Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 278 2 Blood-breaking God Son

Chapter 278
Deng Yin explained to everyone: "Although she used the blood of the tribe to refine the incarnation of the blue blood god, after all, she has not completely washed away her mortal roots and failed to refine the real body of the blood god. The red one turns blue only when it is activated. We were all on guard against Fu Zeyang just now. She is a woman, and she possessed me, my disciple. Her blood was blurred and her facial features were blurred. Deceive it!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that the Sky Fox Demon King looked at the blue shadow running up and down in the cage, and asked: "It is said that once this blood shadow is trained, it will be immortal, and it is extremely difficult to trap, do you want to send it to me?" Imprisoned in Mr. Deng's magic tower, wait for that Fu Zeyang to show up and rescue him?"

Deng Yin smiled and said: "No need, with her, there is no need to wait six hours later to use that Gong to smelt Huang. I will start now and use the causal connection between her and Fu Zeyang to find his hiding place." He said to Xuanyi, "Please also ask the second king to release her and let me do it."

Xuanyi hesitated for a moment, he also wanted to test how sincere Deng Yin was in helping the Yaozu, as for this female disciple of Fu Zeyang, he didn't take it very seriously, so he raised his hand: "Okay, you can continue!"

He sprayed a jet of black air from the top of the cage, and shot it straight at Deng Yin. The blue light was surrounded by the black air, and with his hands forward, he shot out ten strands of azure blue brilliance, then folded his body and flew away halfway.

Deng Yin didn't dodge, raised his hand to grab it, ten strands of blue light were caught in his hand, crushed and disappeared, and five strands of dark red phosgene formed the shape of a human hand, covering the blue light like a cage.

The blue light was flying extremely fast, turning halfway on the way to Deng Yin, and in an instant, it went to the opposite Tianhu Demon King who was closest to him, and also shot three blue lights at him, followed by the sky fox.

According to the time distance she calculated, it was enough to pounce into the body of the Sky Fox Demon King before being caught by Deng Yin's claws. The distance of meters, according to the speed of the blood shadow, should have arrived instantly. I didn't want to think that there was a sea of ​​stars and stars between the two. It seemed so far away, but they couldn't reach the place.

She had already reached the front of the table, and the five magic lights were clasped from all directions, about to catch her. Suddenly, there was a huge suction force out of thin air, like a rope entangled her, forcibly pulled her to the opposite side, and finally threw herself into a Only in the flagon.

Holding a silver jug ​​in his left hand and a dove stick in his right, the Tianhu Demon King said with a smile: "I heard that to practice blood nerves, you have to peel off the skin all over your body, and then use the magic fire to refine your own flesh and blood into a stream of blood. , this blood energy is fused with the spirit and energy she has accumulated for hundreds of years of hard work, if it can be mixed with wine and drunk, wouldn't it be a great tonic?"

None of the people expected that Siwang Tianhu, who had always treated Deng Yin like a dog, would snatch something from Deng Yin's hand. They were all surprised. Suddenly, a blue light came out from the jug, as if the people inside As soon as he was about to get out of trouble, he hurriedly shot white light with his dove stick, fixed the cover firmly, and said to himself: "It's amazing!"

Deng Yin was a little displeased: "This woman is much better than my incompetent disciples. She has actually refined the ten-finger blood shadow divine light and the three-flower magic flame on the top of her head. Here is me who cultivates blood nerves." The senior is here, but if someone else is stronger than her, it will be difficult to capture him. With the magic power of the Four Great Kings, I am afraid that he can only trap him..."

Holding the jug, the demon king Tianhu suppressed it forcibly with the dove stick in his right hand, with a very labored expression, suddenly raised his head, looked behind Deng Yin with a frightened expression, and exclaimed: "Fu Zeyang!"

None of the people felt that someone appeared out of thin air, but Fu Zeyang's surreptitious kung fu was really hard to underestimate. Everyone turned their heads to look, and Deng Yin turned into a bloody light and flew up.

The Sky Fox Demon King shot out a flash of flames, and followed Deng Yin in a hurry. Deng Yin's speed was fast enough, but this time he did some mental calculations and unintentional calculations, and the magic weapon he used was an ancient treasure, so he caught up in an instant. "Crack" sounded eardrum-shattering, blasting Deng Yin into a mass of flesh and blood.

Everyone was startled, and the three kings and five kings sitting on both sides asked urgently: "You are crazy! How can you attack the gods?"

The Sky Fox Demon King stood up and shouted at Xuanyi: "Second brother! I have already figured it out, they will suffer harm sooner or later if they lure wolves into the house, let's join forces!"

