final abyss

Chapter 318 Primary Domination

Chapter 318 Primary Domination
Han Yi's body continued to slide down the wall of the tall building, and when he was about 10 meters away from the ground, he inserted the scarlet thorn straight into the wall.

There was a harsh friction sound, and Han Yi's speed began to slow down.

When he was about to fall to the ground, the jointed limbs behind Han Yi also popped out at the same time, and slammed into the wall, causing his falling body to stop suddenly.

After pulling out the scarlet thorn, the jointed limb pushed against the wall, Han Yi turned around in the air, and then landed firmly.

Looking up at the crowd on the top of the building who were looking down, Han Yi smiled, turned around and fell to the ground, then walked quickly to the distance.

This chase was basically over without any risk.

Standing on the edge of the tall building, Lily looked at the fast-moving little black dot below, but she breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't know why, she clearly had the advantage on her side, but when facing Han Yi, she still had no idea. This was a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart. , Han Yi's performance left a deep impression on her.

At this moment, there are many pitted and smashed marks on the roof of the building, thick blood covered a layer, and broken arms are everywhere. It can be seen what a cruel killing has been experienced here.

"Sure enough, the guy at the top of the scoreboard is definitely not so easy to hunt. We underestimate the enemy!" The man beside Lily said softly, but his brows were tightly knit together.

"By the way! It seems that he just called out your name? Did you know each other before?"

Lily nodded lightly: "He once belonged to a team with me in a mission world!"

Hearing this, the man was obviously interested: "Have you found any of his shortcomings or flaws, which will be beneficial for us to continue hunting him!"

Lily chuckled lightly: "I didn't discover the weakness, but I discovered it. If you are an enemy of him, you may die without knowing how to die. Those who are played in the applause may not necessarily be enemies, but may also be teammates!"

After speaking, Lily turned around and walked towards the passage. She had already made up her mind to leave this hunting team, and she didn't want to play with her life anymore.

"Hey! Is it really so scary? Do you need to be so afraid?"

The man seemed a little reconciled, and couldn't help shouting to Lily who was about to go down the passage.

"Fear? I've never been afraid of him! I'm afraid of him! Even the Faceless Man won't scare me so much. It's only because I've been in contact with him that I know how great his potential is, and it's far from his limit now!"

Hearing this, the man froze in place. While being surprised, he also began to think about Lily's words. Based on his understanding of Lily, he knew that she would not lie about this.

"By the way! Let me warn you, this guy has experienced fewer missions than me, and he once hunted and killed an elite boss by himself!"

Hearing this, the man set off a huge wave. He doesn't know how terrifying the elite boss is. Although he has a treasure chest that can open silver-level items, huge benefits also represent huge dangers.

Being able to hunt down the elite boss alone was almost impossible in the first act, but Lily said that the man did it.

Lily didn't care about the man who was standing there, but walked down the passage on her own, intending to stay away from this place.

If Han Yi were here, he would definitely be surprised. He didn't expect Lily to think so highly of him.

Although he did kill elite bosses, and more than once, he never fought alone with his own strength.

The first time the Black Dragon King relied on the help of the "Guardian Army Soul", the second time the Blood Demon Wolf was able to barely kill him because of the help of the Cutter of the Void Chain, and the third time the Purple Fist relied on Everyone in the barrier building worked together to kill.

Han Yi doesn't know if the Faceless Man can do it, but if he only relies on his own strength, he still can't kill the elite boss at this stage.

The figure kept shuttling through the building, and Han Yi kept scanning his surroundings as he moved forward, trying to find a sufficiently concealed area for strengthening.

Going all the way, after about ten minutes, Han Yi stopped at the edge of a dry riverbed.

Then he jumped off the river bed and ran towards the place that looked like a drainage pipe.

After entering the huge pipeline, Han Yi stopped after walking a certain distance in the pipeline.After taking a few breaths, he sat down cross-legged.

With a flash of light, a bunch of keys of different colors appeared in front of him.

Han Yi smiled. They were very much looking forward to how much change this strengthening would bring to him.

With the treasure chests appearing in front of him, Han Yi started the treasure chest journey.

