprise expression on that person's face, and Han Yi couldn't help but shook his head. He couldn't understand why there are always arrogant guys who would be the first bird. It was obviously the most dangerous behavior, but he showed a happy look.

The person who found Han Yi yelled at the back, telling the people behind that Han Yi was here, then immediately walked up the passage quickly and charged towards Han Yi with a smug smile on his face.

Han Yi's jointed limbs slowly opened, dancing back and forth in the air, and then his figure flashed and approached the man at an extremely fast speed. The lightning-fast blow directly pierced the lightsaber in his hand and pierced him. chest.

Before the man had time to react, the two jointed limbs popped out suddenly and stuck the man's neck, and then they squeezed each other like scissors, and the man's head was cut off instantly, and the blood on the neck "chi chi" burst out .

Han Yi kicked the man's body down, and stared at the other people who kept pouring into the passage, with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Kill!" The crowd burst into a cry, and the people in the front rushed towards Han Yi.

"Kill!" This time the kill came from Han Yi's mouth, and he also took the initiative to kill towards the crowd.

At most, the passage can accommodate two people passing side by side, and they will also affect each other. Fighting here, Han Yi is completely worthwhile.


In an instant, Han Yi collided with the armored warrior in front, sending his body into the air and flying backward.

Fortunately, he had a companion, so he didn't fall down because of it.

Feeling Han Yi's enormous power, he suddenly regretted a little bit. Just now, he was blinded by greed, but now he suddenly remembered that this guy in front of him was a very powerful existence.

But he couldn't retreat at all. The crowd pushed him with a terrified face and continued towards Han Yi, scaring him very much.


Han Yi shouted angrily, bowed his head and jumped, and the scarlet thorn stabbed viciously at the frightened man.

The man raised his lightsaber to block it, but a thrust came from behind him, causing him to stagger, his body leaned forward, his neck hit Han Yi's scarlet thorn, and his head was instantly pierced.

The deaths of the first two people made everyone realize that Han Yi was not easy to deal with, but someone immediately came up with a corresponding method.

"Push! Push him up, the field will be relatively empty, and he will be easily surrounded and killed, so he can't be used here!"

When the people behind heard this, they immediately felt that this was a good idea, so they pushed the crowd in front vigorously, and the faces of the few people in the front turned blue when they heard this. Their life and death will push them forward.

All of a sudden, the people in the front were pushing back, while the people behind were pushing forward, and the crowd instantly became a mess.

Han Yicai didn't care about them, he took a big step forward and started killing.

He will not give up the good opportunity to increase his points, the passage here is narrow, it is not easy to be surrounded, and the chasing crowd cannot exert the power of the crowd, but he can fully play freely.

While killing forward, his jointed limbs kept waving. In addition to attacking and defending, he would also intentionally pick up the treasure chest keys dropped by the dead and store them in the space warehouse.

After killing another armored man, a heavy armored warrior who was significantly larger than the other armored warriors suddenly appeared in front of Han Yi.

Just like dealing with the people in front of him, Han Yi stretched out his jointed limbs and pressed them against the wall of the passageway. With a lot of force, he also swung the scarlet thorn, trying to kill the person in front of him with his strength.

But what Han Yi didn't expect was that a huge round shield appeared in the hand of the man in front of him.

He lowered his head and covered his upper body in the round shield, forcibly blocking Han Yi's slash, and the power transmitted from the shield was also received by the crowd behind him, and his body remained motionless on the spot.

After Han Yi finished slashing, the man raised his head, flashed the round shield in his hand, and a phantom of a Triceratops appeared in the center of the round shield.

"Push me! Push him out together!"

The heavily armored warrior let out an angry cry, lowered his body, and then jumped forward fiercely, rushing towards Han Yi.


The moment he collided with Han Yi, Han Yi took a small step back, while the phantom of the Triceratops continued to roar, and the force of the man's push forward also increased.

Just when Han Yi was about to swing his jointed limbs to fight back, an even greater force came from the round shield, pushing him back several steps in a row.

The source of this force was the crowd coming from behind. They worked together to push the heavily armored man towards Han Yi slowly.

This made Han Yi realize that it was a bit difficult to handle. This heavy armored fighter was obviously a very defensive tank type player.

With so many people behind him as the backing, even if he wanted to retreat, the crowd behind him would never give in.

