Chapter 366
Millions of demon spirits rushed to the exit ahead of the six factions.

Accepting the Buddha's light, their condensed bodies in the sea of ​​blood hissed, and a lot of foul-smelling smoke evaporated.

Limbs disintegrated, these monsters howled loudly in pain, some flinched back, and some continued to rush out.

Xinru Shenni's mana is unfathomable, and his supernatural powers can change as much as Jinxian.

The golden immortal is already the top level of the immortal way, the so-called golden one is immortal.

Taoists use the word "gold" to name them, such as Jindan and Jinxian, both of which describe their immortality.

For example, Sanqing is also a golden immortal, called Da Luo Jinxian.

For example, the Buddha was also called the Golden Immortal by Taoism, and he was the Dajue Golden Immortal.

Of course, Sanqing is much stronger than ordinary golden immortals, but in a sense, as long as he cultivates into a golden immortal, he has the same characteristics as Sanqing.

Just like the Buddha is also an Arhat, both of them are equal and enlightened because of the Four Noble Truths, they both have the samadhi of no form, the samadhi of no wish, and the samadhi of emptiness. …

The inner liberation of Buddha and Arhat is equal, only the rest of merit and wisdom are different.

Yan Yumu is a golden fairy, the difference between her and the Taishang Laojun is like the difference between an arhat and a Buddha, so she can comprehend the way of the great sound and the sound, and evolve the Taixuan Tianzhang.

The magic power of the heart like a god nun is not inferior to that of a golden fairy, and the Buddha light she emits, no matter how powerful a monster is in the world, if she shines on her head, she immediately breaks the monster's body, and she is refreshed and relieved.

For example, Jiupanpo, Shang Heyang and the gods and demons who have been refined, encounter this old nun, no matter how vicious they are usually, or a few of them work together to beat up one.The old nun didn't need to move anything, her mind was slightly open, and the Buddha's light was shining brightly. The gods and demons immediately disintegrated and disappeared.

This is the mystery of the bodhisattva's transformation of the mind!

However, if a bodhisattva wants to transform sentient beings, he must first be the same as this kind of sentient beings.

To save hungry ghosts, you have to take the vow to enter the realm of hungry ghosts and turn yourself into a hungry ghost.

To save Shura, one has to take the vow to enter the way of Shura and transform oneself into Shura.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will also enter hell and fight a protracted war for thousands of years and millions of years, and cannot directly pull people away outside.

Xinru Shennun uses the Buddha's light to enlighten all living beings, but in fact, the Buddha's light is just a medium, which contains the wisdom and supernatural powers accumulated by her submerged practice of Buddhism. Through the Buddha's light, she can achieve information transmission, let the other party break through the confusion and enlightenment, and be liberated immediately.

During the process, the two sides communicated through the Buddha's light, and their minds were connected.

It is as if one person persuades another through words, here, the Buddha's light is the language, and both sides empathize with each other.

If you deal with one or two, even ten or a hundred of them, you will be able to support them with a strong heart like a nun. As long as the Buddha's light shines on them, you will be able to make them realize that all actions are impermanent, all dharmas have no self, and there are omissions. Suffering, the accumulation of suffering destroys the Dao... These are the most important principles of Buddhism, and the negative emotions transmitted by the other party at the same time cannot contaminate her at all.

But now she is facing millions of demons. These demons are all blood gods, like leeches out of the water. Bee pupae rush into the Buddha's light. The devil's head was transformed, but as time went by, within a few breaths, the Buddha's light changed color, and the eight-treasure merit water was also dyed blood red!
After all, the nun with a heart like a god has not cultivated to the state of a great Bodhisattva Mahasattva who is not dirty and unclean. At this moment, she wishes that the great wisdom is weak, that is, her wisdom is not enough to support her big vows, and her heart cannot turn around. The environment turns.

The negative emotions of the million demon head poured into her mind in an instant, and immediately aroused the arrogance and hatred that had been subdued for a long time.

I, Xin Ruyu, ruled the world thousands of years ago, which of the good and the evil would dare to stand against me?
Later, I practiced Buddhism, and my mana became more and more refined, and the six monsters of the universe who used to be as famous as me all looked up to me.

If I had followed my past style of conduct, if I encountered such a monster, I would have fought and killed them all.

Why is he imposing restrictions on himself everywhere now, restraining his hands and feet, and being controlled by the devil every step of the way?
She snorted angrily: "In front of me, the devil dares to be presumptuous! I have already known about your little thoughts, and now it is as you wish, let's see if you can enjoy it!" push hard.

At this time, 30 million demon heads have poured into the bowl, and 80 million behind them rushed out like crazy.

This old nun is also really powerful, relying on his own strength, without using any magic weapon, just a ball of Buddha light that doesn't look very dazzling, he beat these demons back from the entrance of the cave together!

