final abyss

Chapter 351 I'm More Greedy

Chapter 351 I'm More Greedy

The powerful bodies of the three flying dragons made Falcon and the others a little overwhelmed. They had never seen such a powerful creature.

At this time, Falcon's face changed, his pupils shrank like eagle eyes, and he looked around, not even letting go of the sky.After scanning around carefully, his tense expression slowly relaxed.

"Falcon, even your attack can't break the monster's defense, what should we do?"

"Let's try again, this wilderness species will definitely bring us unimaginable benefits"

"Why don't we go, looking at this monster makes me panic"

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and everyone put forward their own opinions one after another, but they all turned their attention to Falcon. Obviously, Falcon's strength is quite convinced by everyone in the team.

Falcon was also very tangled in his heart. Just now he suddenly thought of what kind of creature beat up such a terrifying wilderness species like this, so he kept looking around nervously, fearing that it would beat the three flying dragons to death The monster is not gone yet.

But he was not willing to let him go. In space, crisis and benefits always coexisted. With such a huge benefit in front of him, he really didn't want to miss it.

"Try again! Use all of your strength, let's attack a part together, as long as we can cause damage to this monster, then we have a chance to get this wasteland species' treasure chest"

Then Falcon pointed to the purple head on the left side of the three flying dragons and said: "Just attack this head, the general head is the weakness of creatures!"

Several other people heard this and nodded. Although some people were still afraid, they were not moved by the huge benefits.

Just like that, the skills were flying, and the ten people present each showed their housekeeping skills, and launched a fierce offensive towards the left head of the three flying dragons hanging on the ground.

As time passed, Han Yi also began to slowly move towards the battle area.

He has been paying attention to the movement in this area from a distance, and found that after those people entered, there did not seem to be any devastating offensive from the bull demon. He roughly judged that the bull demon had left and it was time to move on.

But just in case, Han Yi still proceeded cautiously.

Coming to the periphery of the battle area, Han Yi was shocked when he saw the huge bodies of the three flying dragons in the deep pit.

However, his gaze was immediately attracted by ten people including Falcon, who were constantly attacking the purple heads of the three flying dragons.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on Han Yi's forehead. He could not avoid such a terrifying creature as the three-headed flying dragon, but the ten people in front of him dared to stand in front of the three-headed flying dragon's head and beat it on the head.

Seeing this, Han Yi quietly backed away for a distance, and began to observe. He didn't want to be swallowed by the three flying dragons that suddenly woke up.

Half an hour passed, and looking at the sweaty team of ten, Han Yi gradually realized something was wrong.

He didn't have the investigative ability of a criminal investigation policeman, but he still found something wrong with the three flying dragons. After thinking for a while, Han Yi guessed that the three flying dragons might be on the verge of death, which made those people so unscrupulous.

Thinking of this, Han Yi became even more puzzled.

Since the bull demon chased the three flying dragons like this, and beat them to the brink of death at the last moment, but did not kill them, he couldn't understand.

However, Han Yi's heart gradually became hot. If the three flying dragons were on the verge of death as he had guessed, then this would be a huge treasure.

He has seen the fighting power of the three-headed flying dragon before. If the treasure box dropped from the three-headed flying dragon is definitely something of terrifying value, he does not even doubt that it can produce gold-rank items.

At this time, Han Yi's eyes showed a hint of killing intent. Since he wanted the treasure, he would naturally confront the ten people in front of him, and a confrontation was inevitable.

Although these people did not show any hostility towards Han Yilu, Han Yi had long been dissatisfied with the behavior of the few people who had been following behind him before.

What's more, since Han Yi decided to get the treasure chest of the three flying dragons, and they were blocking the way, they would kill them if they killed them. There was no need for a reason, it could only be said that they were unlucky.

This time Han Yi didn't make a direct move, but took a deep breath and observed again, looking for the right time to make a move.

The Falcons in the deep pit were all sweating and panting heavily, but their eyes became brighter and brighter, and a hot light flashed in the middle from time to time.

After more than half an hour of uninterrupted efforts, they were about to smash the layer of skin on the heads of the three flying dragons, and victory was only one step away.

As long as the skin is broken and their attacks are judged by the space to cause damage to the three flying dragons, then the three flying dragons that are currently in a life-loss state will definitely be judged to have been killed by them after death.

