final abyss

Chapter 317

Chapter 317


A human warrior in red armor who stood not far from Han Yi waved forward, and immediately two long spears made of energy appeared in front of him, and then shot towards Han Yi.

When Han Yi saw this, the Scarlet Thorn slashed forward, turning the spear into little stars.


Han Yi suddenly shouted at the red armor that summoned the javelin.

The body of the man in the red armor visibly shook, and then a female voice came from the armor:
"Who are you? Why do you know me?"

Han Yi smiled, but he didn't answer, even if he knew each other, but now the two sides are completely on opposite sides, and there is no friendship at all.

After all, this is a space. Apart from profit and survival, everything is empty and chilling.

Lily looked at the Blade Zerg surrounded by the crowd in amazement at the moment. Because Han Yi lowered his head at the moment, Lily couldn't tell who he was at all, but Han Yi's words still made her start to seriously think about whether the person in front of her was alive or not. met before.

Then many figures appeared in her mind, and her body was slightly shaken immediately:
"Are you a guardian?"

Hearing Lily's words, many people around also took a deep breath. This name is considered a very famous person among the entrants.

A strong man who has firmly stood at the top of the single player standings by relying on his own strength, everyone present has heard of this name.

"It seems that you still remember me, but you didn't expect to meet again, and we will meet each other!"

Unexpectedly, he was recognized so quickly, Han Yi smiled and replied lightly.

At this moment, Lily's thoughts fluctuated, she never thought that the guy chasing all the way turned out to be the guard.What's more unexpected is that this guy in front of him has grown to the point where he is now, and has already left her far away.

But at this moment, Lily's most entangled is not these, but after confirming that the target is the guardian, a faint fear appeared in his heart.

She had seen the power of the guard before, and she was completely convinced in the mission world of "Under the Night", so she immediately had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Will he still have a back hand, and actually attracting us here is the next step in his plan?" This thought suddenly appeared in Lily's mind.

Thinking of Han Yi's step-by-step planning in the mission world under the night, and when he endured it to the end and turned all the others around, she couldn't help but shudder.

Han Yi looked at Lily who was standing there dumbfounded, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Just now, the cooling time of his skills had ended. With the small roof of the building now, it was not certain who would win.

"Do you know each other? It's useless to know him. You can't keep this man!" The big man with the shield said loudly, then raised his round shield, aimed at Han Yi and rushed over.

A phantom of a Triceratops reappeared on the surface of the round shield again, but this time Han Yi had no intention of retreating at all.

Dark golden lines snaked down the forehead, and the limbs on the back stretched in the wind, unfolding like bone wings.


This time Han Yi didn't take a step back, but the big man holding the shield stepped back several steps in a row, and then a terrified expression appeared on his face.

Han Yi smiled. You must know that he is capable of fighting the faceless man head-on, and his strength is not at the same level as before.

"You should be very proud, right?"

Han Yi said lightly, then took a few steps forward, and slashed forward with the scarlet thorn.


The sound of the round shield colliding with the scarlet thorn sounded, and Han Yi's offensive was far from over. All the limbs on the back stretched forward, hooked the edge of the round shield, and pulled it towards Han Yi forcefully.

Looking at the slightly raised mouth under the black armor, the face of the big man holding the shield turned red. He wanted to retreat, but the shield was held tightly by Han Yi, and he couldn't do it at all.

Moreover, the strength of the joint limbs was getting stronger and stronger. He sank down and wanted to stabilize his body, but his feet were still gradually sliding towards Han Yi.


The big man shouted angrily and exerted his strength suddenly. The Triceratops on the round shield also roared, and then hit Han Yi's chest.

However, the big man was destined to be disappointed. He originally planned to take advantage of the phantom of the Triceratops attacking Han Yi to quickly regain the shield, and then backed away.

However, Han Yi, who was in a domineering state, couldn't be repelled at all, and Han Yi suddenly exerted his strength during the power storage period after he exerted his strength, and the huge round shield was lifted up, and even the big man who was holding the shield tightly was also crushed. Lifted into the air.


A cold light flickered in Han Yi's eyes, and then the big man was thrown to the ground with his back on the ground.

