Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 276 Demon Eyes Seeking Demons

Chapter 276 Demon Eyes Seeking Demons
The power of the blood lotus calyx can't be truly grasped even by Master Flying Dragon who presides over the sacrifice and the Hao brothers who steal the treasure. Xinming Shenni only heard about it and knew that this magical treasure is very powerful, really powerful, but there are specific details. How powerful, but I can't tell why.Master Feilong felt that the blood lotus calyx could deal with Fu Zeyang, while Xinmingshenni felt that no matter how powerful it was, it was no match for his own Vajra Immovable Zen Light. The former underestimated Fu Laomo, and the latter overestimated himself.

Wei Fengniang designated the blood lotus with her hand, and the thousand-leaf lotus bloomed completely, and the burst of magic light formed a dazzling comet, and the red light that protruded backward wrapped Wei Fengniang in it, dragged it back more than a hundred feet, and burst into the air, Fly quickly to the north.

The mind is clear and the gods are not willing to let go, and they lead their disciples to chase after him.

After all, Wei Fengniang has never practiced the orthodox magic way, and it doesn't match the attributes of the blood lotus calyx, and her skill is much worse than that of Xinming Shenni, so if she runs away blindly, she will be caught up soon.

But there are thousands of gods and demons in this blood lotus calyx, with self-generated spirituality, sometimes they will automatically launch a counterattack, break the spell of Xinming Shenni, and bewitch and abet Wei Fengniang, lure her into a demon, and be possessed by gods and demons, which can increase a lot out of thin air Mana and supernatural powers.

Wei Fengniang walked all the way from time to time, beating and beating, not only was she not arrested by Xinming Shennun, but she killed her two apprentices, her whole body was melted into blood, and all her essence, energy, and spirit were collected into the lotus hole.

Xinming Shenni was furious and vowed to catch Wei Fengniang and kill her to avenge her apprentice!

She was already possessed by demons because of her murderous intention to practice Buddhism. She was taught by Master Fentuo, but she still couldn't see through it, and she couldn't turn her mind. She has been practicing in the southeast mountain for many years, forcibly enduring the precepts, killing demons and eliminating demons. Not only did his killing intent not decrease, but it became more and more suffocated, which would be affected by the blood lotus calyx, and it would explode completely.She made up her mind, she must kill Wei Fengniang, no one can persuade her, people block killing people, Buddha blocks killing Buddha!
Wei Fengniang didn't dare to go west and return to Tianshan Mountain, she just wanted to find a place quickly, practice hard to use this magic treasure as she likes, and then be able to rule the world, no matter how invincible she is, she can do whatever she wants, and then go to Fu Zeyang and have more confidence Now, as long as you put this lotus in front of Fu Zeyang and explain that it is your dowry, Fu Zeyang will definitely agree!
Reluctantly, Xinming Shenni pursued her closely, and refused to give up until she was killed. The cultivation of blood lotus calyx requires absorbing a large amount of divine soul plasma. Wei Fengniang practiced Buddhism since she was a child, and felt that she would suffer retribution if she absorbed too many living people, so she continued to go north. , crossed the Yellow River, and went to the Fairy Kingdom to kill goblin monsters and get their flesh and blood.

Xin Ming Shenni was influenced by the blood lotus calyx, the outer demons seduced the inner demons, and the inner demons seduced the outer demons, with murderous aura in his heart, vowing to wipe out the group of demons, even more relentless when he saw the goblins.

She was originally Wudang Elder, one of Zhang Sanfeng's disciples, she was superior to Linglingzi in terms of Taoism and swordsmanship alone, and later learned the most authentic and top-level Buddhist method of subjugating demons from Master Fentuo, how powerful she is with full firepower.The celestial sword splits the light, the fire of the Buddha turns into a dragon, and wherever it passes, all the big and small monsters will either have their heads fell to the ground, their bodies will be cut into several pieces, or they will be burned to ashes.

As for Wei Fengniang, although her powers are limited, the blood lotus flower in her hand is too powerful, fierce and ruthless, no matter how powerful the big monster is, as long as it is caught by those nine eyes, her whole body will turn into blood, and her soul will be full of energy. All were captured.

These two people started killing wildly on the land of Hebei, and even the demon king's general soldiers in the general town were killed. Finally, several demon saints were alarmed. Swallowed the eight dragons she summoned, scratched the Vajra Buddha Light Seat, and tore off one of her arms.

Xinming Shenni ran away in a hurry, Mo An swallowed the thousand-eyed blood lotus again, captured Wei Fengniang, and wanted to eat her too, but Wei Fengniang refused to admit defeat, and yelled at Dapeng that Mo An was a beast while crying He asked Fu Zeyang for help.

When Moan heard Fu Zeyang's name, he thought the little nun was interesting, so he took her back to the Forbidden City and asked her to serve him. Taught her the method of sacrifice and refining, and made her the Queen of the Bliss Demon, and made her the mother of the world in the Bliss Country.