For about ten minutes, as Han Yi skillfully stretched his hands in and out, more and more items piled up in front of him.

When Han Yi took out the treasure chest that turned into the last red key, it also turned into green smoke and disappeared before his eyes.

Looking at the pile of objects in front of him, Han Yi smiled, and started to wave his limbs. He divided all the evolution crystals into a pile, and other objects into a pile.

After the distinction was made, Han Yi began to devour the evolution crystals continuously, ready to evolve again.

With the blade zerg physique, he doesn't need to worry about digestion problems at all. All the liquid that enters the stomach will be absorbed in an instant and transformed into nutrients for the body, so that his body will continue to be strengthened.

As his body warmed up slightly, Han Yi did not stop devouring the evolution crystal at all.

The unicorn on top of his head kept swaying the halo. Han Yi knew that his evolution had begun, but he continued to devour it. This time he wanted to evolve continuously and ensure the ability to protect himself in the next camp battle.

In this general trend of faction warfare, even a faceless man is nothing, no matter how strong he is, he can't fight against a faction alone, but he Han Yi wants to do this, and he wants The confrontation is a tripartite force.

After that ghost wave, he had another opponent, and that guy was still a god, and he also had the ability to grow terrifyingly.

When the evolution crystal in front of Han Yi was completely swallowed up, half a day had passed, and his evolution was still in progress.

At this moment, Han Yi's body was shaking violently because he had swallowed too many crystals. Huge energy surged through his body, causing his body to make a "squeaky" sound, like a leaping tide.

And at this moment, a hint of space appeared in his mind.

[Reminder for completion of main task 3]: After one week, the hidden looting area "ghost ruins" will be opened in the central area of ​​the map. This looting area can be occupied, and evolution crystals will be produced regularly. Please occupy one of the nodes (completed)
He didn't expect that the main task 3 would be completed at this time, that is to say, he had been here for a whole week, and the node guarded by the earthwalker hadn't been taken down yet, so he completed this task.

[Space Tips]: Successfully occupy a mining node, get the first batch of evolution crystals, evolution crystals (large) x10
[Space Tips]: Since you have successfully owned a mining node, you will get Evolution Crystal (Large) x5 every day thereafter
[Space Reminder]: The main task has been completed. Since you have accepted a special task, you cannot return to the space before the task is completed.

A smile appeared on Han Yi's face. His main missions were finally completed. However, since his consecutive hidden missions were mandatory missions that must be completed, the prompt to return to the space did not appear.

In fact, the change of his main mission is precisely because of the "continuous hidden mission". The main mission is actually paving the way for the continuous hidden mission, and his final moment is coming.

Whether it is life or death depends on the final contest. It will definitely be a fierce battle, but he is already prepared.

Han Yi reached out and took out the evolution crystal obtained by snatching the mining node from the space warehouse, stuffed it into his mouth, and started chewing.He wanted to evolve completely, and these evolution crystals came just in time.

As his eyes gradually turned red, he could feel his evolution in all aspects.

This kind of evolution lasted for more than half a day. When Han Yi woke up from the sleep of evolution, he clearly felt that his body had become stronger, and he immediately opened the attribute panel to check.

Name: Han Yi (Blade Zerg -- Evolution Point 1005/12000 Primary Master)

Physical fitness: 13 Mental power: 9
Skill 1 Devour Evolution: Can devour flesh and evolve crystals to gain evolution points to strengthen yourself
Skill 2 Bramble Armor (Passive) (Simulation of Anti-injury Force): Any physical attack will be reflected by your armor for 5% damage
Skill 3 Dark Invasion (Passive) (Dark Blessing Impersonation): The dark ability buffs the armor, and it is weakened by 20% when hit by any dark system
Skill 4 Killing Mode (Shadow of Killing simulation): All abilities are doubled (including skills), lasts for 1 minutes, and cools down for 3 hours
Skill 5 Bloodthirsty Strike (Dense Body Mimicry): Combat Super Body State, not limited by control ability, 10% damage-free, duration 10 minutes, cooldown time 2 hours
Skill 6 Insect Shadow (Hand of Soul Eater): Instantly appear beside any target within 15 meters, and launch a bite attack at the same time, cooldown time is 10 minutes
Skill 7 Bloody Fangs (Passive) (Devil's Hand imitation): A sharp and abnormal claw that cannot be destroyed by any attack (the blood burst cannot be imitated due to the fundamental change of the arm)

Skill 8 Rechargeable Horn: It can be used to recharge the unicorn, and the minimum mental power consumption for each recharge is 1. After charging, the unicorn will be able to launch a mental impact, and the host's mental power must not be lower than 0.5, otherwise it will fall into a coma.