The scarlet thorn slashed down heavily with bursts of red light.


The big man hastily raised his shield to block Han Yi's slash, but then he felt pain in his limbs at the same time.

When Han Yi was blocking the slash, he stabbed out the limbs at the same time, instantly piercing through the big man's limbs, and then lifted him up into the air. With a shrill scream, the four mechanical arms splashed down with bursts of blood. .

Seeing this bloody and cruel scene, Lily's pupils shrank suddenly, and she became more determined not to be an enemy of Han Yi.

"He's still the same, he hasn't changed at all, he's as cruel as a devil!" Lily murmured, and then stepped back decisively, disappearing into the crowd.

After Han Yi killed the big man, he hooked his limbs, picked up the key, and put it in the space warehouse. Then he turned around and smiled evilly at the crowd.

Looking at the red and retreating figure behind the crowd, Han Yi smiled.

"a wise decision!"


Taking advantage of the existence of the two strongest states, Han Yi didn't intend to waste any more time, so he took a step forward and rushed into the crowd.

The fighting environment here is very favorable to Han Yi. When the people in front saw Han Yi rushing, they raised their weapons decisively, trying to block his attack, but Han Yi didn't intend to stay at all.

When several weapons were swung down at the same time, Han Yi's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving them in vain.


A shrill scream came from behind them, everyone was shocked, and they turned around decisively, and then found that Han Yi's jointed limbs had penetrated the heads of the two people behind him, lifting them up in the air and shaking them constantly, full of deterrence .

Looking at the crowd who turned around, Han Yi used his jointed limbs to put the key that emerged from the two into the space warehouse, and then threw the two off the roof.

He glanced at the falling corpse, and suddenly came up with a brilliant idea in his mind.

The space here is small, and he has a super-body state, which cannot be repelled, and he can run rampant here.

Thinking of this, he sank immediately, then stepped forward with his right foot, and slammed forward.

Seeing this, the crowd immediately panicked, some wanted to retreat, some wanted to resist Han Yi.

Several lightsabers slashed at Han Yi's black armor, but Han Yi didn't feel any thrust coming from him at all. He pushed forward hard, and immediately two people were knocked out by him and fell to the crowd. middle.

Seeing that his approach was effective, Han Yi let out a low growl, and the impact started again.

The entire roof suddenly became chaotic. In the state of dominance, although Han Yi would be hurt, it was impossible for him to retreat.

People kept flying out of the crowd and falling into the crowd, but the crowd couldn't act freely like Han Yi, and instead felt extremely aggrieved.


There was a scream, and an armored soldier was directly knocked out when he collided with Han Yi. Since he was standing on the edge of the roof, there was no room for buffering, so he flew straight out of the building. top.

The man next to the man was startled, and was about to retreat to the side, but he was blocked by the crowd as soon as he took a step.

Then the jointed limbs on Han Yi's back popped out, caught the weapon groove on his wrist, and threw him directly from the roof.

The man also screamed, but he couldn't stop his body from falling at all, he could only drag his limbs in the air in despair.

At this moment, Lily was hiding in front of the passage and wanted to enter the passage, but people who didn't understand the situation kept trying to come out of the passage, making it impossible for her to squeeze in. She could only lean against the side of the passage with a slightly anxious expression on her face.

She has experienced a world with Han Yi, and she has seen Han Yi's cruel side, so she doesn't know whether Han Yi will affect her in such a scuffle.

After all, at the beginning, she also chose to attack Han Yi, and at this moment she was very upset.

On Han Yi's side, although his body surface would be constantly hit by weapons, relying on his strong defense and recovery ability, any attack would not cause him great damage.

As for the large-scale strike ability, the crowd here is too dense, and no idiot dares to provoke public anger to release this kind of skill.

Relying on the mutual containment of the crowd, Han Yi was like a tiger plunging into a flock of sheep. Between opening and closing, people were constantly knocked out by him, and even some people were thrown from the roof of the building from time to time, falling to their deaths.

At this moment, many people realized the problem. The narrow roof here limited their advantage in numbers, so many people chose to retreat.

