final abyss

Chapter 331 Extreme Cold Fear

Chapter 331 Extreme Cold Fear (Thank Artest for being the cute master of this book~)

Ice crystals flew all over the sky, and a gust of cold air swept in from a distance, causing the temperature of the entire battlefield to drop instantly.

The extremely cold army in the distance is marching with heavy steps, advancing all the way with the chill of winter.Everything along the way will be covered in ice in an instant.

Accompanied by the video screen sent back by the reconnaissance aircraft, a trace of solemnity flashed between the eyebrows of the frontline commander.Immediately, he decisively ordered the laser group [-] and the laser group [-] to aim at the west and carry out fire strikes.

Calamity Blade, the name already represents the will of this race.There is no possibility of negotiation, and it is impossible to come with good intentions. Their arrival has already sounded the horn of war.
The dark green eyes of the second leader of the Zerg, who was above the Zerg army, also kept flickering, and he also felt the pressure from the calamity blade.

The front-line commander is worried that the arrival of the Blades will affect their ability to take down the Blood Nether, while the second leader of the Zerg has more long-term worries. He is worried that even if he wins the Blood Core, the development speed of their Zerg will not be comparable to that of the Blades .

The idea of ​​killing the Blade Clan appeared in the minds of the two of them, but the frontline commander took the lead.

He mobilized the soldiers of laser group 1 and 2 to start long-range strikes on the extreme cold troops, and at the same time began to call the headquarters, and after submitting the coordinates calculated by the brain, he was ready to carry out a devastating strike.

This matter is of great importance, and even the adjutant of the headquarters personally began to supervise the battle in the command room.

As the blue destructive light descended in an instant, Xiao Budian raised his head and looked directly at the blue light spot on the edge of the sky, then his body floated up, circles of light blue halos spread from his body, and his eyes also turned into ice blue.


In less than a second, the destruction light had already reached the sky above the extremely cold army and exploded violently.

However, a scene that Han Yi didn't expect happened. The scattered flames and light were instantly frozen when they came into contact with the blue halo spreading out from the little one.

Under the constant flickering of the blue halo, all the flames in the air were frozen, like ice cubes depicting flame patterns, falling one after another.

The little boy raised his head and smiled triumphantly, and slowly floated to Han Yi's side: "Dad~"

"Why is your ability so familiar? Is it the source of extreme cold?"

Han Yi thought Xiao Budian's ability was familiar before, but he didn't think about the source of the extreme cold. This time, after seeing the extreme cold power that can freeze even the flames, he suddenly remembered the extremely cold skeleton.

"That's right! I devoured the extremely cold skeleton and gained the power of the extremely cold source." Xiao Budian smiled shyly, and she didn't have the airs of the Queen of Blades in front of Han Yi at all.

"Can you bear such a violent power?" Looking at Xiao BuDian's smiling eyes, he couldn't imagine how much this girl had suffered before.

Hearing Han Yi's words, the little boy suddenly felt a little sour.

Originally thought that her father was dead, and she was a lonely existence in this world. At that moment, she had no other thoughts except to become stronger and take revenge.

Even Xiao Budian admired her strength at that moment, but seeing that Han Yi was fine, she felt that if she had to suffer such pain again, she would definitely not want to.

"For my father, everything is worth it. You are my only relative now. I don't want to be as lonely as the former queen. I can only find fun by killing and devouring!"

Han Yi's heart was moved by Xiao Budian's words, but at the same time he was also surprised.Little Dot seems to have an understanding of the Queen of Blades before her, why.

He tried to open the little one's property panel and observed it.

[Blade Mother Worm LV63]: The only living body of the Blade Clan besides you, who has the highest authority other than you, the Blade Mother Queen, has the mission of breeding offspring and restoring the glory of the Blade Zerg.

【Evolution stage】: 58978/680000
[Ability 1 Devouring Growth]: It can devour everything that has energy, with huge potential

[Ability 2 Reproduction]: Fierce Fish, Totem, Dragon Turtle, Thousand Eyes, Extremely Cold Origin Beast (sea, dragon, demon, army, sky), Tyrant (lord), Starworm (breeding mother), Blood Stem ( Energy Delivery), Bladeworm (Assassin), Sage (Healer), Mountain (Mount)

[Ability 3 Madness]: Make the controlled life into a mad state, overdraw all of its life and explode within 10 minutes, all abilities will be greatly improved, and the controlled target will fall into death after the madness ends

[Ability 4 Spiritual Language]: Communicate with any creature in the mind, express ideas directly

[Ability 5 Blade Empress (Special Passive)]: This ability is one of the three strongest original abilities of the Blade Zerg. The Blade Empress who awakens this ability will start her own evolution mode, and can imitate any form to carry out extreme evolution.

[Ability 6 Origin of Extreme Cold (8%)]: One of the original powers of the universe, mastering it requires comprehension of the law of ice, the law of space freezing (the part of the law of space), and the law of inverting time (the part of the law of time).After mastering, you can have the ability to freeze everything, freeze time and space, and have mastered 8% of the original power
[Ability 7 Royal Prestige]: Intimidate all Zerg units, reduce the enemy's combat effectiveness, and have a chance to make the opponent's Zerg units rebel (the stronger the strength and bloodline, the lower the rebellion probability of the Zerg)
[Ability 8 Creation]: Consume the original power in the body to quickly reproduce the Zerg unit with the gene sequence it has mastered.