Hearing people talk about Fu Zeyang's name, Wei Fengniang had the same feeling in her heart. Now, many years have passed since the encounter at Jialan Temple and the later Huangshan sword fight. Wei Fengniang and Mo An are also considered husband and wife. He was the first man who made her think about it day and night, the man who was the most tempted, and belonged to the object of first love.

When fixing the banquet, she was a little absent-minded, thinking that Fu Zeyang's enemy finally came!However, she was already married, and now she was the Queen of the Demon Kingdom, but Fu Zeyang sent a large army to conquer her. The two sides became sworn enemies, which made her very upset.

If he is captured by Mo An later, should I intercede for him?
No, he is the leader of the Guangming sect. Over the years, he has created a great reputation and has great supernatural powers. Many old guys who have practiced for thousands of years have been defeated by him. Although Mo An is powerful, he may not be able to defeat him.

But...if Mo An is captured by him, should I ask him to plead for Mo An?
Pooh!Do people know who you are?After so many years, I might have forgotten you long ago!
Recalling the scene on the way to Jialan Temple and meeting on Huangshan Mountain later, even though many springs, summers, autumns and winters have passed, the color is still not lost, the freshness is still there, and the characters inside are all lifelike.

Will he still remember that cute and playful little girl back then?

After thinking about it again, King Mo'an is a golden-winged roc, who came from the Buddhist gate and entered the immortal gate. He is the world's most powerful monster sage, and he still has several treasures from Li Jingxu in his hands. No matter how powerful they are, they may not be able to defeat him. If the two really fight, it will be about five or five.

While thinking wildly, the maids came to report that the food and wine were ready.

The host and guest were seated in the main hall, and Wei Fengniang sat next to Mo An, pouring wine for her husband with her own hands. Seeing Mo An's tall and straight figure, skin like white jade, bright eyes, and a chic appearance, she changed her mind: King Mo An is also A rare man in the Three Realms, with good kungfu in the room, why should I think about that enemy again?

After filling a glass of wine and returning to her seat, the palace lady poured wine for her, and seeing the clear wine rippling in the glass, her heart rippled again: If only the two of them could shake hands and make peace, it would be great to live together in harmony.I heard that in the first volume of the Blood and Nerves, there are many methods of combining male and female dual cultivation. It is amazing to cooperate with internal training, and it can also increase the skill... If these two men come to serve me, they will be in the Xianye Pond in the back. Wouldn't it be more beautiful to practice together and have fun together than to become a Da Luo Jinxian?
She thought about it, sighed quietly, and cursed silently: "It's a pity that the enemy chose Zhu Ying, that bitch..."

As a golden-winged roc, Mo An has the sharpest eyes. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he knew what his wife was thinking, so he gently put down the wine glass, paused on the emerald tabletop, and made a crisp sound.

Wei Fengniang's Taoism has become more and more advanced these years, and her mind is also extremely sensitive. When she heard the voice, she turned her head to look, although she only saw her husband's side face, knowing why, she felt vigilant: Why am I so upset today?Just hearing the word "Fu Zeyang" and being so distracted, could it be that the enemy is already so powerful, does he feel it?But since I have thought of him so many times over the years, why doesn't he respond to me even once?Or is it God's will somewhere, that I'm finally going to see him?

Mo An ignored her and asked Deng Yin: "Mr. Deng, do you think that Fu Zeyang is hiding in this hall?"

Deng Yin nodded: "Yes, not only is he in this hall, but I can also sense that he is possessed by someone."

One sentence made everyone nervous, and the demon kings whispered to each other. The Seven Kings asked: "The god is the son of the blood god who is famous all over the world. From my point of view, he is indeed powerful. Can't even you find out who he is on?" ?”

Deng Yin showed a dignified expression: "Fu Zeyang cultivates the blood nerves like me. As the supreme secret book in the magic way, the blood nerves are divided into two volumes. The first volume records the secret method of cultivating the blood god among the kings of the supreme demon gods. There are also some spells derived from the exercises. The second volume records all kinds of powerful applied magic and treasures in the magic way, and there are also some quick-learning exercises. I got the nine-level cultivation skills in the first volume. He is definitely not my opponent when it comes to the battle of magic, but when it comes to manifesting, disappearing, and changing inspiration, I am not as good as him. He should have bent over the four of us just now, but we I tried my best, but I couldn't find out who he was possessed by. I am ashamed to say that now I don't even know whether he is still on the original person, or whether he has changed the object of possession."

The demon kings were not convinced, and they used their magical powers one after another, either to observe with their eyes, or to deduce the hexagrams. Mo An also shot two golden lights from his eyes, starting from Deng Yin, and shot everyone in the hall one by one. View all Finished, still nothing.

He was stunned in his heart: "Is the leader of Guangming so powerful? According to Mr. Deng, when will he appear?"

Deng Yin said: "You ask me to estimate when he will appear. I can't be sure, but we only need to wait for six hours. If he shows up within half a day to save Gong Yehuang, he will definitely not escape my snare. Well, if he doesn't come, it doesn't matter, Gongyehuang has already caused karma with him. When I capture Gongyehuang's primordial spirit and let him sacrifice a six-tailed blood-soaked demon banner, I can curse him from the air , and find him with the special feeling between the two of us."

