final abyss

Chapter 333 Necessary sacrifice

Chapter 333 Necessary sacrifice
Wanting to find out what happened, the frontline commander decisively mobilized a few reconnaissance planes, approaching the direction where the little one was confronting the second leader of the Zerg.

But when the reconnaissance plane flew close, before the little one could make a move, the second leader of the Zerg race took the lead.

The space was distorted between the waves, and all the nearby reconnaissance planes were torn into pieces.Then he bowed his head respectfully to the little one and said: "Your Excellency, I am willing to submit to you sincerely. To show my sincerity, I am willing to wave back the army and welcome the advance of the Queen!"

The performance of the second leader of the Zerg is very normal in the eyes of Xiao Budian, and it is also a very wise choice.However, Han Yi was really surprised. He didn't expect that Xiaobudian could kill the supreme commander of the Zerg race without bloodshed.

This seemed unbelievable to him, especially when he saw the side of the little girl's queen, he felt that he still underestimated the little girl and regarded her as a girl who couldn't grow up. In fact, the little girl had grown to a level he had never achieved high.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Han Yi's mouth, and suddenly he had a wonderful feeling that the little girl in the family had grown up.

This feeling has a bit of sourness, a bit of pride, and even a bit of reluctance. This mixed feeling made Han Yi understand that he really regarded Xiao BuDian as his daughter.

Looking at the Zerg second-leader with a respectful face, Xiao Budian raised his chin proudly: "Little bug, choose wisely! Go away! Wait for you to surrender with sincerity!"

It can be said that Xiao Budian's words did not give the Zerg second leader any face at all, but the Zerg second leader still had a face of respect, and did not feel that there was anything wrong at all.

The Zerg is the supremacy of the blood, the supremacy of the strength, and a command from the high-level Zerg of the same race can make the subordinates go to death without hesitation.

In the view of the second leader of the Zerg race, the queen on the opposite side is completely higher than their king, and should have such aura and behavior, so he has no complaints about it.

What's more, he was looking forward to it in his heart. After telling his brother what he thought, he would take his brother to the pinnacle of his life. When the time came, he would go back to revenge with a higher level of life. Thinking of this, his heart was full of anticipation feel.

As the Zerg army receded like a tide, a large open space was left on the battlefield.

And the extremely cold army that received the instructions was like a broken bamboo, pushing forward against the forces of the human race that had lost the help of the Zerg race.Immediately, the pressure of the human race increased greatly, and the degree of loss continued to expand.

The battered front-line commander had no choice but to continuously order to speed up fire suppression against Xue Ming.

The adjutant at the Human Race Headquarters looked at the real-time battlefield dynamics, his brows were tightly knit together, and at the same time, he kept revising the plan in his mind.

Although he has once again sent a wave of powerful support, the human race on the battlefield is now in a desperate situation. Facing the extremely cold army like a flood and beast, there are already signs of defeat.

"Ah Luo, gather your troops and besiege Xue Ming. After killing him, use your plane to bring the blood core back!"

The adjutant, who had been silent all this time, suddenly expressed his thoughts to the communicator!These words made the frontline commander tremble.

He understood what this instruction meant, and a bitterness appeared on his face, but he still carried out the instructions of his superiors and deployed the order.

The frontline commander did not expect that he would become an abandoned person. The pilot plane was his private command plane, and it was also the fastest flying plane on the scene.Use this plane to send the blood core back, so the adjutant's meaning is still very clear.

Because he is the frontline commander and his subordinates are still fighting, he cannot retreat. He already understands what is waiting for him.

"Ah Luo." Looking at the front-line commander who was personally promoted, and watched him grow step by step, the adjutant felt like a lump in his throat, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Your Excellency, Adjutant! After voluntarily being transferred to this planet, my subordinates understand what they have to face. Life and death have long been looked down upon. For the future of the human race, my sacrifice is nothing at all!"

Hearing this, the adjutant seemed to be a little older, and there were faint tears in his eyes, but he was held back by him, because he didn't want to show his tender side in front of his subordinates.

"For the future of the human race", this righteous sentence, how many soldiers have gone forward and died in the starry sky battlefield, the adjutant can't remember how many young people shed blood for this in his more than [-] years of military career.