Inside the magic piano, the seven blood rivers flowed upstream at the same time, and the mighty Langshan surged towards the source. Chen Yufeng and the other seven people did not dare to neglect this momentum, and resorted to the strongest means to defuse the offensive.

Among them, Mrs. Baoxiang's skill is the weakest. Although she tore up Langshan and kept the source without breaking the strings of the zither, she still vomited blood. Her whole body felt as if it had been crushed by tons of sea water. , crumbling.

The others felt bad too, Shang and Yang's more than 3000 skeletons were shattered in half in an instant.

Only then did Shang Heyang know how powerful the Golden Immortal master is, and he let go of his previously disaffected mentality, so he hurriedly cast a spell to catch the demon head and resurrect him in the river of blood, returning him to a bloody skull the size of a wheel. Come meet.

With one blow from the heart like a divine nun, all the six major sects and the 80 million devils wrapped outside were blown away. The devils who have escaped to the outer merit pool, less than half of them have been transformed by the Buddha's light, and those who have recovered their sanity will also be killed. They were all chiseled back by her.

Those primordial spirits who had escaped suffering and gained happiness and converted to the Three Jewels were beaten back into the sea of ​​blood by the "Bodhisattva" who had just rescued them, and were once again infected by the devil's blood, arousing hatred, but the hatred for the Guangming God Sect was not so strong. All the anger was directed at Xinru and Buddhism. They regained the demon body in the sea of ​​blood, and returned to the form of the demon head. They screamed, called for their companions, and rushed out of the chrysalis again, but this time they wanted to kill This old nun vented her anger!
After one blow, the heart was like a god nun, and his heart rose again. He felt a little regretful. He felt that he should not have shot out with anger for a momentary dispute. It was fine to beat back the devil inside. Those who have been converted can be released and left, and those who have not yet been converted can also be temporarily imprisoned, and then slowly converted when they return to Juluo Island...

She then changed her mind again, formed seals with both hands, and used Buddha's light to form a barrier to block the entrance of the two realms, then plunged her spiritual consciousness into the blood river, condensed into six balls of Buddha's light, protected the people of the six major sects, and forcibly pulled them out .

The Buddha's light formed a light curtain barrier at the entrance of the cave, preventing blood from flowing into the alms bowl. The demon heads inside were like fish and insects crowded together, squeezed and blocked behind the light curtain layer by layer.

The heart is like a god nun who probes his mind into the blood river, and is immediately sensed by the group of demons. The bee pupae rushes over. One is that the negative emotions of a million demons are huge, intricate, and endless. Mysterious, containing the supreme magic technique of the way of magic, under the attack of the two, although it still can't hit Xinru Shenni severely, it can contaminate her mind.

Xinru Shennun quickly found the members of the six major sects, covered them with Buddha's light, and then flew to the entrance of the cave.

During the flight, her golden Buddha light quickly turned red, and soon it was as red as blood.

Many devils attached themselves to the Buddha light with all their means, trying to be taken away together, which made her more and more difficult.

The more she and the rescued people in Buddha Light hate the demons outside, the greater the resistance and the slower the speed, and the more they do this, the more they hate the demons outside, so they attack the demons outside. After the head was attacked, the more I hated them... So the hatred between the two sides spiraled up, a vicious circle, and when it was about to reach the entrance of the cave, it had stopped and could not go away.

Xinru Shennun was surprised to find that even with all her strength, she couldn't drag the six groups of Buddha light to move half an inch.

She hasn't felt this powerless for many years.

Ever since she became a Taoist, her mana has always been sufficient or even overflowing. Later, after practicing Buddhism, she has become more courageous and diligent, and she has never experienced such a sense of powerlessness!

In a flash of thought, the anger rose again: "The devil, the devil, I didn't want to kill them all. The vows I made in the past to wipe out the demons have faded a lot after I have practiced Buddhism for many years, and my anger has diminished... Now you are using all kinds of methods to kill them." , exhausted all my efforts, it was nothing more than leading me back to the previous cause, trying to make me retreat from the Buddhist path... I know all about your methods, and now you simply fulfill your wish, just in time for me to wipe out the demons in the past Wish, no worries in the future!"

While she was speaking, she fit into a golden light, threw it into the merit water in the bowl, and threw it into the blood river along the passage.

As the so-called burning meritorious forest, in just a few thoughts, she destroyed the merits gained from cultivating Buddhism in Juluo Island for thousands of years, completely ignoring it, and really resorted to the means of subduing demons, stirring up troubles in the river of blood, killing a lot!
The precept of killing is the most important precept of Buddhism. Anyone who does not abide by the precept of killing will not have a high level of cultivation in Buddhism.

Once she broke the precept of killing, although her mana remained unchanged, her realm plummeted. From a Buddhist great virtuous heart like a nun, she regained the old Xin Ruyu who was dreaded by everyone.

In Buddhism, the state is the first priority. When the state is reached, various supernatural powers will naturally arise. The higher the state, the greater the supernatural power.

