Chapter 367
Xin Ruyu is fully fired in the blood river. She was one of the six monsters of the universe more than 1000 years ago. She has accumulated hundreds of years of mana in front of her, and she has practiced Buddhism for thousands of years. Together, she can move mountains and seas, destroy heaven and earth It's really not just talking, the mana is all overflowing, inside the guqin, the sea is splitting, and every corner is filled with the energy of the top spells of Buddhism and Taoism.

In the end, her magic power spread outward from the inside of the guqin, and the black-red magic piano was coated with a layer of golden yellow!
Fu Zeyang exerted all his strength, together with the seven envoys inside, barely kept the magic piano stable and trapped her inside.

At this time, Yan Yumu took the opportunity to increase the output of Taixuan Tianzhang. Fu Zeyang pressed the strings with his left hand, plucked the sweep with his right hand, and began to play again.

He played differently this time.

Previously he flicked and pressed lightly, and the lingering rhyme lingered on the beam, but this time the strings danced wildly, surging and surging.

Previously, he used his own skill to play the divine sounds of the mysterious demons of the heavens to compete against Yan Yumu, but this time it was Xin Ruyu who played.

The so-called God's Voice of the Mystic Demons of the Heavens, the word "the Heavens" includes all the methods of the demonic way, greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, love, hatred and terror, unless they reach the realm of the great Bodhisattva, they are all within the category of the Mystic Demons of the Heavens. Inside.

Xin Ruyu retreated in the realm of Buddhism and was contaminated by magic. The mana she released was all born of hatred, and it happened to fall into Fu Zeyang's trap. This magic sound confronts Yan Yumu.

Xin Ruyu's magic power was extremely high, much higher than that of Fu Zeyang's. At this time, the tone of her voice changed suddenly, and Yan Yumu's pressure instantly increased by several orders of magnitude!

Yan Mu immediately noticed the key to the change in the situation, but she couldn't make a change. Xin Ruyu's magic power was too strong, and the magic sounds that emerged wave after wave, like the energy impact from the void of the universe, vast and boundless, unrivaled.

What's even more frightening is that the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and magic are mixed in the magic sound this time. There are Buddhist Sanskrit sounds and mantras, Taoist heavenly music and fairy music, and the devil's secret words and magic sounds. Sometimes they appear alone, and they turn back and forth , Sometimes the three notes are uttered in unison, singing in harmony.

Yan Mu was forced to be too tired to deal with it, and if she didn't catch it, she would be damaged by the magic sound. If she wanted to use other methods, such as guiding Xin Ruyu back to the right way, that was absolutely impossible!

At the same time, Xin Ruyu felt the suppression from Taixuan Tianzhang. This is a kind of ungraspable and powerful energy, which seems to be empty, but it is everywhere, boundless, and makes her panic.

She hated this feeling of not being able to control the situation, hated this kind of object that made her feel uneasy, so she became even more frantic and desperate to increase her mana output.

Xin Ruyu and Yan Yumu each exerted all their strength and tried their best to attack each other, but Fu Zeyang relaxed instead. The harder the two women fought, the harder it was for them to stop, and the more stable the balance they achieved, he There is no need to suppress Xin Ruyu, and there is no need to fight against Yan Yumu, as long as the magic piano is stable and will not be shattered by the violent mana. Gong casts spells and restores vitality.

As for the other creatures in the zither, whether it is monks from the six major factions or millions of demon spirits, almost all of them were killed under the wrestling crush of the two super masters. Falling into the river of blood, shaking the gods, he was reborn again, and got the body of a devil, with many hands and legs, or bird claws and animal feet, or fish body and crab claws, and blood flowed all over his body.

Like Yi Jing, she became a lizard-like monster with twelve thick arms and six magic eyes on her head.When she was Bai Younv, she was narrow-minded and angry. After reincarnating as Yi Jing, she was even more paranoid. After becoming a devil this time, she completely let herself go and started to kill.

Huan Yu was torn into pieces by Yi Jing herself. After Huan Yu's body was destroyed, she fell into a river of blood and was resurrected as a monster. She went to find Yi Jing again, and was torn into pieces by the crazy Yi Jing again. chew.

Among the six major sects, only a handful of masters like the Sanxian and Erlao can survive by relying on their tyrannical strength. There are also those with good fortune, good fortune, resistance to magic infection, and certain strength, such as Qi Lingyun and Yu Lingyun. Yingnan's kind can only be spared, but it is like a flat boat, which is ups and downs in the wind and waves.

Inside the magic piano, the earth was turned upside down, and outside the magic piano, the battle was fierce.

The first batch of six factions and five-element flags that went up the mountain were collected by Fu Zeyang into the qin, and soon, the second batch of enemies came.

The second batch of enemies included Yixiu, Yi Zhou and others who were waiting for the opportunity to rescue them, as well as Gu Chen and Du Mang who came to fish in troubled waters.