"Come again!"

The man yelled again, leaped vigorously, and rammed towards Han Yi again.

Han Yi decisively folded his jointed limbs together in front of his chest, forming a defense that withstood the man's impact.

However, the wave of power from behind also followed, causing Han Yi to take a few steps back again.

Immediately, the fierceness in Han Yi's heart was also aroused. He roared angrily, and shot first before the heavily armored man had any strength.

The shoulder hit heavily on the round shield of the man in heavy armor, and then the limbs popped out suddenly, inserted into the wall of the passage, and began to push forward.


Han Yi roared, the blood in his eyes gradually appeared, and his body began to tremble slightly due to the constant exertion.


The heavy-armored warrior did not show weakness, he shouted angrily, and wanted to push Han Yi back along with the thrust from his back.

But this time Han Yi was supported by jointed limbs inserted into the wall. Not only was he not repelled, but he moved a small step after pressing down on the heavy armored warrior.

"The power of a bull!"

"The source of strength!"

"Giant Strength"

Three different voices came from the end of the passage, and then three beams of light penetrated into the body of the man in front of him.

Suddenly, the muscles in the heavily armored man began to swell, and he faintly felt that his strength had increased significantly.

"I'm not alone! Haha!"

The man in heavy armor said excitedly to Han Yi, and then pushed the round shield forward, and Han Yi was suppressed by this force and moved back slowly.

Han Yi was shocked. He clearly felt that the strength of the man in heavy armor who was blessed by these three forces was more than half stronger.

Seeing that Han Yi was in a weak position again, the heavily armored man laughed excitedly, approached Han Yi again, and began to push him back.

The jointed limb inserted into the wall also began to tremble due to the excessive force. Han Yi also realized that he might not be able to hold on anymore, so he pulled out the jointed limb decisively and took a big step back.


The man in heavy armor who kept pushing forward didn't react for a while. After Han Yi took the initiative to retreat, his body tilted, and then the round shield fell heavily to the ground, smashing a hole in the ground.

"It's done! It's done!"

The crowd was excited, and the man in heavy armor at the front of the crowd showed a smile on his face, lifted his shield and walked up.

Han Yi had no choice. He didn't expect that there would be such a man with a heavy armor and a round shield in the crowd, and he was forced out of the passage by the thrust of the passage and the crowd behind him.

As soon as he stepped out of the passage, Han Yi suddenly felt the wind blowing, and then he tilted his head, and a long spear slashed across his forehead and stuck at his feet.


Before Han Yi could react, a force bumped into his back and threw him forward.

However, Han Yi, who had rich combat experience, was still very calm. While pounced forward, the limbs flicked forward, pushed on the ground, and sent his body back again.

Then a long spear stuck where he was supposed to land.

While standing still, Han Yi turned around and kicked the person who had knocked him into the air, kicking him back several steps.

These reactions were all in the blink of an eye, and the person who knocked Han Yi into the air did not expect Han Yi's reaction to be so fast.

Turning his head, Han Yi found that there were already six people standing on the roof of the building at this time. Each of them was holding a weapon, standing separately, and surrounded him in the very center by encircling him. Obviously, he was ready.

This group of people is naturally a few people who climbed up from the outside of the tall building like Han Yi.

They had been waiting for the arrival of other people before, and now that group of people had appeared, they naturally chose to come up.


There was a loud noise at the entrance of the passage, and the body of the man in heavy armor holding the shield was pushed up by the force behind him, and then he fell heavily to the ground.

As people continued to come out of the passage, the small roof was quickly crowded with people.

But then a comedy scene happened. It was already impossible to stand outside, but there were still people who wanted to come out of the passage.

But the crowd above would naturally not let them come out again, otherwise they would have nowhere to stand.

Suddenly a slight conflict erupted at the entrance of the cave. The crowd inside followed here, naturally unwilling to give up the opportunity to get a share, while the crowd outside couldn't stand because the roof area was too small, and they didn't want to make room, so they didn't want the people inside come out.

The crowd became chaotic.

"Leave them alone, let's do it! Kill him early, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

A voice suddenly appeared in Han Yi's ear, but Han Yi was taken aback, because he was so familiar with this voice.

With his powerful memory, after thinking for a while, he immediately remembered who the person who made the sound was.

(End of this chapter)

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