After hearing so much from him, Mo An was quite sincere, so he didn't ask any more questions. After thinking for a while, he said to Wei Fengniang next to him, "Queen, you can use the blood lotus calyx to try."

Wei Fengniang's phoenix eyes turned around, looking at everyone in the hall one by one, guessing who Fu Zeyang was on, hearing what Mo An said, her heart skipped a beat, thinking that I had forgotten that Fu Zeyang could indeed be found with blood lotus calyx, but in this way, he If he finds out, he will be besieged by many masters in the hall, and he may be in danger...

Seeing her moving slowly, Moan pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Why? Is the queen unwilling?"

"Ah, no, Your Majesty, just watch from the sidelines, and I'll do it right away." Wei Fengniang stepped down the steps, came to the center of the hall, opened her mouth and sprayed out a ball of blood, hanging in front of her, when it surged, a blood lotus came out first calyx.

Upon seeing this treasure, Monk Chuanxin immediately showed greedy eyes, and Deng Yin and Chishi Shenjun also looked at each other. One of the purposes of their coming here this time is to get this treasure.

Wei Fengniang said: "This treasure is the ultimate treasure of the demonic way. There are six branches in total. This one of mine is called the Thousand-Eyed Blood Lotus Calyx. It can distinguish between true and false, and detect the false and the real. The magic eye on it can directly see what the opponent is thinking. Think about it, myriads of knowledge will be revealed layer by layer like a mirror, no matter how powerful the possessed dharma body is, it will not be able to escape the sight of this magic eye."

The demon king Tianhu said: "Everyone prepare your most powerful magic weapon spells. Once Fu Zeyang is discovered by the magic eyes, we will shoot together to destroy his body and spirit!"

"Everyone, don't panic when you are seen by the devil's eyes." Wei Fengniang sprayed real qi, stretched out her hand, and the blood lotus calyx with thousands of petals bloomed layer by layer, and a bloody eyeball sprayed out from each lotus hole, hanging in the air , following the direction of Wei Fengniang's fingers, she turned first and looked at Deng Yin.

When Deng Yin was seen by the nine demonic eyes, his mind tensed up, and the hairs all over his body were about to stand on end. However, he maintained his mana and did not resist resistance, allowing the demonic eyes to investigate.

I saw a magic light shot out from the magic eye, falling on Deng Yin's body, it turned his body transparent, and there was a blood-colored red shadow sitting inside, wrapped in blood-red smoke that kept rolling around.

After looking at Deng Yin, Wei Fengniang manipulated her magic eyes to turn to the Red Corpse God. The body of the Red Corpse God didn't distinguish between inside and outside, it was just a blood-red figure, but it was not as blurred as Deng Yin's, but the eyes, ears, mouth and nose were three-dimensional and clear. It's just that in the blood-red evil spirit behind him, there are six other dark red figures.

After the red corpse god, there is the heart-piercing monk. Nine magic eyes glared at him, revealing his natal god and demon. It is a monk covered in blood mist, unable to see his face clearly, sitting cross-legged in the surging blood , there were many devils boiling beside him, and there was another magic sword lying in front of his natal god and demon, being looked at by the magic eyes, the magic sword trembled slightly, eager to try.

Everyone identified them, and they were all not Fu Zeyang. Then they looked at Deng Yin's two apprentices, a man and a woman, both of whom were just like him. There was a blurry red figure inside the human body outside.

Turn around and look at the main seat again, starting from the Three Kings.

The Three Kings is an ape who has become a spirit. After cultivating human form, although his hands and feet are long and his limbs are slenderer than ordinary people, he has a handsome face and is the crown of the Seven Sages. He will be illuminated by the magic eye and be forced to show his original shape. , His forehead was spit out, his jaw retracted, his nose was turned up to the sky, and his head was covered with white hair. Fortunately, he was so powerful that only his head was exposed. Angrily, he waved his hand to ask Wei Fengniang to remove the magic eye, and then immediately returned to his human appearance.

Wei Fengniang then went to take photos of the other great kings. The focus of everyone's attention was the four kings Tianhu who followed Deng Yin and the others to the Six Princes' Mansion. With black hair like hair, she screamed: "Sister-in-law Huang quickly remove the treasure, I can't take it anymore."

Seeing that he was not the same, everyone was very disappointed. After taking pictures of other demon kings and court ladies, they still couldn't find the target.

 Some brothers said that I am water... I just want to ask, won't your conscience hurt?My book has now written more than 90 words. According to the mainstream writing method on the Internet, the momentum of punching describes water in one thousand characters, the history of punching describes water in one thousand characters, and the kind of people who eat melons are surprised by water in one thousand characters can be broken down into Three four million.The last one explained Wei Fengniang and Master Feilong, Xinming Shenni, and the appearance of the last blood lotus calyx. The four lines converged in one place... Such a large amount of information has been done like this, where is the moisture?If you do it again, it will be muddy.Let's read the book, what is the standard of water and dryness?I really want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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