Among the four guardian dharma kings of the Guangming Sect, the fourth-ranked Dharma King Honglian fought Gain to death inside the magic piano, and the other three were outside, as well as the juniors headed by Shi Sheng.

Huoling Shenjun and his wife fought against Yixiu, Xianzi Han and his wife and Yi Zhou's wives and concubines in Nanshan. The East China Sea double fierce.

The two fierce men of the East China Sea first gained their Taoism in Beihai, one was Lan Shiling Mao Xiao, and the other was Zhang Li, the black-handed immortal.

The two practiced together no matter what kind of spells they performed, and the magic weapon Feijian was practiced together by two people. They created the Twin Body Cult more than a thousand years ago, and it became rampant for a while.

Later, these two people ran to the East China Sea to make waves, and offended the three elders of Emei who practiced in the East China Sea. They were defeated by Master Changmei and Master Ji Le together, and their feet were cut off. , many disciples were slaughtered, and only some powerful and cunning ones escaped with their lives.

For more than a thousand years, the two of them have cultivated more powerful spells and treasures in the North Sea Sea. After Changmei Daoist ascended, they will come out to seek revenge on Li Jingxu. It's just that the previous magic weapon was not completed, so they endured it for nearly 100 years. He came back again, gathered the remnants of the party, re-established the pope, and won the title of double evil in the East China Sea again.

The last time Xuanyi fought fiercely with the ancient god Jiu in the East China Sea, and was taken away by the two evildoers. It is considered a catastrophe for Guangmingding. The Guangming God Sect is very likely to be completely wiped out. After the "Lian Era" and "Bright Era", the third "Twin Era" will start.

Sitting on a double-bodied chariot made of the sacred wood of the East China Sea, the two murderers flew from the East China Sea by clouds and fog with more than a hundred disciples.

There are still more than a thousand miles away from Guangmingding, so Zhang Li called Xuanyi and taught him to fly up to Guangmingding ahead of time to have a feast.

The last time Xuan Yi was captured by the two murderers with a lot of resentment, and was led to the magic way. At this time, his eyes were red, and he took off with wings, wrapped in a thick black evil mist, and flew up through the air, like a cloud of black clouds The stars flew like lightning, and in an instant they reached the sky above the Guangming Peak. When they saw the monks on the mountain, they didn't care about good or evil, and didn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

But this time, in order to resist the Guangming God Sect, the six major factions defined it as a battle between good and evil, and a battle between immortals and demons. It was very dramatic. The Emei faction and the Wutai faction worked together to find foreign aid. , If Trembling can't win this time, Immortal Dao will usher in a thousand-year catastrophe, and ask them to do their best to help.At the same time, Xu Feiniang from the Wutai faction also tried her best to pull people's heads around, trying to pull people onto the demon-slaying chariot as much as possible.

Both parties found a lot of casual practitioners, such as the son of Xianglan Zhuning in Dianchi, Yunnan, Chai Bogong in Wuxie Mountain, Zhuji, Zhejiang, Guan Lin, the Stone Immortal King in Qinling, the old man in snow on the top of Eagle's Nest in Tianshan, and Huang Meng, the three fierce fire masters in Hengshan Dingjiazhu. , Sanhua Daoist Zhuo Yuanfeng, Tushenzi Wu Xun, Jinxian’s grandma Pu Miaomiao in Chongming Island, Jiangsu... There are more than 3000 monks including elders and disciples.

Qi Shuming asked Li Yuanhua to inform the people he invited, saying that this time the six major factions will take the lead, and after they have penetrated the Five Elements Banner and captured the Bright Summit, they will then invite these friends to strengthen their momentum.

Xu Feiniang told the people she invited that the tough battles will be fought by the six major sects, and when the light breaks through, everyone will go up and share the various geniuses and treasures accumulated by the light gods for hundreds of years.

These people were either afraid of doom, or they had some worries in their hearts. They really waited until the six major sects attacked the clouds before arriving one after another. More than 3000 sword immortals searched for their own way and went up from the four heaven gates.

Within Fu Zeyang's Magic Qin, he mainly used seven masters to suppress the source of the blood river. The troops were expensive and not expensive. They did not include all the Five Elements Banners, and many of them remained outside. Under the leadership of a protector of the teachings and the scattered people in the teachings, they continued to fight against the enemy.

The two evils of the East China Sea came from the east. The Jiulie Shenjun's family fought against the Changbai Sanlao above the clouds. His wife Xiao Shenniang and son Heichou were beheaded by the Changbai Sanlao. Mother and Son Thunder Beads can withstand these three masters of the Celestial Level.

The Nine Sons and Mother Thunder Bead also belongs to the category of nuclear weapons. Once it is released, it will blow through the earth's crust downwards, and lead the Taixu universe to descend upwards. The two phases mix and release the energy that destroys heaven and earth, and landslides within a thousand miles The ground is cracked, all living beings are wiped out, and no one can be a fairy!

