final abyss

Chapter 352 Reverse Devil Egg

Chapter 352 Reverse Devil Egg (False)
At the moment when the three flying dragons died, far away in the middle of the last city on the trial road, the black stone tablet blazed brightly, and the tenth-ranked name slowly dissipated.

At the same time, a spatial reminder also appeared in Han Yi's mind:
[Space Tips]: Successfully killed the 10th-ranked creature in the wilderness "Inverse Demon" to achieve the achievement "Fierce Beast Terminator", and obtained the ink tablet skill point +1
[Fierce Beast Terminator]: One of the strongest achievements on the road to trial in the second act. It can only be obtained by successfully killing the top ten wilderness species ranked in the ink tablet. Those who have achieved this achievement have proved that you are the food chain The top predator, all wilderness species below the king level will have a "fear" effect on you (the strength of this effect depends on the strength of the wilderness species)

[Ink stele skill point (1 point)]: It can be used by looking for guardians in the entrant city, and can be used to improve any skill (the improvement rate depends on the potential of the skill)

After seeing this series of prompts, Han Yi laughed loudly. This time it was considered good luck, which allowed him to hunt and kill such a powerful creature and obtain such huge benefits.

That ink tablet skill point is very powerful at first glance, it can be used to improve his Killing Shadow, and he even expects that maybe this skill point can upgrade his Killing Shadow to the gold level, and he also The mood that made him go to the first city became more urgent.

As for the achievement of the "Fierce Beast Terminator", Han Yi is also very satisfied. With this achievement, he will be less in danger. Even when fighting against the wilderness species, it is equivalent to adding a "shock" state to himself, Good for him in the second act.

After reading the space prompt, Han Yi turned his attention to the three flying dragons, feeling a sense of anticipation in his heart.

But after waiting for a while, the monster treasure chest from the wilderness did not appear, which gave Han Yi a bad premonition. He took a step forward, reached out and touched the head on the left side of the three flying dragons.

[Space Tips]: The anti-magic energy core has been stripped, and the monster treasure chest cannot be condensed!

[Space Tips]: The anti-magic energy core has been stripped, and the monster treasure chest cannot be condensed!

Hearing this reminder, Han Yi was dumbfounded. He was full of expectations to see what powerful items this powerful creature ranked tenth in the wilderness could bring him. He even had plans in his mind to produce gold-level items. , but at this time the reminder of the space is tantamount to a blow to the head.

"How could this be!" Han Yi frowned.

Then he stomped his feet on the ground, jumped up suddenly, and used his strength on the surface of the three flying dragons to jump a dozen or so times, passing the huge purple heads of the three flying dragons, and came to the right.

The scene in front of him made Han Yi's pupils shrink suddenly, and there was a huge crack in the golden head surrounded by the two heads.

Han Yi immediately realized in his heart that it must be the work of the bull demon, otherwise, what other creature could create such a huge scar on the powerful three-headed flying dragon.

Now Han Yi could only smile wryly, and he also understood why the core of the monster treasure chest was gone, apparently taken away by the bull demon.

And Han Yi also understood why the bull devil kept chasing the three flying dragons, but didn't kill it at the last moment. It turned out that the goal of the bull devil was not the three flying dragons from the beginning, but the energy core in its golden main brain.

Then after depriving the core, the three flying dragons are naturally worthless, and it doesn't matter to the Bull Demon whether he dies or not.

Standing on the necks of the three flying dragons, Han Yi did not hesitate any longer, and directly activated the ability to seize the destiny, which was his last means of gaining benefits.

In a trance, the soul body came out through the body, floating in front of the physical body.

The world in front of my eyes has also become gray, black, purple, and white twisted threads intertwine in front of my eyes, and my perception of the world has become completely different.

Han Yi looked down, and the spirit bodies of the three flying dragons shone with golden light, and bursts of huge coercion came, making Han Yi shake like a boat floating on the sea.

"Sure enough, it is very powerful, even if it is dead, it will have such coercion"

However, the spirit bodies of the three flying dragons were incomplete, and the golden master brain in the middle did not appear in the state of the spirit body, which gave Han Yi another bad premonition.

He didn't want to make a mistake when stripping, and at the same time he prayed in his heart, hoping that the prompt of stripping failure would never appear.