But looking at the face of the frontline commander, that young man who was raised as an heir and possessed unlimited potential should fall one step ahead of him, he couldn't bear it in his heart.

At this moment, the adjutant suddenly hoped that the person in command at the front line was himself, not that hopeful young man.

"Your Excellency, Adjutant. Help me tell Duoyu, who is serving on the planet Kabuduo, that I have won!" A smile appeared on the face of the frontline commander as he spoke.

The adjutant didn't speak, and his clenched fists kept tightening. He knew what their bet was.

At the beginning when he was hired by the Command Academy as a temporary command instructor, it was at that moment that he discovered the extremely talented Arlo and Duo Yu.

And Arlo was recruited by him and became one of the commanders he accepted, and he grew up to this step by step, while the other went to the Kabudo galaxy for his dream and became a fleet division commander. Like the dazzling sun, it has become the brightest new star.

But the adjutant knew that none of them would accept anyone, and they had made a bet before graduation. The bet was that who would be named "New Era Commander" within ten years. This is the highest honor for a commander. one.

They have been working hard for this, but this time, the adjutant knew that Aluo had indeed won. He won for the righteousness of the human race, and he deserved this honor.

"Close up the encirclement, gather fire and blood, take it down, deploy the command plane, and turn the laser team all firepower, aim at the blood, give up deploying troops to the west!"

The appearance of this instruction made all the warriors of the race understand that they had to make a final fight.

Gorgeous flames and energy bombs continued to spread in the snowy sky, like gorgeous fireworks, continuously illuminating the gloomy sky.

Xue Ming was originally happy that he was freed from the fog knife, but the force that enslaved him restored his freedom, allowing him to see the hope of liberation.But I didn't expect the firepower of the human race to fight against him to become more ferocious.

Most of the strength of the supporting troops was used to suppress Xue Ming, which broke Xue Ming's hope again.

He roared and resisted, trying to break out of the encirclement, but facing the rearranged doomsday barrier, he couldn't escape from the film even if he turned into a blood mist.

When the Zerg army retreated, what Xue Ming didn't expect was that the human race gave up the resistance to the west and aimed all the firepower at him, making him miserable. His body was constantly shattered and reorganized during the bombing, There is always a crisis of extinction.

Han Yi stood on top of the mountain, observing the changes in the layout of the battlefield, and also discovered the current intentions of the human race. After telling Xiao Budian his thoughts, the extremely cold army advanced more fiercely, and all life along the way could not resist this wave of harsh winter. Invaded by force, he fell into the wind and snow continuously and buried in the ground.

Seeing that the extremely cold army accelerated its advance, the frontline commander no longer panicked as before. At this moment, he abandoned life and death.

While observing the battle situation, he began to fine-tune the deployment of personnel, choosing batches of forces as victims to block the advance speed of the extremely cold army.

And Xue Ming in the distance was suppressed by the firepower, and his body was almost to the point of completely collapsing, about to turn into a blood nucleus.

Han Yi also had an insight into the current thinking of the frontline commanders, especially when he saw the constant fine-tuning of the human troops, sending teams of active forces to the front of the extremely cold army as stumbling blocks to block the army's progress, and understood the opponent's intentions .

Han Yi kept telling Xiao BuDian of his thoughts, and asked him to deploy troops to fight back, and the frontline commanders also resisted in the same way.

This made Han Yi see that there seemed to be an invisible opponent playing against him in secret, and it also aroused his competitive spirit.

The confrontation between the two armies is like a chessboard. At this moment, Han Yi and the frontline commander turned into two chess players, constantly manipulating the chessboard.

Now both of them need time, the front-line commander needs to delay the time to take down Xue Ming, Han Yi also needs time, and the trophy of the two is the blood core!
At this moment, Han Yi's face was also very serious. In the match between the two, Han Yi gradually began to admire the opponent's command ability.

If it weren't for the overwhelming strength of Han Yi's army, it would definitely not be easy for Han Yi to win easily.

 ~o(〃'▽'〃)o The second update ~for Miss Artest~

(End of this chapter)

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