Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 277 Blue Blood God

Chapter 277 Blue Blood God

Wei Fengniang used the thousand-eyed blood lotus calyx to search all the people on both sides of the hall, but Fu Zeyang was still not found.

All the demon kings were astonished, and asked Deng Yin: "Could it be that the gods made a mistake? Maybe Fu Zeyang is not here."

Deng Yin was also a little puzzled, staring and frowning, looking at this face and that body: "It's absolutely impossible! Those of us who cultivate blood nerves have reached a certain level and become sons of blood gods, and there is a kind of secret relationship between us." Sensation. The person surnamed Fu is in this hall at this moment! And it is on someone's body."

Everyone saw what he said so decisively and didn't know what to say. Between each other, you looked at me and I looked at him, and finally decided to drink and eat first. According to what Deng Yin said, after six hours, he After refining Gongyehuang, using his primordial spirit as a guide, there is a way to find Fu Zeyang.

During the banquet, the gate of the imperial palace was suddenly opened, and a big man in a tiger robe more than three feet tall walked in from the outside. He had a long face in his life, with a hooked nose, phoenix eyes, and silkworm eyebrows. He was not like other people in gorgeous clothes. Serving in human palace attire, only wearing a short jacket and shorts made of black cloth lining the inside and tiger skin on the outside, holding a boy in his hand.

Seeing this person enter the door, everyone put down their cups, and the demon king frowned, Moan said: "Second brother, you are here. Just in time, everyone is here to deal with your old master Fu Zeyang, you are the most familiar with him , also come to the staff."

This big man is Xuanyi, the human form he acquired after cultivating the human form already had a gloomy and cold face, and now his face was full of anger. Shi, Chuanxin and others looked at them, and then glanced at their brothers on the right, their faces were frosty: "The Guangming Army is besieging from all sides, the HD Mansion has been destroyed, and 64 of the 43 chain villages in the Eight Paths of Taihang have been destroyed. In the north, Shang Heyang led the Fiery Army to guard the Great Wall, and in the east, the Bright Fleet landed from the Bohai Sea. Did it fly?"

The three kings, the four kings, and the five kings refused to accept him. Originally, these three people were the first to follow Mo An, but Xuan Yi's arrival squeezed them into the rear, which made them very upset. They drank their glasses in unison: "Old Second, what do you mean by that?"

The Tianhu demon king said sinisterly: "Second brother, how can we not know what you said? Even if we are shallow, stupid and ignorant, will the elder brother be as stupid as me? Didn't you hear what the elder brother said just now? Fu Zeyang, the leader of the Guangming Sect, is above this hall, attached to someone. We seem to be drinking here, but we are actually setting up a net to find him. No matter how many Guangming soldiers are, they are just like ants As long as we can wipe out Fu Zeyang, the millions of bright troops will be wiped out! I know you are anxious, but you have to distinguish the priorities. Could it be... Do you think that Fu Zeyang is your old master, and you are also with the old master? Like Liu, I'm going to wait for the master to come, immediately kneel down to admit my mistake and take refuge, and I can't go home with the package?"

Xuanyi glared at him fiercely, his cold eyes were like ice needles, almost piercing someone's eyes: "I'll say it again! Fu Zeyang is not my master, he and I... no matter what happened in the past, now that he is a human being, I will Being a monster is already irreconcilable, this battle between the human race and the monster race to compete for the luck of the world is a big deal, and what relationship I have with him in the past is nothing compared to it!" He said with Pointing to the boy on the ground, "Do you recognize this kid?"

Everyone looked at it with their heads, and they couldn't recognize it. Deng Yin's eyes were red, but he could see some clues: "This son is practicing the kung fu of monk Baimei. This body... smells like blood nerves. It's strange. How can Monk Baimei and Fu Zeyang get together? Although Baimei is cunning and Zeyang is cunning, they can only be superficial brothers at most, and it is absolutely impossible to truly join forces."

Xuanyi looked at him with a bit of fear in his eyes. This blood god son is more powerful than the legends. After hearing the slander of the third and the others, inviting this person to the Forbidden City is purely to lure wolves into the house. But the matter is now, and he can no longer blame Deng. Hidden, complaining is useless, I can only hope that they can play some role and jointly defend against the enemy.