He squatted down slowly, and put his hands on the spirit bodies of the three flying dragons.

In an instant, the spirit bodies of the three flying dragons shattered and merged into the lines of different colors that filled the gray world.

And a hint of deprivation also appeared in Han Yi's mind:

[Deprivation Tips]:
Deprivation successfully obtained the item "Reverse Magic Egg (false)"

Deprivation failed, the anti-demon spirit body collapsed
Taking out the pitch-black, duck-egg-sized egg from the space, Han Yi seemed a little dazed.

Originally, he thought that he would deprive several pieces of gold-level materials and even a huge amount of soul points, but he never thought that he would deprive the child in Nimo's body. This made Han Yi a little dumbfounded, but why would there be a fake Words, which made Han Yi puzzled.

[Reverse Devil Egg (pseudo)]: An unknown biological egg conceived in the reverse devil's body can breed spiritual pets, and the grade cannot be judged
[Space Tips]: Since the value of this item cannot be determined specifically, it is impossible to estimate the required soul points. Please brew it yourself.

Unknown again, Han Yi was speechless for a while, especially after seeing the soul points needed for inestimable cultivation, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He also has no thoughts of hatching for the time being, and his soul points are not sufficient. Since this thing can be in the body of Ni Mo, it is obviously not a mortal thing. Perhaps the amount of soul points needed will be huge. I can't afford such a waste.

Out of curiosity, Han Yi wanted to know what kind of creature was inside this fake egg.

After the soul body collapsed, the bodies of the three flying dragons were also torn apart.As for why the collapse of the spirit body would cause the real body to collapse, Han Yi also had his own guess.

When he entered the soul body state, the world he saw was completely different from what the naked eye saw. The world was divided by silk threads of different colors.

When the spirit body of the three flying dragons collapsed, all its spirit body fragments were integrated into these silk threads.

The disintegration of the body of the three-headed flying dragon may be caused by the pulling of these twisted threads. This unknown energy seems calm, but in fact it is extremely overbearing. Even the powerful body of the three-headed flying dragon cannot resist it for a moment.

However, Han Yi's current strength is also unable to explore the ultimate mystery of this world, but his footsteps are still moving forward on the road of exploring the truth.

Through layers of purple fog, Han Yi continued to move forward. After the deprivation was completed, he set off again and started to head for the first city.

The time he had now was enough for him to leave the poisonous mist swamp, so Han Yi no longer hunted and killed those swamp creatures, but spent all his energy on the road.

One day and one night, after more than 20 hours of sleepless nights, finally, the scenery in front of me began to change, and the surrounding ground gradually changed from the original wet soil pattern to normal. It started to become extremely indifferent, which made Han Yi understand that he was about to walk out of the poisonous fog swamp.

But he didn't move on, because when he looked forward, he found that for some reason, a large number of entrants gathered in front of him.

To be on the safe side, Han Yi observed from a distance for a while, but finally found that these people did not seem to be a team, but each had their own team, but for some reason, they gathered together here.

After clearing the situation, Han Yi walked towards the small entrant stronghold.

After approaching, Han Yi discovered that although these entrants gathered together, there were no guards at all, and they all gathered in twos and threes, discussing with each other.

Han Yi walked into the stronghold and looked around, but no one paid him any attention.

This made Han Yi a little speechless, so he had no choice but to walk to a two-person team, and nodded kindly to the man who was grilling meat.

"Why? Want to eat meat? You can buy it with points, and you can buy it without soul points!" The bearded man who was grilling meat looked at Han Yi, and didn't give him any good looks.

"I want to ask, why are you all gathered here, why don't you move on?"

The bearded man was stunned: "You don't know?"

Han Yi was speechless: "I really don't know!"

The bearded man looked around Han Yi, wondering, "Hey, where are your teammates?"

Looking at the bearded man who didn't answer his question at all, Han Yi sighed in his heart, but he still wanted to know the reason, so he said, "They're all dead!"

Beard: "How did you die?"

Han Yi: "."

Han Yi looked at the bearded man with a speechless face, and felt a bit of mmp in his heart, with the urge to raise his fist and smash his head.

Looking at the speechless Han Yi, the teammate beside the beard saw this, stood up, and smiled at Han Yi: "My brother talks a lot, don't mind, you want to know why we gather here, right?" ,I tell you!"