Over the years, Fu Zeyang taught him another method, retraining Leizhu.

In the past, once the thunder beads were released, they could no longer be controlled, and could only be allowed to explode. After the explosion, they could not be recovered even if they wanted to, and it was a one-time magic weapon.

Fu Zeyang taught him to refine the thunder beads into a magic weapon, which can release its energy under controllable conditions, try to use it as much as possible, and take out a lot of resources to increase its power.

Now this bead has one mother bead and nine sons, which are linked with each other. As long as the mother bead is in hand, the child beads can not only emit and receive, but also recondense and resurrect after the explosion!
The Nine Palaces Immortal Pagoda jointly controlled by the three elders of Changbai is so powerful that it can suppress the power of this bead, but it can only suppress the nine child beads. If the mother bead explodes, both jade and stone will be destroyed. The three of them planned to capture and imprison Jiulie Shenjun directly with the immortal method, or to destroy his body and spirit with lightning speed, and his soul flew away, and it was too late to fully activate the Thunder Bead. At that time, they can forcibly suppress and take it back with the Nine Palaces and Immortal Pagoda.

It's just that God Lord Jiulie revealed a treasure later, which made their hope come to naught.

After getting the blood lotus calyx from Wei Fengniang, Fu Zeyang had already collected all the six blood lotus calyxes handed down from the ancient demon sect, and he awarded them to the left and right envoys, the four great kings, and the four guardians respectively. One per person!
The Lord Jiulie turned the blood lotus calyx into a thousand-leaf lotus flower, which bloomed layer by layer to protect himself. The Changbai Sanlao used many immortal methods to no avail. On the contrary, the Lord Jiulie could catch the blood lotus calyx and enlarge his body Spells boost the power of Thunder Beads.

The four of them were fighting above the clouds, there were thousands of magic nets in the clouds, countless magic barriers, and the people below couldn't see them. The people who came later saw that the mountain road was empty, and there were many casualties. They thought that the six major factions had already attacked, and happily followed the mountain road to the Sitianmen. , They scrambled to be the first, afraid that they would be late, and the treasures of the Guangming God Sect would be divided up by others.

The wealth of the Guangming God Sect is well known in the world. It occupies the north and south poles. All kinds of natural materials and treasures have been continuously transported to the Central Plains over the years. The elites of the Five Elements that can only be collected, Tiangang Disha, and the Guangming God Sect are all pulled by boats, and these people have been envious for a long time.

Some of these people are good and some are evil, and many of them still have enmity with each other, but this time they don't care about revenge. They all try their best to drive to the mountains. The six major factions eat meat, and they have at least some bones to gnaw, and they don't have any bones. A sip of soup, even if it's just a piece of bone, a sip of hot soup can make them reborn, their strength improved, and even a sect rises and prospers!
When Xuan Yi came down, he saw a group of people rushing up the mountain. Because there was a magic net in the cloud, and the magic barrier suppressed them, they couldn't use their swords to go straight through the clouds. Everyone expended their true energy and flew close to the ground with their swords.

Xuan Yi is a natural bird of prey good at flying, and he can fly very high and far without expending mana. At this moment, he can still fly at low altitude and climb up the steep mountain. The fat and tender female monk, he suddenly lowered his head, flew over the crowd, grabbed the person with his claws, and then took off.

That woman is Pu Miaomiao, the grandmother of the golden thread from Chongming Island, Jiangsu Province. Xuanyi came down too fast. Although she reacted in time and released more than ten golden threads, it is expected that no matter what fairy bird or god bird can be caught and subdued by her, Never thought that Xuanyi is no better than a common bird, and has a deeper morality than her. In terms of magic power alone, she can also be her patriarch. Those golden threads wrapped around her body can't do anything to Xuanyi's iron wings, which were instantly broken.

Pu Miaomiao was taken into the air, screamed loudly in fright, and hastily released a large piece of evil fire to burn Xuanyi.

Xuanyi came from Beihai. Back then, Fu Zeyang was afraid that he would be burned, so he specially taught him the Xuanming scriptures. He took the elites of Guishui from the sea to refine his body. With a light movement of his mind, the essence of Guishui could be condensed under the fluff to form a vortex. Pumiao Although the wonderful evil fire is powerful, it can't hurt Xuan Yi at all. The big bird opened its mouth, bit off its head and swallowed it, and then ate its body...

The people who came with Pu Miaomiao were so frightened when they saw this scene. Seeing Xuanyi flying again, several hundred-year-old practitioners shouted loudly, greeted their companions, and released flying swords and magic weapons to kill the demons. bird.

Xuanyi flapped its wings, and suddenly a hurricane rose, flying sand and rocks, the sun and the moon were bleak, all the flying swords and magic weapons of these people were tilted, and many of them fell directly to the ground. Xuanyi's divine eyes accurately found another one in the dim yellow sand haze The young Taoist priest, who looked delicious, swooped over and grabbed the person and swallowed him.

(End of this chapter)

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