Looking at the excited crowd, Falcon yelled loudly: "Don't stop, kill this monster and take the treasure chest, and then we'll find a place to rest. The road to trials is full of dangers, so be careful!"

After everyone heard this, they all concentrated again and began to struggle, and they all began to imagine in their hearts the huge benefits that this monster could bring them.

But what they didn't know was that at this moment, a figure began to slowly approach the deep pit.

The new wave of offensive was over, everyone was exhausted, and the criminal investigation policeman raised his head subconsciously, took a deep breath, and wiped off the sweat that was dripping from his forehead.

But then his pupils shrank suddenly, and in his line of sight, above the deep pit, where they couldn't see, a familiar aura was flashing a smoky light.

"Falcon! That kid is right above our heads!" The criminal investigation policeman immediately turned his head and roared.

Falcon was about to shoot the black arrow in his hand. After hearing this, he turned his body around quickly, activated his eagle eye ability, locked the area pointed by the criminal investigation policeman, released his right hand, and shot a black arrow instantly.

"Boom!" Sand and stones splashed, and bursts of dust fell towards them, causing everyone's eyes to narrow subconsciously.

However, everyone still found a black figure falling along the falling sand, which made their hearts tighten and they all became alert.

"Scatter!" A sorcerer in the team smashed the staff in his hand to the ground, and a white light shot up into the sky, sweeping away all the smoke and dust around him, making everyone's vision clear.

When everyone saw the scene in front of them clearly, they all looked a little dull.

At this moment, behind the falcon, a man looked at the crowd with a sneer, his red right hand firmly stuck to the falcon's neck, and lifted it in front of him.

Falcon's face turned red because of the blood stasis, and he kept kicking Han Yi's body with his feet, but it didn't have any effect at all.

"What the hell are you doing?" Falcon's voice came out of his throat with difficulty.

"Yes, what do you want? We even invited you to join our team before, and you treat us like this"

"We have shown you kindness, how could you be so unreasonable and even swing a knife at each other!"

Han Yi smiled coldly: "You are just afraid of my strength, don't talk so high-sounding."

"Then what are you going to do when you arrive?" Falcon said again with difficulty.

Hearing this, Han Yi tilted his head and thought for a while, pointing to the three flying dragons, the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing this, the faces of the people on the opposite side changed, but the faces of the original members of the Falcon Squad were overjoyed: "Okay! After killing this monster, you will have a share of the benefits!"

Hearing this, Han Yi suddenly grinned, which made everyone on the opposite side think that Han Yi had agreed, and the vigilance in their hearts suddenly became much less.

"Crack!" The sound of dislocation of bones sounded.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Han Yi's face turned cold, his right arm swelled suddenly, twisted the falcon's neck, and then rushed towards everyone fiercely.

The attack came so suddenly that everyone couldn't react at all. The two people in front of the scene were smashed in the head by Han Yi's two punches. With the brains swaying, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

"Bastard!" Three people were lost in one fell swoop, which made them itch with hatred for Han Yi, but they would not sit still, and all started to fight back.

However, Han Yi was not afraid at all. The seven people present had consumed most of their physical strength before, and their fighting power was not even half of what they used to be. How could they compete with themselves in their prime.

Although the opponent has a huge advantage in numbers, this is still an unequal contest.

The moment Han Yi rushed into the crowd, the seven people on the opposite side reacted quickly. Four melee fighters immediately stepped forward to block Han Yi's attempt to break out of the mage.

However, their ideas were doomed to fail. As soon as Han Yi stretched out his hand, a male mage who was in the state of casting the spell disappeared instantly, and then appeared in Han Yi's hands, showing the overbearing nature of the Hand of Soul Devourer.

"Kacha" threw away the limp male mage's corpse in his hand, the corners of Han Yi's mouth turned up, and bloodthirsty light was revealed in his eyes.

"Bastard, do you really want to kill us all? We all said that we will share the benefits of this monster with you."

"Sorry, I'm a greedy person, I like to eat alone!"

As soon as Han Yi's words fell, his figure disappeared in place and appeared in front of the four fighters. With a strong shoulder push, the three on the left flew out.

Seeing this, the other person swung the stabbing sword in his hand and stabbed fiercely at Han Yi.


In the terrified eyes of that person, Han Yi's right arm was tightly stuck to the extremely sharp stabbing sword, but no blood flowed out at all.