[Ability 9 Blade Awakening]: Thoroughly awaken the inheritance of the Calamity Blade Clan, and as the level of evolution increases, you can continuously obtain the gene sequence of the new Blade Race Warrior and the memory of the Queen
[Ability 10 Blade Core]: A blade core has been born in the queen who has completely inherited the inheritance of the calamity blade. This core can continuously provide regeneration power, and can be regenerated even if it is not completely annihilated.

After seeing the current changes, Han Yi was completely stunned.

The current Xiaobudian has such a powerful ability, especially the space's description of the original power of extreme cold. Han Yi has no doubts that this kind of ability can get an S-level evaluation even if he enters the space.

And what makes him even more happy is that the little one's ability to create new creatures can quickly breed new blade Zerg by consuming the original power, which makes him more confident in completing the continuous hidden missions.

The battle between the human camp and the Zerg camp was still going on, but at this moment, they subconsciously turned their heads to the west where the wind and snow were swaying.

A blue army of extremely cold is slowly pressing down, they are taking firm steps, their crystal-like bodies reflect brilliant brilliance, like ice sculptures, full of fantastic colors, giving people an indescribable shock feel.

"Quick! Kill Xueming, increase firepower, follow-up support!" Looking at the extremely cold army coming in snow and snow on the screen, the frontline commander had a bad premonition in his heart.

After receiving the order, the human army began to step up its advance, and every human warrior who entered the encirclement would resolutely transfer their firepower to Xue Ming.

And the healing ability of Xue Ming's body, which was kneeling on the ground, gradually couldn't keep up with the speed of being destroyed. Finally, when half of the body was smashed to pieces, everyone received a reminder.

[Space reminder]: The entrant "Fog Knife" died, the world-class hidden mission he received failed, and the fourth camp, the Cosmic Protoss, disappeared.

[Space Reminder]: Xue Ming is officially out of the control of the fog knife, strips off the brand of space slave, regains freedom, and receives space recovery treatment at the same time.

At the same time as this reminder appeared, a golden beam of light descended from the sky, covering Xue Ming, who had only half of his body left.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked everyone happened. Under the shroud of the golden beam of light, Xue Ming's body began to repair quickly, and his crystal body looked brighter and taller than before.

Only the entrants who were present knew what happened.

The blow of the artillery fire did not kill Xue Ming, but killed the entrant in his body first, making it completely out of control and free.

To the annoyance of all race entrants, Xue Ming was repaired by the space, making their previous efforts in vain.The entrants of the Zerg looked gloating in comparison.

After all, in this support battle, it is obvious that the Zerg is stronger than the Terran, which is completely beneficial to them.And now that Xue Ming has just recovered, he will definitely resist, and what will be lost at that time will still be the combat power of the human race surrounding Xue Ming.

At the same time, the extremely cold army advancing from the west arrived, and the wind and snow blew into the battlefield, and then this army collided with the two forces fighting in the west.

With the arrival of the Zerg Zerg, the frontline commander and the second leader of the Zerg unexpectedly issued the order that all combat forces in the west attack the extremely cold army first.

Although they are enemies at this moment, they are also smart people. They understand that at this time, they must be the first to remove the power of the calamity blade, which will benefit them all.

However, the following scene left the top commanders of both sides stunned.

The moment this extremely cold army entered the battlefield, the spreading ice swept across the field at an extremely fast speed, and the crystal blue giant roared and charged into the field, attacking all targets in front of it.

Whether it is Zerg or Human fighters, while resisting, as long as they touch these extreme cold origin beasts, they will be shrouded in extreme cold power.These extreme cold forces will spread inward along the weapons and armor. Zerg warriors are physically strong, but fortunately, they can barely resist for a while, while human warriors, even if they are inside the mecha, will also be affected by this. The force instantly froze and lost its vitality.

This was a completely unfair battle. The moment the extremely cold army entered, the entire battlefield spread from the west to the center in a one-sided trend.

What is even more unacceptable is that even if these extremely cold origin beasts are destroyed under the suppression of heavy firepower, they will condense their bodies in the wind and snow for only a moment, roaring and killing the crowd again. The power makes everyone in the fight terrified.

Sitting on the ice crystal throne on the back of the giant beast, the queen looked down at the creatures below with cold eyes, and everything she looked at without the slightest emotion was covered in frost.


The roar of the extremely cold army resounded throughout the world. They carried out the queen's will and tore apart all life in front of them. Whether it was Zerg or human, in their eyes, these were all stumbling blocks blocking the queen's way forward.

At this moment, the queen's anger turned into the fear of winter, sweeping the entire battlefield.

This extremely cold army with destructive power is like the scythe of death, harvesting the lives in front of them. The power displayed at this moment shocked both camps.

 Thank you Artai~ Is it a little sister or a little brother~
  ~o(〃'▽'〃)o I will add an update for you tomorrow~

  Today's update is late, hard-working salted fish have to reflect and apologize~
  ∠(」∠)_That’s it~
(End of this chapter)

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