Xuanyi frowned, and suddenly shouted: "You are Fu..." He didn't call out Fu Zeyang's full name, his hands were already grasping forward, black air surged, and a pair of eagle claws made of black iron appeared out of thin air , and grabbed the Sky Fox Demon King.

Although his pair of monster claws are not as powerful as Mo'an, they can still grab mountains and fill seas. The Sky Fox Demon King didn't even have time to hide, and was grabbed by him to smash the dining table, and then strangled on his body. Torn into several sections in an instant!
The demon king Tianhu died, and the silver jug ​​in his hand rolled down to the ground. A blue light flew out of it, and a graceful woman appeared out of nowhere. She threw herself at the five kings sitting next to her. Long Chengjing, quite powerful, opened his mouth and spewed out a monstrous aura, and the dragon balls under his neck fired at the same time, bursting out a tide of black smoke and icy cold air, the blue light couldn't get in at all, knowing that everyone present was a top expert , Not daring to fight, turned around and fled through the wall.

This series of changes was completed in only a few seconds. When everyone reacted, the Sky Fox demon king was dead, and the three kings, five kings, and seven kings were still in a state of confusion. The three kings stood up and questioned Xuanyi: " Why did you kill the fourth brother?"

"He didn't kill the Four Great Kings." Deng Yin reappeared, holding a shiny ice drill in his hand, with two official scripts of "Suzaku" written on it. It was the flintman drill that Fu Zeyang asked Wen Jin to go to Qingcheng Mountain to get it. This sudden attack, even blasting the body he had snatched away, hurt his own body a little bit, and made him hate it.

"It's not fourth brother, but who is it?" Five Kings Dragon Yaowen asked in a low voice.

"It's Fu Zeyang! The Four Great Kings have already been possessed by him, but unfortunately we didn't realize it just now."

"Impossible!" The Three Demon Great Ape King was dissatisfied, "Just now the emperor's sister-in-law checked with the thousand-eyed blood lotus calyx, and he is the fourth brother."

Deng Yin frowned: "I'm also wondering, the Empress's magic weapon is really powerful, she can tell the truth from the fake, and I really can't figure out what kind of method Fu Zeyang used to make the magic eye discern, even I was given by him. I've been deceived." He held up the ice drill in his hand, "But this is the magic weapon of the fairy family, and it was Fu Zeyang's use."

"Nonsense, it's obviously the fourth brother's." Wei Fengniang suddenly denied it, "I saw the fourth brother used it, the third and the fifth, you all saw him use it too, right?"

But when Wei Fengniang saw this ice diamond, she fell in love with it at first sight. She coveted this ancient rare treasure that could blow up the blood god child, but also felt that it was Fu Zeyang's magic weapon.

The Great Ape King was still a little hesitant, but the old five demon dragons understood the intention of the emperor's sister-in-law, and agreed aloud: "Yes, I saw that the fourth brother used it, and he said that this treasure is called the Suiren Drill, which was used by the Suiren family through the ages. The rare treasure of the first fire between heaven and earth. He is so precious that he usually doesn’t show it to us. I borrowed it from him last time when I surrendered the evil dragon in the East China Sea, but he refused.”

Everyone was a little surprised by what he said so clearly, but they also believed that this treasure was a relic of the Sky Fox Demon King. Even Wei Fengniang felt that she had misunderstood it. This was the Sky Fox Demon King's own treasure.

Wei Fengniang stretched out her hand to ask for it: "Please also ask Mr. Deng to return the treasures that our fourth child had during his lifetime."

Deng Yin almost turned his nose in anger, and threw the flintman drill over with his hands. Wei Fengniang took it in her hand, with a glimmer of hope in her heart, and then threw it to the fifth child who was speaking for her: "Your fourth brother's baby, you can help him!" Keep it."

The third ape king continued to pursue Xuanyi's killing of his brother, and asked viciously: "Did you deliberately use this method of framing and slandering to kill the fourth brother first and then kill us because you objected to us inviting the blood god to come?" ?”

Xuanyi put his hands behind his back and snorted coldly: "Mr. Deng said that I killed Fu Zeyang. If I object to you inviting him here, how can I bribe him to give false testimony for me?"

The ape king was choked and didn't know how to refute for a moment. Looking at the fifth child, the demon dragon asked Deng Yin: "Shenjun, do you still think that the fourth child has already been killed by Fu Zeyang and bent over him?"

Deng Yin nodded: "That's right! We all missed it earlier."

Yaolong asked again: "So that means, Fu Zeyang has been caught and killed by the second brother?"

"Not really." Deng Yin shook his head slowly in frustration, closed his eyes, and opened his perception to the maximum, "Then Fu Zeyang has not left, he is still in this hall, attached to another person."