He seemed to want to say something, but Han Yi didn't give him a chance to speak. He slammed a fist with his left hand on the man's chin, and there was a sound of bone shattering. Lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Han Yi punched down again. The man's face collapsed from the punch, and he entered a state of death. His body collapsed to the ground weakly.


Seeing this scene, the few remaining people did not hesitate at all, and decisively began to run towards the outside. The fast ones had already climbed up the pit, and began to continuously jump upwards.

Han Yi didn't intend to let them go at all. Now that he had formed a grievance, he would not have any intention of keeping his hand.

These people were physically and mentally exhausted, and their physical strength was exhausted. Han Yi easily caught up with a magic spell and an assassin, and easily killed him. Then he glanced around and quickly chased in another direction.

This was Han Yi's hunting moment. Relying on his strong memory of the terrain, Han Yi easily found the traces left on the ground when they escaped, and killed them mercilessly after catching up.

When Han Yi caught the last man, the man looked terrified, and before Han Yi could make a move, he quickly said:

"Don't kill me, my ability can save you a lot of detours on the road of trials, and I have strong tracking and detection abilities, which can be of great help to you!"

This person is the criminal investigation policeman, who was the first to discover Han Yi's hidden location, and Han Yi also has an impression of him.

"Oh? So the three flying dragons are the near-death state you found?"

"That's right! It's me!" The criminal investigation policeman said quickly, he urgently needs to show his own value to Han Yi, otherwise Han Yi will definitely greet him ruthlessly.

"Well, it's a good ability, it reminds me of an old friend, his name is Shinra"

Seeing Han Yi's complexion slow down, the criminal investigation police also seemed to see a glimmer of hope: "Really!"

"But I'm sorry, it's not a pleasant memory." Han Yi's expression changed, killing intent emerged in his eyes, and then he stretched out his right arm, blood automatically clinging to his fist, and punched down heavily.

Under the unbelievable eyes of the criminal investigation policeman, the bloody fist slowly enlarged in front of his eyes, and then everything fell into boundless darkness.

Bending down to pick up the red key that emerged from the man's body, Han Yi turned around and walked quickly towards the location of the deep pit.

Now that the ten-member team has all died, the treasure belongs to him alone. Thinking of this, Han Yi smiled.

When he came to the deep pit, Han Yi's figure fell freely and hit the side of the three flying dragons heavily.

Looking at the purple heads on the left side of the three flying dragons, especially after seeing the traces left by the ten-person team attack on it, Han Yi smiled faintly, all of which made him a wedding dress.

Thinking of this, Han Yi didn't delay anymore. He didn't know when the three flying dragons would die, so he had to deal damage quickly.

When he really started to act, Han Yi realized how difficult it was. He punched the purple heads of the three flying dragons with his right arm again and again. Every heavy blow was like hitting cold metal. Han Yi's blood surged.

However, Han Yi became more and more excited when he smashed it. With the support of strong physical strength, Han Yi's right arm continued to be filled with blood, and he swung it wildly, apparently treating the purple dragon head in front of him as a sandbag.

Han Yi finally withdrew his hand when Han Yi's fist smashed through the skin on the purple dragon's head and pumped blood into the flesh and blood of the three flying dragons.

He slowly put his trembling hands in front of him, looking at the bodies of the three flying dragons, he still felt a little unbelievable about the physical bodies of the three flying dragons, but he also looked forward to the benefits that the three flying dragons could bring after their deaths .

As time passed, Han Yi just leaned on the purple head of the three-headed flying dragon, waiting and looking forward to it.

After a full day, Han Yi also went out to hunt the swamp creatures several times because of protection time. Every time he came back, he punched the three-headed flying dragon's skinned head to prevent the damage-making status from disappearing.

These three flying dragons have already entered a state of near-death, and they are still in a special state of dying, but Han Yi is completely convinced by the tenacious vitality they possess.

However, Han Yi was not in a hurry, he planned to spend the rest of his life with the three flying dragons.

He went to hunt swamp creatures when he had no time to protect. He didn't believe that he couldn't consume this dying monster.

Finally, three days later, Han Yi, who leaned against the three flying dragons and half-closed his eyes, suddenly received the long-awaited space prompt.

 *(ˊˋ*)*Tomorrow this book is free~

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(End of this chapter)

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