Skill 9 Insect King: Only units above the lord level of Blade Zerg can master special abilities. Each cast consumes 2 points of mental power. After casting, the coercion mode can be activated, which can interrupt any spellcasting skills except the overlord mode, with a range of 80 meters

Skill 10 Limit: Only units above the Blade Zerg Lord level can master special abilities. Each cast consumes 4 mental power. After casting, it can strengthen a passive ability of itself. The strengthening effect depends on the level of the blade bloodline.

After seeing the attribute panel, Han Yi was silent, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes.This evolution has greatly improved his ability, not to mention, it also gave him two more blade Zerg skills, and it is also a special lord-level ability.

The first ability "Insect King" is a magic skill that can change the battle situation if you use it well, just like in the confrontation between him and the Faceless Man, when the Faceless Man used "Xing Tian", he seized the opportunity to activate the Insect King If not, then the skills of the Faceless Man will be interrupted, thus revealing flaws.

As for the second ability, Han Yi couldn't see anything special about this ability, but Han Yi wasn't weaker than this ability at all.

He has a total of 3 passive abilities, a Thorn Armor, a Dark Blessing, and the Scarlet Thorn in his hand.

These three abilities are all very powerful, and what Han Yi is most looking forward to is the "thorn armor". Although this ability is very powerful, it still hasn't improved, and it is also his weakest ability.

But now that he has this "limit", he feels that maybe this skill has a chance to rise.

However, neither of these two skills can be tried on himself, so he plans to try and test his ability in actual combat at that time.

All he has to do now is deal with the pile of items next to him.

Afterwards, Han Yi began to pick and choose among these items, sorting them into the space continuously.

Most of them are items of blue quality. For Han Yi, these items are really of little use, but Han Yi has found three items that are useful to him at present, and it is a coincidence that, All three items are black-rated special items.

[Vampire Halo (Black)]: A one-time halo item, which lasts for 10 minutes after use. During the duration, each time the user inflicts damage to the target, it will be converted into 10% to restore itself.

[Wind Running Talisman (Black)]: One-time item, after using this item, you will get a bonus of +150% movement speed, lasting for 3 minutes
[Red Bull (Black)]: A can of special Red Bull modified by black technology. The power in it is beyond your imagination. After using it, you can gain stamina +3, the duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is one day. After the cooling is over, you can keep using this item

Han Yi could still understand the first two items, but the third item completely left him speechless. It turned out to be a can of Red Bull energy drink that can be drunk continuously, and it can also increase physical strength by 3, which made him feel ashamed for a while.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Han Yi slowly stood up and stretched his body that had been inactive for more than a day.

There was a crisp sound of intertwined bones, and then Han Yi slowly walked out of the drain along the passage and started walking upwards.

Now Han Yi is full of self-confidence. He believes that with his current strength, he is not afraid of even the faceless man, and he will never be suppressed so thoroughly as before.

After the battle with the Faceless Man, Han Yi's continuous hunting and killing brought him huge benefits, and these accumulated benefits made him completely reborn.

It's just that Han Yi regrets that the little one is not here. If the little one is here, then he will definitely give most of the evolution crystals here to the little one to swallow and let it continue to evolve.

After all, Han Yi has always understood that compared with himself, being small is the key to his victory, and it is also his biggest trump card.

I don't know where the little boy is now, has he found a safe place again, where he eats, drinks and lives carelessly.

Han Yi shook his head, thinking helplessly in his heart that he just hoped that Xiaobudian would not forget his instructions, and continue to create combat units for him while continuing to evolve, so as to provide him with assistance in the camp battle.

(End of this chapter)

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