A more chaotic scene ensued.

Those who wanted to come in and those who wanted to get out squeezed each other, and the crowd became chaotic.

Han Yi didn't care about this at all. Since these people chose to chase and kill him, they would have to pay the due price.

The limbs cooperated with every impact of Han Yi, constantly looking for an angle to attack, and after each time they caught the opening, someone would either be pierced or thrown out of the roof.

There was a lot of chaos, but there was nothing to do, although there were powerful melee fighters trying to stop Han Yi.If it was a time when Han Yi's skills were not cooled down, this method was still feasible, but now, it is impossible to do it at all.

Han Yi has this self-confidence. In his current state, unless the "faceless man" comes in person, he will definitely be worthy of anyone one-on-one.

"Grass, don't come up, go down! Go down, it's too messy here, it's impossible to siege!"

Someone kept yelling at the passage to the top of the building, hoping that they could go down, and then they could follow along.

Now everyone on the top of the building understands that fighting here is very bad for them. Only by going down and besieging here, or relying on the strength of everyone to overturn the entire roof, can they have a chance to kill Han Yi.

The group of people at the passage obviously didn't understand what was going on, but they kept trying to push up, thinking that the people above must not want to share the benefits with them.

After all, the entrants who are struggling in the space are basically seeing it with their own eyes, otherwise, no matter how fancy you say, they will not believe it.

After all, there are too many lies. Even a simple person who has been baptized in deception and darkness here will become suspicious.

"Go away! Let me go up and take a look first!" The man in front pushed the man who was speaking, trying to squeeze in, but was pushed back into the passage by the man again.

"Shabi, the more people there are, the more unfavorable it is. I can't use my hands and feet. I'm afraid of accidentally hurting my own people. You still come up and fuck up." Behind the man who pushed people, a person looked angrily and wanted to come up. The man scolded.

When the crowd in the passage heard it, they were not happy, and rushed upward again, as if they would not give up.

There is no way, the few people who don't want to fight each other because of this can only get out of the way, and let these few people squeeze into the crowd.

With Han Yi's killing, the area that gradually became empty was filled again.

As the space expanded, Han Yi, who gradually felt the pressure, suddenly lost pressure again, and then the killing continued.

However, following Han Yi's killing, the people in the passage gradually realized that something was wrong.

Because there are people going out from the entrance all the time, no matter how big the area above is, it should be filled with crowds.

More importantly, Han Yi should have been killed after such a long time, but the screams can still be heard intermittently, obviously the battle is not over yet.

"Back! Don't come up to die!"

Looking at Han Yi who was continuing to kill, Lily was chilled at the moment, and then two long spears made of energy appeared in front of her, aiming at the entrance of the passage, as if you would go to war when you come up again.

"Don't come up! Really don't come up, retreat together, or you will only die more." The other person at the entrance of the passage also showed panic, and said in despair.

The crowd in the passage also gradually realized that something was wrong, and this time they did not choose to continue to attack, but showed a look of hesitation.

"Blood! It's blood!"

The few people at the front of the passage suddenly saw a pool of blood slowly spreading, and then dripping into the passage.

"Back! Killed!"

Lily yelled angrily, went straight into the passage, and pushed hard at the few people in front.

Although this push had no effect, seeing the spreading pool of blood, the crowd in the passage also realized that the people above did not lie to them, the killing was going on, and the situation was not optimistic.

Finally, in the expectation of the crowd above, the crowd in the passage began to retreat slowly, finally giving them room to retreat.

The crowd surged, and half of the space on the roof was suddenly vacant. Several people who were still on the roof glanced at each other, and then began to use their skills to resist Han Yi's impact.

This time the space expanded, and they were no longer restrained, allowing Han Yi to focus on parrying instead, and could no longer rush at will as before.

Calculating the cooldown time of the skill in his mind, Han Yi took a deep breath and shouted:
"Destroy the sky and destroy the earth!"

When the people who were about to step forward heard this, their bodies froze, and they hurriedly stepped back several steps vigilantly.

But Han Yi turned around immediately after shouting this sentence, and jumped down against the fence of the tall building.

(End of this chapter)

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