"Fellow Daoist is right. I have already found out that this kid is originally the white eagle among the two eagles that the monk with white eyebrows carried. My brain is broken, and I want to go to the demon clan to preach the scriptures and preach the Dharma. The old monk with white eyebrows is also confused in chanting scriptures, so he even took him to find Fu Zeyang, asked Fu Zeyang to help him reborn, and cultivated human form, and even worshiped Fu Zeyang as a godfather I got the name Fu Liexing." He raised his foot and kicked the boy on the ground, Fu Liexing was imprisoned by his spell, and the iron feather lock locked the lute bone, unable to resist the struggle, he kicked him in the ribs, and there was a sound of bone cracking immediately, Broken several ribs.

Xuanyi said: "Brother, it is now the critical time of life and death, we must make up our minds to fight to the death with the Guangming Army, then Fu Zeyang is right here, we will use him to force Fu Zeyang to come out, wash him clean, and stand in this hall , cut the meat with a knife, and eat it as you roast it. Didn’t you say that Fu Zeyang leaned over someone in this temple? That’s just right, each of us has to eat the meat of this little bastard, together with the heart, liver, spleen and lungs. Forsaken, Fu Zeyang claims to be the orthodox demon sect, let's see if the master of the demonic way, the leader of the light, is willing to eat the flesh of his godson!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Deng Yin clapped his hands and applauded, "In the past, King Wen was imprisoned in Yili by King Zhou and forced to eat the meat of Boyi Kao. Meat is bound to be possessed by demons, not only can I find him immediately, but I can also use this to restrain him."

The Red Corpse God frowned slightly, and the monk Chuanxin asked maliciously: "Fellow Daoist, you can't bear it?"

The Red Corpse God didn't even look at him, he just said to Deng Yin: "Just now you said that you want to unite with Buddhism to deal with the Guangming Army. This son is not only the son of Master Fu, but also the disciple of Monk Baimei. If we split up here He, the old monk, is he willing to let it go? The old monk has always been cunning, and he is gentle with monsters. These years, he just wants to preach Buddhism to the monsters around Songshan Mountain. He has never given the precept of killing, even if there are monsters When the family crossed the Yellow River, they only blocked it with the light of the Sandalwood Buddha, preventing them from moving forward. If this child is harmed, the road will be completely cut off."

"How can you believe the bald donkey of Buddhism?" Xuanyi said loudly, "I just wanted to cut off the road of our union with Buddhism, so I flew [-] miles to catch this little brat, and I have to live here today You can't scratch him!" His eyes swept over the crowd, "Everyone will have a bite of his flesh, whoever doesn't eat it will be possessed by Fu Zeyang, let's tear him up immediately!"

Mo An approved of this strategy, and ordered Wei Fengniang: "Queen, go hold the sword!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, then I will ask the palace servants to take the young man to the back to wash it up, so as not to stain the mouth of the honorable guest."

"No need!" Xuanyi waved his big hand, "Yesterday, the greedy wolf star fell into a dream, and this morning's calculation, it is time to forget this palace. Fu Zeyang is probably not the only enemy who came to the Forbidden City. He also appears and disappears like a ghost. Xiu, the tricks are hard to guard against. We are not fine people. When you brothers used to hunt and eat people, why did you wash them first? We are not raccoons. As for Deng Daoyou, when you used the blood shadow to take the human body, you did not dislike the target. Pickle, you have to catch it and wash it first, right? Don’t let anyone play tricks, let’s not be hypocritical, sister-in-law, you can do the surgery here, let’s all watch together!"

Wei Fengniang walked up to Fu Liexing, cast a spell to make him levitate in the air, stripped off his clothes, and then locked him in place, asked the maid to get a magic knife, first reached out and touched Fu Liexing's arm, and sighed slightly: "Poor child! !" Cut off a piece of Fu Liexing's arm with a knife, gave it to the maid, and then made a second knife, all on a silver plate, each piece of meat was delivered to the table of the demon king and guests present, if If you like to eat raw and tender, you can eat it directly. If you don't like to eat raw, you can cast a spell and roast it with fire. How cooked is up to you.

Fu Liexing was imprisoned by magic, as if imprisoned in a huge glass body. He couldn't move his limbs at all. He could only allow the golden knife to cut his flesh and leave his body.

He closed his eyes and recited silently: "The paramita of patience, the Tathagata said that it is not the paramita of patience, it is called paramita. Why? In the past, I cut my body for King Kali. At that time, I had no self, no one, and no sentient beings." , the appearance of a lifeless person...Bodhisattvas should be separated from all appearances, and have the heart of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. They should not live in the form to generate the mind, should not live in the sound, fragrance, and touch the law to generate the mind, and should have no abiding mind. If the heart has abiding , that is non-dwelling. The Tathagata said that all appearances are right and wrong..."