For example, she only devotes herself to cultivating Buddha, dispelling confusion and enlightenment, and never practicing any spells, but once she breaks through the realm, she can naturally generate Buddha light, and when encountering external demons, she does not need any magic weapon, just use Buddha light to go away, there will be no disadvantages, and all evils will not Invasion!
But once she withdraws her mind and her realm turns back, all the supernatural powers she had before will be lost again.

Once the killing ring was activated, the Buddha light she emitted was far less mysterious than the one she used just now. Instead of being able to dispel the demons, it was wrapped in the pupae of the demon bees and sank down into the river of blood.

Xin Ruyu was furious, her current Buddhist methods are still very powerful, but in this vast river of blood, surrounded by thousands of demons, she is still weak, so she simply gave up and switched to Taoist methods. The golden light talisman shoots out twelve bolts like lightning, each of which turns into [-] light dust thunders, [-] fine dust thunders, and [-] coarse dust thunders. Dust, the power can shatter the four elements and crack the five elements!
In the blood river, the dream sand haze was densely covered, and then exploded at the same time.

Fu Zeyang was fighting against Yan Yumu with his whole body, when he was about to drop his finger, the strings of the zither danced by themselves, the seven strings trembled at the same time, the amplitude was so large that it was lifted up more than two feet high, and then slammed down on the body of the qin viciously!
From the very beginning, Fu Zeyang focused on introducing Xinru old nun into the magic piano and made preparations for this. He stopped playing the piano, pressed the head and tail of the piano with both hands, and output magic power to stabilize the strings and protect them from being scattered.

Xin Ruyu struck out in anger, and the river of blood really shuddered. The seven masters sitting at the source inside were all out of sorts, such as Mrs. Baoxiang, Yue Yun, Shang Heyang, and Jiu Panpo, all bleeding from their seven orifices, almost shaking the three souls Scatter, the seven souls turn into smoke.Only the old man Shibi has strong mana, and the two envoys on the left and right have advanced realms, and they can still hold on.

If Fu Zeyang hadn't made a timely move, within a few breaths, the seven strings would have been broken!

Fu Zeyang restrained the head and tail of the magic piano, and Xin Ruyu shot wildly inside, without his effort, the strings danced naturally, playing an incomparably manic movement.

The secret magic sound he played earlier belongs to the way of humanity in general, it can fascinate all living beings and confuse people's hearts, but it is of no use to Yan Yumu. On the contrary, Yan Yumu's Taixuan Tianzhang belongs to the way of heaven, which is even more powerful. It seemed that the fight was a tie, but in the long run, Fu Zeyang had to think of other ways, otherwise he could only sit and wait for death.

Yan Yumu also knew this, so she was full of confidence, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and always stood in the middle of the road, resisting the magic sound with a loud voice, and was already invincible.

However, at this time, the magic piano suddenly changed its pitch, and the playing changed from Fu Zeyang to Xin Ruyu!

If Xin Ruyu's Buddhadharma realm has not been lost, and his mind remains undisturbed, unstained, enters the magic harp with the power of Mahayana Bodhisattva's supreme vow, is willing to step into the sea of ​​blood to save sentient beings, and then fights Yan Yumu internally and externally, Fu Zeyang will undoubtedly lose .

Unfortunately, not everyone can be the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. She also made great vows after practicing Buddhism, but the great vows must be supported by great deeds, the great deeds must be based on great wisdom, and great wisdom must be based on great compassion. In the past, when Xin Ruyu ruled the world, the least thing she had was a compassionate heart.

If you can't achieve great compassion without predestined relationship and great compassion with one body, wisdom cannot be perfected, and wisdom without hindrance cannot be proved.

Wisdom is hindered, and action is hindered. Although one can follow the law, it will become nameless after a long time.

Life is born without a name, and it is difficult to make a vow. If you make a big vow strongly, it is all empty vows. Good karma turns into bad karma, and good results turn into evil results!
Xin Ruyu did not go to the Central Plains to accumulate good deeds, contact with people, and hone her mind. She spent many years in closed-door training on Juluo Island, but only suppressed the viciousness of the past. !
She went on a killing spree, killing half of the million devils in an instant, and the rest of the devils dived into the blood and ran away.

She wanted to tear off the blood river again, break up the blood sea, and cast spells twice in a row, but the blood river was not broken. It was obvious that the blood river had its source, and the source was endless. Even if the blood river was temporarily cut off, it could still immediately Then, she rushed to the source to kill.

The seven envoys of light hurriedly cast their spells, causing the river of blood to set off huge waves, smashing at Xin Ruyu one after another, and forcing the devil inside to kill him.

These devils who were sacrificed by Fu Zeyang with the secret method of the blood god are close to the existence of the sons of the blood god. Get out, and immediately have a new body, more than a million demons, not one less, was forcibly detained by magic, and once again opened their teeth and claws to pounce on the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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