final abyss

Chapter 332 The Queen's Power

Chapter 332 The Queen's Prestige

Under the fierce attack of the extremely cold army, the defense line composed of human and Zerg fighters retreated steadily.

This sudden army shocked all the entrants, not to mention being able to create a home field in the battlefield, and even re-condensing the body from the ice and snow after death.

This time, Xiaodian, who has a comprehensive mix of arms, has exerted her excellent ability to command troops.Relying on the visual sharing of thousands of eyes, it is always possible to command medical soldiers to support and deliver energy to the front-end extreme cold fighters at critical times.

At the same time, the two super-long-range strike-capable extremely cold units of the demon and the sky in the army also caused huge casualties to the two opposing formations.

Human race and Zerg assassins tried to sneak behind the extremely cold army several times to kill the two long-range arms of demon and sky, but without exception, they failed.

Standing around these long-range units is the strongest unit of Calamity Blade at this stage, "Tyrant", the first lord-level blade unit.

This unit not only has an extremely strong body, but also has the ability to transfer and share damage. Any assassin can only fall down with hatred in front of such a guard-type unit.

While the extremely cold army is advancing, the cultivating starworms are still producing new blade larvae.

Although the reproduction speed of the star worms cannot be compared with that of the queen, but fortunately there are a large number of them. Afterwards, as long as the larvae are briefly cultivated by the star worms, they can quickly grow into mature bodies relying on the characteristics of the blade tribe, and continue to provide follow-up vital support for the extremely cold army. .

Han Yi stood on top of the giant mountain beast, his long hair that had not been cut for a long time was stained with ice and snow, his eyes were looking down at the battlefield, observing the rear deployment of the human and Zerg camps, and from time to time he would mention the little one's command strategy on the battlefield.

Although Xiaobudian is very talented in this area, compared with Han Yi, who was born as a general, he is still far behind.However, Han Yi can still feel the frightening growth rate of the little one, and under his guidance, he will soon be able to comprehend it and understand the true meaning.

"Do you need me to take action?" Standing beside Han Yi, looking at his father's slightly thin figure in the wind and snow, Xiaobudian couldn't help asking.

Although the extremely cold army has the ability to regenerate, but in the face of infinite enemies, the speed of resurrection gradually cannot keep up with the speed of casualties of the soldiers in front.

Han Yi smiled lightly: "Are you underestimating your army?"

"I know they are very strong! But Dad, you are the one who wants to dominate this world, so I have to save some troops for you." The little one pouted towards Han Yi, with a coquettish look that made it impossible to tell that she was the Queen of Blades .

Han Yi reached out and stroked the little boy's head, pointed to the front line of the battle and said, "If you observe carefully, your troops are actually changing all the time during the battle."

The little one followed where Han Yi's eyes were pointing.

The place Han Yi was referring to was the area where the battle was most intense. The body of the extremely cold origin beast here was constantly being destroyed, but under the treatment of the saint, the body could always recover quickly and put into the battle again.

"Huh? It seems that the extreme cold origin beast there is somewhat different from other extreme cold origin beasts." After observing carefully for a while, Xiao Budian suddenly said in surprise.

Han Yi nodded: "The blade family, the most powerful thing you have to understand is evolution. This characteristic is also reflected in the battle. In the battle, they can still grow continuously, comprehend the essence of the battle, and continue to become stronger."

The little boy nodded thoughtfully, and carefully observed the front line of the battle again, and found that those extremely cold source beasts were indeed as Han Yi said in the battle, and gradually realized the essence of the battle from the initial violent killing. Skill.

These skills make the killing more efficient, using the shortest time and the simplest way to make the most deadly blow to end the opponent's life.With the continuous growth of this kind of fighting skills, the advancing speed of the extremely cold army is also slowly increasing.

With the new extreme cold origin beasts joining the battle after being bred, although the number of the small extreme cold army is slowly decreasing, its combat effectiveness is getting stronger.

That's why Han Yi didn't let Xiao Budian make a move. This was a battle, and it was also a training session for the extremely cold army, to refine and strengthen the initial combat units.

Even the follow-up saints are also more proficient in the use of skills in this continuous delivery of energy. This kind of growth is all-round, which is not available in any other race.

The second leader of the Zerg race stared at the extremely cold army advancing like a flood of beasts with solemn green eyes, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

He also discovered the terrifying side of this magical army, which keeps growing in battle!

In order to prove whether his guess was wrong, he began to carefully observe one of the extremely cold origin beasts that was constantly fighting.

He couldn't help but gasp when he saw that extremely cold origin beast was constantly killing, from the initial violent fight, regardless of physical damage, to avoiding the opponent's attack at the later stage, and at the same time looking for weak points to attack. Take a breath.

What a terrible blade Zerg!The second leader couldn't calm down for a long time.

He has always understood the horror of Calamity Blade, but after seeing this race with infinite evolution ability, he still feels chills.

He couldn't imagine how terrible the race would grow if they were given time.The thought of killing Calamity Blade emerged in his mind, and he couldn't suppress it.