"What?" Everyone jumped up, "Is there any end? Then who is Fu Zeyang on?"

Mo An asked: "For those who practice blood nerves, when a servant possesses a body, isn't there a shadow of blood? I didn't see any other shadow of blood appearing in the hall except fellow daoists."

Deng Yin sighed deeply: "The first volume of blood nerves is indeed mysterious and miraculous. I never thought that he would have such an ability in the end of his cultivation. Moreover, he is really a genius, able to cultivate to such a degree."

The situation is a bit complicated, and the logic is a bit confusing. You look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what to say for a while.

Only Xuanyi said loudly: "It's best if he didn't leave, the feast of human flesh hasn't started yet, let's continue to eat this little boy's flesh and see if he shows up!" He asked Wei Fengniang to continue cutting flesh from Fu Liexing's body. The palace lady put them on a tray and distributed them to everyone, "What you have eaten just now is not counted. If you eat it again, these waiters will also eat it!"

This time, Deng Yin lost his human body and showed his true form. His whole body was full of blood and energy, and there were three magic flames hanging above his head. Like a celestial being, his body and spirit are all destroyed, his three flowers are full of blood, and the fireworks are shining. They are real magic flames. Compared with them, the blue light woman just now has three phantoms on her head.

When the maid brought the meat slices, he took them and ate them, and sat on the chair resentfully, the blood in his eyes shot half a foot away, scanning everyone's body back and forth.

When it was delivered to Monk Chuanxin, Monk Chuanxin hesitated and refused to eat it.

Xuanyi's face was sullen, and he strode over: "Why don't you eat?"

Monk Chuanxin sighed: "As you said, how can a father have the heart to eat his own child's flesh?"

Everyone was shocked, even Deng Yin jumped up from his chair, all eyes were on Monk Chuanxin.

Deng Yin asked incredulously, "Are you Fu Zeyang?"

Monk Chuanxin nodded: "Yes, I am!"

Deng Yin saw that the situation was different, and was about to ask again, when Xuanyi released his claws again, and following the tide of black air, the two steel-like giant claws inside first smashed the dining table, and then continued to grab Monk Chuanxin.

Monk Chuanxin looked like he had been transformed by an eminent Buddhist monk, his face was full of compassion, he let himself be slaughtered, but he didn't fight back.

Seeing that he was about to be scratched and torn apart by Xuanyi, thanks to Deng Yin's blood shadow divine light, he thrust in obliquely and stopped the iron claw: "Wait a minute..." Before the third word could be said, there was a thunder from behind, and the flint man Zhuan flew from behind again, and before he could finish his thought, his body was blown into a ball of blood again.

Everyone was stunned. When they looked back, it was the five kings demon dragon who was standing behind the table, flicking their right fingers repeatedly, breaking the spell that imprisoned Fu Liexing in the hall, and calling people away from the air.

Xuanyi was the first to react: "This is the real Fu Zeyang!" Turning his claws around, he flew towards him.

The Five Kings Demon Dragon took Fu Liexing across the air with his right hand and hugged him in his arms. With his left hand, he manipulated the flintman to turn around in the air, and there was another thunder, which accurately hit the pair of iron claws. With a "click", it exploded Into a surging freezing air.

At the same time, the Great Ape King sitting on his right raised a Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and smashed it obliquely like Mount Tai. There is a highly poisonous inner alchemy, and the two attack from left to right.

The five-king monster dragon stretched out its right hand, and a dark ring appeared on its index finger. It shone slightly, and created a strong gravitational force, sucked the Vajra, forcibly changed its direction, and smashed it into the poisonous mist coming from the left. , accurately hit the highly poisonous inner alchemy of the Seven Kings Snake Demon, and only heard a sound like crystal shattering. Ten thousand times poisonous gas.

If these poisonous gases escape, not to mention the entire Forbidden City, at least all living beings within a thousand miles will be poisoned to death, and not a single blade of grass will grow within ten years!
The Five Kings Demon Dragon lightly drew a circle with its right hand, and the suction force was generated again on the ring, quickly condensing the poisonous gas together with the vajra inside into a ball the size of a football. With his backhand finger, he hit the great ape king on the right viciously. .

The Great Ape King is well aware of the power of the seventh brother's highly poisonous inner alchemy. He usually fights with the sword fairy. When he sprays out the inner alchemy, the opponent dies instantly. , actually inhaled all the poisonous smoke into the mouth, but did not swallow it, but hid it in two crops, temporarily sealed it, and then spit it out after a while, a small vajra, two crystal-clear poisonous Pills.

(End of this chapter)

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