The passage he recited was exactly a passage from the Diamond Sutra. It said that when Shakyamuni passed away, his body was once cut open by a knife. I'm sorry, I have proved that there is no way to endure.

It's just to break the nature of seeing each other, which is already the state of "seeing the nature and becoming a Buddha" in Zen Buddhism. He can have it there. Besides, whether he sees the nature or not, the pain on his body has not abated in the slightest. The pain was drenched in sweat, and I couldn't help but want to scream and moan several times, but I forcibly held back, trying not to think about the pain on my body, and just recited scriptures.

Xuanyi didn't look at him, but only glanced back and forth at the people in the seat, to see who had an unnatural expression when facing the maid offering meat on a tray, and who looked at Fu Liexing with unbearable and resentful eyes.

Finally, he finally found it. It was the female disciple Deng Yin brought. He strode over and stood in front of the table like a hill, and asked condescendingly, "What's your name?"

The female Taoist priest looked flustered: "My name is Salina."

Xuanyihu asked in a low voice: "Why don't you eat?"

"I...don't like cannibalism," Salina said.

"He's not a human, he's a vulture. To you people, isn't it just bird meat? It's the same as chicken. Have you ever eaten it?"

Salina took a deep breath: "I... have a bad appetite recently."

Deng Yin also saw that something was wrong: "Salina, why do you lose your appetite?"

Salina hesitated, as if trying to find some excuse.

Xuanyi sneered, grabbed Salina's head with his left hand, grabbed a piece of bloody meat from the tray with his right hand, and stuffed it into Salina's mouth: "You have to eat today, and you have to eat if you don't..."

"You flat-haired bastard..." Selina finished her sentence, but was grabbed by Xuan Yi's big hand and stuffed meat into her mouth. Suddenly, her body collapsed like a deflated bag, and a ray flew out of her body. The blue light in human form rushed towards Xuan Yi.

Now that the distance between the two of them was as close as possible, the speed of the blue light flying was so fast that Xuan Yi was thrown on him before he could react.

"Second brother!" No one thought that such an accident would happen, and Mo An stood up from the throne.

Deng Yin was also taken aback, stood up and looked at his apprentice.

Looking at Xuanyi again, there was a weird smile on his face, which turned into pain in an instant. He grabbed his neck with both hands, opened his mouth and let out a woman's scream, and his whole body exploded into a cloud of black air. It's a spherical cage.

The outside of the cage was enveloped in a turbulent black air, and a figure of blue light clashed left and right inside, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Black air surged from the side of the cage, and Xuan Yi appeared from it, shrunk the cage to the size of a basketball, and held it in his hand: "This is the treasure I brought from Beihai, the primordial spirit that specializes in imprisoning people, and I have been on guard against you blood-trained nerves for a long time." , still in use today.”

Everyone was confused, and Mo An asked in surprise: " this Fu Zeyang?" He used his divine eyes to see through the black mist, and saw that the blue figure inside was a real woman.

"This is not Fu Zeyang." Xuan Yi said coldly, "But she must also belong to Fu Zeyang's party." He turned around and asked Deng Yin loudly, "Does it mean that Mr. What conditions have been met in private, that you came to the Forbidden City in the open and in the dark, deliberately acting for the eldest brother?"

Deng Yin had other plans, ignored his rudeness, just looked at the blue light in the cage, and wondered: "This is not my disciple, Sarina... should have been killed by him. It's really strange, Looking at her appearance, it seems that she is also a trained blood nerve, but this blood shadow incarnation has been trained... I never thought that there would be someone in the world who trained blood nerves like this."

Everyone was very puzzled, and the demon king Tianhu asked: "The god has confused me, who is this person?"

"This person should be Fu Zeyang's disciple without a doubt." Deng Yin explained to everyone, "We use human blood, animal blood, or poultry blood to cultivate blood nerves. The blood is all red, and the incarnation of the blood god is also a Hongying, this person probably uses horseshoe crabs in the sea to practice exercises. The blood of those aquariums is blue. How much blood can those aquariums have? She didn't think it was too much effort, and she actually became the incarnation of this blue blood shadow .”

Wei Fengniang said: "That's not right, I used my magic eye to see her just now, and at that time it was still a red figure, although it was blurry and I couldn't see the facial features clearly, but the color was always the same, everyone saw it too. "

 Everyone should know who this person is.

(End of this chapter)

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