Upon hearing this, Han Yi nodded his head, showing an attitude of listening.

The man did not speak directly, but took out a monocular from the space, handed it to Han Yi, and pointed straight ahead, which was the direction leading to the first city.

Han Yi was puzzled, and after taking the binoculars, he looked in the direction it pointed.

At this time, dozens of blue-skinned giants appeared in Han Yi's sight, and in front of these giants, a large group of creatures of different shapes were running wildly, and the encirclement formed by those giants could not let these creatures break out. .

These giants seem to enjoy it, grabbing a creature from time to time, stuffing it into the mouth, chewing it and swallowing it.

The voice of the bearded teammate came slowly: "These giants are all wilderness species. I don't know what happened this time. This group of giant wilderness species actually collectively dispatched to prey on swamp creatures. This completely blocked our way forward."

Han Yi put down the binoculars, handed it to his bearded teammate, and asked suspiciously, "Then you guys are getting together to break out together?"

"Forget it, these giant wasteland species are very powerful, and each of them has the strength above the silver level. If we break through collectively, even if we succeed, we will have to suffer heavy losses. What's more, no one wants to sacrifice, and there is no one who is strong. organization, it is easy to disperse and flee, causing even greater losses!"

Han Yi looked at the chatty beard in surprise, he didn't expect this guy to analyze the situation in front of him so thoroughly.

Before Han Yi answered, the bearded man continued to speak: "We have been waiting for 5 days, and these wilderness giants are still playing with these swamp creatures. We don't know when these guys will leave. Go, you should go back and hunt more swamp creatures, lest you run out of time and die here alive.”

After understanding the reason why these entrants gathered here, Han Yi also guessed that they planned to spend with the wasteland giant.

Unless someone strong came to help break through, they didn't want to sacrifice, and it was impossible to fight with those dozens of wilderness giants.

What Han Yi didn't expect was that they had been waiting for five days.

Thinking of this, Han Yi frowned subconsciously. His temporary stay in the space was less than five days away. He didn't want to waste time here anymore. His current goal was the second city. Wasting time here? Wise choice.

Han Yi glanced around, and the people nearby seemed a little careless. Obviously, these people have stored a large amount of "drug resistance crystals" and are already ready for a protracted war, and they are definitely unwilling to choose to break through.

Then these people can't be used as help, but let him face the group of wilderness giants alone. He doesn't have such strength yet, which makes Han Yi a little distressed.

His thoughts were floating, and suddenly Han Yi's mind flashed. He opened the attribute panel, looked at the purple light shining in the achievement symbol "Fierce Beast Terminator", and his heart was eager to try.

This title has a strong pressure on these wilderness species, and he just wants to pass, not to hunt these wilderness giants, so why not try the effect of the achievement.

Thinking of this, Han Yi nodded to the bearded man and his teammates to express his gratitude, then turned around and walked towards the first city on the trial road.

Looking at Han Yi who was leaving, his bearded expression was a little surprised. He turned the barbecue over, then stroked his beard with his hand, and said, "This kid is not simple!"

"I found out a long time ago that this kid walked out of the poisonous mist swamp alone without a teammate," his teammate also said slowly.

"He said all his teammates were dead!" the bearded man said.

"Pig letter! Judging by his expression, he obviously wants to perfunctory you, and didn't you find that he is very impatient with you? That's the only way I can stand your chatterbox."

"I think you want to fight"

"Come, come! Anyway, it's boring here, let's practice and let you know who is the boss!"

Just as the two men were at war, there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd in front of them, which immediately attracted the attention of the two men.They threw down the barbecue and immediately stepped forward to check the situation, a little excited in their hearts, thinking that the wasteland giant had finally left.

"What's going on, what's going on, those idiots left?" The two squeezed into the crowd and asked curiously.

"The idiot didn't leave, and there is another idiot," someone in the crowd said quietly.

This made the two of them a little confused, and the bearded snatched the binoculars from his teammate, looked forward, and then took a deep breath.

He saw a familiar figure, and that figure was advancing rapidly alone, and the direction of running was the area where the giant of the wasteland was.

"What did you see?" the bearded teammate asked quickly.

"I saw the delivery guy on his way."

 *(ˊˋ*)*Limited free~

(End of this chapter)

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