The frontline commander also had a gloomy face. His encirclement was almost broken by the restored blood ghost. In order to take down the blood core, it had to mobilize its troops again to suppress it.The consequence is that the power of the central part of the human race to fight against the Zerg has been greatly weakened, and the casualties are increasing.

As for the two camps in the west who jointly fought against the extremely cold army, they were even more retreating.It can be said that the human race has become the target of siege in this battle for the blood core, and it is also the weakest force.

The battle continued, the gloomy sky was filled with snowflakes, the bright red blood from the human warriors mixed with the dark green blood from the Zerg warriors dyed the silvery white ground red, and there was a pungent smell in the air.

Looking at the extremely cold army that was still getting stronger, the second leader of the Zerg clan realized that this battle could not go on like this, otherwise he had already guessed the final consequence. The death of his own side was just to become the cornerstone of the blade clan becoming stronger. Fair play.

Thinking of this, his body floated up into the air, and his eyes stared at the little one from a distance.

After Xiao BuDian felt the stare of the second leader of the Zerg race, the girl who was doting on her face turned cold in an instant.

The eyes with the power of extreme cold collided with the eyes of the second leader of the Zerg race, which made the second leader of the Zerg race subconsciously shudder.

"Queen of Blades! Your battlefield is in the starry sky, so why bother with me and compete for the blood core of your former defeated general!" The Zerg duo floated in the air, and said to Xiao Budian with the etiquette of the star meteor clan for elders.

Xiao Budian sneered, although she was not yet one year old, she still read many memory fragments of the former Queen of Blades, and she was not so idiotic that she would submit to a few compliments.

A coercion surged from the small and thin body, and it turned into an invisible huge wave and slammed on the body of the second leader of the Zerg, making his face pale a little, and the red light inside the transparent forehead became faintly visible.

"Convince me! Little bug, the power to become the emperor is an honor that your ancestors never got!" Xiao Budian said lightly, but his haughty and domineering voice echoed between the heaven and the earth, causing many enemy Zergs below to riot.

[Ability 7 Imperial Prestige]: Intimidate all Zerg units, reduce local combat power, and have a probability of making the opponent's Zerg units rebel (the stronger the strength and bloodline, the lower the rebellion probability of the Zerg)
Under the huge impact of Huangwei, the Zerg race below became more and more chaotic, and gradually some Zerg races began to attack the same kind around them.

The head of the second leader of the Zerg was roaring, and while the suppression from the life class made his mouth dry, he almost obeyed his body's instinct and agreed.

He shook his head violently, and felt an indescribable sense of fear for the little one in the distance.

"Little bug! Do you want to be an enemy of the emperor? Remember, the blood of my former people is still flowing in your clan. Isn't this the most proud side of you? What I will give you this time is the blood of your ancestors." An honor you never got, and you should be proud of it."

The second leader of the Zerg race took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, calmed down for a while, and finally spoke: "Queen, this blood core is very important to me, and I will be loyal to you after I get this blood core!"

"Haggle with me? What do you think I am!" Xiao Budian's face turned cold, and he glared at the second leader of the Zerg race.

The huge power turned into continuous huge waves and kept beating on the heart of the second leader of the Zerg, making his body floating in the air gradually unstable.

At this moment, the second leader of the Zerg race felt bitter. He originally thought that he could have the power to resist, but at this moment he realized that he was not a star and a half short. Facing the real queen, his momentum was already at the lowest point, and he could not negotiate with her at all.

Thinking that the queen in front of him has not even been born for a year, it can be said that the potential in the future will be even greater, and the queen at that time will be an existence that he even wants to look up to.At this time, the second leader of the Zerg clan was secretly moved by the sincerity that the little one said.

As Xiao Budian said, it is also a point that he cannot refute, that is, to sincerely obey the Queen of Blades and become his strength is an honor that his ancestors never had.

And the obsession in his and his brother's hearts is revenge, but when they really became a member of the blade race, their status was far higher than that of the meteorite race, and the matter of revenge was even more out of the question.

However, this matter cannot be decided by him alone. The Zerg second leader still plans to go back and discuss with his brother before making a decision on this matter.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about the blood core in his heart, because there was another kind of fire in his heart.

Looking at the chaos, while being massacred by the extremely cold army, it is also the Zerg army that is killing each other, the second leader of the Zerg tribe took a deep breath, and the bell in his hand shook slightly.

Circles of ripples spread around the center, and soon spread throughout the entire battlefield. The Zerg army that received the new order actually began to retreat.

This sudden change shocked the front-line commander. He clearly saw the confrontation between the second leader of the Zerg and the little one through the screen. Although he didn't know what they said, he still felt something was wrong when he saw the Zerg army retreating.

He knew very well that the Zerg's desire for this blood core was definitely no lower than that of the human race, but why they retreated at such a critical time, everything revealed a little unusual.

 Thanks to the masters who are on the front line of heaven and man for rewarding ~ I will add more updates for you tomorrow

  Today is three more~Follow-up~
(End of this chapter)

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